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  1. I assume those loser men who move in with these blobs are felons with sick fetishes that no other woman wants. Live rent-free in exchange for running when the blob screams, "Come on! I gotta pee!" and get an occasional hand job.
  2. Dr Now's strong accent and soft voice. Lashanta's incorrect grammar, accent and unnatural voice. I honestly wondered how they understood each other.
  3. And those stupid gold teeth made me absolutely, completely crazy. What the hell??? Is she STILL somehow dealing drugs? Got the kids in on her business? That "neighbor" who brings food for sweaty bra money? Who else wears gold teeth other than drug dealers? Clearly the producers are seeking the very most outrageous people they can find. Remember the motto of Reality TV makers: "If it bleeds, it leads".
  4. SO glad I DVR'ed this. Had to skip much of it! Combination of that high-pitched voice, with completely incorrect grammar in every sentence, made me crazy. Learn to conjugate verbs!!! Learn pronouns! Learn why not to use double-negatives! This person has never been anything but a complete drain on society. First baby at age 14 and he's now in jail? 4 babies by 4 absent men? Drug-dealing to support the family? Proud of herself for never having prostituted herself (so she says?). Leaves kids alone to raise themselves just as her mom did to her? Shame on that nasty mom, too! "Don't nobody want a fat-assed daughter." I could not see one single instance where this waste of space had ever done anything positive for society, other than keeping fast food franchises profitable.... oh and sellers of fake Chanel purses, makeup dealers and tattoo artists. Her next 3 kids are likely to follow their (half)-brother straight into jail too. Who's gonna wipe her filthy butt then? Oh, and fat eyeballs??? I never thought I'd see that! This was the single worst episode for me, and I've seen every single one. Worse than James, worse than Penny, worse than Marla... worse than any of "the worsts". Why did Dr Now agree to surgery??? I am 100% positive it was in order to have this disgusting creature on a future episode. My guess is that the "where are they now" draw in more viewers than the new ones. Otherwise there is nothing redeeming about her whatsoever and he has no reason to help this one. He knows she will keep lying and fail.
  5. I don't believe anything on that starcasm site. To me it's just clickbait. I think they make stuff up. I am so confused over something. When the guy was taking her to the grocery store, I thought she said it was her son? But I swear that the words on the screen identified him as her brother? Then didn't he say something about his sister? Another thing I wonder every episode when these 600-pounders are shown with oxygen or prescription bottles that they can only have if they've seen a doctor... Wouldn't it be an interesting interview for them to go see that actual doctor? Who prescribed that oxygen for Angela? Why didn't that doctor help find her a local weight loss doctor, or a lymphedema clinic? I'm so worried about that poor Lacey. Oh my gosh. The things she's seen in her young life. What kind of future does she have? Why doesn't Angela's daughter take her in? What about that "aunt" who drives her to school? Actually I wish they had shielded Lacey's identity. She's a minor and everyone in her school has access to this show. How she's going to be teased!!! This vile reality about her unfortunate life will be "out there" forever.
  6. I saw 3 questions above asking about parts of the show they missed: 1) Her traumatic back story - didn't think her mom loved her and mom didn't like that she was chubby. 2) What happened to Lacey's parents - "they have been making bad choices". (Drug addicts?) 3) What happened to Eric at the end - they never mentioned him again. I suspect that TLC paid him to make that drive the first time and that's all the "relationship" was. Or, he really was an old friend, he realized that he had been massively used, and got out of her life.
  7. 1) Gets them out of the environment where they got into their bad situation. 2) Demonstrates a commitment to the program. 3) Proximity to Dr Now for problems that come up and resources, like the therapists he works with. One thing we've seen hints of on other shows is support groups for bariatric patients. I totally get why he wants them there.
  8. There's very little "reality" in "reality TV". As soon as I heard them talking in their unnatural voices, "how are you?" when he sat down, skipped over the conversation when Eric showed up because I was certain that it was acted. I am 99% sure that they arranged for Eric to drive her, then told him to show up for filming and pretend to discuss it.
  9. I thought that guy was her brother? The guy who took her to the grocery store? When it was over, I was thinking, where was her son?
  10. Thoughts... Charity and that predatory "fiance" Tony... moving in on her obese sister and impregnating her? That family is really sick. Now... we know that this guy has no scruples whatsoever, right? Let's hope he doesn't "volunteer to take care of" the disabled sister and rape her. The dynamics in that family are completely sick all the way around. Milla - I did keep wondering how 2 people as unhealthy as she and her deceased husband would be approved to foster/adopt those children? That youngest child must have been placed with them when Milla was bedridden. He clearly adores Milla but wow, what an unhealthy household! Growing up seeing your mom naked, in bed, and taken care of by your adopted siblings? Ew! That little boy is so sweet and loving and he's going to need years of therapy. Milla's oldest son (Esau?)'s girlfriend? OUCH! She herself needs Dr Now! That woman is also morbidly obese!!!!!!! Scary dynamic going on there. I'd imagine that he'd run screaming from a morbidly-obese woman, having lived life with one. What the heck? Charity and the drugs... she's so hateful and mean and messed up, I initially felt bad that they were able to save her when she pulled off her monitor and took those drugs. I sure would love to know how she did it, and I hope whoever it was got caught. I'm thinking she came up with some cash and bribed a hospital worker to go find some on the street. Somebody mentioned that they saw a comment that Milla had located 3 of the 4 adopted children's birth parents. Where was that? Why did she do it? Did they make contact? Those children seem so devoted to her, and Milla depends on them SO MUCH, that shocked me.
  11. I had forgotten Maja and that creepy so-called boyfriend, Christian, so I watched the Supersized last night. Something's very wrong with Christian. Anybody else notice, on the call with "MOM!", she asked, "wouldn't you help someone out on the street?" He said, "Nobody helped ME when I was out on the street! You have to pull yourself out" or something like that. Had he been homeless? Did they ever have a decent relationship? Had he done time in jail? Why doesn't he drive? Really makes me wonder about his background. He's clearly very damaged with seriously bad interpersonal skills.
  12. I felt outraged during the show that the first responders did not rescue those dogs. They KNEW that their caretaker was dead, ok? They KNEW that Jeanne and mom were out of town. So they left 9 dogs outside to fend for themselves. That's really cruel!!!
  13. THIS! These people need to be committed to a psych hospital and social services help them get on to some sort of decent life. The weight is not the issue here. It's just a symptom.
  14. Agree. And I literally fast-forwarded over all of this one's voiceovers. They read the same script every show. "My life is riding on this. I HAVE TO succeed. This is my last chance. I am going to [do xyz] BECAUSE [xyz]." Some are more whiny than others. I knew from the get-go that this one would have absolutely nothing worthwhile in a voiceover.
  15. Lucky you! Anyone got sick, Mom was mad as hell and absolutely resentful of having to take care of us. It was a struggle for me to unlearn how my mom behaved when my own kids got sick. Back to the show: seems like the last few episodes they now include (why?) the person sitting on the toilet! Nobody needs to see this! I was already fast-forwarding my DVR over the shower scenes and now these folks have to degrade themselves on the toilet, too? I thought I was going to vomit seeing this one lean over to expose her nasty backside for this man to wipe. That's some sick dynamic those 2 have for not-relatives and not-married. Why seek out and stay with a woman whose butt you need to wipe? But shame on the show producers. Being naked in the shower is bad enough. Don't make those people sit on the toilet. We, the viewing public, truly do not wish to see this.
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