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  1. They weren’t just filming that sequence for 4 months, though. They shot bits and pieces, as the sets were configured how they needed, and also worked conceptually on how to shoot the whole thing, That all occurred over the span of 4-5 months. But they were filing other things during those months as well.
  2. I think they filtered by people who had had any issues getting in. Problems with their bands, etc. So both of them would have been flagged for that, but faked a panic attack to avoid further scrutiny to get in. But it was on the woman's file that she had a tree nut allergy. The "cheese" on the cheese fries was made from cashews so that was the giveaway.
  3. I'm really confused as to Gabriella's motivation for most of her actions here. First, she never answers his question about why she told him to "say yes" during the polygraph. And I really needed that answer too. I get that she's the psychological mastermind of this whole community, but how did she plan ahead that she would go into the interview, ask him that question, show him her hand so he answers "right," and that be proof enough to get him out of suspicion for the murder? Then, does she only come onto him to give him the message? Or was his being into it the final push she needed to tell him what the President had said to tell him in the first place? They are making out and she notices the band on his wrist, then suggests they go to the shower (I think?). Did she think/know the band was "listening?" But they don't take the bands off in the shower anyway, so what does it matter? Does the sound of the water prevent it from hearing? None of that sequence makes any sense to me (other than SKB's beautiful body).
  4. Did anyone else notice the music scoring for this episode was often based around the Kier "anthem" that Ms Cobel had sung in the first season? To me, it evoked that Kier/Lumon was permeating everything in that town.
  5. Yes, completely unbelievable that a President would bow to the billionaire tech mogul who helped get him into power. /sarcasm
  6. That's what I thought too.
  7. RIP Foggy I had heard the rumors but didn't think it would come so early. And it's so sad because Elden Henson was looking the best he ever has on this show. That whole opening sequence was a confusing whirlwind. We were introduced to characters but with absolutely no exposition. Ok, Nikki M James (who must have been filming this show while rehearsing and performing in the Broadway show Suffs at the same time) is a lawyer Foggy is flirting with. The lady pirate from Our Flag Means Death is there and seems to be a cop, talking to an old guy I don't know who I also assumed was a cop but now we know is an investigator? (also Matt and Karen's clunky exposition about the "friend rules", even though there would be no reason to assume they are otherwise at this point) Then Foggy gets a phone call, says he hid the threats their client was getting from Matt so he wouldn't "go Daredevil" but Matt now does, leaves (showcasing a Spiderman-like swinging ability never shown on the old show, and that looks like horribly fake CGI), comes back, Foggy gets shot, Matt has a crazy fight with Bullseye (who is just attacking anyone in his path), throws him off a roof (did he think he was killing him at that point? that seems like a huge change in ethics for him if so), and then is caught without his mask by that old cop/investigator guy who doesn't seem that phased by this revelation that Matt is Daredevil. It was a LOT. But maybe this was all just re-shoots to get the original folks on the show, for at least a little? I don't know. The whole thing turned me off. But the rest of the episode was ok.
  8. The question is whether both parties knew who the person was who they consented to having sex with. Mark did not consent to having sex with Helena in the tent (he thought it was Helly). Should Gretchen and Innie Dylan go there, it isn't rape because they both know who the other is (though it is debatable infidelity on her part). I'm not sure about the legal or moral issues when it comes to having sex with a person with dissociative identity disorder. But I would highly doubt the occurrence of 1 personality tricking a romantic partner of another personality into having sex with them.
  9. How is that clear? There has been nothing to indicate that. And if Outie Dylan had ADHD, which is in the brain, wouldn't Innie Dylan have it too? But Innie Dylan has none of the issues Outie Dylan seems to have so how does that work? There's also been nothing to suggest that Gretchen is a mole or a Lumon operative. And, honestly, that would be boring. A woman falling for her husband (who's not entirely her husband) again and lying about it is a fascinating moral quandary for all involved. Lumon is definitely taking advantage of the fact of her (and the opportunity for Innie Dylan to get time with her) as a way to keep him working more and not sneaking around with the other MDRers. But that's not HER motivation for the visits. Also, if everyone is a mole and the whole thing is just a Truman Show around Mark, what's the point of anything?
  10. From Wikipedia: Rape by deception is a situation in which the perpetrator deceives the victim into participating in a sexual act to which they would otherwise not have consented, had they not been deceived. Deception can occur in many forms, such as illusory perceptions, false statements, and false actions. I would say that this is applicable to Helena/Mark because, while he did consent to sex, he consented to sex with Helly NOT with Helena. I think you're reading too much into it. I think the "Seth" indicates that she can be on the same level (as a non-severed person) but Dylan (and the others) have to call him Mr Milchick because they are lower than him. We also see a bit of her work uniform and hear enough about her going to work during the home scenes that we can conclude that she is a paramedic or dispatcher and she works the night shift. (there's an award on the shelf behind their dinner table in this episode that has en EMT logo and names her "dispatcher of the month.") (I got this from New Rockstars' breakdown of the episode)
  11. I just watched this for the first time in preparation for the new Daredevil show. I had watched Jessica Jones and Luke Cage when they premiered but hadn't seen Daredevil or Iron Fist. I gotta say, I mostly hated this. I already hated the whole Hand/Black Sky plot derailment in Daredevil and this was just more of the same. I liked the team-up of the 4 (though Iron Fist was insufferable, but I never saw his show) but the actual endgame of the The Hand was never really explained and they had a seemingly never-ending supply of goons for our heroes to fight, which didn't really make sense for a secret operation. But anyway, the reason why I'm coming here to post (is anybody still reading this forum?) is because I have to express my anger over them missing 1 key scene. There was no reunion between Matt and Claire! It would have been deliciously awkward because she's now with Luke. But Matt had the MOST chemistry with her in Daredevil and I needed that scene. Just me???
  12. We first see this character in the second episode of the season (I don't think he was in season 1, right?). He is in the background of the scene between Helena and Ms Cobel right after the OTC. Then we see him sitting at the counter of the diner where Mark and Devin are talking about the possibility that he meant Gemma is alive. Though first we see just a hand with the Frolic tattoo, then we see the whole person. We still don't know who he is but he is clearly a Lumon person and is spying on Mark. We've now seen him in more meetings with Helena and Milchick and have a better knowledge of his rank and importance. Seeing the tattoo should be enough for the viewer to know who it is entering Irv's apartment at this point. When that scene starts, we don't even know what he knows. There's a scene in season one where he almost runs her over in the parking lot. It's unclear if he knew she was the boss or just some random person. So this restaurant scene confirms that she is known as the boss, and as an Egan. She is apologizing for the OTC because, while the Innies knew it was going to happen, obviously the Outies didn't. So for Outie Mark, he was at his sister's house 1 minute and the next was in a different spot holding the picture of his wife and breathless. It was a crazy enough experience to make him not ever want to go back, remember episode 2? I guess she's apologizing that something like that (breach of the OTC system) was able to happen in the first place. It's also a way to further the conversation and keep her STALKING VICTIM engaged. (Sorry, I'm seeing a lot of people on twitter shipping this 2 and marveling at the chemistry and hotness of this scene and I'm shocked that nobody's appalled by the stalking and sexual harassment (she makes it clear she's his boss, you know) and obsession she's displaying here) I think it's memories. After all, the concept of severance, as explained in season 1, is about the Innie not having memories of the Outie's life and vice versa. So memories of similar things (opening the fridge, for example) bleed into each other. I think we (the audience) jump from his first aid session at Lumon right to his reintegration session at home. But during the reintegration, he is flashing back to his memories of earlier in the day. This time jump makes it as disorienting to us as to the character.
  13. I didn't get that impression at all, on either of those points. I think he told Helly because he knew she needed to know. He would have felt (and been) guilty if he kept that from her, and there was the threat that Millchick might tell her if he didn't first. There's certainly some unknown history with Burt going on. The mention of something happening with him at Lumen "20 years ago" when the severance procedure has only existed for 12 years. So either he worked there before getting severed, or severance has lasted longer than is generally known about. Not to mention, Outie Burt setting up a date with Outie Irv with both of them having full knowledge of Burt's marital status is, well, something. I don't knew his name (not sure if it's been mentioned at all) but that's the guy who conducted Milchick's performance review, and told Helena she had to go be Helly and then allow Helly to exist again and was spying on Mark and his sister in the diner in the second episode.
  14. I don't think it's just to be odd and quirky. Having the video made the MDR 4 (and the audience) think/feel that they were out there all alone. Knowing from the beginning that Milchick was actually there as well would have felt different/safer.
  15. After Burt is "retired" in Season 1, Irv comes back to MDR and says "let's burn it all down" (or something to that effect) and that's when the OTC plan starts to come together. So I don't think Irv is the same true believer he was at the beginning of the series.
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