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Everything posted by ExMathMajor

  1. Goddamn…this may be the earliest in a 90DF season that I use the mute button. Hey snarkers and snarkettes!
  2. Bilal is triggering me right now....it's a good thing this is TV...
  3. Okay, being totally honest: I'm really wondering what kind of hip happening place Rapid City, SD is. I mean, is it? Or is Jibri just a weird-ass fish in this Midwestern pond? Getting caught up: Yve didn't need to go halfway around the world to find a man. GTFOOHWTBS. Also, I should probably check my DMs... I'm going to give Kara credit for knowing Spanish. That said, I'm not liking where this particular sugar mama thing is going...I'm with you there, Sal (ahem, Guillermo). If I were Shaeeda I'd have never gotten into that van. I'd be on the first flight back. What is Bilal playing at? GTFOOHWTBS.
  4. I binge-watched the whole thing. What an unholy fucked-up mess. Hey y'all!
  5. Oh God...watching this season preview...I'm not liking ANY of these folks... Fresh hell, indeed. At least you all are making it bearable...thanks for another snarky Sunday night! See you next week!
  6. I'm embarrassed to ask this seeing how long I've been watching this franchise but...does the visa prohibit him from working in America? Seeing as, you know, he's an international underwear model? "Do you think he's going to stand out while he's here?" Um, yeah... Also, silver fox FTW...
  7. I was in Paris in 2015 and most of the time when I tried to speak French people automatically changed to English. When I was there in 1993 people couldn't believe I was American... *sigh*
  8. I'm 9 days and counting over here... There was a recent article in the Washington Post about a carpet cleaner who speaks 24 languages. I reloaded the app on my phone the same day. I always said I wanted to be fluent in at least one other language...and my French used to be REALLY good...
  9. Miona's giving me Yara vibes with her wanting to see New York, LA, etc.
  10. Dunno but I hope we get to find out who all these folks are and what they mean to him...I'm starting to get Ray Bradbury vibes up in here. (YES, I'm old...)
  11. We've got a triple: Ella, Ari, and Ximena! Well played, Matt Sharp.
  12. "I didn't need to learn math because I was going to be a stay-at-home mom and take care of all my kids." Swear to GOD I heard a girl in my French class say the same basic thing in high school.
  13. What's that song about being butt naked banging on the bathroom floor? I can hear it in my head but I'll be damned if I can remember...
  14. "I'm a hustler, baby..." Oh, this is going to be fun... (/sarcasm)
  15. He brings a lot of color...literally and figuratively. (Okay, I've never been to SD so I don't know how much color is out there...)
  16. I've got white here...nice crisp Pinot Grigio. I'll pour myself some too. Anybody else want anything? I've got vodka, bourbon, gin...
  17. Not going to speak for anyone else but so far? They all suck.
  18. Okay, Guillermo's a cutie pie...how old is she again? It's going to take me a few episodes to get all these folks sorted...
  19. Wasn't there an episode of My Strange Addiction about balloons?
  20. Shahidah/Shaeeda = "witness" in Arabic. They look a lot alike too. This should be really interesting...
  21. (squealing) Avi!!! I missed you, lovebug! You've gotten so big! Have you had to bitch-slap either of your parents yet?
  22. Took the words right out of my keyboard... Hey y'all!
  23. Ugh. I feel soiled by this Tell All. And yeah, I'm thinking Memphis had the right idea by leaving. Ben, you can take a long walk off a short pier. Who do you think you are? Which of these idiots will we see in a future 90DF show? I'm going to bed. Goodnight and thanks for all the snark!
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