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Everything posted by Lovely

  1. Okay, I think I like Becca again. She really really turned me off during passport-gate. I figured she was only "Team Fun" when things were going well but tonight when the chips were down and they thought they were in dead last she didn't take it out on her partner the way Michael did. Floyd clearly screwed up the navigation to the bridge but they both kept their cool(no surprise from Floyd) and maintained a positive attitude, and this was all before they knew Mike and Liz were at the back of the back with them. I'm willing to say that passport-gate was Becca at a bad moment, and based on their youtube page these two clearly seem to have made a legitimate friendship so she can't be all bad. I'm glad they weren't eliminated and Mike is as stubborn as he is because had he listened to Liz they'd still be in the race and Team Fun would be screwed.
  2. I'm guessing that the sky diving location was really far away from the pit stop otherwise I'm not sure how else to explain why Team Fun didn't come in first on that FF leg. They literally hopped on the helicopter and then jumped out of the plane then drove to the pit stop. Much of it was out of their control. They didn't seem to get lost either. I also think the kayaking task was too easy as was that climbing task. What's the point of having a FF if the roadblock and detour are that easy to get through. Oh well at least they had a good attitude about it Also it appeared to me that had Becca not helped Brooke out with cutting that sheet metal she actually would have finished before Joey because she was right behind him. -Brooke is absolutely unbearable -Ashton is such a mean girl. She and Ashton would be a half bad team if she stopped acting like such an entitled you-know-what. She thinks she can talk down to him because of who he is and I don't think that's okay. -Thought I'd hate Scott but I really feel for him. I just wish that he and Sara could have been a team and Brooke and Shamir were a team and eliminated. -Michael was a complete jerk to Liz. He blamed her for everything. He didn't want to take responsibility for their last place finish. Meanwhile he's the one who had her drive into the parking garage and tried to go up the elevator. She held it together better than I could I'll tell you that much.
  3. What the hell was Zeke thinking. You have 12 people still left in this game and you think now is the time to start going after your allies?! He's a fan of this show. There is no excuse. He should know better. Sara is another one that has me baffled. She wants to jump ship and go to the bottom of another well established alliance. How does that make sense. It's like she think she has to play like Tony now. Debbie has to know that she is on the bottom of her alliance with Brad and Sierra as well yet she aligns with them. What game are these people playing. Aubry needs to step up her game. Isn't she like the Tai whisperer? Why has she not worked that relationship?
  4. I hated Cig's look. I was so surprised the judges were in awe of it. It looked like a demon with some domes slapped on top of the head and shoulders. Could you get any less creative? George's wings looked so cheap and hokey. Emily's was really the only one I liked. I'm really bummed to see Tyler go after putting in so much great work this season. Personally I think either George or Cig should have left.
  5. Regarding Jeff's statement. How can you reveal something people already know. He keeps saying that Zeke was being deceptive but at the same time he(Jeff) thought everyone knew about Zeke. Does he not realize that he is contradicting himself? Those two things don't make sense and can't both be true. I wish he'd keep his lies straight.
  6. Jeff may very well be "sorry" about outing Zeke but as Maya Angelou once said: When people show you who they are believe them...the first time. For Jeff to even think of doing something like that is very telling about his character. Exposing someone as transgender in order to further myself in a game is not something that would have even crossed my mind.
  7. Varner took it way outside the game. I was never a fan of his but I never thought he was despicable. Well, guess he proved me wrong. Now I'm happy that he played 3 times and has yet to make jury.
  8. Still trying to figure out how JT won his season. If this season isn't solid proof(along with HvV) that Stephen Fishbach should have won over JT then I don't know what will do it. He is an absolutely terrible player and it was so satisfying to see him go tonight...with an idol in his pocket. his disdain for Michaela seemed a bit over the top. He has no one to blame but himself. He killed his game the minute he gave Brad that info. I hope this means we'll never see him again.
  9. I really hate how this show acts like Callie's story isn't complete without a man. First there was her foster brother, Brandon(ick) then there was Wyatt and AJ and now Aaron. I may or may not have forgotten someone in between, but this girl is still so wounded and has so much internal work to do. I just wish they'd let her be single for a good long while so that she can work on herself. I also don't like her with Aaron because he's been trying to put the moves on her even when she was involved with someone else. I may be alone but I didn't like the scene between Callie and Aaron's mom because once again it felt like another Super Callie comes to save the day story. I would much rather have seen Aaron rebuild the relationship with his mother. The Fosters can't resist the urge to make Callie the hero of every one of her stories. It's so boring. Can she just be a regular teenager?
  10. I knew it! With the episode count left weeks ago I knew they'd eventually let them compete individually. I'm a little sad because I really wanted an Emily/Tyler co-win. So much for that dream.
  11. Gotta agree with most everyone here. The makeups were nicely sculpted and applied but they were all pretty uninspired. I was actually surprised at how much the judges loved the rat witches because they looked so unoriginal and so derivative. At least the other team tried to think outside the box and for that reason I am happy they won. I did like Tyler's makeup the best out of all of them but even then it wasn't something I'll remember years from now the way I do some with some of the more iconic makeups.
  12. Adam came off so poorly this episode that I breathed a sigh of relief when he was booted and in all the seasons I've watched I've never done that. Who knows, there is a chance he'd still be around if he wasn't a complete jerk and disregarded Emily's request for the circus map. There is just so much more room to play with a challenge like that. And the lack of cohesion that was an issue on their nuclear disaster makeup wouldn't have been an issue because circus people suffer from all sorts of deformities. And I thought it was extremely tacky of him to try to take complete credit for the dad makeup. And then he made sure the judges knew that the daughter/daddy switch was his idea as if that would save him. I call 'em like I see 'em, Adam strikes me as a hater. Emily is much younger and more talented than he could ever hope to be and a part of that bothers him. Surprise surprise, the only makeup on that team that received no critiques and the judges like the best was the one Emily and Tyler worked on. Adam and Logan were dead weight.
  13. I'm trying to do the math and I've only been left with one conclusion....the teams have to be going to singles soon, right? Unless we are getting a much more abbreviated season. On one hand I'm happy for people like Melissa who I believe is being held back but on the other hand I have really come to love seeing what Tyler and Emily come up with. They work together so extraordinarily well I think they should consider collaborating outside the show.
  14. Don't they have those early pregnancy tests you can buy over the counter that let you know within a week or two whether you're pregnant? Maybe I'm wrong but I thought they did. If so then that would explain the uncertainty of who the father of her child is. That said when the dust settled we know it's going to be Gunnar's so whatever to that storyline. Never did like those two together anyways.
  15. I have always found this show to be so disrespectful to non bio parents, especially when it comes to Teddie. Sure the man made some mistakes but I was never a fan of how they tossed him aside as if he was nothing the moment Maddie found out Deacon was her biological father. Teddie is the man that raised her, read her bedtime stories at night, checked the closets and underneath the bed for monsters, took her to doctor's appointments and helped with homework, etc. He knowingly raised another mans child and loved her as his own while Deacon was busy on one bender after another and the audacity of them to have Maddie call him Teddie! Like he meant nothing. I just about lost it. Even last week at the hospital I heard Daphne call Deacon dad..wtf? Did no one have a problem with that? one thing Rayna always said was Teddie was a good father and I feel like the show tore him down in order to build Deacon up.
  16. I actually liked Emily and Tyler's look. Aside from the stellar application I think it was cool that they thought outside the box and I hate that they were penalized for it. A dystopian, post apocalyptic world can literally be anything you want it to be. Why couldn't their character exist in that type of world? I really didn't care for the burn victim looks and I think it's really close minded of the judges to think that that is the only acceptable type of makeup to fulfill the challenge.
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