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Everything posted by PRgal

  1. Isn't the former pronounced more like "wah," which is how they say "wow" in several East Asian languages? It's being used in Hyundai commercials.
  2. If those rumours are true, we may need an alternative forum just for chitchat and peeves. Lol…I’ve made a lot of “friends” here!
  3. Yesterday, I was on a local group mom chat where one woman kept on asking about when to start her child in preschool. She really wanted to start her child at a more traditional school as soon as he turned 3. His birthday is early in the year. I tried patiently to explain to her that traditional private schools with preschool programs (usually schools with (some) elementary grades (at least) as well) don't take new students in the middle of the year. She kept on going on and on about starting the kid after the December holidays, blah blah blah. It doesn't happen that way. You apply in the fall, get some sort of interview/bring the kid in (where they make sure they can at least somewhat play well with others) and then get an offer. She didn't seem to understand that. Totally annoying!
  4. Re The Notebook: I heard the rain scene is SOMETHING (though I worry that if I see it, I'd be disappointed...they seem to make it sound like it rivals the chandelier in Phantom or the helicopter in Miss Saigon)...
  5. I'm SO TIRED of this whole "diet culture" thing. So I limit ultra-processed foods. Yeah, I've been "conditioned" by "diet culture." No, hon, I was raised on more traditional, home cooked meals. Read Little House. How did THEY eat? The only thing I could think of that might border on "ultra-processed" would be the salted meat they ate in the winter (is it weird that I remember what the Ingallses ate even though the last time I read a Little House book was in the 90s? Yes, the books were an influence on my growing up. I think I learned a lot about pioneer life from Ms. Ingalls Wilder)! But that's also a very old way of processing food.
  6. Little guy had a playdate with a friend from school today and they spent an hour in his backyard digging/hunting for insects. Just how long does this phase last? Parents of boys, please help! Note: Neither are allowed to bring their specimen indoors.
  7. There have been shortages of various Type 2 meds over the past few months. My husband had to go off Ozempic for a bit because it just wasn't available in Ontario. He's now back on. His bloodwork has been okay, but he still can't be off without it going back up. He's cleaned up his diet a bit (he used to drink a lot of fizzy, sugary things he bought with his own money. Glad we both separate accounts and a family one). Honestly, I don't know what it's like to be on meds, but I can't imagine it's all that pleasant. As for my own health, radiation therapy has had, so far, zero side effects, save for the day I had migraines, likely due to eating a bit too much turmeric powder (cooking "accident") the night before. I was cooking for myself, so no one else ate the meal, and thus wasn't affected. I'm about half way through, but haven't been informed of a surgery date yet. I guess they won't tell me until after everything is over and they do more scans. ETA: I should note that I AM on meds for epilepsy. I just don't know what it's like to have to do weekly shots.
  8. I use Instacart for my groceries quite a bit. Recently, I checked my credit card bill and saw that I had some Costco charges. I don't shop at Costco and don't even have membership. First thing I did was to check my Instacart account to see if I had been hacked (rather than my credit card). Then I noticed that the credit card charges matched up with ANOTHER store I made purchases (via Instacart) from. I called Instacart to clarify a few things and it turned out that said store uses Costco's system so all Instacart purchases show up as Costco rather than the store's name. Weird.
  9. I've been put on hold with that darn music for several minutes before it automatically hung up on me or I end up getting silence instead of voicemail several times. I finally called the same number, pressed for another person and told that person what had happened. It was a phone system error.
  10. Two different dishes and two different restaurants. Salmon was from the dinner we had at the CN Tower for our "Spin of Prosperity" meal we have for Lunar New Year. It's been an ongoing tradition since *I* was little (obviously, we didn't go during the pandemic)! The buttered pasta was from a brunch we went to between Christmas and New Year.
  11. THIS! I follow various mom groups and goodness, the parent-shaming there (especially when it comes to food) is NOTORIOUS! Like, if you buy more expensive and less processed cereal, you're part of that whole "diet culture" thing and if you buy, say, Froot Loops, you're going to make your kids sick. I even made an Instagram Reel about it!
  12. Has anyone here gone through radiation therapy? As many of you know, I have a genetic condition called neurofibromatosis type 1. I've know about it at least half my life and it's one of the reason why my son was donor conceived and carried by a gestational surrogate. Recently, one of my tumours was found to be at high risk in becoming malignant and needs to be removed. However, they're giving me five weeks of radiation prior to the surgery to ensure that it doesn't grow. So far, no side effects other than fatigue and my skin has been okay. For those who have done radiation therapy for whatever reason, what side effects did you have?
  13. As in why they're closing forums or specifically the Shopping Channel one? Because I don't see either?
  14. You really don't need to get it from the Apple Store. You could head into a Best Buy or Staples and find one.
  15. It's funny. Petite clothes used to be MADE for older ladies! But these days, with Banana Republic, Ann Taylor and J.Crew making petite sizes, it's definitely not the case. LOL. And even at 44, there's no way I'm doing Talbots. Lately, I've been shopping local and sustainable. Usually getting pieces from brands that are petite-friendly, but not petite itself. I'm more or less living in tunics and leggings in the colder months anyway.
  16. Is the season over? I noticed there wasn’t an episode yesterday? I thought they were doing a non-celebrity episode?
  17. We had lunch at a reasonably nice/higher end restaurant over the holidays and their skimpy kids’ menu’s pasta offering was just noodles with butter “sauce” and a skimpy sprinkle of Parmesan. My son picked it since he loves pasta but barely touched it. Both my husband and I tried a bit and it was awful. Tasteless and awful. They didn’t even bother to offer a choice of plain and marinara. We suggested that our son maybe pick grilled cheese next time. The salmon my son had was on the kids’ menu.
  18. I’m not a fan of most kids’ menus since the haven’t changed much since I was one. But yesterday, we had our annual Spin of Prosperity dinner at the CN Tower’s revolving restaurant and was happy to see that they kept the same prix fixe kids’ menu they had last year (or at least more or less the same). My son had roast salmon with mashed potatoes this time (started with a tomato soup. Dessert was a gigantic cookie. All five of us (ie us parents and the grandparents) took some!!). Ate almost all of it.
  19. She didn’t lose the baby, the baby was born with special needs and spent most of her life in an institution. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Tierney
  20. Thanks for letting us know. The way he reacted to things made me worry about him a bit. He felt a bit "off."
  21. That's not the view of pediatricians and pediatric dieticians these days. They feel that it's important to expose early to limit the risk. For many years, it was recommended to delay giving a child certain highly allergenic foods until after age 1 year. But new research shows that for babies at high risk of developing peanut allergy, giving them peanuts between 4 to 6 months can greatly lower the risk for peanut allergy. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions---pediatrics/f/food-allergies-in-children.html Article from Mayo which says the same thing, research comparing Israeli kids and kids from the UK: https://mcpress.mayoclinic.org/parenting/your-best-chance-of-preventing-food-allergies-in-your-kids-exposure/
  22. I read my book to students at my alma mater today. I'm not sure if it's because they're all girls or if they're two years older (I read to Grade 2) or both, but unlike the Senior Kindergarten kids I read to when I read at my son's school, the kids mostly sat still and waited until the end to ask questions or make comments! And their questions were good, including how books are written and why I decided to write the book.
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