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Everything posted by dreamcatcher

  1. Exactly, this is a virus that doesn’t exactly follow the “norms” we’re used to-heat didn’t stop it or at least slow it down, spreads easily, symptoms last forever even in relatively healthy people. We recently had cases where underage people and athletes went into comas and/or died in my area and doctors couldn’t figure out why it hit them so hard since they didn’t have any health issues. I’m sorry but I just don’t get it, is it that people don’t really understand science? Or that some countries are more ‘individualistic’ so people legit don’t care if they impact others because that’s the norm? This is something new and unprecedented, but we know that it can impact your quality of life at least for a while, maybe even longer considering that we KNOW pneumonia can do lasting damage. Why would anyone want to risk it or risk spreading it because they personally are not afraid is beyond me. Especially people who claim that the greatest joy of their jobs as butt shaking, barely dresses dancers is community service and making other people’s lives better. Well then, do your community a service and stay the hell away from people.
  2. But we’re not arguing that the former/current dcc may die from covid? What we’re saying is that these “young and healthy AND reckless people” are the ones who keep spreading covid around and endangering those who are at risk. In real life, outside of the dcc bubble where the girls get to pretend they work, people at risk may not be able to wfh, self isolate or avoid people. It’s a pandemic, it has happened before multiple times in human history but this time we have advanced medicine. If we put effort into this collectively, we can hold out until a vaccine is released. This isn’t the common cold or a flu so we could argue that those at risk should only worry. It’s something relatively rare, it’s not that hard for people to take SOME precautions. It’s a few months of your life you’d be slightly inconvenienced. Other people will have to deal with long term issues, losing people close to them or you know, actually die. This isn’t the right time in history to be all ‘every man for himself’.
  3. Did I miss this? When did she say that she wasn’t tested?
  4. Exactly this. If you want to go lick door knobs, do that. Just stay the hell inside afterwards. Do whatever you want with your life, but spreading a deadly virus doesn’t fall in this category. And yes we know that asymptomatic cases can still infect others, just as it happens with other viruses. And how exactly is a trip where you stay in the same accommodation, share bathrooms, utensils, everything with 7-10 other people “safe havens”? We’ve also had 4 cases in my area where big weddings were allowed to happen and 3/4 of the guests ended up getting infected -more than 100 people at each one of them, most didn’t even have any symptoms. All of them were held in outdoor spaces but guess what, unless all groups are completely separated, there’s no dancing, kissing, touching the same stuff, then no it’s not safe.
  5. And it wasn’t even one of her rookies! Brittany looked shocked in the background. Just imagine a random GL calling out your rookie in front of your boss. Not coming to you, not asking you to speak up or anything. Call out YOUR rookie without giving you the chance to give your feedback, when it’s part of your job. Great teammate y'all! Cassie is part of the group that thought this is such a blessing that they shouldn’t even get paid for it, so of course she won’t see anything bad with it. That’s how the world looks like to you when you never had to actually work for a living. And I don’t really agree that she’s prettier than Amy, although that’s subjective. At least Amy is bubbly and nice (looks nice, don’t know if she actually is) which is cheerleading 101. Cassie looks ugly to me and she always looks miserable/no smile, which was literally her job. I mean, would you really talk to strangers about “company secrets” from your mom’s job? Or a company you used to work for? The appropriate answer to this question is something like I wasn’t involved in the decision making, I wasn’t there when it happened so I can’t possibly offer you any first hand, objective insight. Yes of course, hannah fell from top 13(? How many where in SG last year?) to bottom 37-40. Because EVERYONE else improved THAT much!! It makes sense i tell you! They make temporary arrangements. They’re asking them now to relocate, during a very unstable period, for the off chance they will get this part time job. I’m guessing if they decline at this stage, they won’t be welcomed back next season. Also, we got to the point where the only leaders are Maddie and Tess, bland and blander. Let that sink in...
  6. Yes, totally. jen colvin lost me at the anti vaxx stuff. I don’t know what to think of Danielle, it’s similar to lacey’s wedding... they were both engaged for under a year so I don’t think it would’ve been such a huge problem to postpone, or at least have a small ceremony now and host their huge receptions i don’t know, maybe at some point when people won’t be dying all around them? I don’t care if they just want to “live their lives”. We all do and some of us had to completely quarantine (as in, we had to have permission to leave our homes for only a few things such as going to the super market or pharmacy and only in close proximity to your residence AND only if you couldn’t get them delivered to you) alone. They have roommates and live in boyfriends, they will survive without partying it up for one summer. They chose to have a job mainly because they knew they’d get famous and gain followers & partnerships, so they know that people are watching their every move.
  7. Yes, thank you. We all know Kelli is vindictive so why exactly do we assume she would be fine with people practically declining their position? Jaycie was a rookie hopeful so it wasn’t as bad as a vet deferring, but it also sounded like she was sick herself or wasn’t able to make the move, not that she declined because she was afraid. Exactly... I think even Shelly confirmed the one day audition was offered to those who weren’t able to get different working arrangements. Which was practically just Taylor. Hannah is a student, she can’t justify not going. And I’m sorry but you can’t tell me they’ve offered the girls to just be done with one day of auditioning, without fear of repercussions or some kind of “strike against them” and yet they’ve all chosen to attend. It’s much easier to perform well on one specific day than being there for a full week if not more -same with tccs, how could they only do one day exactly? And it wouldn’t be fair to the other girls anyway. Plus, while most of them don’t really work or have completely flexible jobs just because they’re dccs, I’m sure girls with professional jobs would rather not use up any goodwill they have within their workplace just to go into the bubble when there’s a better alternative. Cassie, girl, shut up. I bet she will now make another post on her insta playing the victim and saying she doesn’t understand why mean people keep bullying her years after she retired. I don’t know, maybe because you can’t move on? Yes dcc is all you’ve accomplished, but considering most fans don’t even like you, you should stop getting in the middle of conversations that don’t include you in any way. You’re not management, dcc or dcc employee. You can’t possibly know why they were cut, unless your mama doesn’t know how to be a decent manager and keep these info within the actual team. Aaand last thing, are we seriously claiming that all current dccs and recent retirees support these 2 girls even though they were lying and badmouthing dcc for getting cut? Really? I mean, Erica asked for her owed paychecks and she got the whole “we don’t do this for pay” speech, so it’s not like dcc are known to be supportive of their own no matter what.
  8. I think Tess will retire since it’s her 5th year and she’s been performing for a while now. Maddie, I unfortunately think she’ll do a 6th season. Lexie I’m on the fence, but she was on Mavs too so she may want to retire. Rachel I think will stay for a 5th season and Savvy will too if she got 2GL this season, otherwise she’ll retire. Not that I think she should be a GL but anyway. from the 3rd years, I sure hope they’ll stay because they are all amazing, but at the same time I hope they retire as an F you to Kelli. Even if many retire, she will have many options for GL & 2GL. From the current 2nd years, I don’t see many staying for a while. I think Amanda would do tops 3 years and move on to something better. Chandi is the only one I can see in a leadership position, apart from VK who will be a leader no matter what.
  9. Fair point! Well I’d never say that speaking broken English, or any other language outside of your native language makes you dumb. So I’d never jump straight “Kelli wanted her to look dumb so she pretended not to speak English”. And I don’t see why they would need to do that. Even if you are at a good level in any language, moving to a country where they only speak this language all day, with local idioms and different accents... yes it would be hella hard to adjust in the beginning anyway. Aaand I don’t even know the requirements for other visas. I got a student visa for a summer program and that was much easier than the tourist visa. They never checked my English, I guess because they thought the Uni took care of that? Plot twist, they didn’t either and I had a lot of people in the same program who couldn’t communicate with us at all. I’d do that too if that meant I wouldn’t have to ever interact with Kelli, but that’s a different discussion. Yep, it’s different with ESTA! Basically because that’s an option now, you need to also prove why you should have a visa instead of using ESTA. She definitely got better and it makes sense since she spent years in the US. Still doesn’t change the fact she wasn’t fluent when she made the team. Actually that was funny to me because girls are supposed to act like they want to “cheer for their boys” sooo badly. Yet you have these girls who obviously don’t care that much about football and they don’t even have to pretend. Just to clarify though, I don’t hate on Yuko. Or Jinelle. I don’t care if these girls can hold a conversation and I don’t think it matters. I don’t want to hear any woman in the 21st century claiming that her dream is cheering for the boys. Ever. But in the context of the show, yeah I don’t like how they’re changing the rules whenever they feel like it. As for Yuko, I felt so bad when she was obviously struggling with being alone in a strange country and to me it looked like she didn’t feel part of the team at first.
  10. They weren’t cut, but they were all on weight warning. Even though their figures looked sexy as hell in the uniform and much better than the please-feed-her-a-sandwich look certain others have. They could’ve stayed for at least one more year if they weren’t forced to starve themselves to stay “dcc thin”
  11. I don’t intend this to be snarky, but hers and Heather’s nose jobs were amazing. Subtle enough to look natural and they made a huge difference. I think they were beautiful anyway but obviously they were bothered about it, so I’m glad they fixed it without ending up looking like a completely different person. Uhm... she literally couldn’t be an ambassador because she couldn’t form a single sentence. I’m sorry but when you bug these girls about having perfect conversations, how do you let Yuko in, when her dancing was mediocre at best? If she was that amazing, I could see them giving her a pass. That’s what bothered me. and also, US rules are hella weird. I had to basically have a full conversation with a native speaker as part of my visa application to prove that i’d be able to communicate with people. On my trip. As a tourist. How is that a requirement for a tourist visa and not for a work visa?
  12. I agree that Kat shouldn’t be slut shamed and honestly, I haven’t seen anyone calling her a slut? If anything, people have been commenting stuff like get it girl because the alleged player is hot. The only negative thing i’ve seen is that he has a gf, which you know if true, both of them are huge assholes. Buut even though i disagree with this being a “rule”, if they’ve cut people before for the same reason and it’s clearly prohibited then yes keeping her is unfair. Lots of companies have a rule against this, but usually as long as they don’t work together/report to one and another and they can’t in any way influence each others’ job prospects, it’s fine. Still though, it’s generally expected to keep it low profile until it’s formal (engagement/marriage). So I understand if Kelli is generally ok with girls dating players as long as it doesn’t get out. Of course the problem is with TPTB. However, given that most of the girls have taken a stance, I do believe that current leaders should do too, especially considering that the 3rd years may have wanted to come back, but Tess and Maddie for example are current 5th years and will probably retire anyway. They’re not endangering their spots like the rest do, for which I applaud them. They don’t even need to say anything against the dcc, just commenting something positive is enough to show where they stand without jeopardizing their positions. I don’t think that was their initial intention. They were most probably going to use them as storylines, but they might not be able to do so now. If they go ahead with the show, I’m thinking they will completely ignore them or make it look like they retired.
  13. Marshall commented on Hannah’s post too and called her queen of the north. Hi Marshall 🙂 Hope these two comments don’t cost you your dcc deal...
  14. I think so far I’ve seen posts from Ashlee, Erin, Alanna and Jalyn that Kelli would definitely take as an insult. Ashlee especially won’t be getting any advancement opportunities, if she’s even allowed back... I know we’re hoping for a mass exodus, but damn we finally got a good rookie class (referring to the current 3rd years) and Kelli has to go and mess it up? She was literally cut for speaking up? No current employee should ever post their grievances online -ever. It’s unprofessional and grounds for legal action. A true professional raises their concerns within the organization, which she did and she was cut not just in the last day, but during the last few hours as she says. So yes at this point, when she was dismissed for speaking -and looks like someone even got infected, proving she was right- she went public. I don’t personally understand their commitment to dcc, but I don’t doubt it’s their dream and have sacrificed a lot. Saying she shouldn’t be complaining about this reminds me of the Erica situation and how a certain alumnae said they’re not working as dccs for the money etc... yes, she only spoke up after getting cut but I say, good on her for finally getting mad enough to do something about it. I for one I’m so glad they chose to go public before Kelli had a chance to manipulate the situation to make them look bad. Erica was dropped soo fast, but Brennan and Hannah got a lot of support and to me that proves our insiders and their claim that the vets are hella mad. And last thing because I got so invested on this, that it can’t be healthy... Looks like Kelli decided to cut them at the last minute and that’s a different brand of cruel. You don’t need to wait until the last minute to decide Hannah is suddenly toxic or Brennan can’t dance through a hypothetical game day that ain’t happening anyway. Sounds more like the didn’t have enough material for the show and went with a shocking twist.
  15. Eh that’s not fair. VK was photoshopped and that one is probably the only photo out there with her mouth somewhat closed. Hardly a representative photo!
  16. Soo I’m calling if now, Alanna will be the vet sacrificial lamb next season... Yes, exactly. Kashara was the only one to point out VK’s uhm flaws and did so in a great way -no one could argue with what she said, we all knew what she really meant but Kelli couldn’t call her out on the way it was delivered. And she got a job offer after that so... Soo now that I’m thinking about it, I doubt they’re going to talk about her getting Covid. They are stupid but not THAT stupid. I think Brennan is expecting that too and that’s why she posted about the real reason she was cut. They’re just gonna say oops Brennan is low on stamina this season, so sad that we have to cut a beloved vet! No mention of WHY she’s struggling and how amazing she is for dancing her ass off after fighting twice an illness that has claimed so many lives...
  17. Yes exactly... The only storyline I can think of is “poor Brennan can perform a whole game” which is... who cares? Yes obviously in any other season I could see them getting a pass for being such huge AH but... are you seriously going to cut someone who is just recovering from an illness that has killed 170.000 people in your country alone in the span of a few months? When said someone can just do appearances in the meantime anyway? And when you know they won’t perform? And after a season where you had people rotating or even doing just pregame? Really? There were SO many options to keep Brennan and wait it out... And yes if the cheerleaders’ ban was announced today, dcc already knew this was going to be announced. I don’t really get it... does she really mean that they’re not allowed to wear turtlenecks? I have to admit, some of the comments from vets won’t sit well with Kelli... including Briana’s. Considering that they have to apologize for breathing the wrong way according to kelli, applauding Brennan for her post won’t help them in the long run. Aaand VK hasn’t replied yet, which I would certainly expect from Brennan’s boot buddy.
  18. I love Bridget but it looks like she left because she wasn’t putting up with bullshit anymore honestly... I’m sure she knew she was a fan and Kelli favorite. Brennan’s response was PERFECT. I’m glad she posted even though they’re asked to refrain from posting “spoilers”, I guess (and hope) this means she has seen our reaction and knows the secret is out. Poor thing got infected twice??? If Kelli is really that stupid to cut someone during a pandemic for having been infected... then I sure hope they show it on tv and get dragged for this. They knew she’d most likely not have a chance to dance anyway, so if they’re willing to keep Erica (the most recent example, not the only one) around just for a couple appearances, they sure as hell could’ve extended the same kindness to Brennan.
  19. 500? 1000? True... also, I think their latest choices for voty and roty say a lot. This is probably the one thing that Kelli doesn’t control (not because she doesn’t want to though) and choosing Bridget over Amy, or Heather in the year she got the ridiculous punishment... yeah for me that specific choice says everything.
  20. It really isn’t an unpopular opinion... girl got slammed for her twitter posts, but we’ve all commented on how much stronger she was her 2nd season and she definitely has the looks. I love this and I love all the positive messages. If you’re reading this, I hope you get some comfort knowing that you have the fans on your side, something that Kelli and many other girls don’t have... you’re so much better than the dcc anyway and I hope you know that.
  21. Exactly, Brennan was strong enough to be one of the best between the blenders. Yes she wasn’t a Holly, a Kashara or a Bridget but the vast majority of this team is a blender. She was mature and one of the very few who can speak without resorting to saying like ehm yes like amazing like opportunity like of a life time like. No chance in hell she just realized at the end of the vets’ TC that she doesn’t have the stamina. And given that last year they took an extra person to rotate AND the fact that they may not even get to perform anytime soon, you don’t cut someone you can rely on for appearances because they need recovery time. I mean, they kept Erica when she couldn’t even dance and her injury meant she wouldn’t have danced for a single game... Eh, I don’t really agree with this. She was one hell of a marketing person (not dance team director/coach & I stand by this assessment) up until the 00s, maybe early 10s. It’s time she retires though, as she really can’t seem to get with the times... She was outraged with Taylor not knowing about #metoo, but she hasn’t done anything to bring the dcc to this new era and she really doesn’t know how to use social media to their advantage. Then Kelli shouldn’t have crossed out Jalyn’s name from the SG to write VK over it 🙂 it was her fault and at the very least it should’ve been edited out from the show. Well, I’m not a fan and for me she only got the job because there was literally no other option. But it’s a bit unfair considering that she got all the weakest links in her group. Kelli q. also had to audition a gazillion times and was SG throughout her tenure. Kelli herself said that she didn’t know how she hadn’t noticed her before. And no offense to her but she had a strangle look, compared to her Hanna was a stereotypical beauty for sure. Also, it’s not that uncommon to audition multiple times, but given that she got SG both years, as well as a Barbie, pretty much proves that she was strong enough. Now if it was weight, why would they wait until the last day to cut her? It’s not like they were expecting her to lose the weight within a week to earn her spot back. And when she got a 3rd years position in the triangle, AHEAD OF A GL and messed up, did she get buried in the back? Nop, she remained in the front where no other rookie is or has ever been allowed to be. Honestly, I gave up on the show last year and didn’t watch a single episode after having to endure the VK shit show. I’m just so done with this show... glad I’ve found this forum though to get my fix and updates:) And p.s Bridget you rock and we all love you.
  22. Soo I saw a post about Jen Colvin posting anti vax stuff... she’s back at it in her ig stories. I don’t have words...
  23. I’ve never paid much attention to this, so other than Maddie who went straight to GL because Kelli sucks and didn’t want to give it to heather who already had the experience, how often do girls just go straight to GL? I do agree that 2GL should be girls who will probably stay on, as well as having the skills to step up. It’s not only that the current 4th years may not come back because let’s be real, if They get 2GL of course they’ll be back especially after a short season since they’d be pretty much guaranteed GLs? but i don’t think Kelli would want any of them sticking around other than the “appeal” of having a 5th year on the team. Let the 3rd years shine considering that we have so many girls to choose from for once!
  24. Yes exactly, the team is mainly made of blenders and that’s understandable. But when you have such strong alternatives yet keep the same blenders up front because a. You made a terrible choice last year b. They didn’t retire, well it’s a shame. We could’ve had Bridget in the triangle... yet here we are, with maddie in the triangle for the 3rd year! Eh, personally I think she’s gotten so skinny that her head now looks huge for her body, but she is photogenic. She was a terrible choice for triangle imo because she’s one of the tallest and made the whole triangle out of balance, while Amy who’s a bit shorter than Maddie ended up behind point. That doesn’t make sense at all... And it wouldn’t bother me as much if she was that exceptional, but she’s a blender to me at least.
  25. Personally, I don’t agree with tenure having that much say in the formation and GL selection. That’s how you end up with amy/maddie dual point and Tess in the triangle. Savanah is really nice, but she’s not the stronger dancer and struggled a lot with memory, always seems a bit off... i don’t think she’s the best person to teach others and definitely shouldn’t be front row within their group. Plus, what if she stays for a 5th year? Can she really be point of her group? That being said, I’m sure they’ll give the positions based on seniority, which sucks because the 3rd years are amazing. Anyway, I think they’ll pair Savannah with either Maddie or Tess. And I think they’ll mix the haircolors as last year. Ashlee is too strong of a dancer to be paired with anyone else, so I think she should be placed with Gina.
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