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  1. Why is anyone going with the bizarre theory that someone's impersonating Alison? That doesn't make sense in ANY context. It was clear as day that she was just trying to slip into a new "enlightened" persona. Which may or may not pan out how she wants it to. Rewatch 503's ending, Jesus. It's her character development.
  2. Mrs. S orders the sisters to celebrate Felix's art opening; Sarah remains on edge with a nagging suspicion that S is hiding something. (I think we all know what a premature celebration means. Siobhan ain't surviving that Ferdinand fight).
  3. I feel like Gracie's motives might be Helena retrieval. The season promo still shows Helena yelling "we are family" and that's at Gracie. Things get partially heated. What I'd like to see happen is Gracie having a moral crisis and changing her mind, only for it to be revealed her mother followed her to kidnap Helena herself.
  4. -This is why I don't subscribe to these types of channels. Those goddamn sound effects. -Krystal's had it with Big Cosmetics. That's the last straw. *rimshot* -Would love to hear the muddled up thoughts running around in Mud's very tiny brain. Bell doesn't atone for anything, brat. -Nice puke con. The Delphine thing just being out in the open without any excuse for why it needed to be covered before was just terrible writing. -Krystal should give her expertise to a clone that's less rude. I'm not convinced she'll meet any others though because then she couldn't stay in denial. -Everyone's focused on Scott's ghosting struggle when Art is literally standing right there. Beth ghosted him hardcore. -John and his casual sexism. "Progress requires equilibrium". It also somehow requires two female scientists in charge of each faction. How is this a patriarchy? Other than PT being amused by this cat fight. -Show getting meta with Kira about Krystal being this big fan favorite. Has Sarah considered taking up acting class though? Beth's mannerisms were just the tip of her iceberg. -Stupid Australian girl thinks she can just waltz in and steal Krystal's lead? -Coady's hiring, so maybe Cosima, take the position and then use it to escape? Can't she adapt her girlfriend's strategy for 5 minutes? -Slap abuse for Ira. Sorry Ira, you have two shit mothers. At least Coady might not turn you into a sex object. -Susan's apparently making murder plans before Coady/PT. Given how their reunion went, I expected Coady/PT to make the first murder strike. -Steamy sweater removal. Really back that butt into his crotch, eh Bree? -I don't think Coady wants to tell you about the brother that was a traitor to her. Coady couldn't be bothered to spin some bullshit instead of dead silence? -Coady's close to a cure, but Susan never cared to fix her toy. I feel like they didn't introduce that piece of info about a cure for nothing. -Tatiana's in real life boyfriend. That's why this scene calls for so much groping. -Scott is the normest, and has been quite a stereotype this episode. Finally solidified for me that Scott won't be revealed to be a double agent for Neolution. -They get on Krystal for not keeping it in her pants, but I don't remember Sarah keeping it professional with Paul. -Parabiosis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parabiosis PT's like a vampire. -He might not have been a major player, just a standard douche, but at least Krystal got to pummel up someone. Lol at us actually hearing her leak though. -The actress who plays Aisha couldn't even keep her eyes fully shut. Facepalm. -Mud's a dirtbag, and if she's still slipping drugs it might explain her behavior. But Cosima, you are there by choice. You made that choice back in 501. -"One day you'll need us". The kind of foreshadowing that hits you over the head like a brick. Let's see what Rachel does when she finds out she's an orphan. -Uh oh...Ira just handed over vital plot information. He went out like a champ. :( But sadly, I do have to criticize that his full potential wasn't brought out. -This camp is so dumb that they're now attacking Cosima. How would she be collaborating against you? Fine, go torch yourselves. -Lovely poem Susan. Cruel way for you to go, but I'm sure Coady took some delight in the method... -Cosima just taking Charlotte's word for it instead of going back for Susan/Ira was selfish. In the chaos they had an opening and it's not like Cosima knew any of what went down with Mud. Cowardly Cosima....even if you're suddenly a boat connoisseur. -Mud is not redeemable. Don't tell me she is, after that. She deserves to never see her parents again and hopefully that entire island sinks with her on it. Next Time: Elephant says Kira belongs in wonderland, welcome home Alison, S flies off handle, Dyad blackmail, and Helena's visitor GRACIE(!) might have an agenda linked to Mark.
  5. You severely misconstrued the situation. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish. The receipts about this loser have already been plastered everywhere.
  6. Jesus Christ, I just got into a bidding war for the Alison Hendrix election cart. I was nuts enough to go up to 200 as it kept climbing. I'm actually relieved I lost.
  7. If these two can stalk down Catfish, why can't they do a simple background check on the scumbags that write into them before agreeing to assist? They were so sure the fairytale cripple/fat girl relationship was going to bloom and that they'd look like matchmaking saints. At the very least they should've called Robert out. But their morality ends at whatever point would hurt their reputation. AKA Robert's sob story. Despite what Nev thinks, anyone can meddle where they are not wanted and pay for airfare. Catfish is not taking the world by storm.
  8. -Those card trick reactions were phoned in. I can tell what a natural reaction to that would've been. -Paralyzed protagonist. Execs are salivating at how no work will need to be done to squeeze emotional manipulation out of this episode. -You don't have to mime his position, Nev. -Homicide. Has Catfish ever gone through on its promise of something that challenging? Gut saying no. -"I think I'm gonna throw up". And her gut's doing what we'd do if two strangers from a TV show called up knowing all our personal business and using guilt tactics. -Moving faster than a normal Catfish, even if Robert can't get off that furniture. -Nev, stop traipsing around before I wish actual murder upon you. -If she had been a murderer, were they going to condemn her and do a big anti-murder PSA? -Her mother was abusive and she has experience taking care of people with disabilities. Bam that checks off every concern? -"I think it would be great for the both of you". Reminder that Nev is not someone to take advice from. Self-serving comes before people's limits. -"Call me daddy boo-boo". "I wonder if she'll hold my hand". "Come on princess". Shut your trap twerp. -They are really egging on Ashleigh so that she's giddy about this. Not cool. -"You're okay". Did that have a double meaning? His flirty personality comes to a dead stop btw. -He was the one to disappear, not the Catfish. I have to wonder why he even wrote in when she hadn't ghosted. -"I'm scared of falling harder and getting hurt worse". My line above is why that is absolute horseshit. -Max notices the subtext in Robert's body language. Though I think he embellishes with the anxiety angle to polish the turd. -"Friends at the least". "Huge win in this type of situation". Nev is sputtering out trying to fix the self-confidence dilemma he created. -She held your hand, prick. You were so insincere that the two of you couldn't even share a room alone for a half hour. -"She wasn't cool with it". "I let her know I was talking to a girl". Now, see, that sounds like you were trying to drive her away. -"She got pissy with me and I can't deal with a lot a drama right now". Gee, I wonder if she was rightfully pissed off that you were just playing mind games with her and being dodgy with your rejection motivations....enjoy the coffin soon, buddy. Pretty girls must be lining up like suckers to be your couch-side nurse. -I do hope she pursues something, because she'll have more chances than Robert, but never ask Catfish for help. Ever.
  9. I might start bidding now! Thanks for the heads up. Edit 1: Damn, I missed out on what would've been an easy Aynsley memorial grab because I waited too long to place the bid.
  10. We have a penultimate episode description. One Fettered Slave: A devastating loss is suffered; Sarah learns that Helena has been kidnapped; Clone Club bands together to find Helena before her babies are born. Beyond ecstatic to see Helena at the center of the climax. A major Clone Club death also seems imminent.
  11. So many good finale digs
  12. Marlene said it was revenge for teaching Aria those fighting moves that Aria kicked her ass with. But obviously in the episode, it was framed manipulatively to make us think it was Ezra.
  13. -The Chronicles of Cophine: Orphan Black's Lesbian Soap Opera. -A flashback to something unseen from the S1 finale. Delphine's such an ass-kisser. *eyes roll* -Revival is really bad at keeping up lies. -Thanks Kira, their hushed tone was really exasperating. -He used to have a room upstairs? PT's one shitty ass roommate. Run, Mud. -Susan's "I'm steering him" nonsense is pitifully transparent. She wants to push forward herself. Poor Ira being patronized. -Callback to Rachel's patenting. PT knows just what to say to make Rachel thinks she's a stand-out snowflake. -Rachel struck a fragile nerve. Random crone. He knows most things but he's a 170 year old that could pass for a toddler. -Wind blown. That's actually a great way to describe Delphine's allegiance. -Rachel's using a cruel trick on Susan's ruptured spot that Delphine once did to her. That kind of erases my prior sympathy. But Rachel doesn't like sharing Kira. -Delphine takes info but doesn't give. Meanwhile Sarah/Kira make a fair trade agreement. -I'd love to get a full look at that lab board. Several posters here might benefit from it! -"I just got here, I'm telling you now". Only because Cosima got huffy and made you feel guilty. -Frog that. Bread breaking. -Cosima has parents! On a houseboat. Wasn't on my unanswered questions list, but congratulations to people who ponder about Cosima more than I do. -Kira is now a mouse instead of a monkey. Everyone is a confusing code animal. Kira will probably hustle Rachel by playing the daughter she never had card. -Delphine was just going to leave after giving PT information that endangers Cosima's life. Fantastic girlfriend. You suck at promises. -Delphine doesn't know the meaning of consent, and that's why I've never really believed she's seen Cosima as a full human being. Try as she might to pretend. -They just come to terms with their bonkers toxic cycle. They have real reasons to look at a division, many that PT has little to take credit for. -Not sad that Mr. McShovey got axed. Can't say I expected the mutation to use a weapon instead of its chompers. -So these morons just needed to make sure the clones weren't barren, and they'd be swimming in miracle gene donors. -Sarah and Helena's babies will not be able to make more babies! But more super-humans the merrier. PT, it's not like you're on a timer or anything, right? -Looks like Ira needs the mitigation first...get that roof of his checked. -Well yeah, I guess he can take your life away (and Yannis') when you slap the gun back down next to his grasp. Is it really more humane to keep Yannis alive just because it makes you feel more self-righteous? Legitimate question, because this is like how I have a cat that my family is struggling to put down. -S has an entirely unheard of deep-throat that was not Delphine. One swerve. Hope it's Cal, but I'll temper my expectations down to bloody Ferdinand. -Kira about to go boom-boom is the real eye-opener. Just like that spiny mouse, I think she'd miraculously pull herself back together. -Next Time: Cosima can rot, Mud is mad at the wrong person, Coady and PT reunite, Scott has the sexiest time of his life, and Krystal was so right about the cosmetics.
  14. -I remember my hack-off days. Nearly ended in violence. -A female version of me? ....I'd try it. -April Flowers or April Showers. -So Dean was like her therapy service. -Max is in an abusive relationship with Nev. -Serial Teen Chatter in a marriage. -2 and a half years without a phone. -Dakota sure is a rude prick. Then again, it's possible Dean is mooching off him and he doesn't want to deal with this BS on top of that. -Intense correspondence. -Fuck off with the fake-out car back-ups. Could've just left the house before commercial break. I swear this crap needs to be edited down to a half hour program. -If she's trying to mold this guy into someone else, she's going to be disappointed. Nostalgia of "how he used to be" is not practical. -Dakota looked handsomer than this MOFO. -It's going to take another 7 years to get his stuff together, just my observation. Wasn't satisfied with his answer about Zoey. -Ew gossipers. Guess she never got over her abandonment issues with Dean if she moved on from him that quick. Seems like the mystery was the only allure there.
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