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  1. Our Justice Central channel is showing nothing but the court shows. So annoying. On the 10th and onward, they have nothing but Heat of the Night, Matlock and Perry Mason listed. I like that better but I will believe it when I see it. They have a habit of listing the wrong schedule a week ahead. Cross your fingers.
  2. Haven't watched this yet. If she was from Britain, they use "homely" as we in America use "homey". Always startling to watch Escape to the Country and hearing that verbage to describe a house.
  3. Hey, It's That Guy
  4. Yes, the 1939 production. Used to be a bit of a thing around here for awhile. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Side_of_the_Rainbow
  5. Speaking of Dark Side of the Moon, has anyone here tried playing the album (on loop) while watching The Wizard of Oz? When you sync the album with the movie, there is a pretty fun synchronicity. Start the album at the 3rd lion's roar, mute the movie (subtitles if you want to follow the dialogue) and let 'er rip! The Schnicklet and I have done this a few times. The album is his favorite so it's a fun way to waste a couple of hours. *Being slightly sozzled doesn't hurt the experience
  6. There is a brand called Lotte Milkis that is exactly carbonated soda. It's available in Asian markets (I think it's a Korean brand). There are several flavors fun flavors, such as melon, strawberry, mango. It's really popular in Hawaii (lived there for quite awhile). Crab rangoon (not really a Chinese dish, but...)
  7. I believe it's Mendocino Headlands State Park https://goo.gl/maps/WK4UW3iUASmpQFTu8
  8. My cat is! Nothing she finds more tasty than a cicada. She loves to bring home the headless bodies. Really wish she wouldn't share. 🤢🤢🤢
  9. I feel like I am asking myself to the party without benefit of invitation, but could someone please DM me with alternative sites for meeting? I rarely post but I do read this forum with great regularity. The sense of togetherness and support has been very important especially during the past summer. To be able to leave the "real world" for a few minutes everyday, enjoy the snark, worry about others and enjoy this community means the world. 💞💞💞
  10. I think the subtitling couldn't figure out the word Vonnegut. The character of David clearly says the name, but it shows up as XXXX on captions.
  11. It was permanently shut down.
  12. Last night's episode was Hoarders Canada episodes #1 and 2. Surprise.... Nope, I'm wrong. Wrong David... Don't know where it falls in the scheme of things.
  13. My DVR says that this is an episode of Hoarders Canada. Doing a little digging, Lori is episode 3 and 4 of Hoarders Canada that originally aired (in Canada) last March.
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