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Irate Panda

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Posts posted by Irate Panda

  1. I guess since Heather is MIA then Angie would be first in line to “tote a baby” (TM 90 day fiancé) if Whitney needs a storyline for another season decides to have a child.  I skipped the whole “new family” season but hopefully Whitney has actually come to accept Angie and vice versa and Glenn is making new memories with his relatives.

    04 May 2024 17:26:53

    Life is so much better with a sister! 🫶🏻 I love you, @angieb_2003! Thank you for accepting, loving, and supporting me from day one. Thank you for stocking my pickles in your fridge and offering to carry my child! Thank you for being so thoughtful and selfless and for allowing us to join the rest of your big, beautiful family! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎈 I love you, sis!”


    • Mind Blown 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I started as a road rider back in the day but switched to trails because of the crazy drivers, lol.  Around me we have a "rails to trails" system where old train tracks were converted to paved walking/riding trails.  I switched from a racing bike to a hybrid.  I miss it but I had too many issues with it and worried about falling which at this age would be a real danger.  Now I walk on the trails but only with my husband because I'm afraid to do it alone anymore and he's not available for it a lot of the time.  And forget doing it in the Summer - I've become a mosquito magnet in my "old age" even slathered in bug repellent!

    I love the idea of swimming.  I was an avid swimmer when I was young, but after I started coloring my hair it really started to strip and damage it so I stopped.  I know I have a lot of excuses!  I wish there were a way to do it.  I know they make hair products to help with that but I still worry they wouldn't work so well.

    I love swimming! I miss swimming in the ocean and surfing.  Swim caps and Aquaguard or Trihard have helped protect my hair from the pool chemicals but I rarely dye my hair except highlights sometimes to switch things up. Thanks for the feedback.  I wasn’t that familiar with Rails to Trails, sounds like a cool project! Yes, I’d worry about crazy drivers while riding.  I worry about crazy drivers while I’m driving too! 😳

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  3. 1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

    I was always athletic and was into bike riding when I was young, although when I was in college I had a heavy schedule and didn't get much exercise although I never got above 115 lbs.  I was never a big eater but I could eat fast food and ice cream and not gain weight.  I resumed the bike riding after graduation because I missed it.  I used to ride with my husband and alone.  We'd often do 20 mile rides after work on weekdays and 60 mile rides on the weekends.  We also belonged to a gym.  We were hardcore!

      In my mid 30s my life changed completely when I moved to CT and I wasn't able to get in as much riding.  I started to notice the scale creeping upward little by little over the years and when I had gained about 40 lbs. I went to Weight Watchers, which was actually a short walk from my condo. at the time.  I lost some weight and stayed around 130 lbs. for about 10 years until my mid 40s when perimenopause started and the weight started creeping up again in spite of having continued the dieting and resuming the bike riding, the gym and walking.  After I gained about 40 lbs.  I went on Jenny Craig and lost about 20 lbs. which actually put me in a size 8 so I was pretty happy for a while.  At this point I was about 50 years old.  At 53 I was on the other side of menopause and again the weight started to creep up in spite of all my efforts. I was in a job with the narcissist boss from hell who made everyone miserable and my weight went up to about 228, which was my highest weight ever. 

    I had the benefit through my health insurance for a new online type of diet program called "Omada", which offered personal diet counseling and support groups.  It's a lot like "Noom".  I lost about 20 lbs. on that and then fell and broke my arm in the parking lot at work and ended up on workers' comp. for a couple of years, then was terminated from the job wrongfully and had a lawsuit against the company, which I won.  Then my gallbladder started acting up and my gut was a mess for a while.  I couldn't eat anything with any fat in it without a lot of digestive distress so I dropped a ton of weight, putting me at about 188 lbs.  Several months later I had my gallbladder out and maintained my weight loss until the pandemic hit and my father died of Covid in 2020.  I was under so much stress that I gained back 25 lbs.  Then in 2022 I joined a medical weight loss program at my local hospital.  I was able to lose those 25 lbs., although I didn't do it with meds. because I had a bad reaction to Metformin so they told me not to try the other stuff like Ozempic.  I also lost it without bike riding and going to the gym, only a lot of walking.  Somehow over the years I started feeling less stable on the bike and rode it less and less.  I was not able to keep up the long distances I used to handle either.  So I ended up doing a lot of walking every day.  In the Winter I get around 4-5,000 steps a day but starting in the Spring into the Summer it goes up to around 7-9,000 per day.  I mostly walk at the mall and other shopping plazas, and just doing my weekly errands. 

    I also haven't gone to a gym in about 8 years so I haven't been getting in much upper body exercise.  By the time I was ready to go back after all my medical issues Covid put that on hold and here I am still not going to one.  So that's been an issue of mine.  In January of 2022 I bought a stationary bike similar to a Peloton but cheaper (the Echelon).  I do that about 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes at a time.  I've wanted to bump it up but life seems to always get in the way of that.  So that's where I am right now.  Stuck on a diet plateau and an exercise rut, LOL.  I know I need to find a way out of it but right now it's all of my effort to do what I'm doing.  I too find that I get tired more easily than I used to.  I think some of that is from aging but it also might be from the Hashimoto's because one of the big symptoms is fatigue.  I also suffer from a lot of muscular aches and pains and back issues.  I sometimes "throw my back out" from doing too much exercise.  And my thighs are numb on the sides.  Some of that is probably from arthritis and benign cysts brought on by a lot of walking.  The joys of getting older!  But I push through it like always.  

    Thanks for the info 😊, glad you are able to still push through despite your pain.  I never thought about bike riding,  guess that might be good to try.  Did you ride on trails like mountain biking or only normal riding like through a park or neighborhood?

  4. 38 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I would say I stayed in fairly good shape when I worked out and watched diet.  My late 40’s brought some muscle issues.  I got 2 frozen shoulders, constant muscle spasm in my back, sore, weak leg muscles and other issues.  I was under doctor’s care and in PT for a good while. Once, I joined a doctor supervised weight loss program, but wasn’t motivated.  Eventually, I got motivated and tired of not living the life I wanted.  

    I started out walking on a treadmill and using an elliptical machine. Then, added the stairstepper. Now up to 16 floors of stairs on it.  I do a little walking on outdoor track too.  I have a torn meniscus in right knee. Have to watch it.  Plan to start pickleball soon.  Hope my knee is up for it.  I also do strength training on equipment.  I joined the gym and they are very helpful.  I love it!  It’s very friendly.  Great social scene!  I feel so much better. 

    Thanks for the info! Glad you are doing better 😊

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  5. @Yeah No@SunnyBeBe or anyone else can I ask what age did you notice your weight starting to creep up and were you regular exercisers before?

    I usually swim 6-7 times a week and do yoga or maybe Pilates 2-3 times a week.  I hate running but I walk my dogs.  I have some health issues not having to do with weight but I do tire easily.  Have you found any low impact exercises you do like?  I’ve been thinking about golf.  I’m ok but just did it occasionally over the years. I hear pickle ball is fun but only see it offer at senior centers but could probably talk my husband into playing with me.

  6. 5 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    People may wonder why people are suddenly doing a lot of work to achieve results with weight loss drugs.  The truth is that many of them were already doing that work all along without the drugs and not seeing results.  I think Whitney might have been one of them (as am I).  With all the exercise and dancing one would think she'd have lost more weight over the years but no.  People don't see what you're already doing and dismiss or minimize it as "not enough work" just because you're not seeing results.  I have never dismissed or overlooked the effort I have seen Whitney put into her exercise over the years and didn't assume she was power slamming 5,000 calories a day to invalidate that.


    I think Whitney did at least exercise when she was filmed otherwise maybe or maybe not, but I do think she probably eats or drinks a lot more than she thinks based on her car/room trash and things are her social media.  I do think PCOS (if she has it) or now maybe her age makes it harder to lose weight but I think she might discount how many calories she gets from those sugary coffee drinks which to me are more like a dessert, but I don’t want to beat a dead horse too much so I do think it’s great based on the pics and videos she’s posting she seems more mobile.  It’s a lot better than that pic of her plopped down on the beach like a toddler.  She’s not my favorite but kudos to her if she’s getting healthier 😊

  7. 27 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I wonder if Whit is hoping to get pregnant, since weight loss.  That would really give the show a boost.  

    I sometimes doubt if she would want kids at this point.  I mean who would raise them she  doesn’t seem like she has the energy to take care of all her cats or cook or clean without paid help.  I guess she could get a nanny, but I’m not sure how much money she actually has.  Her pregnancy would still be high risk because even though she’s lost weight she is still morbidly obese and her age would make it a geriatric pregnancy which I guess has it’s own risks.   

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  8. I think if Whitney is lying it’s also because she’s spent the better part of a decade telling us how great, healthy, and dare I say FABULOUS, it is to be fat.  It would be one thing if she were losing weight because she was mourning Babs or even if it was because she was taking the NO BS active website so seriously, but people will see the medicine (if she is on it) as an “easy” way out (even if it’s not) to something she theoretically shouldn’t want to escape from because she’s been telling people how great it is to be fat.  

    I draw a major distinction between people who are fat and actually do fabulous things and Whitney telling us she’s fat, wants to be fat, and is a super healthy dance machine despite passing out, being out worked by her octogenarian father in 2 races, and getting awards for lifting her leg 3 inches off the ground.

    With that said Whitney is a “celebrity” who actually should be taking Ozempic or something of that line.  It’s obviously none of my business other than she routinely talks about her health in the show and online.  Morbid obesity is a disease as is pre-diabetes I guess so she probably should be on something to help manage these issues.  I do an have issue with the other celebrities that take it to lose like 20 lbs because I feel like it causes shortages for people that actually need it.

    Full disclosure as of yet I do not struggle with my weight but may the older I get so I can’t really understand what it’s like lugging around like 300 pounds more than the actual weight I am, so for that reason I’m  glad Whitney is getting healthier….now if only she could only work on her attitude and personality which are her real issues.


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  9. 27 minutes ago, Dibs said:

    But I did find Jackson's "Tori Roloff, I'm going to replace you" comment very odd; where has he heard that before?

    Yes, I agree with that.  What 6 year old tells his mother that he’s going to replace her?  I thought maybe I misread that the first time, but yes, it seems like something he would have heard somewhere. 

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  10. 12 hours ago, Dibs said:

    Yes, children traditionally waited until their parents passed before expecting an inheritance, if they were lucky enough to even get one, but not so much these days with all the entitlement engendered in Gens X and Z. 

    Watch your back, Matt!  And then Amy!!!

    Isn’t Gen X like 50-60?  I’m guessing you meant Millennials (Zach, Jeremy, Tori, (Audrey though she seems to have her own money))

    I don’t like like to broadly paint any generation as a whole, probably because as a Millennial I do not claim the Roloff delegation, well except maybe Molly 😂

    I think the problem is Zach and Jeremy never had real jobs where their livelihood depended upon it. To much stuff was handed  to them.  I do consider the show a job but it is not comparable to most jobs at that age. Growing up, Jeremy was Matt’s favorite because I think Matt was trying to live vicariously through him.  Zach was Amy’s favorite because she seemed to use him as an emotional crutch to a shitty marriage.  Both of these things left Zach and Jeremy stunted and it’s why they both think they can be farmers when in reality the most they can probably do is “play farmer”.  They were both extremely coddled and monetarily rewarded for subpar performances.  I mean these were college-aged guys that didn’t even know the state abbreviation for the state they lived

     Now Jeremy has married Matt Audrey, dictator that tries to sell us on this manufactured “perfect farm” life, while Zach has married Amy Tori, bulldozer who seems disgruntled with her life, but pretending it’s what she wanted.  Amy and Matt used to tell Zach and Jeremy what to do, now Tori and Audrey do.  The twins never grew up because they never had to, which imo most definitely did increase their feelings of entitlement.  Unfortunately they are thirtysomething brats and unlikely to change. YMMV 😊

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  11. 3 hours ago, Dibs said:

    Sounds like Tori has rounded up all her fans to support her here.

    Just kidding?

    Didn't realtor Chris remark that it "lacked curb appeal," LOL?  Right before Amy told him to put a sock in it to spare poor Zach's feelings!

    Amy told Chris to be nice about Zach’s sandbox, as well, I mean who cares if it might topple over, it’s all about Zach’s feelings!!! Honestly what I find odd about it is Chris seems to go out of his way to say nice things to all these fools, I doubt he needed to be subdued by Amy. 


    “Yes, Matt, who still works full-time and lives six months in another state AND IS SEVERELY DISABLED is welcome to drive uninvited over an hour each way through horrendous traffic and stand in the cold, drafty, uncomfortable garage with his armloads of gifts for a very spoiled and entitled young family while Tori hides with the kids inside.  I'd say a big "thanks, but no thanks" to that proposition myself...”

    Honestly this was one of the tackiest rudest things I’ve seen on this show. I’m not particularly a Matt fan but to keep your disabled dad standing in a garage after an hour or more drive is trashy. Then again they had no problem half- ignoring Amy until they needed her babysitting services.


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  12. 4 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    The house the yard and the surrounding area sure looks about 50 steps down from the first house that they had. I don’t know how someone downgrades like that. It looks like a dump. 

    I’m not familiar with the area they live in, but the house had zero curb appeal to me.  I think the inside of the house looked fine, but outside of the house looks junky.  Also looks like house was just kind of plopped there because some of the stuff around it doesn’t go together.  I would guess they could buy a bigger home/more land in Battleground than wherever they used to live for the same amount of   Plus they had to get away from EVIL MATT AND SCARY ROLOFF FARMS!! 😈 Seriously though I can understand  if they wanted to put boundaries up if they thought that was necessary but it did seem like they just bought something out of spite.  


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  13. On 4/26/2024 at 7:47 AM, chediavolo said:

    Good lord, their neighbors should take a photo and call child protective services! 

    Do they even have neighbors? I was always so confused by their “neighborhood”  Weren’t they surrounded by some kind a business shop, abandoned trailer, woods, and broken down/burnt out car?  Their neighborhood seem weirdly zoned to me.

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  14. 33 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Amy just did a live. They are not currently filming and haven’t heard from TLC one way or another about the show continuing.

    Don’t forget the most important part….she said that  she and Chris might make more cooking videos!!!! 🤗🤗🤗

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  15. So let me get this straight, ZIT decide the child they constantly  characterize as extremely clumsy with vision problems should be standing around in the bucket of a tractor, yeah that makes sense 🙄 



    Tori could at least stand a little closer in case Lilah fell she would maybe able to catch her or was the tractor actively moving forward when Lilah was standing in it?

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  16. 4 hours ago, Absolom said:

    Isn’t Jackson six now and in first grade? 

    Yes, Jackson is in first grade, he will be 7 next month.  Lilah will be 5 in November and Josiah just turned 2.


    14 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

    Even their off handed remarks and laughing criticisms of their kids is just very "old school".  I don't think that's bad.  I don't think they are neglectful.

    I think what really makes this stick out is that they seem to mainly only do this with one child, Lilah. I’m not sure they’re neglectful, but we have seen Zach neglect his own health issues and Tori seems to be somewhat in denial about her children‘s health issues because she doesn’t want them defined by their disabilities that she swings 180 degrees the other way.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen far worse parenting, but they do seem a bit off imo.

    I think maybe Zach realizes he had low self esteem as a child and is trying to overcompensate with Jackson.  I think he doesn’t do that  as much with Lilah because he has said he doesn’t understand girls or what they go through growing up. Tori seems like possibly she was picked on as a child and seems resentful that Lilah will likely go through it and probably worse because she is a little person. So I think she actually resents the situation but it comes off as resenting Lilah.  FWIW I think they ove all their kids although Jackson is often favored A LOT at least on the show.

    Amy and Matt were both jerks during their marriage.  They probably never should have gotten married, but both probably felt their options were limited.   They seem way happier with their current partners.  

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  17. I always get kinda sad that the weekend goes by so quickly, so I tried to figure out ways to make 48 minutes feel like 48 hours.  Naturally, I decided to listen to Raising my blood pressure Heights with Zach and Tori, a parenting podcast 😐

    I was unable to sit through an entire podcast episode, but I did skip around, and listened to bits of a few episodes.  Below are some magical nuggets from our favorite couple (I readily admit I could have missed some parts of these things because I zoned out)

    • Zach and Tori are NOT lazy.  How do we know, because they said so!
    • Zach and Tori have JOBS! Podcasting is HARD!  Raising children is hard (I agree).  Zach, when Tori wasn’t interrupting, tried to point out the commenter probably meant they don’t have traditional jobs (like 9-5).  Zach probably deciphered that because the comment said you don’t have traditional jobs
    • Their house is NOT dirty…Zach goes as far as saying it’s NOT messy either. Tori admits it’s sometimes messy, then throws Amy/Matt under the bus, and says Zach grew up in a MESSY house (in case we didn’t know)
    • They DO NOT have help with the children, then immediately follow up with they have a babysitter and Amy helps sometimes.  I’m guessing they meant they don’t have a nanny everyday or something of that sort.
    • Tori gets a lot of encouragement from other moms when Jackson accomplishes things (like scoring a soccer goal).  It could be because he’s a LP, but it could also be he’s AWESOME, WONDERFUL, CHARISMATIC, and other children flock to him! They don’t ask her when he reaches milestones and thinks it could be because he’s LP. 
    • Zach and Tori are NOT millionaires! Zach follows Dave Ramsey’s financial philosophy (Guess, Dave doesn’t feed his dinner guests). 
    • Tori initially did not want to be filmed because she didn’t want to be known as the girl that broke Zach Roloff’s heart! So, what changed her mind?  FREE TRIP TO AUSTRALIA!!! I guess that was her first time on the show, but Zach seemed confused by this and thought she was on the show before that.  Tori, did you just break Zach Roloff’s heart on a podcast??? 🤭
    • The show offered hair and makeup, but Amy and Molly never wanted that.  Tori said the show sent her to take makeup classes (I tuned out , but I think maybe she said she didn’t learn much)
    • Tori does NOT like when people tell her the kids are doing certain things because they are LP.   Example: Lilah squats a certain way and someone (maybe Amy?) says she does that because she’s a dwarf.  Tori says NO!  It’s because she’s Lilah not because she’s a LP.  Zach almost immediately says: That’s a dwarf squat! 🙃
    • The kids show up and “takeover” the show.  Jackson is playing host and starts asking questions he wrote himself like what’s your favorite color? What’s your favorite food? What’s your favorite plant? What’s your favorite part of the Bible? (The only answers I remember are the Bible ones. Tori said her favorite was the woman, who is not forgotten.  Although Tori forgot the woman’s name 😐.  Even Zach was like shouldn’t you remember, if it’s your favorite 🤭. Lilah said her favorite part of the Bible is Santa!! Tori and Zach remind her Santa is not in the Bible. 
    • Jackson asked Zach why he drools at night time.  Zach seems a bit taken aback.  Jackson then points out Zach has drool all over his pillowcases.  (I fast forwarded this because I had secondhand embarrassment)
    • Lilah is allowed to say a few other things (I’m not sure if they finally got her some help or it’s just because she’s almost 5, but I could understand a few things she said.  I have no idea how much or well average 5 year olds talk).  Josiah sits in a slobber-covered shirt and seems more interested in pretty much anything else. Tori seems mildly irritated by this, but I have no idea why they think a 4.5 year old and a 1.5 year old would want to be guests on a podcast.  There’s kinda two shows going on at the same time at this point: one where Zach is talking to Jackson and the other is Tori trying to keep Lilah and Josiah on the sofa and remotely interested.


    I will say Zach would occasionally make a few good points, he comes across better on the podcast than on the show, but I feel like Tori interrupts him quite a bit.  Maybe if you have small children, you can get through these, but I was bored. 

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  18. 58 minutes ago, Teafortwo said:

    Very late to the party here, but I recommend Xtrema cookware. It is similar to LeCreuset, but totally non-toxic. They have sales all the time and the prices I believe are overall less than LeCreuset. I have the baking pan, a large saucepan and the 9-inch skillet.

    Thanks, I will check them out.  Are Le Creuset toxic?

  19. Maybe they wanted to show the most loving couple and it’ll just be  Matt and MYMAN on the show! 😊Seriously though, I think it’s time to retire this show

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  20. 2 hours ago, Dibs said:

    Zach is so proud of his position on this that he's explained it at length TWICE.  If parents "make a big deal of it," the children will, too.  I guess telling Jackson would be "making a big deal of it."  He then goes on to insult every other dwarf parent, including I guess his own, by declaring that they've all done it wrong by having The Talk!  I saw this coming when they started "making a big deal" of preserving his innocence (I think Zach might actually have said ignorance, lol) and building up his ego for as long as possible.  I suppose that's what's up with constantly telling him he owns the world and wins races he doesn't and is better than his father at everything until he becomes an obnoxious brat.  Geniuses, those two!  



    Yet they seem to have no time to build up Lilah’s confidence 🙄. Thanks for the explanation Zach gave.  I always fast forwarded through his and Tori’s scenes.I’m not  watching  this year except clips.

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