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Posts posted by Keywestclubkid

  1. 1 minute ago, JenE4 said:

    I get the premise of this show is rich ladies doing rich lady things…but this was just too over the top! This gross consumption of wealth was icky to watch. $400,000 spent on a party for absolutely no reason, other than to have one last hurrah like in the good old days?

    Didn't Kyle admit on the episode that It was basically a deflection of the Marriage issues? "I'd rather think about planing a party then our issues"

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  2. 9 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    I'm sure she has a manager. I checked the address, and the salon is in north Surfside, right next (south) to Bal Harbour and the Bal Harbour Shops. Surfside is north of North Miami Beach, but not too close to where she lived before she moved (Sunny Isles Beach which is north of Surfside).

    She was co-editor of her late husband's lifestyle magazine when she was married to him. 

    Aww i lived in Sunny Isle .... God i hated Miami traffic

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  3. I keep thinking about Kyle bitching at Mo for making the joke about maybe having  the party in a parking lot to one of his friends AT the party  ... seriously what was the big freaking deal?…. Yea I’d stay stoned and away from that energy too… Kyle only cares about optics .. If I was Mo id feel like I was dating a mother not a wife with the way she was speaking to him like that

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    Everytime they have Emilio Estevan on I hope Gloria comes along too and she never does. 

    Their daughter tho .. she is the spitting image of her mother when she preforms it’s scary 

    It’s official I can’t stand Lisa …


    Leeny was so horrible that you allowed him to treat your family like that till he cheated … girl you are trash 

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  5. Just now, janiema said:

    Actually, I predict a reconciliation once the reunion episodes are done. The two of them don’t really seem all that upset and I can’t believe that they would have filmed that scene with their daughters if they were not getting back together. It was indefensible. I guess we now have The Morally Corrupt Kyle Richards.

    dont forget the cross over and insinuative to watch their Netflix show to drag this out 

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  6. On 2/18/2024 at 4:01 PM, ZettaK said:

    It would probably be better if Guerdy left the show temporarily. It's not good for her general health to have to face these women. 

    You are 100% not wrong the added stress couldn't have helped at all

    A lil preview to wet your whistle for tonight's season final

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  7. 8 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

    I didn't watch the episode, I'll have to go back, but I recall PK is really pissed off at Dorit for complaining about the birthday event he planned for her. He said that it made him not want to ever do anything nice for her again. I think he meant that. 

    She wouldn't listen to him explain why he was hurt, and then somehow made it about PTSD. So they are at an impasse. Now it's about Dorit and her PTSD and PK not being caring, but I think the REAL issue is that PK wants an apology and Dorit won't apologize. 

    I can actually see this being the case 

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  8. 10 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    I can guarantee that Nicole Martin and Tiffany Moon never watched an episode of the RH BH, otherwise they would know Annemarie didn't say she was a doctor, but they made comments because of media reports of what Crystal claimed AM said. And I'm afraid the ASA had the same second hand information.

    Again no she is on an after show talking about it and that’s what the ASA was responding to.. to imply that she has the same credentials while  ONE is a actual MD that graduated medical school is a bold face lie…


    also Both Nicole and Tiffany were responding to her diagnosis (when she shouldnt be diagnosing at all) of a patient that wasn’t hers that wasnt asking for a medical opinion and who was telling Sutton her issue wasn’t “real” while doing a shitty bedside manner(which is exactly what Nicole explained in her video, while in Tiffany’s she was debunking anna8.5 saying that what Sutton has wasn’t real and explaining what exactly might be going on.. never once did they say anything about her “profession” just what she was doing and how she was handling it was flat out wrong from a medical stand point )..


    A medical professional is supposed advocate for their patients or anyone sick

    …you don’t tell them they are liars and then imply that they must have an eating disorder instead and you don’t run around laughing that you asked all your friends and they say she’s lying when a simple google search proves that indeed Sutton was correct 

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  9. 2 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    But she didn't exaggerate her credentials. She never said on the show, or her social media that she is a doctor. Crystal claimed she said she was a doctor, but she could have misunderstood. Crystal also claimed that she never said the other women are uneducated and superficial, but Bravo showed clips where she did. She also accused Sutton for two seasons of being racist ("you don't see color?"), and she doubled down by saying she said something "dark".


    She does the same as an anesthesiologist. Tasks of a nurse anesthetist and an anesthesiologist below.


    And an anesthesiologist doesn't even have to cut.

    ONE is an actual medical doctor that went to medical school there is a difference 

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  10. 17 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I get it, I understand what you are saying but we are dealing with drama for tv, my advice is for Wendy to forget, stop giving it light and stop letting Nneka steal the spotlight and potentially affect Wendy's time on the show.  Yes, the twisting the religion/witchcraft nonsense is ignorant but that is all Nneka has to work with.  I have noticed that religion is just a tool used when they need it, none of them are living the pious life, right? 

    I doubt Wendy's mother is really bothered by any of this, she seems like she is okay having people be afraid of her or just talking about her in general.

    Maybe I am desensitized by all the brujeria talk from the Miami HW's.  

    Wendy has to watch her back and stop buying in to the nonsense Nn keeps going on with, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer sort of thing will serve Wendy well.

    Poor K and her ulcer, she was on her own, none of her friends were caring about her because there were rooms to pick!

    Did Mia sort of admit to sleeping with someone in her talking head? She said there was a guy but he wasn't a rapper.

    G has Mia's number, sadly he does not have any numbers in his bank account and knows Mia will find another wallet but they have kids, he suggests finding an arrangement that they co-parent but that is all. It maybe the best option for them, certainly the cheapest, no lawyers to pay, one rent, she should consider it.

    The DR is hot, like vacation on the surface of the sun hot in the summer, all the HW's had their fans, good on them!


    From Nneka's first moment on the show she has weaponized and tried to insinuate that Wendy and her family were Igbo (outcast) and now Wendy's mom practices witchcraft .. she came with an agenda i'm sorry ...And these ladies have no problem amplifying that for her and thats gross to me

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  11. The fact Nneka literally took someone’s religion (Catholicism) and twisted it and INSINUATED and brought in witchcraft (cause of course it has to be witchcraft just look at where she is from, eyeroll) and people are telling Wendy to just get over it blows my mind ..  Thats some fucked up twisted shit but shes supposed to be like oh well you can drag my mom and accuse her of fowl shit  its ok?

    I understand not liking Wendy but tryin to make her accept a half ass apology that has reverberations IRL in their life just is WOW


    Catholics have shrines (to the virgin mary or any saint really) .. they pray at those shrines (my roommates whole family is catholic and he has confirmed this) .. its a part of that religion ... you pray for people who you feel like have done you wrong that God corrects it or sends his protection from them ... its part of that religion ... also  Catholicism Like  A LOT of religions is HUGE on fire and brimstone (aka my God will smite my enemies with raining down fire etc etc)  that's how they have preached pretty much from the beginning (being gay and having religion thrown at you makes you see the fire and brimstone pissed off side of them fast)...Nneka twisted that and she did it on purpose but its WENDY that is wrong here .... I cant



    Im sorry this just annoys me

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  12. 18 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

    OMG. Why were these women holding their purses while at the party? Do rich people not pile their purses on a bench or bed like us normal folks at parties? They were holding onto those things like Sophia Patrillo.

    I think it’s mostly look at this incredibly expensive insert ridiculous price point here purse arnt you just I could kill myself jealous? Drool over spending that much over a bag look how much money I got thing.  And if they sat it down and anything happened to it they would be out insert ridiculous price point amount here ..


    I mean a purse costing more then a car to me is ridiculous.. but hey who am I 

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  13. I have no issue with older women being sex positive just like anyone else ... Hey we all like sex however there is always a time and place and that restaurant wasn't either and after a point it just becomes obnoxious no matter what age or who is doing it ... let the mouse go... 

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  14. 3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

    I mean, maybe? We have no way of knowing if that's the reason. We don't know if the person from production that went with Crystal spoke Spanish or if they were chosen to go with her because they spoke Spanish. Maybe they didn't want any of the women to go with her because they still had a whole day of filming left? I know it's two different production teams and situations. Guerdy and Nicole are close friends so my guess is, production wasn't too fussed that she went with her. 

    Guerdy wasn't letting go of Nicole's hand ... Even if they didnt want Nicole going I dont think Guerdy would have gave a fuck and kept holding on :)

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  15. 21 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    All that because Boy George was busy? LOL.

    Kyle rents a stadium for her white party? Sure Kyle, enjoy the fact you can rent a stadium because your husband works a lot but also get mad at your husband for working a lot. 


    I knew him he had NOTHING .. Girl you both had nothing ...

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