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Posts posted by mittsigirl

  1. 2 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Not a lawyer but it is true he is being held in solitary confinement. It's standard operating procedure at the jail because they don't have separate facilities for sex offenders. I don't know what his schedule is like, though. From what I understand, what facility he is sent to will really dictate whether or not this continues once he gets to a federal institution after sentencing. If he's not in a prison with a sex offender program, he may very well be required to be in protective custody for his own safety. 

    Thank-you Zella. You may not be a lawyer, but your posts show me that you really know a lot of legal stuff:)

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  2. One last question then it's time to shut this off for the night!

    I read on Duggar Data-thanks to the person on here that told us about this site-that Josh will probably be spending his time in solitary confinement. How true is this? So probably 23 hours in and 1 hour out? Got my law degree from Law and Order and John Grisham novels, so would like an answer from a real law person. TIA. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, absnow54 said:

    Apparently the jury has already started deliberating, but The Sun updates are way behind. 

    Thanks for that info! Now I can sneak away from here and go make my cookie dough for the dogs. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a St. Bernard, wondering where her cookies are?! Even when she is happy, she still looks so darn sad!

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  4. 2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

    I wonder if they have framed forgiveness as I have (the first time I heard it expressed this way was on Oprah and it resonated): Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past would have been different.

    For me, forgiveness is not at all about the other person, the one who hurt you. It's something you give yourself. The peace with never forgetting, never condoning, but accepting that it happened, it wasn't your fault, and releasing it.

    I love this so much, makes so much sense, thanks for posting it:)

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  5. 3 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

    Of course thirsty Hilaria was there 🙄

    I stopped watching the show when 19 and Counting was cancelled, so all I have done to keep up is to read the wonderful snark on here. I have no idea about this Hilaria chick, but she sure does sound like a prize from the way everyone talks about her. Wondering what Michelle thinks of her?

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  6. Once the jury has gone to deliberate, how can they get any information that wasn't discussed by the lawyers, to help them determine a verdict? Like if they wonder what the percentages are for CSA to be completely rehabilitated so they never have urges to reoffend again? I have made up my own mind about this, but maybe someone in the jury has never read anything about this, and want to know.

  7. 48 minutes ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

    I need to be posting items on Poshmark to make some much-needed cash; instead I’m haunting this site and Reddit/Snark by the second. 
    The only way to make the verdict come in is to go about my day in a realistic manner, I’m sorry to admit.
    Guess I’ll shower and get dressed now.
    But…about various Duggars “praying” for justice: don’t they realize the verdict is in the hands of the JURY only? What makes the clan think their incantations could sway the outcome?

    LOL, I'm right beside you, promised my fur babies that I would FOR SURE make them their meal supplement cookies today, because like this week, was too glued to this trial last week, but here I am again, glued to this trial! I sure hope we don't have to wait for a verdict over the weekend.

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  8. 11 hours ago, Heathen said:

    To me, proof means conviction. Shady doesn't mean illegal, unfortunately; otherwise, an awful lot of business owners would be in deep shit. It would be fun to see what a forensic accountant came up with. 


    But it still goes down the road on a truck! As my grandmother once said. 

    But so do pre-made ready to live in, wooden houses go down the road on a truck! At least in this province in Canada they do, all of the time, not sure about the U.S.A. My little house is just 960 square feet, so 3 of mine could fit into a triple wide mobile home! 

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  9. 26 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

    I think Michelle cares about Josh and Josie, because Josh is her oldest son and Josie is walking antiabortion propaganda, and I think JB cares about Michelle. I think that neither of them cares at all about any of their other 17 kids, as evidenced by everything you said here. 

    Regarding luxury mobile homes, my MIL made me go with her on a tour of a 55+ luxury mobile home community in the sun belt and some of those places were swank. 

    Yes, I have seen pictures of some of those swanky places, some are very fancy! Yesterday I saw an advertisement for a triple wide mobile home, it's huge inside!

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  10. 3 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

    Can someone please stab me in the ear for listening to WOACB?  Hey KJ, I have a psychology degree, too.  I've spent 17 years doing this job.  I just happen to be really wicked good at doing computer stuff. I have all sorts of certifications that have tortured forensic knowledge into me. One of them, the CFCE, was a two week class, followed by 4 months of case work, practical's and questions that took me months to answer.   There were NO degrees in Computer Forensic until recently.  So, most of the senior analysts in this country don't have forensics degrees.  And the certs you are making fun of are harder than hell to get.  

    Yes, Michelle Bush is a lightweight.  She doesn't have the degree and she's too young to have the experience. Yet here I am, an expert witness in federal court. Fottrell, the DOJ head guy, doesn't list what his degree is in, but it's not forensics.  So please don't dis most of us to make your point that Michelle is a neophyte.  

    I just want to hug you for this!!

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  11. 2 hours ago, hathorlive said:

    It's very different to learn by watching and using and understanding how the OS is set up, the structure of the file system and limitations governing user accounts, programs, and networking.  She shouldn't have been given this case without formal Linux training on her CV.

    Good to hear from you again, I always look for your comments!

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  12. 5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    The Sun had it wrong earlier in the day. They corrected it. They originally  referred to her as the Reber’s daughter. Notice the post is from Hannah Bunch Reber. That’s their daughter-in-law’s Facebook page.

    When I posted that link on here, it was the daughter-in-law, not the daughter.

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  13. 7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Personally I think it would be obvious to the jurors who is there to support Josh. All the siblings have been sitting with the wife of the defendant. The wife who clearly supports her husband. I don't think one juror is going to surmise these 'spectators' are there to support the defendant's wife and not the defendant. 

    And all have interacted with Anna in the jurors presence. Whether it be a smile, a nod or a whisper, the jurors see it. I wouldn't be surprised if they've seen smiles and nods to Josh too. IMO, this matters. Everything in the courtroom matters. Its far easier to believe a 30 something year old guy is a sexual deviant when he's unsupported in the courtroom. 

    I think our discussions on the presence of the siblings is a good representation of what happens in deliberations. Different pieces of evidence are interpreted differently and different pieces of evidence carry more weight for some jurors than others. And different folks (knowingly and unknowingly) want to believe different things and so they (intentionally and unintentionally) make their observations fit their narrative.

    Jurors are human, this is why lawyers try hard to get some on the jury and others dismissed. They bring themselves into the deliberations, even when they try hard not to.

    I would feel much more confident that justice will be served if it was trial by judge and not jury. From what I have read, that judge has distaste for the Pest.

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