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S08.E06: The Itsy Bitsy Liar
ChristiKRN replied to TwirlyGirly's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After
It’s hard to root for most of these couples. I do like Loren and Alexei together. Loren is beautiful as she is and does not need surgery, but body dysmorphia is a bitch to overcome. I did cringe when she referred to her surgery as a natural mommy makeover; there’s nothing natural about having surgery to fix perceived issues. They both seem like they are good parents. Emily and Kobe seem solid as well. I still have a hard time getting past our first go around with them; Emily was just awful and I can’t forget that. I do like Kobe but I agree with everyone that he does need to stick up for his wife. Please let this be the last of Ed and Liz. Who cancels a wedding and doesn’t tell the other half???? Oh - Ed does! What an awful person. I don’t feel bad about referring to him as No-Neck Ed. How are Nicole and Mahmood still married after what we saw in Egypt?? I don’t like either one of them. I couldn’t stand Mahmood in Egypt and had more sympathy for Nicole there but reverse that now. Who forces their jet-lagged spouse to go for a long walk on the pier then invite friends over to only get in a curse-filled fight with him? Nicole’s male friend ( I didn’t catch his name) is probably thinking what the heck did I just get myself involved in; he was the only likable part of that equation. Sophie and Rob are both too immature to be married to anyone let alone each other. I would be shocked if they made it. Start digging the grave on their marriage. No Ashley-Manuel and no Jasmine- Gino- bonus!! Isn’t Angela suppose to pop up eventually? PS- I enjoy everyone’s commentary and thought I would join in. Hope that is OK. Longtime 90 day Fiancé viewer; I can’t quit. -
Like a lot of you, I think we are going to have more Benson-Noah storylines. Considering this being an episode that featured a longtime leading cast member’s departure, there was more on this personal story than you would have expected. Is Connor going to be a mini- Johnny D? His parents not as good as they seem? The anguish is only just beginning … for us. I hope Benson brought a dish, wine or something for dinner considering they gave Noah a PlayStation and her a gift. I am very happy to see Rollins go; Kelli Giddish did a good job making me dislike Rollins. I thought it was odd that they didn’t have at least Rollins’ kids at the wedding. I also thought it was strange that she is considered to be an expert at forensic psychology all of a sudden; Fordham must have a low bar for requirements to be hired as a professor. I thought Fin- Rollins were slighted with their goodbye moment. And that wedding dress Rollins wore: wth?? Amish and Mennonite brides called: she can keep that dress ; They don’t even want it.
I think the (vast) majority of SVU fans wish they could forget Dani Beck. We are jealous of you.
I agree with everyone who said that this should have been a 2-parter or 2-hour episode. I think that they could have just focused on Kat, Carisi, And Fin’s cases. Benson was way too involved in Carisi’s Case; it was like she had joined the DA’s Office. Benson actually took more of a leadership role with Fin and Kat; I found it refreshing and more appropriate that she acted more like Cragen would have. I’m not sure what the purpose of Rollins being involved with Ivy Bucci was other than to give her something to do; this part of the episode could have been dropped altogether. What are everyone’s thoughts on Kat? I actually like her; it seems she is not very popular at least in the internet world (at least from what I have read) . She does have a tendency to deviate from the rules but hasn’t completely derailed as of yet and I hope she doesn’t; I’m hoping she is just on the learning curve. She is empathetic, doesn’t seem to need anger management classes, and doesn’t have any major personal issues. I hope they continue to develop her character along this tract. It’s refreshing. I wonder if they will have more episodes next season or start earlier next season since this year was cut short. I also wonder what they had planned for the last 4 episodes; will those plans be scrapped or just carry over to next season?
Random thoughts: Overall, I thought it was a good episode. The highlight was Fin having something to do. Ice T isn’t going to win an Emmy anytime soon, but I thought he did a great job conveying his despair over Andre seeing his dad die. Joelle was off her rocker for suing him for wrongful death; hopefully, she will see the light or the lawsuit gets tossed. Rollins found her hair brush- good for her. Well, Kat more than just insinuated that she was bisexual in this episode. Since when does a captain of a busy, short-staffed unit have time to help the ADA prep witnesses for trial? Carisi is more than capable. Benson was out of line for calling out former judge now defense attorney Barth. Barth is right- every defendant has the right to having a defense, no matter how despicable they may be. Sir Toby=Harvey Weinstein. It wasn’t even subtle. Why in God’s name would Mrs. Bucci think to reach out to the woman who her ex-husband kidnapped before anyone else? Good for Carisi on turning Rollins down for once. The hair flip was as subtle as Sir Toby’s chompers.
Kat insinuated that she was bisexual when talking about meeting up with people on a dating app. She said something along the lines of when she used an app, she didn’t know what he or she was really going to be like.
I have a feeling this is just a filler episode; I hope I’m wrong. The episode description has potential; hope springs eternal. More Rollins stuff...my guess is she’s being promoted up to the next detective grade from where she is. There was a mention earlier this season about how she has not advanced in her career since arriving at SVU. Whomever promotes her needs to be fired for bad judgment/insanity. It is a better, albeit slightly, alternative than she is pregnant with baby #3 by baby daddy #3.
I thought it was a good episode; not great, but solid. When was the last time that we had a fantastic episode? Chief Garland /Demore Barnes was the highlight of the episode. He beautifully conveyed his initial reluctance to believe the accusation which then turned into anger that his pastor and godfather to his child was guilty and ended with his sorrow over not only the loss of his pastor but his friend. His last scene when he had tears in his eyes after visiting the pastor in jail was played perfectly. SVU writers should remember that the intro to Garland’s family was the proper way to add some personal detail to the storyline. It wasn’t gratuitous but a thread gently entwined into the story. Why was everyone so easily convinced that it was the pastor in the video? Does he walk around shirtless regularly? I also was surprised about Fin’s attitude about the case; he is usually one who takes a step back and evaluates everything before coming to a conclusion unlike other members of the squad. I also cringed at the mention of Rollins’ mother; I was expecting her to turn up, too. Just 1 more episode for the season...
Lol- are you just saying that so you get your check for copyright infringement?
Double ditto!! (I stole this from your earlier post😁) I'm just getting back to work being off for 3 months after surgery and just working half days/light duty to ease me back in. We are just starting to see a few COVID 19 positive patients at the hospital I work for. Everyone, please follow the guidelines and stay healthy. This virus is the real deal, unfortunately. Great analogies!! How about being a Finisi??
I did miss your review this past week but thank you for your hard work during this extraordinarily difficult time for small business owners and their employees.
Law & Order: SVU Actors In Other Roles...
ChristiKRN replied to WendyCR72's topic in Law & Order: SVU
I totally agree with you. I remember Leight saying several years ago that he didn’t like writing courtroom scenes. He developed Carisi as a detective and now he has to develop him as an attorney. The only way he can do that is in courtroom scenes. And who wouldn’t like to see Carisi calling on Barba, his mentor, for some advice? Even baby-euthanizing Barba on his worst day would be better than Hadid. -
Law & Order: SVU Actors In Other Roles...
ChristiKRN replied to WendyCR72's topic in Law & Order: SVU
No one deserves the Family Rollins. I hope they don’t throw Stabler under the bus for dramatic purposes. Say what you will about Stabler, but I think that he would have contacted Benson after the Lewis saga at the very least. Voight makes Rollins look like a rule-abiding detective, also. One thing about Carisi that needs to change: he needs to remember that he is no longer a detective. I’m not sure why he’s going out with someone from the unit while they are building a case; that is no longer his job. It is difficult to disengage but he needs to do this. I do miss the Fin/Carisi pairing, though. -
Law & Order: SVU Actors In Other Roles...
ChristiKRN replied to WendyCR72's topic in Law & Order: SVU
I wish they would handle the Benson/Stabler reunion as low key as possible too, but sometimes I think the SVU writers believe they are writing for Days of our Lives. It would be refreshing but they are going to milk it for all the angst they can. How is Voight even still a cop let alone running an elite unit? A Stabler/Carisi interaction is a good wish for a crossover event. Any thoughts on how it would go? We don’t have any inclination that Carisi is familiar with Stabler. Hopefully, he would not be deferential but Stabler will probably be condescending and difficult if he finds out Carisi is a new ADA. -
Law & Order: SVU Actors In Other Roles...
ChristiKRN replied to WendyCR72's topic in Law & Order: SVU
Random thoughts: It’s inevitable that there will be a crossover episode. We might as well as prepare ourselves for it. I hated that they killed off Tucker, too; Bobby Burke was so good in the role. Tucker provided some necessary depth to the series, which has been lacking for the past few seasons. Meloni and Burke played very well off each other. Can you imagine Stabler’s reaction to finding out about their relationship? I would have liked to have seen a Stabler/Barba (before his character was destroyed) interaction. Voight makes Stabler look like an angel by comparison. How long do you think it will take Rollins to bang him? I’m assuming he’s divorced from Kathy by now because who could handle having him at home for any length of time. I know they won’t do this, but instead of having an angst-filled conversation, Benson and Stabler greet each other with a “Hey, Liv. Hey, Elliott”. We find out that they have been in contact with each other over the years, perhaps since the William Lewis saga.