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Everything posted by Irishmaple

  1. Oh Morales, you don’t know this Rick. My man has been through some shit.
  2. Shiva’s getting jealous. Her man is roaming.
  3. I skipped it the last two weeks and didn’t miss it at all. I felt vaguely disloyal the first week but, last week, not a twinge. I don’t plan on watching it this week either unless it’s to say goodbye to Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I’ll stay up for that! Like the actor, but Negan not even a little.
  4. I watched it week by week. At least that gave me recovery time. I don’t think I could binge watch it sober.
  5. Is that the Anne Heche Biblical/mythological/folklore mishmash apocalypse? Yeah, that was bad. She’s doing much better on The Brave now.
  6. I liked that episode. It found something for everyone to do but I didn’t feel like the episode was overcrowded. I thought Reed was being a bit of an ass, expecting his “my bad” to earn him immediate acceptance. I did appreciate that he listened to the guy arguing against him and then offered his help in decoding the scanner codes. Bill Moyer did a good job of showcasing Reed’s injury from last week, and the driver made his point even though he might have been in trouble if Reed had bolted in a different direction. Caitlyn and the kids made adequate medics though a few things in that storyline stood out for me. Caitlyn would surely know Andy was O- because his pediatrician would have noted it. Was she actually monitoring how much blood he was giving? Given that Caitlyn and her kids have proven themselves on actual life-threatening missions, I was surprised that not a single onlooker stepped forward to offer assistance. No one else was a universal donor or had useful skills? Lorna is still my favourite. She’s impulsive but good at making it work. I don’t have any issues with Dreamer either. She stepped in to boost Blink when she was dithering and, while Dreamer should have spoken up afterward, Blink would have been useless without the added push. The interrogation was a lot less intrusive than anything Jace caused to happen to the mutants he captured. It was unfortunate Dreamer ran out of time as she clearly wanted to repair the memories before going. I have no idea why Jace and his wife stood by calling their child instead of swooping in and grabbing her. Less calling and more running, and the kid and her stuffie might have made it.
  7. There was some pleasant scenery in that episode, and Seville looked beautiful as well. It was on the shortlist of cities my sister and I considered before deciding against it. It’s too late to reconsider so that was as close as I’m getting for now. I enjoyed the operation as well. It gave all of the characters a chance to do their thing. Dalton adapted well to a fluid situation, and that moment when he flew out of the hallway to tackle the Venezuelan assassin was hilarious. Amir blended in well at the University and did a solid job as bodyguard. Jaz hit her targets. Maguire misused one of my nationalities but I can live with it since the actor is Canadian. I thought the show did a nice job highlighting the time difference between the US and Spain by having Anne Heche look like she just rolled out of bed when Dalton called. Hannah didn’t annoy me and found the treason notes. I don’t remember the male agent’s name but he didn’t panic when the mole pulled a gun and he got himself out of the mess quickly and cleverly. I’ve seen other shows where the covert operative had to get permission to read in a civilian. Is Maguire revealing his real name to Paloma the covert equivalent of an engagement ring? Too many Dalton/Jaz anvils in this one. I’m surprised that Preach seemed to be on board. I hope the show doesn’t go there. Getting involved with a younger subordinate would not look good on Dalton.
  8. Has the show been moved permanently to 9.30? I watch on CTV (Canada) and they’ve put Lucifer in the 8pm slot. They run The Gifted at 9pm so they won’t simulcast Me, Myself & I. Hope I can still catch it on demand. CTV moved it to 7.30pm. I’ll definitely be watching it on demand now.
  9. There was a lot happening in this episode but the locations were throwing me off. Aaron, Eric and the rest of the Alexandrites were attacking Saviours outdoors. The plan, which I liked, was shoot until enough Saviours die and take care of the rest. Solid plan, considering how sheltered the Alexandrites were. Eric was hopping around so much I’m not surprised he got shot. That part of the operation went fine, except for Eric and Tobin, but his wound looks survivable. Rick and a bunch were inside. Were they inside the same building that Aaron was holding? Anyway, they were sent there by Dwight, I guess. It seemed that Dwight only knew the building was important but didn’t know why. He assumed it was an armoury, but it was a nursery. If Gracie is the high value target, then she has to be Negan’s kid, right? Of course Negan would take a baby from her mother and place her under guard, because it’s all about him. Where was Daryl? I saw him lurking around, moping through his hair, but I had no idea where he was. Tara should have started her run by hitting Jesus over the head and stashing him safely in a corner. They were in the same location as Morgan and Diane, so most of those Saviours are dead. I still enjoy Ezekiel, and Carol’s bemusement. They were all in a wood somewhere. Exactly what Saviours did Morales call? The big compound is besieged by a horde of zombies, a bunch got taken out last week and another bunch died in this episode. I think Morales might be overly optimistic about his backup.
  10. I thought Anthony Rapp was the star of that episode. He gave an amazing performance. I liked everything about Stamets, beginning with his loopiness. I never imagined the humourless scientist from the early episodes would require his husband apologize for his inappropriateness. I don’t normally enjoy time loop stories but Stamets sold this one. He never lost his composure as he won Michael to his side over and over. He kept his sanity despite dealing with a whole crew in the dark. And he was gleeful about tricking Mudd. Tilley was a lot of fun in her party persona but showed she was competent and reliable when Michael needed her. She’s becoming one of my favourite characters. Lorca didn’t have much to do, but did it well. His absolute disinterest in endangered species was funny. Did what he had to, but no more. I liked Ash and Michael, with Stamets doing his bit to push them together. I enjoyed the episode, even though I think Mudd got away too lightly. I hope Stella makes him absolutely miserable.
  11. I’m not liking this Jesus. Is he going to run the POW camp?
  12. Pending. I’m grateful they’re not fouling up this episode.
  13. Morgan’s going to have some zombies on his ass if he doesn’t close the deal.
  14. I’m on Tara’s side. How the hell did that happen?
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