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Posts posted by mittsigirl

  1. 7 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    Marriage is not at all it’s cracked up to be. I wish more women would think about this and keep their independence. Amy has it made with a beautiful house a shit load of money & her own independence she has Chris to come and go and hang out with and just be peaceful in her own home. 

    I don't understand why they have to get married. They both have their own money, she has her own house, why not stay together and not get married, keep their own spaces the way that they each like them to be kept?  See each other when they want to, still go on trips and the adventures they want to share with each other, but don't get married! There is no way in the world that I would ever get married again-never, ever! You can still love and be loved and spend quality time together, without getting married. That would be the very last thing I would ever do! Getting married will only cause problems between the 2 of them and I very much doubt the marriage will even last very long. Silly woman with her teen dream wedding.

    • Love 13
  2. 15 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    The thing is that with hoarders it’s a mental disorder.  It normally takes counseling and professional assistance dealing with it. It’s like an addiction in that it’s resistant to change.  Have you ever watched the show Hoarding: Buried Alive?   It’s intense.  

    Recently, I read an obit about an Emmy nominated stylist who was missing for weeks before they found her underneath a pile of junk in her house!  Her family was devastated. 


    OMG! That is so sad! What a terrible way to die, I just can't believe how horrible of a death this had to be for her. And her poor sister having to find her this way, my heart breaks for her. I have watched every episode of that show. I wonder what the percentage is of people who were helped and then backslid again? Addictions are terrible and so hard to break and get healthy again.

    • Love 4
  3. 11 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

    I hear ya, Mittisgirl, I had to do that with my mom's sewing room, and she had the contents of a craft store in there. 

    So sorry you had to do the same as me. Saying 'craft store' is more real than 'sewing room'! I bet they would have been great friends, had they known each other:)

    • Love 1
  4. 4 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

    Jeremy and Audrey WANT the farm.  It's the whole reason they moved back to the area (nevermind that Audrey's parents are next door neighbors to the farm too).  J&A have even taken a social media hiatus with the show premiering again, they must've had a heads up that the new plot on the show is about Zach and Tori moving to the farm. J&A must be ticked.

    How much of Amy's things are actually things that might be from the kids childhood?  Jacob would be in no place to take his things.  Maybe Jeremy, Zach and Molly have left their things too and she feels like she can't get rid of them without their permission? She's possibly essentially packed up and moved 5 people's things.  I guess I wonder why she and Chris can't sit in the garage one afternoon and go through the boxes together?  He'd learn more about her, she could chat about her stuff.  What's to lose?  Drawing lines over things that are in the house is silly.  Perhaps he doesn't know how to share.

    When me and my 5 siblings all moved out and got married, Mom had us all take whatever family photos and little childhood memories that we wanted, home with us, to put in our own houses. She kept what she wanted, but the majority we took to our own homes. When she passed away last Mother's Day, we were looking through her Hope Chest and found that she had kept every single card from every holiday and birthday that the 6 of us had mailed to her. Amy just needs to learn how to downsize, now!

    • Love 8
  5. 5 hours ago, winsomeone said:

    She is almost 60. and has four grand kids. She will look foolish in a big fancy gown I think? More so being that she is so heavy and short. She will waddle down the aisle. Chris said she isn't ready for him to move in since she isn't making space for him, and he is right. She is a hoarder. She is going to rent space to put her extra stuff in..no thought about actually getting rid of stuff she hasn't looked at or used in 30 years I guess?

    Amy had better start to just get rid of things that she never uses or hasn't even seen in years, because what happens if something suddenly happens to her, then it's the kids who are left with dealing with the mess.. My Mom suddenly passed away last Mother's Day. We were expecting my Dad to go first, since he is 9 years older and has been in the hospital with heart issues, but it was Mom who suddenly had a massive heart attack and before we could all even get to the hospital, she was gone. She had a huge commercial seamstress business in their basement, with all kinds of computerized machines, and tons of fabrics, leather, spools of sewing and serger threads, etc., she designed and sewed bridal gowns and accessories, took in donated bridal gowns to sew tiny dresses for women who had lost their babies, made leather handbags, you name it and she could make it.  Plus all of the clothes, shoes, handbags, etc. that she collected, besides the rest of the house full of things from living there for the 61 years they were married. My Dad could not even use the stairs to go down to see what was in her sewing room, so it was up to their kids to dispose of her many items. After a year, her sewing rooms are pretty much cleared out but I have to go down soon and see what else needs to be gathered and sold. It's not an easy job, especially hard when I am still grieving. Just because Amy seems to be healthy and still young doesn't mean that something terrible couldn't suddenly happen to her. She best start downsizing all of her possessions while she is still here and able to, and not leave the mess for her family to clean up. My Mom was only 74, she looked 10 years younger, and was never sick a day in her life. You just never know what tomorrow will bring. Amy should be cleaning up all of her junk before starting a new life with Chris, especially if she is a hoarder. The kids will only want a few things to remember her by, they sure will not be wanting everything she has accumulated!

    • Love 5
  6. 9 hours ago, Opine said:

    We don't know that Michael really focuses ONLY on that.  It may be editing.  He may have asked 20 questions about her health and one about her "after".

    Also, my mom was a foreign bride.  She learned quickly that she didn't care for my father, but by then she had children.  She stayed and they celebrated 50 years of a very rocky marriage.  Then he passed away and she was able to marry the love of her life and have a delightful time until he too passed away.  They were like silly, giggly children they were so in love!!!  She was 70+ when she married the love of her life.  So, you never know.  Maybe your best life is also yet to come!!

    Yes, you are so right about Michael maybe not just focusing on the one body area, with TLC editing, who knows?!

    So happy that your Mom finally found her true love! Maybe there is some hope for me yet, thanks for sharing her story, I really needed to hear it:)

    • Love 6
  7. 2 hours ago, readheaded said:

    The other thing I wondered about the doctor was him removing the breast tissue by weight. Were both breasts the same weight to begin with? Also, why not lift them when he reduced them? 

    By the same token, I think Chuck likes having his kids continually be in his debt. They’re all a symbiotic mess. 

    Most women have 1 breast that is a different size than the other, sometimes a whole cup size different. Rarely are our breasts the exact same size. And yes, why not do the lift at the same time, instead of coming back and being put under again? I did not get that part at all. But then again, I am not a fancy Hollywood doctor, looking for my own show, or at the very least, advertising for more clients.

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  8. 40 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Wow, I feel for you and I am sorry your husband is treating you this way.

    As far as my grey hair, the time and money I put in to keeping the grey away is just not worth it anymore, I am worried what coloring my hair all these years is really doing to my health and the time sitting around has become annoying to me, implants could cause trouble in some people, your husband seems to be more impressed with packaging rather your actual health and that is a shame.  Perhaps couples therapy could help you two, you are in a tough spot.

    No matter what happens in your life, never compare any part of you or your life to Angela!

    Sometimes men suck.

    Couples therapy? Lol, he thinks he knows more than anyone else, so he would never agree to see anyone! It is what it is, I thought I knew so much about life when I married him at 20-sheesh, was I ever a darn fool! I am just waiting to see what happens with covid before I see a lawyer. I am pretty sure that after 41 years together, I do have some value in the legal system.

    I have been cutting and doing my own colors ever since I was 18, and I buy them from Amazon, so it is not that much cost for me. But I am pretty sure that is why my hair is thinning on top. I read an article many years ago, how some colors are harder on your hair than others. I think the reds were the worst. My Mom had copper penny natural hair until she began having babies, with every pregnancy, her hair got darker, and she ended up being a brunette. I started getting red in my hair in 8th grade, and was bullied over it. I began coloring it in reds when I was 18, just to even it all out. Always wanted to try blonde but too fair for that color, just like Angela, blonde is not the color that looks best on her. As for the stupid implants, I am just very lucky to never have had any health issues with them. Angela will feel much better being smaller on top. Michael kind of reminds me of my husband, they care so much how their women look on the outside, not where it counts the most. Shallow men are just like that, though I never considered Michael as being shallow before Angela had her boobs made smaller. How would he feel if he had to carry around 5 pound balls-each- between his legs every day?! It will be interesting to see if their marriage lasts after her surgeries, and after she has the skin surgeries. I just hope whomever does the skin removals does a neater job than Dr. Now does, his jobs are a little rough looking!

    I love watching these dumb shows on tv., gets me away from my reality for awhile, plus love everyone who snarks about them, sure do get some great belly laughs from reading the comments!

    • Love 4
  9. 32 minutes ago, Mothra said:

    I wondered about that, too.  I've (we've?) been assuming that the second wife was to do the housework and babysit so Vanessa could pursue her career.  Yet here we have The King pointing out that nurses can get jobs anywhere--and seeming in favor of her pursuing more training to become a PA.  Wonder what Vanessa thinks about that.

    My hallucinations are back, and worse than ever.  I saw an iguana wearing a sombrero sitting on Qbert's shoulder in one of the photos near the start of the show.  Hello, thorazine!

    Does anyone else notice that only Dannnnielle calls Roberta "Bert?"  Weepy McTears consistently (I think) refers to her as "Roberta."  "Bert" is a boy's name.  Maybe that gives Dannnnnnnnielle some kind of comfort.

    The "weeding" scene on the Winder homestead confused me.  Wasn't that just a field full of weeds?  What was the crop they were weeding?  And has Sonia never been on a horse before?  Sure looks like it.  Who doesn't know to say "whoa" when you want the horse to stop?  The peaches were beautiful, but they looked past due for picking.  I wonder if Howdy hires people to help on the farm, and if so what the hell have they been doing, to let the weeds take over and the peaches to over-ripen?  If he's selling any of those peaches--and I know his wives can some of them--but it looked to me like a good, productive orchard, where the peaches should be picked before they're fully ripe, so they can be sent for sale.  The heavy crop looks like they have been sprayed, too, which also indicates a commercial crop.  What is Howdy Doody doing on his farm besides riding his horse around?  When the wives aren't there, who feeds and waters the animals---that poor Ukrainian girl from 90DF?

    When Alexawndra told Obsidian that she didn't feel ready for kids, I think his disappointment related to how she would accept his children, not about bearing children herself.

    The Merry Merrifields make me throw up.


    Love the comment about Ukrainian girl from 90 Days-Julia- doing his animal chores!!

    Tosha reminds me of a 12 year old, all crazy big eyes, and showing off that muffin top!

    • Love 6
  10. 5 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    Garrick runs off to Brazil to be with Bert then realizes he is better off financially in the US and runs home.  His dick isn't going to get him a job.  Lust will not sustain them. 

    I agree with you. And how in the world is he so bloody 'in love' with Bert when he has hardly spent any time with her?? He is not in love, his dick is in lust. And he is thinking with that dick of his, certainly not with the head on his shoulders!

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  11. 8 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I agree 100%, the damage Angela has done to her hair will be a long road to recovery.  BTW, I am on my way to my hair person with the hopes to begin to strip my color to let me go grey, fingers crossed, tired of spending the money to cover the grey.

    Swiffer duster comparison made me giggle, it's funny 'cause it's true!

    Good for you going natural, I really admire and respect you for that!! Since the pandemic, so many women are going with their natural grey and most of them look absolutely beautiful, and I bet that you will too!

    My husband married me because he wanted a younger woman- I am12 years younger than he is-because he never wanted a wife to look as old as he was. But it never stopped there. I also can't even own a pair of comfy sweats, no flannel night gowns, have to keep my hair from showing any grey, and must try to wear make-up for him every day. A few years ago, he told me that I was getting 'round' looking, so I lost the weight quickly for him. And of course I listened and got those damn implants for him. I have been with him for 41 years now. He is practically all bald, with grey being the predominant color of what hair is left, tons of wrinkles on his face and has a big pot belly. But I guess that's okay for him as long as I don't age gracefully. I keep trying to leave but he controls all of the money, plus I am disabled now, so who would ever want me? I would give anything to let my hair go grey, remove the implants and wear sweats while I eat whatever the hell I want to eat and not worry about gaining a pound! But like my late Mom always told me-'You made your bed, you sleep in it.' At least with him I have a roof over my head, the bills are paid and I don't go hungry, things could always be worse:)

    Glad the Swiffer comment gave you a giggle, every time I use the thing, I think of Angela's hair!

    • LOL 1
  12. On 5/23/2021 at 9:17 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    On a shallow note, Mike's mom and Angela both could REALLY use a good haircut.  Brandon's mom, too.  I am sure there are more I can't think too hard on a Sunday morning.

    Like I posted on the show page, Angela's skin tone is way too light for her to pull off being so blonde! She needs some professional help choosing a color that compliments her skin color, this being so blonde just washes her out. And getting a darker color would also coat the hair shaft, which would instantly make her hair look much healthier!

    • Love 4
  13. 9 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your son. My heart goes out to you and anyone reading that is a part of this awful group we are a part of.

    The guilt I totally understand. My daughter was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease. Within a month she started treatment. She became incredibly ill with treatment. Before we knew it she was in Texas Children's CVICU. Almost a day does not go by I question my actions wondering what if this what about that. I feel like I failed as a Mom because I could not save her. 

    I think that is why I enjoy this reality junk. A bit of a getaway; if just for a little while. 

    It is so true that we Moms live with so much guilt because we couldn't save our children. I live with survivors guilt as well. % years before my daughter got cancer, I got a severe  rare autoimmune disease, and was supposed to die from it because I had it so bad. I was totally paralyzed and on life support in the ICU for 2 months, 'died' 3 different times but was brought back. I think I fought so hard because I had young daughters at home who still very much needed me, because none of the doctors and nurses could believe it when I started to get better. After 4 months in the hospital, I checked myself out and went home still paralyzed from the waist, down. I slowly got better and could walk and do pretty much everything again. It was then 5 years to the day that I got sick, that my daughter was diagnosed with a rare cancer. She fought so hard to live, but after 19 months it was all over for her. So I do live with the guilt of not being able to fix my child, but also that I should have died and she should have lived. I can get to be an awful mess over it all. I think that is also why I watch so much junk tv, it gets me away from my own issues. May 23 would have been another birthday for Amy. It is the 25th anniversary when I came back home. Amy had tied yellow ribbons all down our 1/4 miles lane, and my youngest cleaned our tiny house like a pro, she was just newly 11 years old. We belong to a club that no mom should ever have to be part of. I read about your son Mamadrama on another forum on here, my heart goes out to you, Texasmom and any others here who have lost a child. Love your children every day, make their lives joyful and make lots of happy memories, because it could all change tomorrow:)

    • Love 1
  14. 11 hours ago, BravoAddict72 said:

    I am probably alone on this, but I thought Natalie as really rude at Mike's moms house. She had a snotty answer for everything. She can't do translating because she deserves to be happy. She wouldn't eat the cake. She didn't want to inherit the house because she likes classy things. I don't know, her attitude just came off as rude to me. I agree Mike and his mom have a weird relationship but Natalie is also a bit weird.

    Thank-you, I totally agree with your post! She has a very shitty attitude, puts on a real poop face, doesn't even try to be happy or kind. Argues for the sake of arguing. She does not help any of the situations with her MIL.

    • Love 4
  15. 12 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    There may be differences in US and Canadian health care systems.

    I had to have my implants replaced because they had been in me for 30 years, they are supposed to be replaced every 10 years. yes, stupid me, wish I would have never, ever got them done in the first place, but I was young and stupid and listened to what a man wanted. I had the surgery, woke up, stayed in the recovery suite for an hour, then got sent to go back home, 4 hours away to a very small town. And because he is the way he is, my husband did nothing to help me while I was recuperating, I had to take care of myself, he never even checked on me to see if I was still alive and breathing.

  16. On 5/23/2021 at 4:11 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

    I have a funny feeling that the relationship is very one sided, Angela barks orders at Jojo and does whatever is asked but I wonder what Angela does for Jojo.

    And both of these 'sissies' should not be bleaching their hair! Both of their skin tones do not support being blonde, they both should got to a reputable salon and have a good hair stylist find a better color for them. I have always wanted to try being blonde, but my hair stylist has told me that my skin tone would not support it and I would look pale and washed out-like Angela and Jojo look! Just putting any darker color on Angela's bleached out frizz mop-her hair reminds me of my Swiffer duster!-would coat the hair shaft and make her hair appear so much healthier. Such a bleached out mess!

    • Love 4
  17. On 5/22/2021 at 11:51 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Ronald telling Daniel he has to nag his mother every day, so she'll move to South Africa is despicable.   I would divorce his fanny for that alone. 

    I guess Eleanor's first word were all bleeped, since that's the only thing her parents say. 

    It's very common to get discharged the day of surgery, (I watched way too many plastic surgery shows about Beverly Hills and the L.A. area) and often there is a hotel suite with skilled nursing care, for wound care, and monitoring, and I'm guessing Angela's real care givers weren't shown. 

    Mike and Natalie, and Brandon and Julia, I don't care about any of them. 


    I have my 2 doctors who came to Canada from South Africa. They both say how dangerous it is there, you can stop at a stop light and somebody will come up and try to rob you and just shoot you dead! They both couldn't wait to move away from there, and neither wanted to consider starting families while there. Ronald should NOT be playing poor Daniel like he is, totally despicable, I agree with you!

    I find it ironic that Andrei wears 2 crosses around his neck, and there is a plaque on the wall that says 'We will serve the Lord', yet they apparently pose their naked parts on Only Fans,  and swear all of the time in front of their innocent child! Unbelievable trash family. Ugh.

    • Love 9
  18. 2 hours ago, deaja said:

    The car with the new CD player is very important.

    One year my husband made me choose between having an air conditioner or cassette player in a new car we were ordering. I was 22, I picked the cassette player!  

    • LOL 13
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  19. 3 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    I love the magazines - I saved my oldest sister's magazines from the very early '90s and they are a HOOT.

    There was an article about 365 ways to say I Love You and one of them was to decorate his parking space at work. I'm pretty sure that's a great way to get de-fiancéed and fast 😆


    I have old magazines for women from the 1920's to the 1970's, it sure interesting to read the articles and I love the old ads they had back then.

    • Love 5
  20. On 5/18/2021 at 9:50 AM, RedDelicious said:

    That IS risky behavior! It's not even Memorial Day!! Same for us here. 😆

    Here in Saskatchewan, Canada, we have had 2 days of +32*C, and in 2 more days it will be down to -6*C and snow! From air conditioner to furnace in the same week!

    • Love 4
  21. On 5/17/2021 at 7:22 PM, fireice13 said:

    I had so many thoughts and then that last scene happened! I was surprised they went with the blood spray onto Buck, that's brutal. Obviously the sniper is targeting first responders because they had a clear shot on Buck (not in uniform) and moved to shoot at the other guy (in uniform). I am really hoping they don't make Christopher an orphan.

    Other storylines - the AAA is definitely deadly if it ruptures, I work in blood banking and usually ruptured ones don't make it to the hospital but if it ruptures at the hospital or in surgery, those patients use a LOT of blood products and still don't always make it. 

    I'm surprised the drunk driver was released, even if she did have an ankle monitor. Also, Bobby said she had a relapse and from what I understand, at least in real life, her being allowed out with monitoring would probably require her to stay sober. If she fell off the wagon, why wasn't her release revoked? I get Bobby wanting to help her, but he and Athena really do need to work on their communication. 

    Poor Maddie, I wonder if she has postpartum depression?

    My 1st thought about Christopher losing his dad was that Buck would adopt him and raise him.

    Maddie sure does look like she is in the thralls of post-partum depression. Kind of how I looked when I had it, but she is still able to leave the house and go to her job, something that I sure couldn't do, so maybe it's in the beginning stages and she gets worse?

  22. 9 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

    Well I have to admit I have never had Thai food and if I had been in her place I would have asked what is this. I am aware of it and know it is spicy just have never eaten any. I found it mildly amusing that the blandest, most white bread ( I use this term because thats how I think of myself) family on the show likes very spicy food.

    I have also never had Thai food. If anyone in my town wants Chinese, Thai, Mexican, Italian, any food beyond what we can get at the burger joints, we have to drive 4 hours away to get something different. I could just follow recipes and try making my own, but there would probably be a lack of the right ingredients in the grocery store here. Then how would I know if it turned out right if I had never tasted the real thing before? I know what's out there, just don't live in a place that has any. There are great things about living in a small town, but lots of things that I don't like, like having different foods to try. And if it wasn't for being able to shop at Amazon, I would be even worse off in this modern world!

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