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  1. Best news of the week, of the month, of the year so far!!!! Thank you Hybridcookie!!!!
  2. Is there a way to candidate Sense8, or the cast (actors and technical), for some awards? Or do the candidatures to the awards pass all through the industry? Because it would be irony if the show wins awards.
  3. Now, that just interesting, because according to Brian J Smith the show was canceled due to poor ratings... Perhaps Netflix ratings were poor, but the show was on a lot of streaming net sites. Or perhaps it's just a publicity stunt, I was wondering as well.
  4. I read somewhere earlier that it was 9M per episode. I just found this and this. Sense8 was expensive, but not that much, in comparison to other series.
  5. This petition was in a comment on the Sense8 FB page. This one was on Tumblr. I've used my Twitter account for (probably) the second time in my life hashtagging #bringbacksense8.
  6. I can't even find the words to say what I feel (except for nasty ones...) Do you think they'll make dvds of the two seasons? Does Netflix do that?
  7. After the third (or fourth? I lost count! LOL) rewatch, I'm not entirely sure Rajan is collaborating with the police. He came home from travel and said nothing until he opened his friend's present, when he took some time to think and then told about the collaboration thing. Hum. Perhaps the gift was a coded message for a menace and decided to invent the collaboration cover story in order to save Kala without confessing his involvement with the bad guys? I mean, we already know he was doing bad things shipping the expired drugs. We also know that he was arguing to someone on the phone and he said to leave his family alone. So, seems like he was being threatened for stepping out from the expired drugs business (or other dirty business). It's just a speculation, though, based on the fact that my thimbs pricked when I watched (again and again!) that scene. Although it would certainly be easier to support Kala if he was a bad guy, I've always thought that good or bad, if you don't love someone, why should you stay with them? Plus, I ship Kala and Wolfgang together since the beginning, because, among other reasons, there a fantastic example that love is blind and takes no account of tastes, morals, cultures, etc.
  8. I don't think there will be a language issue, as they all speak English. Nomi and Will are English speaking mother tongue; Riley has lived in the UK; Lito is in Hollywood and speaks in English; Kenyan official languages are Swahili and English, so Capheus speaks at least the basics; regarding Kala, educated Indians speak perfect English; I would be astonished if Sun doesn't speak English, given she worked in finance (and a multinational company, I presume) and most Europeans second language is English, so I assume Wolfgang speaks it, albeit perhaps not fluently. That said, they can always communicate telepathically, as they do when apart, so no problem! I guess that Wolfie is in another place, and I think Kala wouldn't stop looking for him. Anyway, I'm on my second rewatch and I see a third one coming! Great show, one of the best of the last 5 years!
  9. Second sneak peek
  10. Actually, according to Wikipedia and other sources, the black and white keffiyeh doesn't belong to Palestinians only, it's also worn in Yemen (and it's originally from Iraq). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keffiyeh https://www.quora.com/Is-the-black-and-white-keffiyeh-always-a-show-of-solidarity-with-the-Palestinians-or-is-it-sometimes-just-a-non-political-fashion-choice I was wondering what language they were speaking, so thank you closed captioning. This adhere to the idea Dalton had.
  11. The forum is finally back!! I missed you guys!!!
  12. Welcome, prodanglais! Fellow (kinda) linguistic here, I have a degree in Germanic philology :) Languages and words are my passion, so much that I became a therapist, where understanding words is important! To everybody. I'm back to my lurking mode and participate very little to the different discussions.I consider myself a rabid spoliers reader (perhaps because I don't like susprises?!) and a GA viewer. All your theories and speculations are interesting, but I couldn't make one up for the love of me!!
  13. Send it to Paris, France, please, where in 15 years I've been here it has snowed twice (and both times not even a couple of inches!)!
  14. Saw The Force Awakens last week,followed by three nights binge watching the firsts trilogy (4, 5, 6). For the moment I'm not watching the prequel trilogy because my brother has kidnapped and lost the first DVD and I don't want to buy it again!!! Anyway, waiting for you guys to see it and then talk about it! I'm at the airport, going home for Christmas, and it's so empty! First time I see so little people in here! I wish you all a merry and serene Christmas, happy Holidays or winter break!
  15. Alex is the diminutive of my name, Alessandra :) Not enough imagination to come out with a nick! Even if, I have to say, Alex is a diminutive and my professional name (used to work with anglophone people and they like diminutives!), it became a sort of alias, my professional self :) I'm a very lazy knitter too... Been doing a vest (jumper without sleeves) for more than a year. Completed the back, half way to the front, but as I'm negate to count the lines, I don't know where I have to start to increase... Should take a couple of classes, I really should! Also, I haven't written here in ages. I read almost daily, but I don't have anything to add.
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