sd dude
181 -
548 Excellent-
And Val had a partner, she played the daughter of Christie Brinkley in real life, who cried so hard at elimination, she left snot all over his shirt. Literally. She was 21. And she wasn't a very good dancer, so not sure what she expected. To win?
During one of the early skybox interviews, Gleb was in the background lifting up Riley's arm to apparently draw attention to what looked like a diamond tennis bracelet. No real idea of the significance but that didn't stop me from instantly creating my own narrative - I wondered if his point was that she was wearing a gift she had received from Harry (which is something Harry would do, even if inappropriate), and Gleb was basically trying to embarrass her (which I'm sure is something Gleb would do, because he's Gleb and he's probably jealous because he would love to make her a notch on his own bedpost). Well, it's all my imagination, but it doesn't seem like an unrealistic story to me. What really concerns me is I'm hoping that the showmance is not a realmance and that Riley has enough common sense to not get involved with that reality famewhore (I mean Harry, not Gleb, although I hope she's cautious around him as well). If she really is immature and foolish enough to give Harry the time of day, I hope big sis will give her a good talking to. Maybe watching S1 of Too Hot to Handle will be informative as well, if they allow that to stream in the Arnold household.
The show is a worksite that employs many individuals. Cal/OSHA has some strict regulations for COVID-19 prevention that employers must follow to protect their employees, which includes excluding positive individuals from the workplace for an isolation period of 5 days minimum, in alignment with CDC, CDPH and Los Angeles County Public Health recommendations. I suppose the producers foolishly choose to adhere to the law in order to protect their employees, or perhaps to avoid Cal/OSHA fines and shutdowns, employee lawsuits, pushback from the unions, and bad press, all of which cuts into profits.
And I recall Leah Remini subbed a couple of times, I think when Erin had MNF duties. Isn't Disney fortunate that Leah is always available at a moment's notice? Agree that Alfonso and Julianne are a welcome improvement over Tyra and. . .anyone! But they both were a bit too loud and energetic in their hosting last night. AR's preshow ritual should be to sit in his dressing room and watch video of Tom hosting and then just channel that. Both he and she were clearly a bit nervous and had the occasional flub. Unfortunately, Julianne doesn't really have a decent precursor to study and channel. And I don't think Alfonso's "error" in prematurely putting Jason at the top of the leaderboard was his fault but rather he repeated exactly what the producers whispered in his ear. He caught it a moment too late and tried to retreat. I was aware that the judges submit their scores to the producers before the reveal, but it was still unfortunate to have the TV illusion bubble burst in that moment. It would make perfect sense if Alfonso gave a ten second explanation next week as to what actually happened there. Since it would make perfect sense, there is no chance it will happen. I missed S31 in its entirety because I do not subscribe to D+, initially a mortal wound, because I had seen every episode (and I do mean every episode) of the US DWTS from seasons 1 through 30 up to that point. Yet, it was kind of amazing how quickly I got better, realized I actually didn't miss it at all, and found other things to do on Monday evening. However, I also found I missed out on all the new pro gossip during the same period. Apparently, the news is that virtually every pro with a womb either had a baby, is having a baby, or had another baby! And some of the pros without wombs are responsible for those babies! One of the few exceptions to that rule seems to be Emma Slater, whose disinterest in procreating at the current time is apparently being blamed for the end of her marriage to Sasha. That saddens me. Not that she doesn't want a child at this time; that's her business. I mean that their union has dissolved. I remember his romantic surprise on-air proposal so fondly, and they both seem like such awesome people and a great couple. Really sorry to read about the breakup.
I'm not one who subscribes to the theory that the implication of the sexual scenes involving Daemon is that he has chronic erectile dysfunction. I had read in this forum regarding prior episodes that there may have been some comments made by cast or crew in post-episode production material that it was the intention for the viewer to infer that about Daemon, but honestly, that is only one interpretation for a viewer to take away and IMO something of a stretch based on what was actually portrayed. In episode one, he seems to be in flagrante with his paramour, at which point she asks if he is troubled. I took that to mean he is not performing as he usually does with her, and perhaps is having difficulty reaching a climax. He also may have lost his erection, but I saw no reason to conclude that he hadn't had one immediately prior to that scene, nor that he hadn't performed adequately with that partner previously. In terms of the latter, the partner's expression of concern implies to me exactly the opposite, unless this was meant to be the very first time the two had coupled together, which I did not infer. The next time this seems to be a focus of attention is when he is in the brothel with young Rhaenyra, and starts something that he doesn't finish. Is this solely because he is physically unable to achieve an erection or is it rather about him thinking better of the situation of him seducing and deflowering his teenage niece in a Fleabottom brothel, whom he has true affection for? Obviously, his second thoughts may manifest themselves in the form of a physical (non)-reaction, but that doesn't mean he is incapable, simply that he suddenly finds himself unwilling. Furthermore, was it ever his intention in that particular situation to have intercourse with her, or was that something she pushed the envelope on? Maybe his intention was to tease, play, arouse, etc. and not to take her virginity that evening in that setting. The scene does not provide us enough information to know, so my interpretation is as valid as yours. Then there is the (final) meeting with his first wife, which many are taking as just more evidence of Daemon's sexual dysfunctions, but I really think that is an overreach. All we know is that they never consummated their marriage, but I think it is strongly implied that they have never tried, not that they have tried and (he) failed. He despises her and holds her incomplete disdain. At the very least, he has so little regard for her that he thinks nothing of leaving her to die from the elements until she manages to goad him into euthanasia. He may accept that they are betrothed by law, but in his heart and mind she is not his wife and they are not partners in any way, shape or form. Fortunately, the fact that he has produced 2 daughters with his second wife and the fact that there appears to be no hesitation with grown-up Rhaenyra on the rebound should put to rest the idea that he can't perform when he wants to and when he is inspired and when not vexed by shit going on at the office. If I'm going to stretch my own speculation, I am willing to theorize that he does have a sexual fetish for phenotypes reminiscent of Old Valaria, most notably white-haired persons, regardless of skin tone. Perhaps he performs much more enthusiastically with partners of that type, but I don't think that means chronic ED has been his issue.
Take it from a true technophobe, that is the easiest thing ever as long as that ol' Magnavox smart TV has an HDMI port. Connect the laptop to the TV with an HDMI cable, choose the proper source (e.g. HDMI 1, HDMI 2) and it's done. This is exactly how I watch HBO Max on my big screen, since my Samsung Smart TV is also too old to download new apps.
Arguing with someone named the King of Bullshit seems pointless but slightly entertaining. That said, I think the ball is now in KBS's court.
Sometimes you need a scary Terminator with Schwarzenegger's face to state emphatically, arm outstretched, "Come with me if you want to live," in order to be convinced. Sometimes you don't.
S06.E18: Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: Biblical
sd dude replied to AnimeMania's topic in Riverdale
Trust me, it's not real. None of it is. It's actually a fictional television show, based on a fictional comic book. Unless by "this universe", you meant our universe. In which case, I agree. The jury is still out. -
Live In Front Of A Studio Audience - General Discussion
sd dude replied to UYI's topic in Live In Front Of A Studio Audience
Ann Dowd is a great choice for Mrs. Garret though. Even bears some resemblance to Charlotte Rae. And if they want to keep up the practice of having adult actors far too old to play children play children, they might as well bring back Fields, Welchel, Cohn, and McKeon to play the same characters. Airing live December 7, (not December 6, since I was mistaken). And Hart is only slightly bigger than a little Gary Coleman. -
Quarantine is for persons who are exposed (close contacts) to a confirmed case and may be incubating the virus. Isolation is for persons who are actually infected. If Derek has a confirmed case of COVID-19, per the message from the OP, then he is under LA County isolation orders (which matches CDC recommendations). He must isolate for a minimum of 10 days AND until he is free of fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications (e.g. Tylenol, Motrin), AND other symptoms are improving. So, he must isolate for at least 10 days but it could be longer. A negative test result does not affect the required isolation period, so under usual circumstances there is no purpose to retesting during the isolation period or for 90 days after recovery unless new symptoms occur, since these very sensitive tests can remain positive for weeks after an infected person has completed their isolation and recovered from the illness. The isolation period day count starts the day after the symptom onset date (day zero), or the day after a positive test result (day zero) if the person has no symptoms. Not sure what the first date is that Derek can get out of isolation unless we know when his symptom onset date is or his positive test date if he has no symptoms. But yes, it is very possible he has had close contact with various members of the cast and crew during his infectious period (which starts two days before symptom onset date, or two days before positive test date if he has no symptoms), and unmasked no less, which raises the risk of transmission. However, anyone who is fully vaccinated (and I hope that is everyone on the production) is not recommended or required to quarantine after their exposure and can continue coming to the set. They are only strongly recommended to test after their exposure and should mask up around others for up to 14 days. I imagine it's extremely unlikely that any of the judges or host will wear a mask on camera or any of the contestants/pros will when they are performing on the dance floor, so the production will probably just have any exposed, vaccinated individuals mask when they are off camera or off the dance floor and test multiple times during the usual incubation period. Anyone who is unvaccinated and was exposed to Derek as a close contact during his infectious period will have to quarantine off the set (at home) for ten days without testing, or seven days if a they have a negative test on or after day five and remain without symptoms. And I think that covers it all. . .
Thank you. You're right. Being incarcerated during some of the disappearances was Country's alibi for the murders.
It is mind-blowing to realize both of these women gave birth not too long ago.
The building was abandoned. It was not zoned for residential use and there were no current licensed businesses operating on the premises, so who would inspect it and for what reason? Unless there were complaints from neighbors - homeless squatters, noisome odors, or other subjectively hazardous conditions, there would be no reason for the city services to ever bother. And our genius perp probably did due diligence to keep the building minimally presentable and sealed up tight. That's my stab at supporting the writers. But it does strain credulity that in ten years not a single group of homeless or neighborhood kids ever broke into the building and got a gander at what was inside.
Can anyone explain? TIA