132 -
1.1k Excellent-
Do you know any teachers, especially for the early years like pre-K through maybe 2nd grade? I was clearing out some old craft stuff a few years ago and my neighbor, a 1st grade teacher, saw some yarn sticking out of a box. She asked if she could have the yarn for her kids for class projects. She took everything. Seconding the Project Linus suggestion!
S03.E06: String Cheese, as Far as the Eye Can See
LeesburgLee replied to CrazyInAlabama's topic in 1,000 Pound Best Friends
Agreed that Scott is a man-baby, but IMO his mother is a real piece of work. The glee she showed when telling the doctor about Scott's cheating and her smug grin at Scott when the wrappers were found…. Yikes. She may say she doesn’t like how he lives or what he eats, but that woman has control of him and I don’t think she’s planning to give it up any time soon. She creeped me out. -
At one point, Chris pointed to a married pair on the family tree and said that they were first cousins. Hmmm. But isn’t that something the genealogist should have realized when researching or building out the family tree, and then mentioned herself? Or maybe the producers just wanted to give Chris a line to break up all the farting-around-the-world yapping from Amy.
“This is good dirt” is going to be my motto from now on.
I know this is trivial compared to the hoard, the dead animals, and all the rodent and animal feces, but the constant insect buzzing and chirping was making me crazy! I couldn’t live with that bug noise constantly surrounding my home. I still feel itchy just from watching the episode.
S03.E03: Matchmaker, Make Me a Plate
LeesburgLee replied to CrazyInAlabama's topic in 1,000 Pound Best Friends
Yup. Long, long ago, I did the Optifast program (fasting, with 800 calories/day in protein shakes for women) through a hospital-sponsored program. After the main fasting sequence, everyone in the program had to do a group counseling sequence for several weeks. The leader for my group was also a young, tall, skinny woman. She never told us her credentials, or at least I don’t remember her telling us any, and never claimed to have done the program or lost major weight herself. In one of the early sessions, she talked about “understanding” what we were going through. She told us with great sincerity how she had once eaten a whole pint of ice cream one evening. The eye rolls and hostile glares were impressive, with a couple of snickers scattered about. And then she went on, telling us how she’d regrouped and moved forward from that experience. Talk about not reading the room! Very little sharing went on in that group. -
For the first time in a while, I was on the side of the hoarder in this one. I joined Team Mary when the friend was whining about her wanting to keep a pen, and Mary took the item away from him - “It’s not a pen, it’s a slide rule.” I laughed out loud! Good for her. From that moment on, I wouldn’t have let him make any choices about my stuff. (I was an engineer and was raised by an engineer, and I have my father's slide rule set as well as my own, so I might be a little partial on this point. 😉) If he can’t tell the difference between a pen and a not-pen, why would I trust him with other stuff? I thought both the friend and the taller brother were being jerks a lot of the time. Not always, but a lot. The friend never seemed to shut up, leaning over her and yapping at her. The brother just seemed so dismissive when she was fussing about the leather dress, and when he threatened to leave at some point, I was hoping Mary would tell him to go. There’s a line between tough love and being a bully/a**hole, and I think both those guys crossed it. Good for Mary for sticking with it, and I hope she does well going forward.
Trying on heels is a plot topic?
Ah - thanks!
We saw a lot of Amy in this episode, but I don’t remember seeing Amy’s boys. Was I just not paying attention or has the overwhelmed mom found a babysitter?
The Slatons in the Media: Anything for a Dollar
LeesburgLee replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 1,000-LB Sisters
Isn’t that every episode? 😉 OK, the food choices changed over time, I admit, but the farts and “bitches” live on. -
Season 12 Episode 10 - In Your Room
LeesburgLee replied to Gramto6's topic in My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Heaven knows I’m no interior designer and most of my walls are simple single colors, but when i saw the shots of that remodeled bathroom, my first thought was that a peacock had exploded and stuck to the walls. -
Season 12 Episode 9 - Higher Love
LeesburgLee replied to Gramto6's topic in My Big Fat Fabulous Life
So, I have a question. During the moonshine scene, Hunter’s girlfriend Karen said something about taking the smaller piece of fruit in the jar and Whitney came back with “Well, stick with what you’re used to” and let out one of her braying laughs. Do I have a dirty mind or did W make a d**k joke about her brother? -
Social Media: What's Up With Her?
LeesburgLee replied to ClareWalks's topic in My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Sorry for messing up your block! -
Social Media: What's Up With Her?
LeesburgLee replied to ClareWalks's topic in My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Check out the Jeanine episode of My 600 Pound Life. She explains it with a smile - it involves kitchen tongs. Ew.