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Everything posted by msgxoxo

  1. Okay wait I wrote my comment before finishing the episode lol. Gross Malia picked Adam. They both annoy me now. Adam is like a child getting upset because Malia is giving another guy attention. But then she still runs after him even though he almost fucked the tip up for everyone. I want one or both of them to get fired lol.
  2. My opinions are changing for some of these people. Adam is such an asshole! And so immature and unprofessional. He thinks the guest is demanding and hard to please (and a redneck.. lol) because the guy doesn't want onions? That's not a crazy request to make. I usually ask for my food with no onions. Guests who spend that much money are allowed to make special requests, especially one as small as that. I'm glad the guy called him out in front of everyone though he looked embarrassed. Also, Malia! She is starting to annoy me. I was on her side at first but now she seems like she's just leading each guy on so they all keep giving her attention. Like how she kind of told Bobby that he still had a chance so he would keep trying to get with her.
  3. I feel like Shea will win, but she's my least favorite out of the top four. She just doesn't seem to have much of a personality compared to the rest. Trinity is definitely my favorite because she's so funny, and then it would be a tie between Sasha and Peppermint. I think Sasha's drag is better but I love Peppermint's personality. I agree that Trinity is more of a talker than a shower. I don't think her drag is really that shocking.. she's like a knock off Sharon Needles (who is my favorite by the way!). No offense but lifting your hat to show a little house on your head isn't really a shocker, lol! Compared to Sharon walking out with fake blood pouring down her head and face. THAT was shocking. But anyway, I don't care too much who wins. I feel like it will be Shea, but I definitely would prefer one of the other three to get it (specifically Trinity). We shall see! Edit: Actually, maybe she never claimed to be shocking.. she did say unique though. I think her style of drag is definitely high fashion and another level compared to the other queens this season. But compared to queens in the past it's not too crazy. Sharon and Violet definitely were a level above Sasha. I don't think she's in that pic (unless I'm blind too lol)
  4. Charlie saying she doesn't lip synch is like other queens saying they don't sew, but worse. Aren't drag queens supposed to be entertainers? And I actually like Aja. I felt bad for her when she was saying she felt like she has to try harder than Valentina does because Valentina is pretty.. or however she said it.
  5. Lol Craig and Gizmo were so cute! Rolling him around in a cart thing and then annoying Gizmo while he cleans himself lol all while being allergic to cats. It was cute. I like Craig even though he's taking forever to actually do anything. I feel bad for Naomi though because my ex was just like him and I eventually broke up with my ex because I spent so much time pushing him to do anything I felt like his mom. You can only take so much of that before you just don't look at the guy the same anymore. Hopefully Craig doesn't waste too much time and lets that happen. Landon really did look like a hot mess. Wtf is up with that hair it's like she just drove on the freeway in a convertible with the top down lol and that big ugly statement necklace thing. Not attractive. And that whole website she's so proud of but the content was all done by her "partner"? And it's not like Landon designed the website herself.. so what exactly did she do? Was it just her idea? It's 2017 she should've been thinking of an app to create not a website. I also do not find Shep attractive or very charming either. I like this new guy they brought in and want to see more of him. He always seems slightly annoyed by Shep. Like Shep thinks they're competing when really Shep is just turning into a Thomas lol. Getting a little too old for this fun bachelor persona he has.
  6. Idk I'm on Ariana's side. Stassi seems so fake to me and just can't handle anyone not liking her. She acts like she's tough and doesn't care but she literally breaks down if anyone goes against her opinion or god forbid doesn't like her. It's so childish. I mean after all the years of the same thing with Stassi why should Ariana have to hug it out with her? She's proven to be a mean girl who likes to get all the girls to gang up on anyone who disagrees with them. I'm glad Ariana is on the show so she can stick it to Stassi and show her that she's not as great as she thinks she is. And maybe when she was younger she was the queen of her Sur world but now they're older it's time to grow up. Not everyone is going to like you Stassi, but you'll survive. Lol.
  7. Yeah I've seen that name a few times and it makes sense. She also got a small part in a movie he's a producer for. I wonder how she landed that part.. lol. What annoys me though is how Lala brags about having a rich boyfriend and sneaking around with him but then tonight at the reunion she acts like "how dare you bring it up!!" Like if you were really that serious about keeping it a secret you A) wouldn't be all over social media about it and B) wouldn't even be on the show to begin with. She probably loves the attention but at the same time is like "Oh crap if I mess this up he'll dump me".
  8. The part with her brother was awkward and unnecessary. Did they really need to push this out into a three part reunion? That was totally just some filler because there isn't enough drama going on. And why was Lala even there if she wouldn't talk about anything? It's so obvious she's with a married man. I follow her on Snapchat and on Valentines day she showed all the presents her "boyfriend" had mailed to her while she sat at home in a robe lol. I assume she wasn't with her man cause he spent the holiday with his wife..
  9. I know that's why I could watch this episode cause it's on VH1! Luckily I have that channel cause I love this show. But yeah so far this season isn't too exciting to me. Nobody really stands out THAT much like some queens have in past seasons. And yeah there hasn't been too much drama. Hopefully it gets better! And yes I love Cynthia she's sweet and that story about how she came up with cucu was funny.
  10. I didn't know they've brought back old contestants before. And I've watched every season starting with season 4! That's nice of Ru though I definitely felt like Cynthia had more potential in her original season. She has a great personality too.
  11. I just started watching the season last night (my cable doesn't include the Logo channel anymore for some reason) so I'm sure it's been explained already.. but can someone tell me why that one Puerto Rican one is back? I forget her name. The one with the super thick accent who says "coocoo" lol. I didn't know past contestants were allowed back?
  12. The thing with this show compared to some of the others is that the fights are SO incredibly petty! I was just thinking about this the other night. Some of these Bravo shows have the dumbest, pettiest fights and some shows have some real deep rooted issues going on. Like Beverly Hills & Vanderpump are definitely petty lately. But then Shahs & Southern Charm have some deeper issues that are some serious drama. I remember watching a WWHL once with Mike from Shahs and then one of the Real Housewives (maybe from Atlanta) and when Mike was getting into all the drama between the cast members and their families and the Atlanta housewife just had a look on her face like "damn". Lol! It's like dumb petty stuff vs. real shit to be fighting about. But anyway.. tonights episode I was totally team Dorit & PK! If I were married and getting ganged up on like that I would hope my husband would care enough to make sure I'm okay and stand up for me if need be. Plus Erika brought him in anyway. She was definitely speaking down to him too and wasn't expecting that response from him. I also think her whole facade is phony. That whole "cool bad bitch" persona she has. She may have a lot of money but her life seems depressing as hell.
  13. Candy corn is one of those things people either love or hate. Most people I know HATE them and think they're disgusting.. but my dad and I love them lol. I can only eat a few because they're pure sugar but idk something about the waxy-colorful candies are yummy to me! But only around Halloween. Also.. I just learned that the kernels can all be put together to form one big cob! Lol which makes sense why they're called candy corns and why they have those 3 colors.
  14. I always thought Shay was cute and felt bad for him. Idk if it's just the editing but it seemed like whenever him and Scheana were talking she would interrupt and talk over him. And then it would cut to Shay looking away all awkwardly. Also.. that scene with them in the bedroom was weird. What he said seemed to be funny but neither of them laughed. Like duh he doesn't know what any of her clothes are and that's funny to me but he was dead serious.. like that was a metaphor for their marriage or something lol. And I didn't expect his family to have any money. Hasn't Scheana said herself that she wasn't raised with a lot of money? She just had a normal upbringing and now is a waitress. She is girly and high maintenance but that doesn't always mean a girl is a gold-digger. I thought they've known each other since high school or something so it made sense to me. But they are total opposites and she is way too self absorbed for them to ever have a healthy relationship. But like that one scene in the episode when they were in New Orleans when they were in bed in the morning. How Shay said "you're so cute" and looked at her like he really loved her. But she didn't look at him and just said he was cute too and Shay just looked away like okay.. idk maybe I'm pulling too much out of tiny little scenes lol but something did seem off. Maybe Scheana just wants a typical serious relationship, marriage, house, kids, etc. and doesn't care who it's with. & Maybe Shay was just convenient for her since she'd known him for so long.
  15. First.. I also don't know how these people fall for some of these voices. I didnt think Rosa sounded like a guy but I definitely thought 'she' sounded like a big girl. That voice did not match the pictures. Also.. maybe it's just because I'm on my period but I immediately started crying as soon as Jose walked out that door lol. I don't want to sound mean and shallow but he is not an attractive person at all. And he's clearly gay. Life has to have been hard for him. I just felt so incredibly bad for him I started crying lol. I don't think bullying is the reason why Jose did any of that and I think everyone knew it. It's probably embarrassing for him to really lay out and dig into why he created a female profile and catfished a guy. Maybe he hadn't come out of the closet and wanted a relationship with a man? Or he's extremely insecure and can't form real relationships that aren't online? I don't blame him for using bullying as his excuse. But what was with that weird ending showing Jose getting his life together. I think this was another ad by Catfish to lure more weirdos out there to come on the show. Like 'See you won't just be embarrassing yourself on national TV! You'll actually get something out of it!' & I also love Max now! It's hot when he gets all pissed off and calls out the catfish lol he's definitely my favorite out of the two.
  16. Plus Stephen actually has some good qualities. He's funny and fun to be around. Christina literally has nothing going for her lol. Awkward stare downs, bitchy comments, crying, meddling, & that annoying smug look she does.. idk how any of them could be friends with her for so long. And I agree with what someone else said.. it says alot if an entire house of people turn against her. I think SHE is the problem, not them. Oh and even though Lindsay and Everett have a messed up relationship I do think it's cute when he's there for her when it comes to her issues with her mom. He seems to really care about her despite their fighting and drama.
  17. I don't think people interested in murder and crime think it's "cool", except for Stassi. I love watching all of those Identity shows, Forensics Files, etc. just because they're interesting. I also love reading murder mystery/crime books. I don't think being interested in these topics is disrespectful to any victims or families of victims lol. Stassi is just so one-dimensional, basic, and boring that she thinks talking about murder makes her unique. When in reality she's just as basic as James' pumpkin spiced latte girlfriend (I saw someone on here call her that and it was so accurate lol). Also.. I didn't think her 'sexy photoshoot' was sexy. SHE is just not sexy anymore in my opinion. She was definitely cute in the earlier seasons but not so much now. And this whole wedding is a train wreck. Why are two people who barely have any money wasting 50k on a big elaborate, floral, grandma-looking wedding?? What is Katie gonna have when it's over? Some pictures, videos, debt, and a shitty marriage lol. I think they should've kept it simple and focused more on their major relationship issues. Or maybe saved that money to buy a house? Rather than waste all that money just to drive back home to their little crappy apartment and shitty jobs. Like I said this show is getting very depressing lol.
  18. Actually yeah that's pretty true. I guess I thought of her as strong just when it comes to confrontations cause she's the opposite of Christina when it comes to that. But when it comes to relationships she is pretty weak. I think she has major abandonment issues so she'll put up with anything.
  19. I just think it's funny Stassi is still living like she is totally relying on her looks.. which obviously worked a couple years ago but does she not realize her looks have gone downhill? I don't think skinny is the only way to be attractive.. I think curves are hot. But her and Katie haven't gained curves lol they've just gained weight and look like they don't take as good care of themselves as they used to. It's not like they're older and so busy raising children or something. They just drink too much and sit around talking shit about other people on their spare time. The show is entertaining but their lives are starting to look more and more depressing lol. (That one episode where Katie is all upset and stuffing her face with a salad in huge, slow bites.. I was cringing watching that. Poor girl is def eating her feelings) And I agree with above.. it does seem like she tries to make herself seem edgy. When in reality she's just another basic shallow girl who doesn't have much going for her. Maybe it was cute when she was in her early 20s, but now that she's almost 30 it's a little sad. I just used to like this show way more. I remember getting so into all the drama lol but now it's pretty lame and I'm starting to not like any of the cast members. Except Brittany. And I actually think her and Jax's relationship is cute. The only thing that is annoying to me is how she doesn't pay any bills and then flips when he tells her to do something. I get that she doesn't want to look disrespected on national television but still.. if he's taking care of you financially then make the man a damn sandwich lol.
  20. I'm definitely unique I guess but I literally cannot stand Christina and I actually like Lindsey. Idk exactly how to describe Christina.. she's just always getting in people's business like when they were talking at the table and she said 'Wait did you guys hook up? Did you guys hook up??' and her face literally lit up. Like why are you so involved in everyone else's lives?? And her little facial expressions like that weird smug head bob thing she does like that goody-goody in class who tells on you and then looks pleased with herself. That's the only description I can think of lol. But what's worse is she'll act pretty bitchy too, like when she called those random girls hookers. And then when god forbid anyone confronts her she can't handle it and starts crying. Like if you're that weak why the hell are you getting involved in everyone's business and creating drama like that? I'm not surprised all the other girls are ganging up on her. They've been dealing with her for YEARS I'm sure after a while you just can't take it anymore. They said they've gone thru breaks with her and I can see why lol. I was also really uncomfortable watching her get so defensive about Lindsey saying she was fired. "I was NOT fired!!! I wasn't!!! How dare you!! I wasn't fired Lindsey!!!" Like damn girl your reaction is making it seem like maybe you were fired... lol. I don't love the other girls but I can at least respect a strong woman. Lindsey may be stupid in love but she's not as weak as Christina. Same with Lauren. A lot of girls make stupid decisions when they really like a guy.. I know I've done it. And Jaclyn.. idk I kind of like her but I also hate overly flirty people like that. She calls herself a 'cock tease' but thats not something to be proud of. If you're going to act like a slut then be a slut, lol. Don't just act slutty and then when it comes down to being a slut act like 'Oh I would never!' People like that bug me. I do love Steven though and I think his whole eye rolls and commentary is funny! Like when they're talking about making out with each other and he says 'what are wen fourth grade? Let me know when somebody fucks' Lol! That's exactly what I was thinking too. And I feel bad for Amanda..or whoever that girl is who shows up for 3 am booty calls lol. Kyle really does seem like a cool guy when he's not being a sloppy creep at parties. I bet he's a great guy when they're together sober.. and the stuff he's said about her in the confessional things shows he's said some stuff to her to really make her think he's in love with her. Poor girl. As for Everett.. his dramatic angry expressions when he's arguing with someone are funny. Like he's a bad actor. And idk what I think about Carl. He just seems like any generic rich white guy to me lol. I think he somewhat respects Lauren because she is a strong person.. but I think that's exactly why he isn't super into her. Like he probably wants a little petite submissive type female. It's definitely cringeworthy watching Lauren throw herself at him topless though lol that was so painful to watch. But anyway I thought I hated this show at first but it's definitely grown on me. I like it now! (Idk why people are saying 'this is just a bunch of rich white people getting drunk why would we want to watch it?' Isn't that pretty much every show on Bravo? lol except for VPR)
  21. It really pisses me off when girls are in relationships and aren't using protection.. and then act shocked or stressed out at the fact they might be pregnant. Like really?! How stupid and lazy can you be to not be on any birth control? Either they secretly want to get pregnant but won't admit it.. or they really don't want to get pregnant and end up aborting it. It's just so immature to me and the fact these immature people are giving birth and raising children is even worse.
  22. Okay I can't be the only one who thought this episode seemed SO fake. I usually love this show and get really into the episodes but this one was so ridiculously staged and fake to me! First of all... Alante just happened to be having a BBQ with his brother and god sister so they can conveniently meet Erica beforehand? I know something like this has happened with that one fat guy and his cousin and it seemed legit.. but this one didn't. Because Erica wasn't really in the episode helping them she just was there for five minutes so we know she exists. Like come on how convenient was that.. the producers had to have known she was the 'catfish' from the beginning. Then what was up with that Sierra girl? She was 'in the middle of it' and met with them just to call the girl to have HER meet them.. what was the point of that? They could've done that on their own. But instead they called Erica ONCE and then gave up lol. To me it seemed like she just wanted to be on TV and this was an excuse for some camera time. She literally had nothing to do with anything. Except when they asked Alante he got all awkward and said she had a crush on him.. but his body language and the way he said it made it seem like he was lying. Like what he was really thinking was 'she wanted to be on the episode too and our excuse is she likes me'. Who was that Latoya girl? They never addressed why she was linked to that number or however she came up. But then all of a sudden its the god sister.. and instead of something really crazy like her confessing her love for him she just gives some weird excuse about her being mad at him for something that happened a while back and like helping girls catch their dudes cheating.. and they don't really push her any further. I feel like Max & Nev usually get pretty serious about pushing the truth out of the catfishers but they didn't in this episode. Eight years is a LONG time! Especially to someone as close as a 'god sibling'. And they just let it slide like it wasn't that big of a deal lol if this actually happened to someone that would be extremely fucked up. Like the episode with the cousins didnt they not even talk anymore by the end of that episode? That was genuine. Okay and this was the icing on the cake.. at the end they're together and she's pregnant?! But won't say by who? Umm those two are together and were together the entire time! And now they're having a baby! And then they make sure to end the show with those two saying something that sounded totally scripted about being glad they came on the show and whatever else. Like it was a little advertisement to get more people to come on the show. Lol I'm sorry but this whole episode was so ridiculously fake and just an excuse for that whole town to get on TV. I really hope this doesn't mean the rest of the episodes will be fake like that because I love this show. But this one and that whole psychic episode were painfully fake so I think this show should just end soon. (I just created an account on here so I could say this haha I just can't believe no one has said this yet! & sorry I wrote a novel lol it just bugged me)
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