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  1. In my book, House IS a hero, an icon and a freaking gorgeous god. I’d like a 24/7 channel of House.
  2. That was great! And so spot on! In addition to the guy who keeps loading boxes while being questioned by the police is the college kid who won’t stop walking while they are being questioned because they always “have to get to class”! Or the student athlete who has to “get back to practice “.
  3. That’s one of them - that’s her “fan” page. She has like 5 or 6 other personal pages.
  4. She keeps posting on Facebook “This Wednesday I make My600 lb life history....;)” The hell?? 🤔
  5. Yep, I believe there are 2 update episodes on her. I wonder when we’ll see the 2nd one?
  6. I can’t wait! 😊
  7. The Rite-Aid I go to has a whole section of this As Seen on TV stuff.
  8. What’s with all the constant high fiving?
  9. I thought Chinese food - wonton soup or something?
  10. I just finished a bag of honey mustard ones! Oooh, there’s other flavors? I must try.
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