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Posts posted by Keywestclubkid

  1. 18 hours ago, JeanJean said:

    I was actually a little sad about that.

    But that NYC apartment she and her sister were looking at? Has to be $5000/month or more. Could be $10K/Month.

    I hope she eventually makes her getaway from her mom's house. And starts reading.

    That girl was never gonna move away .. i could tell that a mile away

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  2. 2 minutes ago, snarts said:

    Korbel? AnneMarue served Korbel? No wonder Sutton brought a roadie...

    Anyone else think the other party guests came from.central casting? 

    Erika demanding apologies because the ladies dared to question her complete lack of empathy & blatant disregard for for the actual victims was  completely on brand. Loved that Garcelle told her to fuck right off. 

    My tv therapist told me I was the real victim in all of this and YOU all owe me an apology 


    then after Sutton gives her one … she literally acts like the apology’s weren’t good enough… lol like you can not win with this woman 

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    Isis seemed like a nice person with a business. What does she see in Nicole’s father? 
    Marysol doesn’t drink strong booze?  Oh please! 

    His if she doesn’t give me a baby I’ll get one with some other woman was …. A choice 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Stats Queen said:

    Alexia in her talking her said the Larsa isn’t the only one who works are, she works hard - what do either of these women actually do to support themselves and their lifestyles? 

    This delusion and Marysol’s delusion that she doesn’t like strong booze ….


    I honestly have no idea what Alexia actually does .. does she own a store? 

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  5. On 2/7/2024 at 8:33 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

    Erika looking like this and pulling her best showgirls Nomi impression in the back of that van … Jesus Christ who is doing her makeup and hair? 


    The fact 25 of you got this joke and reference .. I have found my people 

    • LOL 11
  6. I get the concern for your wife BUT



    ohhhhh hell no .. that’s your daughter lady .. you are living in HER house and disrespecting your own flesh and blood … and to bust up IN her house bucking up on the woman who just gave birth to your grandchild and was in the hospital with life threatening issues like a crazy person wasn’t a vibe … 

    • Like 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

    I was a little embarrassed for her. She really needs to read more or take some classes.

    I do have hope for her, though, now that she's wanting independence.

    Can people really walk in off the street and be NY Fashion Week models? That seems suspect to me.

    Apparently so .. they do open casting calls that agency’s apparently send their girls to also 


    https://www.latitudetalent.com/single-post/become-a-model-for-new-york-fashion-week#:~:text=Many models walking in the,agencies charge for their models.

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  8. She is so gross 

    The Girardis, the Secret Service and wire fraud claims that nearly ruined a Hollywood designer

    this is who the real Erika is .. this is why I believe she may not have helped him steal money from clients she knew what the hell was going on and this acting dumb is trying to keep her from legal prosecution 



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  9. 2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    I remember, but it is still more practical to start a family with someone his own age than a 50-year-old. 

    Tell that to all those 60yo knocking up their 20yo wives .. I always feel so bad .. like sure they will be loaded but they won’t get the chance to really know their parent 

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  10. 9 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Maybe that is why she is such a bitch.

    She needs Kim Richards to scream at her, "Eat a piece of bread!"

    But she only makes at minimum $600,000 a year HOW can she afford that piece of bread? Anyone got an extra slice lying around?  Maybe Kim could give her one .

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    This is how and why Marie Antoinette lost her head! The peasants revolt and want whats fair but Erika wants it all and does not care what happens to the people who rightly deserved that money. Remember it was not that many episodes ago she asked her therapist what is empathy and how would she use it?

    Erika does not prioritize bread, she prioritizes her glam, botox, real or fake luxury brands...how much do we think she spent on her pre show choreography, costumes, etc...does the hotel pay for any of that or just her salary?


    she would be responsible for all that i think ... they give her a set amount and she has to pay everyone out of it .. im sure that's why her props in that show was just a riser ...

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  12. Just now, Pi237 said:

    She’s so rehearsed and fake. “I’ll do anything I can to help you” …(but I’ll make sure there’s nothing I can do.) 

    like pay lawyers 100s of thousands of dollars to keep earrings that could help you all right now

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  13. and Not for nothing but she makes $600,000 a year from housewives alone .. the nerve to say I don't know if i can afford bread its fucking preposterous ... then dont spend 100,000s of thousands of dollars of fucking Glam then no problem Erika ... these people dont even make a fraction of that and she is worried about HER eating?

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  14. The Itch found a new sugar daddy almost immediately he might not be able to transfer 20million from widows and orphans into her personal business account to fund her lifestyle but she isnt worried about where bread in her house is coming from .. She is so full of shit 

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Harvey said:

    As per the guidelines of the new season, only Bob & Abishola will be in all episodes. The other characters will be in a maximum of 5 episodes this season this was announced very well in advance.

    And it's all for the better! What a lovely episode this was. Just the focus on the core characters, and the storyline had a chance to breathe. I am surprised they started with such a heavy subject, but since it's the final season I guess they have no time to spare.

    Too bad that Abishola gave in to Dele's foolish dreams, but since this is a sitcom of course they have to support his stupid aspirations. By every objective metric Dele should choose a different career, but I am sure we will end on a happy ending for him, because sitcom magic.

    It felt off im sorry .. she didn't go to work at all? like it made no sense that at least Christina would be in the episode because that is who he normally runs to when he has a issue with family ... it was sloppy bad writing

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