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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. Agreed, just as soon as Taylor Lorenz explains how things work to her (again) and she can figure out yet another angle to make a buck/increase her profile. Hey, maybe she can get her own emoji!
  2. I caught Eugene Robinson in a segment I believe it was later Friday evening where he basically said the AA base would not be wringing their hands over what any older white male candidate may have said/done as they have been dealing with them for decades (amiright ladies?). They will vote for whomever has the best chance of changing our current administration and I totally get that philosophy. Men now in their 70's said such shocking/racist/sexist things back in the day? Easier to count which ones didn't (and happy hunting).
  3. Mika needs to stop pushing her new delusion of the lower the heels the higher the IQ. Some woman are more comfortable in heels (I was one of them). Some women marry men who convince them that to be taken seriously they need to tone it down (and apparently cry at work a lot). Some women married one of those idiots and after their tolerance level had been spent sent them packing (me). For me, this is not the message you want to send to newbies in the workplace.
  4. Or, I don't know . . . if you were Mika you could always . . . oh, I don't know . . . LEARN FROM THE DECADES YOU SPENT WITH YOUR FATHER? I don't know, just a thought. Again, that whole video. Crying at work? Good grief. I agree Teddysmom, when it's something personal like the loss of a loved one no problem at all (the only time I ever cried in public at work was when a department I didn't even work in but worked with allocated a chunk of their bonus money to me they were so happy to have me on board. After the shock wore off as I had pretty much just started there I burst into tears and had a tough time pulling myself together which is very rare for me). The fact that Meeks thinks everybody flies apart at work is just another indication that she is not (as my mom would say) not wired like the rest of her family.
  5. Seriously, those people just have too much money at their disposal . . . thanks for posting this XOQueens. Early morning laughs are always the best! 🤣
  6. Huh. Yeah I got nothing too. I at first got Lorenz confused with Lauren Duca at Teen Vogue who turned Tucker Carlson into a shrieking, sweaty mess by the time the literally yanked the segment off the air then I found an article I had read a while ago when she was hired by the NYT where she told everybody not to DM her with ideas or anything because she was too busy to talk with them right now. Endearing little thing. She also made fun of CNBC and another cable channel (thankfully she likes Hallie Jackson so there's that). Yuck.
  7. I agree but my problem is that I am pretty sure if Mika had put in more research time, asked for more help in terms of what questions to ask and how to ask them I think things would have gone better all around. For me, she looked slightly unprepared and that is just what people that age just love to hear hence the Ok Boomer comes flying out. I completely agree, it grinds my gears when I hear it but I also know when I am walking into a conversation where someone has more knowledge than I do, I try and gather as much as I can in advance so it looks like you at least tried to be more prepared. Personally I think it's awful that she posted that (and the shot of the coffee beans in the MJ Green Room) and I think someone needs to have a chat with someone at the NYT and highlight her rather not only unprofessional but also ungracious behavior. There are still enough Boomers around that could make her life miserable and it's best she learns that lesson now instead of later. It also would help if Mika could take this as her own teachable moment and knock off her sighing/eye rolling/paper shuffling as that's what a lot of people look like at home when they are watching her.
  8. Oh she's gonna find out today as Taylor Lorenz is dragging her hard on Twitter about her MJ segment . . . ouch.
  9. Ok, they changed something on Twitter and I can't copy and paste tweets anymore but apparently today's guest Taylor Lorenz doesn't know her value as she is dragging Mika all over the place . . . yikes! Brutal.
  10. Wow what a great segment with Jose Andres and Andrew Zimmerman "What's Eating America". So gracefully highlights how important immigrants are to this country (I am the youngest in a long line of much older relatives and was lucky enough to be able to listen/hear/absorb their stories/successes and at times cruelties) and what climate change is doing to our food supplies. Good on Morning Joe, well done!
  11. You are correct my friend, she read Joe's Joe Biden op ed in all it's glory (please know I am a huge Joe Biden fan so none of my snark is directed at him in any way). Joe's op ed is well written and highlights all of the lovely, painful and poignant moments that man has suffered through his life but I can't help but think that Joe's bread and circuses spectacular yesterday was devoted to highlighting his latest column and Meek's latest KYV grasp. Ugh. eta: If they really wanted to have Gayle's back, they should have had that discussion on Monday not the Wednesday before their pet projects were due to launch.
  12. Annnnnnnnnnnnd there it is. Meek's tying KYV into Gayle's story: https://www.nbcnews.com/know-your-value/feature/mika-face-misogyny-istandwithgayle-i-hope-you-will-too-ncna1135871 Today has been one big run up to promoting this b.s. and deflecting Joe's rant yesterday with Meeks reading Joe's latest op ed. This show is truly completely shameless.
  13. No, it's not you. It's them. Every day. It's them.
  14. I cannot fathom Bernie in all his Bernie glory being on their show as he would probably get up and walk 2 minutes into the segment. He doesn't have the patience for them. I remember watching (live) his announcement he was running for president. He literally walked up to the podium, announced he was running and then left shouting over his shoulder that he didn't have time for most of the questions being fired at him so I can just imagine his real-time reaction to those two.
  15. Uh-oh, Mom and Dad are in separate bedrooms. Looks like Joe has been sent to the breakfast nook without any supper (and apparently Red Bull as he is much calmer today).
  16. OH and I forgot the best part of the show when Joe was saying this administration was gunning for journalists "like us" . . . like us? You mean you and the Mrs.? Sure Jan, why don't you call out some more people for helping the currently administration while continuing your denials about your storied assistance. Enjoy the beach.
  17. Goodness that was some theatre this morning. Joe stealing Meek's Paris Hilton meltdown, tossing around those newspapers . . . too bad his outrage showed up almost a week late. If you haven't seen Snoop's video, Google it as it's frightening. I found out about it via Yashar Ali's Twitter feed as he called it out immediately and got slammed with vicious, threatening comments but never backed down. Then Oprah went on the offensive two days later on Friday (as no one else was being much help) and NOW Joe starts flinging papers around the studio and apparently "bullshit" is on the nice list in terms of what you can say on the air now. Willie and Meeks both sent out Tweets on Sunday but Joe picks today to stage his tantrum? Weren't enough Representatives/Senators calling to ask your advice lately Joe? Plus I cannot believe that clip didn't make it on to Mediaite's website so that says a lot. Blech. eta: Ok, I want to give credit where credit is due. Apparently Joe retweeted this powerful Karine Jean-Pierre on the 10th (atta boy Joe, go get 'em tiger!😞) Karine Jean-Pierre @K_JeanPierre When you are a black woman in this country, you feel threatened, and many times people don't stand up for you. #IStandWithGayle Good. Judging by Meek's face when he was in full rant mode they hadn't synched up strategies so I am assuming that whole kabuki theatre was performed on the fly.
  18. He brought his sexy back after having his second son . . . hee!
  19. Ah, my beloved Sam Stein has joined the panel and bonus brought along a little of his chest hair for Show and Tell Tuesday (get out of here with your bad self Sam!). We can now start the countdown clock before he runs off the set so as not to strangle Meeks with that annoying scarf she keeps rearranging in her lap to make sure everyone is paying attention to her.
  20. Oh no, Willie appears to be wearing khaki man jeggings . . . yikes.
  21. Meeks wants to know where Mike Bloomberg is because all of his expensive PR artillery are hiding him from the public . . . oh look, there he is Mika. Waving at you from the top of that Mt. Everest size pile of money he has at his disposal. Oh and by the way, he was also hiding away as the mayor of NYC (you know, the city you lived in) . . . I want to grab the remote but I find them oddly fascinating this morning. eta: Ah, see Meeks. Bloomberg got the first two write in votes of the NH primary . . . 350M well spent . . . 😁 Oh and Joe, the NH folks aren't standing in the rain as you said. Around those parts they call it snow.
  22. Poor Joe and his imaginary band, they just showed a clip of a live band at Bernie's rally last night . . . that hadda hurt that they chose some NH garage band** over his personal overindulgence. And when someone mentioned Klobuchar, Meeks started clapping like a three year old at a birthday party . . . the smell of cake must be in the air. ** sincere apologies. The band performing was The Strokes whom I do not know of but they appear to be a rather big deal. I'm calling in my Boomer card.
  23. So I haven't taken attendance in a while but was treated to Joe mocking Heilemann's jeans (please keep in mind John was on with Brian Williams late last night) and Meeks hitting Heilemann with a rolled up paper (she does know how to insinuate herself into a situation). I am sure both Mika and Joe must be exhausted after working a whopping three hours yesterday so I am sure they are a bit punchy. Kasie is rocking those boots again today. Get it girl! eta: Special thanks to John Lemire for not rolling up his cuffs today and I don't know how much most of those folks make but goodness it must be just exhausting to have to talk about polls and primaries all frigging day.
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