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Posts posted by Keywestclubkid

  1. 1 hour ago, wallies said:

    Isn't Nicole from RHOM a real Anesthesiologist? She and AnnaBanana would be an interesting combo...

    yes she is and has commented on the mess twice .. but also Tiffany moon from Dallas has also chimed in because she is an actual Anesthesiologist also and was calling her bullshit 

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  2. Why are we getting shots of Lisa pumping gas? It just screams look I’m “normal” just like you and just preacrily punches you in the face with this is a setup…it’s not something that naturally would be shot …like who sits around and goes ya know what film me pumping gas .. the more this season goes on the more I just can’t rock with her more and more 

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  3. 12 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Alexia and Marysol are vile. I can’t understand their hatred of Nicole, did I miss something, what has Nicole ever done to them? 

    absolutely NOTHING thats the kicker .. Drunky has hated her from the moment she came on

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