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Everything posted by Pringlescan

  1. I think Sandoval's point was that Katie acts out at others and nothing happens for it. She doesn't get talked to or even sent home(at least what we've seen via editing). But when she's attacked she runs right to LVP and cries about it. Again James is a POS no matter what good he's done but people act like Katie is this innocent individual that does nothing wrong when she's behind most the issues with people. Not really an opinion that differs. If you've watched the show every Sandoval said is pretty much true aside from saying James is provoked. Katie does and gets away with everything she does and cries when people fight back.
  2. You have to be new to the show to say this. Tom did run to tell on Katie, he went and basically dropped facts. Katie was toxic as shit for the last 3 seasons and nothing happens to her. She's body shamed others in the group, attacked others and done other things and nothing was done about it. Lisa would maybe pull her aside and talk to her. The incident where James called her fat this season was after she attacked him. James is a dbag but Katie is a bully that gets away with it.
  3. What's wrong with supporting someone? At least she's not taking over things he's doing like he did with her. Isn't that the part of a relationship you're supposed to do is be about that person? She's been about him all the time.
  4. First Jax is a complete tool and this is by no means in defense of his actions as he deserves everything he gets..... but does anyone else with the girls not named Brittney should mind their own business about their relationship? I find it highly annoying you have that gaggle of messy chicks who can't get their own crap together bagging on Jax and Brittney and basically trying to push her in the direction they want. If those two want to work it out let them FFS. It's always annoyed me how groups of so called friends do this type of mob mentality they always do. Again Jax is a tool but damn leave them alone to their own devices.
  5. A few things..... Anyone else think Jonathon is a fake mofo? He just seems to be that old bitty type of individual that puts his nose into everything and then tells on everyone. Did K. Michelle not need him anymore? Mendecees mom needs to step way way back and leave things alone. I dislike Mendecees more and more each season in how he treats Yandy and doesn't say anything to his mom.
  6. That's not the point of the show. It's just to show drama and crazy situations fatties are in(I'm a fatty BTW). It's just shock and awe for views and it works. I think they also try to get people that have life issue that "caused" them to be fat. If you notice all the intervention shows and hoarding shows always feature someone who had some sort of life changing event happen. You never see anyone that just decided to hoard or do drugs just to do it. Same with this show. It's the best way to get the drama effect and pull people in. The results and success of these people is non-existent.
  7. I love how all the chicks that are trying to be rappers would rather fight than actually do anything in their careers. This is why they'll never be taken seriously and actually have careers. I thought all this was fake for the show with how Bianca and Bri act.... nope that's exactly how they really act. Rich and his Type 2 Diabetes BS was funny since I have it as well. His overreacting ass and crying about it. Then goes out and drinks heavily, eats bad food. Like come on bro you can't cry about "almost dying" then go out and do that. Jonathon to me is fake as hell. Is he back because K. Michelle isn't doing her show anymore? Dude is telling on people like snitch working for the feds.
  8. They go through a lot. I don't think we see everything like nutritionists visits, physiologist visits or others. His part is really to see if they're willing to do anything at all to get better and you can see most don't.
  9. I don't think he's over it, and I think he's sad and heartbroken he messed up. I think the issue is the little clique of girls keep bringing things up and pushing Brittany. Every time they're together they can't just hang out it's always "Jax this or Jax that". Regardless of their dislike for Jax they all just need to back off and let whatever happens happen.
  10. A little late in this but here goes, The problem with eliminating the choice out the why they do this just takes away the responsibility from the individual. Regardless of why they are eating they are making that choice to eat another plate of food. They made a choice to drink 4 - 2 liters of soda a day. They made the choice to wait until they were going to die before giving a care and acting on it. If you watch the show when Dr. Now talks with them and then read about the surgery no doctor will just do the surgery. They make you in some cases going to a shrink and getting evaluated. They also make you lose weight before surgery and keep it off. That shows that you can make the right... choices when you have the surgery. In the end it's all choices that led them to their health issues. You can add all the side acts like mental issues, emotional troubles or anything that can cause people to do things. But at the end of the day those don't matter because you make that choice to keep going with how you're going. It's a hard fact to understand but it's fact. Anything less is way to simple and letting these people off way to easy. I had to come to terms with what I was doing and I made the choice to fix it.
  11. I hate wishing this upon anyone but this dude just needs to die off. He obviously doesn't give a shit about himself or others. He only cares when it's past the point of no return. His whining and crying when they moved him angered me for some reason. All these shows anger me. I'm obese and big and I have pains but god damn these people. How about not become human Jabba The Huts and you won't be in pain. All that crying and whining just pisses me off. It's like touching a hot stove and being told not to but you still do it. I don't feel sorry for his girlfriend as she can walk away anytime. Damnit, this one angered me.
  12. Because people can make the choice to get better. Isn't everyone allowed the make the choice to fix themselves and get the help? One of the hardest things one can do is admit you have an issue, ask for help and actually use the help. Writing it off as some strange belief if pure ignorance. I mean if that was how things were, why does religions try to help those that aren't saved? Or that don't believe in God? That's a choice they made. That's why it's a choice(and congrats) you make the choice every day to not fall into past habits.
  13. It's always the ones that have enablers around them that pretty much just let them get that way. It's just like the addiction shows where the parents keep giving them money and they keep buying the drugs or booze.
  14. Diet soda is just as bad for you as regular soda. People think the word "Diet" means better but with soda it's the same or worse.
  15. It is a choice. She had the choice to stop eating herself that way any time. It may have been hard but she had the choice. This is the issue with obese people and those on the outside looking in. They make excuses and try to diminish their fault in the matter. It doesn't matter what your past history was like, you made teh choice to start a habit and keep on that habit. She made the choice to keep eating and ignore the Dr. and her family. Before the dumb comments, I'm obese as well and I put no blame on any past or BS for my wieght. I own it as mine.
  16. He did actually, but if you paid attention you'd also see the 1st season was completely different than any others. It focused on the surgery and after. As for the "go home and lose 50 pounds to show me you are serious" that's not dangerous that's seeing if they can be productive and serious. Read about how many people think this surgery is just you getting it and you don't have to change your diet. Many people that look into the surgery think this and then become highly surprised that you have to be very very strict with your eating. If you can't lose 50lbs practicing good eating habits before the surgery you won't do it after, that is fact.
  17. If you watch they way she treats them by trying to guilt them into things you can tell that she had been being manipulative for years. She doesn't get her way so she tries to guilt them, blame them for what's happening to her.
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