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  1. Wow.

    @pasdetrois, where was that posted? How could someone at "another clinic" access Emily's account?

    I'm a little dubious that Dr. Pol would act that way, but we all have our moments and he can certainly be a bit brusque and rushed in his interactions. His run-ins with the licensing board about deficiencies of care at PVC are well known.

    I wonder if Brenda and the other on-camera vets get a salary from the show? Pretty shitty if they don't.

  2. Dr. Lee was so miffed during the surgery: "I could have done that!" Heh. 

    She and the hand surgeon playing guess the tumor was fun; I don't think either got it correctly?

    3 hours ago, Wanda said:

    Vinnies’ mother is infuriating me ...

    Oy. Glad I've been fast-forwarding. A good number of the patients are exasperating in one way or another, tbh.

    • Love 2
  3. The amount of time these couples spend together during their first week would amount to 15-20 dates in the real world, not to mention sharing every meal and sleeping in the same bed.

    I doubt people outside the show would date someone that much and not be physically affectionate and at least making out on the regular. Would they still be insisting their dates were strangers? 

    Deonna and Iris still being so standoffish is downright weird and I strongly doubt Greg or Keith would go along with it IRL. This is a unique situation and the men are trying to be "patient and considerate" in front of the cameras, but come one. Greg and Keith haven't gotten so much as a meaningful goodnight kiss yet!

    • Love 8
  4. I wonder if this show has developed a bad rep in the tattooing community and famous guest judges no longer want to be on it? Or have they already run through most of the top tier artists?

    Guest judges used to be awesome since they often served to throw cold water on Peck's and Nunez' favoritism and echo chamber mindset.

    • Love 8
  5. 1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:

    [Matt] is weird and a close second (to Luke) as being one of the worst castings on this show. 

    I guess it's a point in his favor that he presented himself during the casting interviews the exact same way -- low affect, dull monotone voice, evasive about his past. humorless, white socks.

    I'm sure Beth has dedicated dog dishes, but once tableware goes through the washer it doesn't matter to me if other humans have eaten and drunk off it. Same with a pet.

    • Love 16
  6. I have a 10-year-old Twitter account that I only use for reading, but was annoyed enough to send my second ever tweet to HGTV expressing my disappointment that they are continuing to promote/support an unethical and dangerous contractor.

    Will we eventually see Mike Holmes or Scott McGillivray going through her finished properties and pointing out all the shoddy work?

    • LOL 4
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  7. Every day is application day at Ink Master Tattoo!

    From the beginning, Peck and Nunez have based their decisions almost solely on whether or not they think a particular tattoo was well inked (bonus for dark outlines!). I wish they would just drop it and not pretend they're looking at linework or consistency or perspective or shading or whatever else the producers make up. My frown lines would thank them.

    Dave is the only one who somewhat cares if the results meet the pretend brief.

    • Love 11
  8. I believe there was a short hallway in the back with the bedroom on one side and the bathroom across from it.

    We don't usually see much of the neighborhood around the flipped property, but the nearby houses on the recent episode looked fairly nice and well kept. There seemed to be a park or open space across the street. I always wonder if "up and coming" just means "primarily minorities." 

  9. I started choke-laughing when Karen got stuck in the heater vent. Girl's got some serious back tattoos!

    Karen and Mina: "We'll refinish the floors; that's within our expertise level and it'll save some money." Flash to someone else refinishing the floors. Best intentions go astray, ladies!

    • LOL 3
  10. That was a very worthy elimination, although I could easily have picked a couple more to be in the bottom. Not a good outing for most of them.

    Dani's excellent work loses out again.

    At this point I'm kind of watching just to see what Nunez will wear next.

    • LOL 3
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  11. It's a dilemma for a pet owner who can't afford specialized hospitals or even standard vet fees: Do you trust someone like Dr. Jeff who has several times done a surgery he admits is a first for him, or go to a vet like Pol who doesn't have the expertise (and perhaps equipment) to do orthopedic surgery and jumps to the most radical solution? (I would also guess in this case that the amputation was no charge or deeply discounted since its owner worked at PVC.)

    Also? Put a danged collar on the cat so she doesn't tear off her splint!

    I'm glad to hear the vets specifically mention pain relief more since that's one of the things they've been criticized for. I wondered if Dr. Emily had given that poor goat a sedative or anesthetic before rooting around in his urethra.

    I've never been around farm animals or horses and am always amazed when I see a large animal just stand there and let people poke around an inflamed penis or open wound. (And yet they almost always shy away or vocalize when getting a shot.)

    • Love 1
  12. Hasan Minhaj has a segment on his show Patriot Act where he takes audience questions; it's available on You Tube. 

    He mentioned that he and his wife were walking outside holding hands when they saw an older Indian couple approaching and immediately stepped apart. Maybe they know his parents or go to his mosque! Maybe they'll shout at him!

    He's in his 30s and married with a child but the cultural indoctrination cuts deep.

    It was interesting to me as someone who's never experienced any of that; whatever Italian or Catholic social mores my grandparents may have believed in had been watered down to nothing by the time I grew up. Perhaps it's more impactful for first-generation Americans whose parents are still living the immigrant experience.

    • Love 6
  13. I swear, my sister never listens to a word I say. I tell her the same thing multiple times and it's all new to her.

    Today she brought me a meal from a restaurant we regularly go to and included a baked sweet potato.

    I appreciate her thinking of me, of course. But we've been to that restaurant probably 25 times and I've never ordered sweet potato. I also eat at her house every holiday and she always makes sweet potatoes. I never eat them and have told her I don't like them. Numerous times.

    She's not getting senile or anything, but does believe her opinions and world view are the only ones that matter and I think just mentally brushes everything else off as unimportant. She does the same to her husband.

    Yeah. Our first ever sweet potato peeve.

    • LOL 5
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  14. 5 hours ago, Twopper said:

    The woman with the steatocystomas looked a lot better and younger with her hair colored ...

    Don't you mean her Seattle-Tacomas? :-)

    Dr. Lee has a petite frame but looked like a linebacker next to that patient. Bag of bones, she was. I could barely see the eruptive vellus hair cysts on her skin, but Dr. Lee was sure excited to smash 'em under a slide!

    Edit: It's nice to see follow-up on procedures with sub-optimal outcomes because that's realistic, but does it have to be the Chip guy? Ugh. I'll be leaning on the FF button and muting it with closed-captions on.

    • LOL 1
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  15. Did the keloid patient go to a doctor at a mall kiosk, too?

    I'm pretty dubious that licensed physicians (1) don't know what a keloid is and (2) tell a patient nothing can be done without having a diagnosis.

    Afraid to see a doctor or can't afford it, fine, but I'm skeptical of all the tales of doctors who shrug and refuse to help patients with various cysts and bumps. If they're truly stumped or don't want to deal, it's absolutely no skin off their noses to foist the patients off onto a dermatologist! 

    • Love 10
  16. It seemed to me like the "romantic" outdoor dinners with Deonna/Greg and Amber/Matt were after their first full honeymoon day, same as the other two couples. They were discussing basic get-to-know-you things.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if Matt's bombshell about possibly leaving the country is what caused Amber to look so deflated the rest of the week.

    • Useful 1
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  17. 7 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

    I am absolutely not going to delay sending an email until the person is back in the office.

    I used to work from home doing tech support. A bit of an insomniac, it wasn't unheard of for me to be taking care of an outage or emergency at 2-3am my time.

    If I sent an email in the middle of the night and the recipient had chosen to (1) receive work emails on their phones, (2) left their phones on overnight and (3) got jolted awake by my message ... that was their decision. I did not feel guilty.

    • Love 6
  18. 2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    And fuck them for awarding a dude tat of the day in the first episode for an unfinished tattoo (and ignoring Dave when he said that was wrong), only to turn around in this episode and eliminate Pony ONLY because her tattoo was unfinished (as Dave argued to save her). 

    AND Pony's was unfinished because her canvas tapped out, while Pon had the full six hours!

    Peck and Nunez, I swear. The judging is interesting because when they agree, Dave doesn't even get a vote, but when they don't, Dave has all the power.

    • Love 3
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