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Posts posted by mittsigirl

  1. 4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    Totally agree. That's why it makes me so angry I could rip somebody's head off. 

    Jim Bob and Meeechelle have ruined those kids' lives and they're well on the way to ruining a lot of their "grandbabies'" lives, too. And yet we still hear "Oh, but Jim Bob loves eeez kidddzz!!!" No, he doesn't. He feels some fuzzy feelings in his crotch and belly and maybe a wee bit in his brain when he sees his little loin fruit walking around and producing more little descendants-of-Jim-Bob sperm to bring him glory with Jesus. But he's spent every day of his adult life doing stuff that ruins their lives.  And yet they've been on tv for over a decade, held up as role models, which has not just convinced strangers that they're role models but has convinced their own kids. 

    And yet none of his kids are likely to realize this until they're forced to. 

    So if this forces them to, it won't be pretty but it's the only thing that's likely to move most of them in the direction of the truth, as far as I can tell.

    And that will be sad and difficult. 

    BUT -- and this is a big "but" as far as I'm concerned, they will be far from the only people who have had to create their own lives nearly from scratch when they never knew they'd have to and who are often just as ill-prepared as the Duggars through no fault of their own - people grow up in terrible poverty, they grow up and become orphaned at just the wrong moment, they become estranged from their families through no fault of their own, they have parents with undiagnosed mental illness, etc. People get deprived in all kinds of ways and have to make it as adults on their own. And an amazing number ultimately manage to scramble and do it. With no more resources handed to them that the Duggarlings have. 

    The Duggarlings won't have been well prepared. But they'll be just as prepared as a lot of other people are.

    Up to now, in my opinion, they've been a super-self-satisfied and smug-as-hell bunch, based on their parents' estimation of themselves and the fact that many of the older kids, especially, believe themselves to be important "celebs."

    So while I do have a lot of sympathy for them, I also think there's no reason that it won't ultimately improve their lives if they have to get off that high horse and struggle down on the ground the way many many other people have to do. There are a lot of them. They can help each other if they're willing. 

    They may now have to go through some stuff that lots and lots of other people also go through. And the fact that they'll be going through it from a lifelong position of imagining that they're above it -- because of what they've heard from Mama and Daddy -- doesn't mean to me that they deserve any special help or consideration we don't give to every other young person who has to struggle without much help to make a life. 


    AMEN. Very well said CHURCHHONEY!

    • Love 3
  2. 4 hours ago, hathorlive said:

    That's kind of like robbing a bank and saying you didn't want to steal the money, you just wanted to hold the cash because it was a rush.  He can try to say anything he wants but most juries have no use for anything a suspect says once they hear the facts of the case.  There is no explanation for this.  I had a guy once say he was downloading the images so they could be taken off the net.  Because downloading means they are gone because they are now on your computer.

    What an idiot! I bet that you have all kinds of stories you could tell that include dummies like him! You just have to have some that are funny and make you laugh to balance out all of the terrible things that you see:(

    • Love 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Hpmec said:

    My husband was once in a courtroom as a prospective juror when the judge specifically told members of the jury pool to pay no attention to the fact that the defendant was chained to the table.It was a murder case and the defendant, according to my husband, looked menacing. I don't see how a jury could be expected to be unbiased when it was clear the defendant was a potential danger to them. 

    Wow! I am pretty sure that I would have peed my pants if I had to be in a jury with someone so dangerous! In the last 25 years, I have been called for jury duty 6 times, but because I am on a high dose morphine, I was excused each time. I live in a small city so that's why I was called so many times.

    • Love 4
  4. 6 hours ago, hathorlive said:

    The joke we had in my lab was we would quit if we ever had to explain epochal time in court.  It's something that they always put on certification tests, but you NEVER see in real life.  And there I was, in front of a giant screen walking the jury through where the value was found and converted and blah blah.  I almost laughed at one point, it was so silly.  Noted you are on my list of future jurors!

    I just googled it and tried to understand it as much as I could, sure is different than anything I have ever read about. It sure must be the most precise measure of time for a court case like this one. Gee HATHORLIVE, I knew you were very smart before, but now you are way up there in my mind! Sure appreciate the way you explain things so well, that even a layperson can understand-thank-you:)

    • Love 7
  5. 54 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

    I sure wish this show would end it with Angela.  She keeps getting worse with the cackling and dirty remarks.  I really don’t want to hear about how much Michael loves her boobs and how he likes to pull on them.  An overweight 50 something woman acting like she is some kind of sex kitten and flirting with doctors and making a fool of herself.   It’s embarrassing to watch.  Go away Angela, Please!

    I guess that my husband and I have not been doing sex the right way for the last 41 year, because there was no breast pulling going on with my D cup breasts! It sounded like she was nothing but a big old cow to him! And couldn't he have found someone a decade or 2 younger that had such large breasts?

    • LOL 7
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  6. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Time for some new 90 dayers. These people are boring AF except Jovi and Yara and that's only because they have only been around for a season. 

    Tiffany, you picked a loser. Don't expect him to miraculously change now. Sounds like she picked a loser before and ended up with poor Daniel. 

    Angela, keep smoking, you moron. Her friend is right. Ang is going to do what she wants, when she wants. I'm so sick of her. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if she eventually gained all the weight back. She will have to continue to eat healthy and follow the diet PLAN. Not gonna happen with her. 

    The last time (recently) I bought a house, you had to show proof that you were approved for a loan and how much you were approved for before any realtor would even consider showing you property. Their not about to waste their time with tire kickers. It's all bullshit for the show. Unless of course Kalani's daddy is going to buy the house for them. 

    I just can't see Angela having the discipline and focus it is going to take to stay away from her old diet, and her Cokes, and can see her starting out cheating here and there and then not being able to stop! Does she know what kind of scars she is going to have, for the rest of her life, after getting skin surgery?  And with having a breast reduction, was she told that she may then lose all sensation in her nipples, because of what they will do with those nipples while cutting the extra breast tissue off?  I think she should have done her research on these surgeries, she is kind of going into it pretty blind. After losing her weight, her face is going to age pretty fast, because having extra fat keeps your face looking younger than your true years. And no, dear Michael, men are not all of a sudden going to start running after her! She will be smaller but she will never lose that cackle or her shitty manners, or how crude and crass she is. Never!

    • Love 11
  7. 5 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

    Exactly...don't marry and have a kid with a guy that (as far as we know) has no education, a criminal record, fresh out of rehab and then act like they pulled a bait and switch when they aren't bringing home wads of cash and moving you into a McMansion gated community. Accept that if you are going to make it work with this guy, you are going to be the breadwinner for now. He is no prize, but he never pretended to be one.....it was a vacation hook up that SHE took the initiative to continue long distance and filled his head with thoughts of raising Daniel together, starting a life and supporting his recovery. The only people in that relationship I truly feel bad for are the kids.....Daniel biological dad wasn't in the picture and never will be (he was murdered)....Carly won't ever know her bio dad and will probably be exposed to a revolving door of "stepdads"

    My heart breaks for poor little Daniel. I think that Ronald truly loves that little boy, and Daniel loves Ronald. She should have never let Daniel even meet Ronald, she didn't know if it would be a forever thing or not. Why take the chance of breaking that child's heart, thinking he has a true Dad in his life? Ronald may not be perfect, but she is just so mean to the guy.

    • Love 14
  8. 6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Kalani and Asuelo think that buying a house would be the thing to save their marriage? Yea, no stress there, they own no furniture, they will have utility bills, taxes, insurance premiums and not to mention the mortgage payment, yea, no stress there.

    They asked the real estate agent if they can buy a house and he says yes...of course that is what he would say, they have not talked to a mortgage company yet?  Dumb and Dumber do not work, they have no income, how do you buy a house with no income, seriously how do they think they will come out of this a home owner?  TLC pays that much?

    Kalani sits there and lets her tears roll down her fat little face, says she is 80% sure she wants a divorce but wants to buy a house to try and salvage her marriage, WTF? Why not have another baby, that might work too! Idiot.

    Also, let's sit at the table with a tray full of Lysol spray and hand sanitizer mixed in with the plates of food on the table. 

    Let's all chip in and buy Koloni a shirt.

    When I was a Real Estate agent, I usually always first sent the couple, especially a young couple, to the bank first, so they could be pre-qualified and know what size of mortgage they could easily handle. They are just having pipe dreams, they have no jobs to pay for everything owning a house entails, and that agent should have sent them to a bank instead of letting them think that buying a house was even possible!

    Yes, I agree, Kalani needs a damn shirt before a mortgage!!

    • Love 4
  9. 5 hours ago, BravoAddict72 said:

    I think Tiffany is actually pretty. Just because she isn't super skinny doesn't have to mean she will never find a guy. 

    I agree with you, I think she is beautiful! I know that when I was chunky, it seemed like more men looked my way than when I lost all of my weight. They say there is a lid for every pot in this world. Everybody has their preferences when it comes to body size and shape. You don't have to be skinny to be beautiful.

    • Love 2
  10. 17 hours ago, Ucross said:

    Why is everyone so...fat?

    Fast food restaurants and packaged processed foods at the grocery store. Shop around the edges of the grocery store-produce, meats, dairy-and stay away from everything else, you will never be fat. as well as a ton of water every day. Easy explanation but so hard to do!

    • Love 1
  11. 3 hours ago, hathorlive said:

    Or worse, that a grown man blames a kid looking at porn for losing an election.  I'm shocked at how superstitious these Christians are.  I'm surprised they don't have a Ouija board out to predict who will sin next.

    I don't consider them to be true Christians-at all. More of a cult than anything Christian-like.

    • Love 24
  12. On 5/4/2021 at 9:00 AM, LucyEth said:

    I just don’t understand how Dannielle goes along with this, she admitted it’s not really what she wanted.  Is that crying jackass so great that she will put up with any BS he throws at her so he can have multiple sex partners.  That is all he really wants, as does king Clarke (he’s still got it🤮).  I hope Kaleh stays far away from them, she is young, smart and pretty and can certainly make a better life for herself.  

    The Snowden household is ridiculous, too many people just laying around doing nothing and all those kids in one room.  If I were Chrissy I would not have accepted that situation.  Not sure how smart she is bringing her children into what is now a very bad situation.  I feel like she rushed the process because Tayler jumped the line and was already in the mix permanently .  I can’t wait to see what the outcome there will be, they usually catch us up at the end of the last episode.  I also wish Vanessa would speak up more and spill about her time with them and why she left.  

    I don’t mind the Winders, I don’t agree with their lifestyle, but that is their business, and not judging them.  They are really the only ones that seem to be “Mormons” and following a religious belief.  I feel bad for Tami about the miscarriages but Sophie had trouble getting pregnant, maybe the problems is Colton?    I do find it weird that Tami added being upset about not being able to give her daughter a sibling, isn’t Sophie’s son considered her sibling?  I thought all the children they had with Colton are all siblings. 

    Just about rolled my eyes right out of my damn head when king clark said he still got it! Yuck!

    • LOL 4
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  13. 22 minutes ago, louannems said:

    Back in the 80's, before I had health insurance, I used to go to Planned Parenthood for my bladder infections.  After several, the Nurse Practitioner recommended the yogurt treatment!  There was no Greek yogurt back then, just regular.  It was messy but it did work and took away the burning and itching immediately!

    Back in the 80's, before I had health insurance, I used to go to Planned Parenthood for my bladder infections.  After several, the Nurse Practitioner recommended the yogurt treatment!  There was no Greek yogurt back then, just regular.  It was messy but it did work and took away the burning and itching immediately!

    I also use it for yeast infections! Thanks for telling your story so everyone doesn't think I am nuts for using the yogurt treatment!

    • Love 1
  14. Just now, Cinnabon said:

    This makes no sense to me. Do you have a source for this?  

    I found article about this many years ago, so don't have them anymore. Sorry, I know it sounds very strange, but lots of women use this. Maybe it's the lactic acid in the yogurt? They are advertising a new form of birth control on tv now, and it contains lactic acid, so maybe science is catching up with the natural ways? You don't have to use it, just wanted to share what works so well for me:)

    • Love 4
  15. On 5/5/2021 at 10:59 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Lemonade.....well... I would imagine it would contain sugar. I’m not opposed to sugar, but I do have Type I diabetes, so would need to cover carbs with insulin. It’s easier to avoid carbs. I suppose I could opt for Stevia....I imagine you have to make it from scratch, so it’s not so processed. I’ll look into it. I prefer a pill, if possible.  I like the idea of the water bottle.  I normally treat my water like medication and down 16 oz three times a day, morning, noon and dinner time.  

    I drink a gallon of water mixed with pure lemon juice, lots of lemon juice, and no sweetener, but it does nothing to get rid of UTI'S. Maybe I just have a strange system!

  16. On 5/5/2021 at 10:22 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I just got a UTI....ugh...hate it.  I was trying to take Cranberry pills and drink lots of water to keep them at bay, but I recently ran out....and I fell down on my water consumption:(     Doctor just prescribed me an antibiotic, but I don’t like using them.  Overuse can make bacteria resistant. I’m going to take them of course, but moving forward, I want a sound daily care plan.  So, has anyone heard of D-Mannose?  Is that the same or better than cranberry pills? Doctor said it wouldn’t hurt.    I know to be meticulous with hygiene, don’t delay urinating when you have to go, drink plenty of water, anything else?   

    Because all of my organs were affected when I had the rare Guillain-Barre Syndrome, that should have killed me, I get UTI's ALL OF THE TIME!! When they figured I had one in the ICU, the nurses would actually pour Cranberry juice right into my feeding tube, but it never did work. After the first 20 years of suffering, I did lots of my own research and found what works really well for me. I buy plain, organic Greek yogurt, load up a syringe and shoot it inside me, then plug it with a tampon. In less than 24 hours, it is gone and I am back to normal! Sounds weird but lots of women use this!

    • Useful 4
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  17. 55 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

    Could we maybe not do this? I think we all know child abuse happens, but I for one don’t come to this board to read graphic details of specific cases. The purpose of the board is to discuss the Duggars, not random child abuse cases we’ve encountered. 

    Those blind items are rarely, if ever, accurate. I can’t imagine what any of Josh’s brothers in law could have done to make them so attractive to the feds that they’d be willing to cut a deal with Josh in order to get them. 

    Sorry to offend you. It's deleted now, I will not post anything here again.

  18. 7 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

    She is probably glad he was looking at other kids, and not doing anything to their. She is so brainwashed

    Boy, if I had heard even a tiny whisper about Josh looking at CP, and doing what he did to the 5 little girls, not only would I have never been 'courted' by him, but I would have never married him, had his babies, or ever left those children alone with him, even for a few minutes! I really have to question Anna's intelligence, surly he wasn't the only fundi boy around that she could have married! But then she has stayed with him, and probably still will stay with him! Since she married him, she has had a chance to learn much more about our world and you would think she would know better by now. I just don't get her way of thinking, at all! 


    • Love 3
  19. 7 hours ago, Madtown said:

    Trying to catch up, but saw an article where a "source" said "Anna has no plans for divorce and is standing by Josh just like she always has."

    Even if this isn't a true statement, I don't doubt that she would stand by him, it's what she's told to do. Talk about someone needing massive therapy.

    In the heavy duty fundi religion, don't they have a pyramid that shows the placements of who is most important in a woman's life? I saw one that places God #1, then husband as #2, then last at #3 are her children. Not sure if this is what the Duggars follow or not, but husbands, for sure, are to come before her children:(

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