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Everything posted by JenJenBosco

  1. Unfinished Business: I loved this episode for a number of reasons. I loved the reprofiling of the case. I loved seeing how sometimes cases are hard to let go of…we see it with Max, Gideon, Rossi…it’s interesting that both Rossi and Max write books about cases they’ve done. I feel like this episode really delved into the effects of the job…of the ones they don’t catch right away. Just like with Reaper in a few years for Hotch and the detective that made the deal with the Reaper. I think it’s interesting that Max is a lot like Rossi is when he first comes back. It shows that sometimes not everyone is a team player and it took Rossi time before he moved on from the case that got away and being a team player. It was interesting that Gideon, who was less of a team player, was the man to make him see that the team is better than just two of them. “You’ve got a team of the best agents in the world out there, and you’re standing here alone. If you let us, we’ll help you find him.” I liked the discussion on them not having lives…and Elle questioning their ability to drop everything on a Saturday night. It brings an interesting thought to me: I always figured that the reason I didn’t care about their home lives wasn’t just because the cases were more interesting, but because I always believed that they were married to the job…which makes sense. None of the characters need love interests because they are married to the job. In the later seasons, that seems to change. However, I do like the idea that they might be weaving the way for Elle’s eventual exit…and it shows it’s a completely viable reason without trauma to leave the BAU. On another note, I liked that they saved someone they weren’t looking to save because Scott wasn’t the guy they were after. I also liked them realizing that he had a kill list. It was interesting that Max thought he was the cause of bringing the end of his spree, but it was also interesting that he gives in and uses the team. I liked the way they figured out the unsub as well. I also liked that at the end, Max says, “We got him. Let’s go bring him in.” Inviting everyone to be a part of it instead of trying to do it alone. Overall, I really liked this episode, I feel like it was done better than Rossi’s unfinished business update. Up next: The Tribe.
  2. Poison: I forgot about this episode. It's not a very good episode. I don't really like poison cases. Morgan's suit is back, somewhat. Not the whole episode, but part of it. Speaking of Morgan, Gideon's look at Morgan when he said. "Talk to me, Hot Stuff" clearly says, he's not a fan of that language. I can't imagine he'd be okay with it if he'd stuck around, however, it was mild, and easily dealt with. However, I did like the way they narrowed down which profile they were supposed to be looking at. I also liked the profile presentation, and the change of the background behind Hotch. I also liked that the last two episodes focused on JJ's job in regards to how the investigation is impacted. I also like their discussions throughout the episode. Their "I'll check this" or "I'll do that" was interesting, as if they knew what they'd be good at, the members of the team don't need Hotch to tell them what to do. It's certainly different to recent seasons. However, overall, the episode is rather uninteresting. Not a fan. Although, again, I liked the end. Everyone passed out, except Hotch and JJ. The conversation between them was great. Why does Hotch do this job? It was great, and I know in a later episode, JJ answers him, why she does her Liaison job. Riding the Lightening: Also, not a fan. Garcia's in the field, and freaked that the couple slaughtered young girls with blond hair, meanwhile Spencer is excited about this opportunity to interview the first serial killer couple for Vicap (sp?). I did like seeing the affects of the other part of their job (the questionaire) trying to understand more to build a better profile. Seeing the women of Jacob was also interesting. Still liked the background changes. Why make a statement of innocence, if, in the end, you'd rather die to stop your son from knowing the truth? Jacob: "Do you ever smile? It's hard to trust a guy who never smiles." "Oh, I know, I know, one day these are going to kill me. Oh, come on, Hotch, that was funny!" He made me laugh...although I shouldn't have laughed. I never realized that Gideon's son, is 25 in season one, which means he could be less than a year older than Spencer. Very interesting. Explains a lot about Gideon and Spencer's relationship. Loved Hotch's "Riley!" at right before Jacob dies. "You lose!" However, I didn't like the ending. An innocent women spent her life in prison (her fault, obviously) and was killed by old sparky, and even knowing the truth, Gideon allowed it to happen. It just doesn't quite sit right with me. I get it, but I don't. Up Next, "Unfinished Business", now that one, I remember liking, but it'll have to wait.
  3. What Fresh Hell: I'm not sure that I am a big fan of this episode. However, I did like the discussion on Stranger Danger, the interaction between Hotch/Gideon/Garcia and the interaction between JJ and Hal, the idea of looking for a witness to make the people more likely to come forward with information, I also like the presentation of the profile in this one, and Spencer's explanation about the statistics with the background changing, along with Gideon's explanation during the profile. I also liked the side hug that Gideon gave Spencer at the lake. I don't know what it was about Billy and her parents, but i just didn't like them. I also wasn't particularly happy about Gideon's lack of care over the warrant and getting lucky. It honestly felt like a lucky shot. He was also very ...I don't know...arrogant or something when talking to the father the first time. I also disliked the woman, who caused more problems with mentions of the registries. "There are a lot of ways to get on that list." I also disliked Garcia's pause to ask Morgan if he knew about the flowers because it was an emergency and they didn't have time. Why ask about the flowers when you know they only have two hours left to find her alive. Fun question: How did they get Billy out of Melinda? Also, liked Morgan referring to Reid as Agent Reid. honestly I feel like that establishes his authority more than the Doctor thing, and the splash from the station to the neighbor, but I missed Morgan's suit. Also liked the scene on the plane at the end, with the cards, and Spencer's card counting skills. It was cute. Also, the reveal of the pictures being passed victims.
  4. I definitely agree that spoilers should have an expiration date, which is why I haven't thought about it. But maybe it's because I don't care about spoilers.
  5. You're more than welcome to address the other stuff, it's not that old! Also, I can try to write less and I don't have much time to watch, so I can watch my slowly...so you can get caught up. I don't mind! I agree. Elle's relationships were great, she had the most interesting relationships with everyone. I also get that she was a little too much like Morgan. They were like the same person. Also, I loved that Prentiss struggled so much to gain their trust, it felt realistic. Hmm, maybe I need to play more attention to Morgan's dickish behavior. I definitely understand what you're saying about the things that he says. I definitely wouldn't be a big fan of working with the guy, and I hate them every time they laugh at Reid, it's awful. I guess most of the time, Morgan is just there for me, if Hotch hadn't have left, I wouldn't have even noticed Morgan being gone in season 12, but losing Hotch, too, suddenly I noticed. Also, I really hate that he keeps coming back...the same way I hated Prentiss coming back. You left, stay gone. However, he has his moments, like you said with Zugzwang, Morgan can be a good friend. Note for anyone: Should I be spoilering some comments about future seasons? Because I have no idea how to do that.
  6. I agree with you on alot of your points about Morgan. I don't know if I am a fan or not of him, in the sense that, he has his moments, mainly with Reid. Alot of times, I feel like it depends on who he is paired with. When he's with JJ, I definitely don't like him. When he's with Garcia...early seasons...maybe ...later seasons, god no. I noticed the insubordination and disloyalty though, for me, it bugged me that he didn't support Reid in Proof because there is no way in hell he didn't understand how hard it was for someone with trust issues (just like him) could be struggling. But I'll get there. I also agree that I saw him as the possibility of being one of the high school football team bullies that picked on Reid, which is why it took a while to see that possibility of big brother...I see it better now. I definitely did not see any signs of Morgan's background that was exposed in season 2 in the first season, and it honestly barely shows up later on...when it should show. I feel like with Reid (I should probably come up with another team member to use since I always use him) it was pretty obvious with little things throughout season 1 that he had some sort of connection to the illness of his mother. Every time it comes up, it's obvious. Whereas with Morgan, I don't see his past showing through, even on cases where it should. I also dislike Morgan forcing Hotch to make the call was wrong as well. They have a job to do, protocol, and to me, it was wrong that he tried to get Hotch to break that. Especially, when Reid, who was dying, still put protocol first in Amplification. He didn't hesitate. As an agent of the law, that's what is their responsibility to do. I am curious though, what are some of the most ugly behavior for you that Morgan has done? I can think of some bad decisions, but never thought...ugly. Although, I'll keep an eye out in the episodes you mentioned. Also, thanks for replying!
  7. I like your theory, I don't agree with it, but I like the idea of the possibility. However, my problem is that I honestly believe her inability to deal with the cases is a problem, I honestly think if she's having that much of a problem ALL of the time, she needs help and a new job. I do think my mood has something to do with it, but I also think that it depends on Reid in the scene. If he is clueless, and they are laughing at him, then it's mocking him because he isn't laughing and it's usually about something that is part of who he is. If he's seen acknowledging it (I.E. a scene with Kate taking the bait for some fact he wanted to talk about in season 10) then it's light teasing and playful. If Reid looks upset or doesn't respond at all, (i.e. the "He's so lifelike" scene), then it's mocking. If Reid is seen getting back at them (i.e. Reid throwing the whistle back at Morgan) it's playful and teasing. The problem I have is that in the later seasons, he seems clueless and it comes across as them mocking him because he's unaware. However, I understand your point of view. Also, I am glad we can be in agreement as well :) I like hearing different point of views, and the same point of views as well.
  8. I like your thoughts. It's interesting to have a different perspective on both Garcia and Reid above. I am not sure I agree on Garcia, however, I have my moments where I am not sure if the team is mocking him, but I also have my moments where I think they are. I guess it just depends on the scene reads to me, and you're right, I don't think it's supposed to come across as the team treating him poorly, but it can come across that way. Depending. I also agree on your notes regarding Elle and the girls. With time, I could see that happen. As for Gideon, I do think that Nelson's Sparrow could support the theory that Gideon kept in touch with his son. I also think William Reid coming back would be interesting for Spencer, but I think it would have been better if that had happened while he was in prison. Somehow, coming back to support him when he needed it the most. I also appreciate that people have different opinions on the show and the episodes. It's what makes discussion interesting. Also, you're right about the disturbing-ness of having more than one episode on that subject. Thanks :) I don't know if I'll be able to do much until the weekend, as I commute a long way every day, but I will. Also, If anyone wants to join me, the next episode is "What Fresh Hell".
  9. Okay, Cool. Thanks, I'm just curious. I like hearing different reasons for liking or disliking characters, especially long running characters.
  10. Ahhh, I see. It's alot to ask what you thought about comments on a TV show from 12 years ago. And yes, season one is the best for the character interactions, at least I think so. I also agree that it's very realistic for Elle not to be close to the other girls because they were accessories to the team. I feel the same way. If they had left or been killed off or something, I wouldn't haven noticed. In episodes where either of them aren't there, I don't even notice. And that continues even passed JJ's departure in season 6. Even in season 11, I was more relieved that she was gone than anything. Actually, in Blood Hungry, I forgot JJ even existed until she showed up towards the end. On a different note, I think Elle might be my favorite as well, but I'm not entirely sure. I know I noticed the lack of her presence when she left even after Emily joined the team. Also, I don't mind the short version of my forum name at all. Also, Smoker, out of curiosity, why didn't you like Morgan?
  11. Bloody Hungry brings up an interesting conversation: What is a parent willing to do for their children? Also, it brings up; What are you willing to do to keep up appearances? Self-preservation can really be a problem sometimes, like this case. Gideon on crutches was hilarious, I liked the conversation when he explained what happened to land him on the crutches, and I liked aspect of the members being helpful even when they aren't in the field. Gracia's reaction to Gideon in her office was interesting. She politely suggested he'd be better off in his office, but he wasn't having it. "You can have him back whenever you would like." Hey, Lucky wasn't the first time that cannibalism has come up. For some reason, I forgot that it was part of this episode too. I did like the brothers, it was cute the way that the older brother defended the younger brother. It's nice that they care so much about each other. Is this the first time Morgan's not in a suit? He looks better in a suit. I liked the switch up between the members. First, it was Reid and Elle, Morgan and Hotch, then Morgan and Elle, Reid and Hotch. It's nice that's variation. I liked Hotch's shut down of the doctor. "A Jury might agree with you, but right now he needs to answer some questions because there's a little boy we need to find." He puts the innocent's needs first, which is more important. I like Morgan's comment on GPS, "These things could cause more divorces than internet porn." "You know, Mary, sometimes it's the things we don't do rather than the things we do." Interesting statement. I do like the last scene. "Now, i have to go back to the 15 folders on my desk." "15? I have 24." "That's because I slipped you for of mine on Friday." Do you think Gideon kept in touch with his son after reaching out to him? Also, I liked that Hotch encouraged him to at least try, it makes me wish that Reid's father had done the same. Overall, I didn't like this episode either. What do you guys think?
  12. I absolutely think you are completely right, JMO. I just notice it more with Reid, I guess. On the same note, I really wish they had one person for each member of the team, who could go over what their character is saying and doing, and be like, "that's not consistent" but sadly, that is not the case.
  13. Oh, yes, he does tell Reid that he should talk to Hotch and Gideon, however, they get interrupted, so I feel like he should have at least tried one more time before talking to Hotch and Gideon. Like, maybe he could be convinced after another conversation. But that was just my perception, I thought that one conversation wasn't enough to assume that Reid couldn't be talked into talking to them. And I agree about the rest of your post, they changed him, and not for the better. It's hard to watch people mock him, and no one on the team says a damn thing.
  14. So, you think there might have been a missing scene after the coffee scene, but before Hotch says something to Reid about nightmares? One that would have shown Morgan trying to convince him, instead of jumping the gun and saying something after that little conversation with the coffee? And yes, I definitely forgot that Reid used to be snarky, and he used to get things, not everything, but wasn't blind to things. Like, he definitely noticed what that Sheriff was thinking, yet, in the later seasons, it seems like he's oblivious to their remarks and such.
  15. Now, onto the Popular Kids. I'm not a big fan of this episode. I didn't like that Morgan broke Reid's trust, even for a good reason. I didn't like the kid as the unsub or that his father was the lead investigator. I didn't like the idea that he tried to set up the outcasts, and I didn't like that the police bought it. I also didn't like that a bunch of kids would go to secret spot and watch a body decompose. Satanic colt...interesting. I did love the interesting conversation of Morgan trying to figure out what would keep Reid awake at night. That part was cute, and it led Reid to trusting Morgan. Which was a bad idea. "You had no right, man. I confided in you. You know this is exactly what I get when I trust someone. It gets thrown back in my face." It kind of foreshadows his anger at JJ in Season 7. However, I did like Morgan sharing with Reid. Although, I did feel like he should have told him before Reid yelled at him. Instead of telling Hotch and Gideon, he could have convinced Reid to tell them himself with that story about his nightmares. I wonder if Morgan had nightmares again since her eyes were wide open, and he closed his eyes, like it was a big deal to him. I really liked the back and forth among the team, like Reid and Hotch on the plane talking about satanism issues. Or the more comfortable switching as they talked through the profile giving it to the police. They did the switch back and forth during the profile, which is different than it is now. I disliked the sheriff for asking "what kind of doctor, are you?" and neither JJ or Gideon saying something to him about the inappropriateness of it. If you ask for someone's help, you shouldn't be insulting them. I like Elle offering a hand to Reid up that hill, when no one else did. Also, liked JJ knowing that bringing in the fact that she is from a small town to get the Sheriff to agree to using the locals, and the misdirect with the reverend and the Dent guy. I also liked the contrast to Elle, "I grew up in Brooklynn, you couldn't get this many people out for anything less than free money." I also do like the background change behind Reid as he was talking about the Mason family. I also liked the tackle ...and I read the old TWOP forum that was archived, so I know that people considered Morgan as the "One who tackles". I liked the back and forth switch between Gideon talking to the Sheriff and Morgan talking to Cory. Reid and Morgan working together to distract Cory to get him taken down, was funny. Also, "No, I got that, did you have to tackle us both?" "You're welcome, Reid." I did like Gideon's explanation to help with the dreams, and giving Reid the picture. That's the Gideon I like. Overall, never been a fan of this episode, and it didn't seem any better this time.
  16. Well, I am an extremely late comer, so I have no idea how many people caught his comments. Also, I agree with you on JJ's relationship with Elle. I think both JJ and Garcia tolerated Elle, but didn't really like her. As if, she was the person at work that you sort of like, but won't miss when she's gone. Also, I always tend to watch or even rewatch shows in order...I don't like skipping episodes for some reason. And I've read that the Reid arc was good, but I decided to wait until I have finished my rewatch. I wonder if anyone who was around since the beginning caught the comments?
  17. JMO, I like your idea of Garcia, and what they were trying to do, but I do feel that it completely failed in that aspect. She was perfectly fine in the beginning, even with her ego, it was when things changed to buffonish that she became too much for a lot of people. ReidGirl, I'm glad you like that I've revived the old threads. I haven't watched since they announced that Hotch was going into Witness Protection...whichever episode that was because I read spoilers about Reid getting another sad storyline, and decided I would watch it whenever I got the chance or motivation...at the moment, I just read the comments on the episodes. Someday, I'll watch, but probably not untill the end of my rewatch.
  18. So, I forgot how good the Fox was. They really got into his pathology, and I loved Morgan's comment, "Everyone thinks that until they find a body in the basement." I also thought it had an interesting lead into Reid's mom's problems when he mentions everyone being medicated these days. It's also the first time Garcia breaks into medical records and mentions it. "Yeah, we'll both go to prison and you'll be someone's bitch." Reid; "Really?" The chilling ending with the rings was good. It definitely hit home at how long some killers can go on for without getting caught. They only knew about two families, but there were eight rings. On the other hand, I really dislike Natural Born Killer, the torture is just too much for me. I like less blood. However, I do like the way it started...not in the conference room, but on the scene. I like that they went back to the BAU, and worked from their home base. I also liked that Garcia didn't cringe from the videos despite the torture. I also liked the discussion on the normal escalation of crimes and the components that led them to figuring out the undercover guy. I liked the tidbit into Morgan's career. "I did 18 months deep cover." It kind of symbolizes that he's good at hiding things, like what happened to him in his past. There were definitely hints throughout the first few seasons about the character's pasts. Also, I did like that there was conflict in the agencies working together. It's clear that not everyone is fan of the FBI. Also, knowing that this guy had over 100 unsolved murders in 15 years...is disturbing, but at least they finally caught him. "A serial killer with a perfect career." Damn. I really like Morgan and Hotch as a team in this episode, it feels like they work well together, however, it makes me wonder when that changed. Also, I liked the three man team of Reid, Elle, and Garcia. And then there's Gideon, always on his own. Also, Garcia breaks the law again. "Despite the fact that they are probably expungded you can find the faintest echo of deletion, successfully recreate the file, thereby sending us all to prison for computer felony fraud counts." "We can make bail, Garcia?" "Already in." That's two episodes in a row. I wonder if they were ever...I don't know...audited ...how that would go. Also, "Take your tie off for once in your life, huh?" "Antisocial personality disorder means never trust anyone with anything at any time." That's interesting. I love their dislike of the Baltimore cop wanting to beat the answer out of Vincent, and the hate for the cop that gave Vincent no reason to answer their questions. Also, "Is it still paranoid if I'm right?" They know better than that. Also, interesting was Hotch's comment to Vincent, which I know there's been speculation on. "Some people grow up to become killers...and some people grow up to catch them." The look on Hotch's face at the end...it definitely felt that there was a reason he understood Vincent so well. Overall, the torture was hard to watch, but I liked the rest of it. I love Derailed. I like Reid and Elle's scenes the most. They work well together. I was surprised that JJ questioned Hotch on letting Elle do Custodials so soon. I liked getting into the other possible victims lives, as well as Bryer. I thought that Reid's understanding of Bryer was a foreshadow, again, of his mother's issues. I thought it was funny that Elle called Gideon dad, and I wonder what she was going to say to him before the phone cut out. It was interesting the moment that Gideon realizes that Elle is on that train, and Reid's immediate understanding of the Bryer from the facial tick, which I imagine he's used to seeing because of his mom. "Higher authority" is rather interesting. He was smart to handcuff Elle to the seat. That kid, "He's an example of progress?" I laughed. Also, that one guy was planning to kill his ex, right? He had a gun and the scene at the beginning indicated that. I also loved the quiet way that Morgan told Reid that now wasn't the time for a ramble on a movie. It compares quite differently to what they do nowadays. I also liked that, in this episode, and in the past episodes, they ask Reid for his facts and statistics. I loved the magic scene. Reid's practicing the trick, Morgan's concern about Reid trying to put himself in danger rather than Reid. "I'm not about to let you get on that train with an armed psychotic." "We don't have any other choice, do we?" Insisting that he doesn't care off the vest, and his frustration that Reid takes it off. In this episode, I honestly believe that Morgan cares for Reid in a big brother way. "You told me to believe." After his speech about doctors and dentists having to 'insert chips on and off since the 1980s. "Could you guys do me a favor?" "Anything." "Could at least one of you look like you're going to see me again." I laughed. Morgan looks at Hotch, "See you when you get back." The look in Elle's eyes when she sees it's Reid, it's a good thing Bryer wasn't looking. That kid just had to cause more problems for them. Again, loved Reid's connection with Bryer, and his slight fear that he might end up like that. Also, loved the moment at the end between Elle and Spencer at the end. His conversation with Bryer was extremely telling. "A responsibility to use your intelligence." "Elle, don't ever call me dad again." "How do you think he'd feel about mom?" "Let me know when you're going to do that, so I can um...run." "Um, Reid, you probably saved my life in there..." "Probably? I totally saved your life, and I'm pretty certain thatit was caught on tape." "You know what you said in there...to Bryer...that you know what it's like..." "He was a delusional psychotic, I was playing into his fantasy. Go to the hospital, I'll see you there." Clearly, he wanted to avoid the conversation, but it was interesting, and it's more interesting now, knowing what we know about him.
  19. I haven't gotten the chance to watch more episodes of season 1, but I did have some other comments. I also love the fade into the next scene thing they have going on. I really like that slow glimpses into their lives, and light teasing. Of the first season episodes, I think I enjoyed Extreme Aggressor, Broken Mirror, and LDSK the most. I also appreciate the idea that they spend time in the office working on paperwork because I feel like that kind of disappears later on. I also like that I don't need to see their home lives because it doesn't pertain to the case, and I almost wish that it had stayed that way in the later seasons. I found that their music is really good, like all of you have mentioned. And there are some really awesome moments and conversations. Like some of the above lines or the moments between Elle and Reid in Plain Sight (only things I liked about the episode) or Morgan tackling Reid to save him when they thought the unsub was that cop in LDSK, or Reid throwing that whistle back at Morgan. Also, I just wanted to point out, that although less obnoxious, Garcia always called herself a genius and praised herself from the very first episode, she was just infrequently used that it didn't bother me back then. Personally, I liked it better that way, but since I went back and read the old TWOP thread, I understand that many people were wanting more of her. Which the show agreed with, obviously. Anyway, I'll write more notes when I've watched more episodes. Also, I hope it's okay to revive the old threads, I was hoping to do the same when I move onto the other seasons.
  20. Thank you. I'll have to listen to them, and listen for other good songs.
  21. Yes, I love LDSK for all of your reasons. Hotch and Reid throughout the entire episode were just fantastic. Although I do think the music is always spot on...I have never looked into what songs are playing...maybe I should do that. Also, I love the moment that Spencer throws the Whistle back at Morgan, "You kick like a 9 year old girl" and "Did Elle teach you that?" Especially right after Broken Mirror where Elle using her foot on his stuff to get him to tell her where Patricia is.
  22. Yes, exactly. I know the characters should change and grow, but my main concern is that they are interchangeable. Anyway, I've watched through LDSK, and I have to say that I really like the cases. I like funny moments amongst the serious ones...like the exchange in Broken Mirror. I like the tidbits of information, and I am looking forward to continuing my rewatch. Is anyone interested in rewatching with me?
  23. Jmo, I agree. I feel like that would be beneficial to the show, especially because that is premise of the show. It would also help in the sense that it would show growth in the newcomers. I would have enjoyed season 7 more if we'd seen JJ's progression or in season 8 we'd seen Blake actually learning...every newcomer seems to just jump in and know what they're doing now. Also, I just want the team members not to seem so interchangeable. I feel like in the first few seasons the characters were easily seen as separate people, now, not so much. I guess that's what I mean by definition.
  24. ReidGirl, That is exactly why I wanted to rewatch the series because things were much more well-defined in the previous seasons. You could see the differences between the pairings, the friendships. Now, If you weren't paying attention and all you had was a script with no names...it would be difficult to tell who said what. Also, Elle and Gideon both just added something that I don't think Prentiss or Rossi do. I don't know. It's just weird. Thanks for the welcome. I've been reading the forum for a while, but I haven't posted until today.
  25. Thanks for the welcome. I really enjoy the series, and am surprised that it took me so long to get into it. Netflix really helps with binging the series.
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