Really enjoying this season so far, I think there are many talented singers. Really enjoying Shayy.
However, Katy Perry is really beginning to annoy me. A lot. First she makes a proposal All About Her. Histrionically. Like a kid who acts up for attention, and if they don't get enough, they up the annoying behavior to another level. And then look around to see if everyone is watching them.
And when that poor pastor's kid says he no longer lives at home or works at his fathers church? There's Katy to give him a heart to heart discussion ALL ABOUT HER. And how HER life was affected, and how SHE felt. And puts in a plug for I Kissed A Girl to boot.
I swear this woman could turn a conversation about lawn care into one that is All About Her.
Had the exact same thought.
Added: Just finished the thread, looks like lots of you had the same reaction.
Hate, HATE that they put those poor last contestants in the position of receiving their news in the company of another contestant.