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Everything posted by PRgal

  1. People seem to think it’s fine to make comments on smaller people for some reason. But only if they don’t have dwarfism.
  2. Just wrapped up pre-surgical radiation treatment for a neurofibromatosis tumour (it was NOT malignant, but they still wanted to use radiation prior to surgery to make sure it doesn't increase in size) and I'll have a better idea of when I'm getting surgery and the recovery process in a couple of weeks when I meet with the doctor. The surgery will likely be in May.
  3. I'm a 5M (sometimes even 4.5). People have freaked out, including one woman who looked disgusted.
  4. This started some 30 years ago when Demi Moore did this for a cover of a magazine (don’t remember which one).
  5. I've started subscribing to various Substack newsletters. I even have one of my own. I also have a blog under my own URL, but I really haven't updated that in ages (okay, I did post something around the Lunar New Year, which was just over a month ago). I've found various recipe Substacks as well as beauty and general culture. Seems like a fun bunch and many are civilized people. The only issue is that most are freemium. So for many, you can subscribe, but only certain posts are free and the remaining are for paid subscribers only. Or you can read everything but not comment. Right now, mine is free for everyone, but that's only because I don't have that many subscribers! I'm trying not to look at my IG or FB too much, and have considered logging out of my personal Instagram and focusing only on my professional one.
  6. He's 5 1/2 years old! I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen anymore.
  7. We didn’t even register for fancy china when we married nor did I inherit anything (my parents had a fancy set of Chinese porcelain that we never used. I’m not sure if they even still have it) and just keep a partial set of our (very nice) regular dinnerware (plain white and dishwasher friendly) and wine glasses in our cabinet!
  8. I worked for a university's fundraising/advancement office for a bit (temporary position) and TBH, it's probably the only part of any school I'd ever work for. Anything else, especially these days, would be completely hands-off for me (though I'm pretty sure even advancement would be horrid considering what's been happening) for certain reasons.
  9. Haha. It worked this time. It’s just this once so far so I may need to keep reminding him.
  10. I also voted for separate. As others have noted, both are more or less the most active threads on the board!
  11. Yeah. This. It's ALWAYS been a worry of mine since I'm built scrawny with a short waist (i.e. the end of my ribcage and the top of my hip don't have much distance....any amount of food would make me look like I'm about four months along...LOL)! Combine that with being around 5'2". As a teen and going through my "sugar phase" (but even then, consuming less processed sugar than the average North American), I would sometimes wear old lady control top panties just to look curvier. I lost most of the belly in my 20s (moved downtown, so I walked more. I also gave up sweetened caffeinated drinks. Never really was a pop drinker, so that was not an issue). Perimenopause is hitting so some of the belly has come back.
  12. My husband drinks a lot of bottled water (already a peeve...what's wrong with municipal water? It's not like he's drinking anything flavoured!) and has the nasty habit of leaving nearly empty bottles in the fridge. He never finishes those nor does he empty them and put the bottles into the recycling bin. I constantly remind him, but he never does. I always end up emptying them for him. I'm seriously thinking of leaving sticky notes on nearly-empty bottles just as reminders. I'm not the one drinking these things, so why should I get rid of them?
  13. Isn't the former pronounced more like "wah," which is how they say "wow" in several East Asian languages? It's being used in Hyundai commercials.
  14. If those rumours are true, we may need an alternative forum just for chitchat and peeves. Lol…I’ve made a lot of “friends” here!
  15. Yesterday, I was on a local group mom chat where one woman kept on asking about when to start her child in preschool. She really wanted to start her child at a more traditional school as soon as he turned 3. His birthday is early in the year. I tried patiently to explain to her that traditional private schools with preschool programs (usually schools with (some) elementary grades (at least) as well) don't take new students in the middle of the year. She kept on going on and on about starting the kid after the December holidays, blah blah blah. It doesn't happen that way. You apply in the fall, get some sort of interview/bring the kid in (where they make sure they can at least somewhat play well with others) and then get an offer. She didn't seem to understand that. Totally annoying!
  16. Re The Notebook: I heard the rain scene is SOMETHING (though I worry that if I see it, I'd be disappointed...they seem to make it sound like it rivals the chandelier in Phantom or the helicopter in Miss Saigon)...
  17. I'm SO TIRED of this whole "diet culture" thing. So I limit ultra-processed foods. Yeah, I've been "conditioned" by "diet culture." No, hon, I was raised on more traditional, home cooked meals. Read Little House. How did THEY eat? The only thing I could think of that might border on "ultra-processed" would be the salted meat they ate in the winter (is it weird that I remember what the Ingallses ate even though the last time I read a Little House book was in the 90s? Yes, the books were an influence on my growing up. I think I learned a lot about pioneer life from Ms. Ingalls Wilder)! But that's also a very old way of processing food.
  18. Little guy had a playdate with a friend from school today and they spent an hour in his backyard digging/hunting for insects. Just how long does this phase last? Parents of boys, please help! Note: Neither are allowed to bring their specimen indoors.
  19. There have been shortages of various Type 2 meds over the past few months. My husband had to go off Ozempic for a bit because it just wasn't available in Ontario. He's now back on. His bloodwork has been okay, but he still can't be off without it going back up. He's cleaned up his diet a bit (he used to drink a lot of fizzy, sugary things he bought with his own money. Glad we both separate accounts and a family one). Honestly, I don't know what it's like to be on meds, but I can't imagine it's all that pleasant. As for my own health, radiation therapy has had, so far, zero side effects, save for the day I had migraines, likely due to eating a bit too much turmeric powder (cooking "accident") the night before. I was cooking for myself, so no one else ate the meal, and thus wasn't affected. I'm about half way through, but haven't been informed of a surgery date yet. I guess they won't tell me until after everything is over and they do more scans. ETA: I should note that I AM on meds for epilepsy. I just don't know what it's like to have to do weekly shots.
  20. I use Instacart for my groceries quite a bit. Recently, I checked my credit card bill and saw that I had some Costco charges. I don't shop at Costco and don't even have membership. First thing I did was to check my Instacart account to see if I had been hacked (rather than my credit card). Then I noticed that the credit card charges matched up with ANOTHER store I made purchases (via Instacart) from. I called Instacart to clarify a few things and it turned out that said store uses Costco's system so all Instacart purchases show up as Costco rather than the store's name. Weird.
  21. I've been put on hold with that darn music for several minutes before it automatically hung up on me or I end up getting silence instead of voicemail several times. I finally called the same number, pressed for another person and told that person what had happened. It was a phone system error.
  22. Two different dishes and two different restaurants. Salmon was from the dinner we had at the CN Tower for our "Spin of Prosperity" meal we have for Lunar New Year. It's been an ongoing tradition since *I* was little (obviously, we didn't go during the pandemic)! The buttered pasta was from a brunch we went to between Christmas and New Year.
  23. THIS! I follow various mom groups and goodness, the parent-shaming there (especially when it comes to food) is NOTORIOUS! Like, if you buy more expensive and less processed cereal, you're part of that whole "diet culture" thing and if you buy, say, Froot Loops, you're going to make your kids sick. I even made an Instagram Reel about it!
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