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Everything posted by cameron

  1. The Amelia Island couple. He was a complete jerk. She should dump his asap. I have had both Viking , GE monogram and Wolf professional gas cooktops and never saw a flame go that high. Definitely makeup for the show.
  2. My take on the final four. Actually glad that Dorian won MC title. Of the final four, she could probably use the money the most. Nick (even though he should have been sent home last week for leaving a string on his meat) and Noah would probably have benefitted the most from apprenticing at the different restaurant. Sara leaving her three children would have been hard. Just my opinion.
  3. Lansing NY couple. Another Daddy's girl. I am getting tired of bickering couples.
  4. The last two couples that were featured from the Temecula/Murrieta area were cut from the same mold. Couldn't believe. Think HH is going for the ridiculous factor.
  5. Finally just watched the Temecula episode. Had to wonder if she's for real. The realtor even rolled her eyes a few times.
  6. Did like Randy's niece but yet another bride who wanted to look sexy. Cannot understand the constant appeal to look sexy.
  7. Going to be a little chilly walking to work in the winter.
  8. Thought the husband with the Justin B. hairdo needed a haircut.
  9. Everytime she wears her hats like that, I just want to rip them off on head.
  10. I certainly wouldn't call the third house the Lansing NY couple look at a craftsman's style. The only thing that I saw Craftsman's style was the front door.
  11. Her hat wearing wouldn't be as bad if she would just wear it correctly instead of perched on the back of her head.
  12. Obviously she had taste. Didn't try to stuff her self in a gown that wasn't a good bit.
  13. Couldn't get pass the front teeth of Chelsea, the bride from North Carolina and her silly tiaras. Saw picture of the wedding venue on the internet and it didn't look as grand as she was describing.
  14. She's a better cook than Subha ever could be, which is why she is still there and he finally got the boot. Totally agree about Subha being gone.
  15. They all looked sloppy walking into the Savoy, exception being Nick who did give it a half hearted attempt by wearing a blazer with jeans. Most of them looked like they were going to a fast food restaurant.
  16. I actually liked her dress minus the ruffle at the top of the neckline. Very classic, not trashy low cut/skin tight dress.
  17. Thought the 42 old bride from Arizona was a little old to wear ripped jeans to Kleinfelds and also thought that the bridal dogs was a dumb idea. She could have at least dressed a little better for the appointment.
  18. Just looked up his name and the Mayo Clinic and that's what came up. They called him a "solutions architect".
  19. Correct. Shari's husband is an architect at the Mayo Clinic.
  20. That's too bad. Maybe Gordon knew a lot more than he let on and could have been the reason he didn't step up and offer to send him to culinary school like he did with another contestant a few years ago.
  21. That's a pretty damning article concerning Micah's credibility and the image he projected on the show. Last time some one was that bad, it was Bowen who gave the image of just arriving from China when in reality he had been living in Indiana since his early teens and was a graduate of Purdue. Said he never had pasta in his life.
  22. Thought her red dress was a little much for a neighborhood get together. Her face looked strange. She looked normal in the snap shot they showed and then when crazy in her new look.
  23. I'm wondering about him too. Something doesn't sound right.
  24. Not sure I can. I found it by looking of Micah of Master Chef on google and it came up there with a bunch of other stories about him. Sorry.
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