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Everything posted by Cappuccinagina

  1. This year, it seems the dancers were pretty strong, like they did their homework. For those auditioning and not familiar with the DCC style (sigh), couldn't a simple internet search have helped those without classical/comp/college dance experience? I could have made a better audition dance and I am hardly fit. I would have studied prior candidates and modeled what I would show on that day off of the prior years' auditions. Sorry for being queen of the judgey peoples. I just don't get why it's 2017 and certain folks aren't prepared. I'd have the signature dance and kick line memorized JUST IN CASE Kelly and Judy and company thought what I brought was the crispy bacon to their omelette of cheerleaders ? Ahhh, delusions of a 36 year old. Don't mind me...
  2. I do think it's nice of them to let it be open audition so as to give everyone a fair chance (no ageism and body type is different for every woman so give every type a chance) but like you said - if it isn't to just mark it off your "bucket list" and you want to be taken seriously, you need to have the fitness, technique or ability to learn and KICKS. Can't get kicks in 8 weeks and MacKenzie will be the only exception, I'm sure! I wouldn't even audition unless I could do splits in every direction and have extensions to OMG.
  3. I hope the DCC producers or whoever makes the decisions know they have made it worse by basically going radio silent with the candidates. Like many people have mentioned, I feel like we know zero people, really. I wanted to root for them like in prior years. Maybe they wanted everyone to have an equal chance? I saw someone who made it to semis but we didn't get to see her audition at all (beautiful black girl, did I just miss her or something?) Idk. I hope they give us more of what we need, not what we want haha :) we need people to root for! Kalyssa and Brianna (sorry if sic) are my faves so far!!
  4. Yeah, I hope it's a legitimate dance concern and not meangirling people. Does that make sense?
  5. HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!!! Not a fan of the comeback girls, exception: Christina. She has worn me down with her improved technique. Go girl! (For the serious dancers-please don't apply to the mom and bucket list audition folks)WHY. AUDITION. IF. YOU. CAN'T. KICK. AT. DCC. LEVELS. LIKE. BRUH.
  6. Oh my goshua can this be a thread next week and we all post up our cards? If not, I'm on Twitter so holla at ya girl ?
  7. Christina from 2014? Ugh, no. Christina now? She's wearing me down lol same for Celinda. I want this for the ones who showed up ready to WERK.
  8. To non-dancers, I offer some lingo to help translate critiques! :) "Awkward" means insecure dancing/lack of technique showing/--could be nerves, but could be the lack of experience dancing powerful in that style --required in Pom, hiphop styles, etc. Jazz and ballet dancers understand technique but a different style of dance can lead to awkward or "too flowy, graceful" instead of pop and power. "Clunky" means errors in placement, feet touching the ground flat and not through proper toe, ball, arch, heel and vice versa. (ballet work) not lifting/pulling up, not powerful placement of arms, poses. Pulling up Example: While sitting, make a note of your current posture. Now pretend a thread goes from the top of your head, down through your neck, spine, to your hip bones, and pretend that God Himself has pulled that string up up up-- feel your spine elongate by 2+ inches. That's basically what dancers do but apply it through their legs up their body to make each move look effortless (tis not effortless lmao). It's hard and exhausting, but it gets those turns to infinity and those kicks to yo face! :) "Be crispy like bacon, you're dull, bland," etc --girl, those moves need to have pop, finish, a wow factor. Hairography. A little bit of sexy. A dancer needs to own her real estate (space) and make. Each. Move. Count. I hope this helps and doesn't yield all of the eyerolls and if someone had anything to add or correct, go for it! :) 8 minute countdown!
  9. As a former dancer, I've had super nice instructors and really blunt ones. Kitty's critiques wouldn't faze me at all. I understand her critiques--she WANTS the dancers to do well, and K & J aren't there for anyone's feelings. The DCC are a business of entertainment. Business isn't kind--she's just keeping it real! I realize those who haven't had that type of instructor find her ways to be too brash (if that came across as condescending, I wasn't trying to be! ? I also feel like anyone who goes to her prep classes gets a low key/high key if the dancer is that BEYOND recommendation to the DCC judges. Anything Kitty tells those dancers at the prep classes should be treated as gold and audition make-or-break advice.
  10. How embarrassing, especially as a vet. I wonder if that's more common than we see? Lol poor Madeleine!
  11. During a rewatch for the 10000000th time of season 11 ep 2 (I'm so BORED!!!!), I saw the little green CMT stickers on some of the finalists' packets post-interviews. Ever since someone here had mentioned the WW and WP stickers (sorry if wrong!), it has become my new hunt-for-info fix. This level of DCC crazy will stop when 1) my Directv app or CMT.com let me see the seasons I've missed and/or August 3 rolls around. Le sigh. Sorry if all of the above was beat to death. Lurking for one whole year and here I am ready to comment away. Yay! ?
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