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Everything posted by JenJenBosco

  1. I didn't start watching Criminal minds until I saw it on Netflix around the time they were halfway through season 11. I watched every episode and looked forward to watching season 12 in real time until I found out about the Reid storyline which made me sad for him so I decided to rewatch the series recently. I'm on the fourth episode of season one and I am thrown by the differences from the older seasons to the newer seasons. I think season one is interesting in that there are many explanations, alot of talking and not alot of action which makes sense when you think about the premise of the show. Even in the opening credits, they don't show them with guns. They show them talking, explaining things. Whereas in the later seasons, everyone is shown with a gun except Reid. Overall, I really like Elle, although I perfer Blake. I also appreciate Gideon a little more than Rossi, although I don't know why. One thing I noticed compared to other shows like white collar or ncis, BAU always uses last names except for the women who are called by their first names. It kind of sets this idea that they aren't as close as they try to make them seem in the later seasons. I also really liked the way they presented the profiles in the first season as it wasn't that awkward everyone says a sentence thing. It's more of a conversation. I also love that everyone is obviously appreciated in the first season, whereas in the later seasons, it doesn't always feel that way.
  2. I think that's my thing too. I need to stop thinking about the holes in the story.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking that after some time I will rewatch and see if some dots at least connect.
  4. Alright, I couldn't stop thinking about if it made sense or not all night. I came into the fandom in late season four right after Ali was officially alive. I really liked the show and watched and rewatched to figure things out. Now, with the CeCe reveal, I honestly think it would have been better if she was torturing them because she thinks they were the reason she got kicked out of college rather than putting her in Radley and giving her story holes. Now, with Alex, I think there were clues about the possibility of a twin from a while back, but I also think that if I was casual viewer this would have been better. As it is, I stopped watching after episode three this time bc I just couldn't deal with it. So I read people's reactions and ultimately binged over the weekend. I think that helped bc I accepted Alex's story better. However, when CeCe was revealed she didn't mention Alex even though she knew about her and neither did Wren which makes no sense and if she wanted a sister and friends she could have just revealed herself and been their friends. Also that first scene was weird and I really didn't like Mona getting to keep them as dolls.
  5. Also, it's already almost over, where's the action? Why do these idiots spend time sleeping instead of figuring things out.
  6. I can't believe that Jenna figures it out but no one else does. This is why they were played for so long. They're the ultimate idiots.
  7. I hope that Extra is right about being murdered, he deserves it.
  8. I think reading the replies to this show is more fun than the show. Also, I hope Ezra dies and Wren is an idiot. Let's sleep with everyone and not care how weird it is. I hope Spencer wins after this.
  9. I don't know how I feel about this, but I hope Spencer learns to deal with all her messed up sisters.
  10. At this point, I kind of want Caleb and Ezra to disappear. Also call back to season 2 finale was cool but I was totally convinced of twincer right before that because of the jump from hotel to barn.
  11. Also, they mentioned the mom's getting stuck in the basement, but didn't answer the question.
  12. I was really hoping Byron would tell him that he didn't have his Blessing.
  13. I see Caleb and Hanna are still dysfunctional. I really could do without the sex scene, and I was so surprised by Melissa and then it's a stupid mask. What gives?
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