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  1. I wasn't assuming anything. I know the ratings are bad, but nothing's set in stone yet. Besides, more than ratings are considered when networks make a decision to renew or cancel a show. If there's a season 8, Colin could be in it since he has his family to think of and because he enjoys being on the show. There's also an equal chance of him not renewing his contract. This is all hypothetical of course, since the question of "Will there be a Season 8?" hasn't been answered yet. Nope, Rogers isn't dying, nuh uh, can't hear you. Knightrook will live forever.
  2. I don't think Rogers will get a love interest, but if he does, that doesn't mean they would share true love. They do seem to only be focused on Knightrook for Rogers, which I like, but I wouldn't be opposed to him having a love interest. However, I think any potential love interest story won't get a lot of attention since we already have Henriella, Regina/love interest, Tiana/Naveen, and Alice/Robin. I think the chances for him having a love interest is higher if the show gets an 8th season, which it might since renewals/cancellations haven't happened yet.
  3. Emma's moment of triumph wasn't passive at all. She wasn't simply letting Gideon kill her, she was choosing to sacrifice her life so that Gideon wouldn't darken his heart. The dialogue in the show made it very clear that Gideon killing Emma would cause darkness to win, but that Emma killing Gideon (who was innocent in this situation), would darken her heart causing darkness to win anyways. Emma chose to make her "death" a sacrifice instead of a murder so that Gideon could be saved. I don't see how a character choosing to do something heroic is passive. I don't think her fight was Gideon was lame at all and it is one of my favorite moments of the entire series, but to each their own. Emma's played an active role in the defeat of a lot of the villains, so I don't think it matters that she hasn't directly defeated all of them. In the cases of Zelena and the Black Fairy, their threats were still ongoing even after they had been defeated and Emma was the one to ultimately save the day.
  4. I disagree with both these sentiments. I thought the setting for the CS wedding was beautiful and that the CGI was really good. I personally thought the vows were perfect for the characters. If this episode wasn't a musical episode, then the singing and dancing might have been a bit weird, but it was a musical episode. They characters were simply celebrating their current happiness and their belief that they will get through the upcoming danger just as they always have. It's not dumb or idiotic in any way. The characters have always had some threat hanging over them. They were choosing to live in the moment and not let the bad things get in the way of their happiness. I personally think that is a good thing because it tied directly into the main message of the show: hope and the belief that things will get better. I think that both weddings tied well into the individual shows, but I personally think the Captain Swan one was better because it wasn't an impromptu affair immediately after a funeral next to a pile of vomit.
  5. I don't think the CS wedding was rushed and I've never minded their separations, but it was weird how Emma didn't insist on Killian coming with her and Regina to find Henry in New York. On the subject of what happened during the DCTV crossover, I think it's more bothersome that
  6. I agree. I just really hope that Gothel will get what she deserves and the issue isn't ignored.
  7. The S warning doesn't bother me. Seeing CS in bed or have a cut-away scene was never something I craved, although it would have been nice if we got something other than the pancakes scene. And the warning might not even be for Wish Hook and Rapunzel, it could be for Henry and Ella. What happens with Wish Hook and Rapunzel is in no way disrespectful to CS nor does it reduce their love story. I think that Wish Hook is a completely different character and I would be very much okay with him getting a love interest or having an implied sex scene (there are technically no actual sex scenes on the show, only implied ones).
  8. I really think there is something fishy going on with Jen saying she wasn't invited. Jen is a huge draw for the Creation cons and from a business stand point it makes no sense not to invite her.
  9. I have very different opinions on how the show changed from 4A to 4B-6 because I happen to like the angsty direction the show took and I never thought there was a lack of pay-off (other than Killian's heart in 4A). 5A almost tipped the show from "angsty-hope" (my term for the show's overall tone in 4B-6) to "angst," but the more fluffy/lighthearted scenes in Camelot and Emma deciding to go to the Underworld to split her heart with Killian prevented that from happening. I think that both Emma and Killian's suffering in Season 5 was worth it because although Gold became the Dark One again, Killian was given a second lease on life and they were able to continue they're relationship knowing fully that they're love is true (even though they both believed it was before the test). I thought there was a good amount of emotional payoff for them in 5B and I didn't think there needed to be any after that, though I do believe that Emma and Killian were still dealing with the events of 5A in Season 6 even if them being Dark Ones was never mentioned. I also believe that most of their actions in the angsty part of their adventure/wedding arc in Season 6 (specifically 14 for Killian and 15 for Emma) was due to both of them believing their worst fears had come true. I believe that in episode 14, Emma was trying to tell Killian that giving the ring back meant "please trust me" with the implication that this wasn't a breakup and that she still wanted to marry him, but Killian took it as her saying "you're not good enough for me" and that she was ending their relationship. Hence why he made plans to leave on the Nautilus to make himself the man Emma deserves. But then Snow gave him one of her patented hope speeches and he realized that his relationship with Emma wasn't over, but then Gideon sent him away. In episode 15, Emma was dealing with her deep-rooted fear of being abandoned because from her perspective, Killian had left when things got tough. Though it wasn't like there wasn't anything that might point her in that direction. There was Killian not coming home the night after their fight and both Grumpy and Snow seeing him on the docks (Snow also saw him with his bag). Plus there was the actual fight. I think Emma put 2 and 2 together and came up with the conclusion that she was abandoned because everyone always eventual leaves. That was her reality for the first 28 years of her life and a few years of her not being abandoned isn't going to erase those scars and that fear. There was also the fact that she lost Killian first to the darkness, then to death, and finally having to leave him behind in the Underworld in the previous season, which I think to her is equal to being abandoned. Season 6 happens to be my favorite season because, in my opinion, the show returned to the fairytale feel of earlier seasons (with literature this time), but kept the "angsty-hope" tone that had started in 4B and the huge Captain Swan focus of Season 5 (though to a lesser extent). I am enjoying Season 7 so far especially if what's happening relates to Rogers/Killian and Alice (because she is his daughter), Henry and Ella/Jacinda (they both need a lot of character development, though), and Ivy/The Witch/Tremaine. However, all the storylines feel disconnected because Henry hasn't felt like a protagonist after the first episode. In fact, the character each episode focuses on feels like the protagonist for that episode. That was never an issue in the first 6 seasons because Emma started establishing connections to the people in Storybrooke as soon as she arrived and the show never derailed from it being her fairytale no matter how much the episodes/arcs focused on this character or another.
  10. I think that the line about Regina being the first person to love Henry makes more sense if you think about it from Henry's perspective. Henry knows that Emma gave him up because of her love for him, but he has no memories of the event. The first person he remembers loving him is Regina. I think the writers were trying to say that, but they worded it poorly and made it seem like Emma isn't important. It would have been a hundred times better if Henry had said "You were the first person I remember loving me."
  11. I think the first 4 episodes were meant to connect the "new show" with the "old show" so hopefully things will start moving forward in episode 5.
  12. Mekia is a regular after episode 5, so hopefully she get a good amount of screentime.
  13. How was 7x02 like The Thing You Love Most?
  14. Same here. I also didn't mind that Emma had less screen time than Belle in her last episode because it felt like more of a happy bonus to her story as opposed to an actual goodbye. I would take my otp living happily offscreen any day over a life montage that ends with half my ship dying.
  15. From my understanding everything that happened in the Wish Realm was the exact same as in the original timeline (meaning the current timeline of FTL during 6x10) up until the casting of the curse so the time travel adventure still happened. This version of Emma and Killian just blinked into existence when the wish was made at the time when the original Emma and Killian traveled to the past and then blinked out of existence when original Captain Swan went back to the future.
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