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Posts posted by Keywestclubkid

  1. 2 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Oh yes she is scared. As long as Erika is on good terms with the boss (Kyle) she absolutely won’t go too far questioning Erika. Dorits on the outs with the boss so it makes it easier to go in on her. 
    Again I don’t even like Dorit but that doesn’t make Garcelle a saint in any of this.

    I don’t think she’s scared of her .. she is the ONLY one that stood 10 toes down .. I said what I said I had an opinion and I still stand by it when everyone was trying to backtrack on their issues with her and the widows and orphans 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Right. And also, none of these extraneous occurrences and examples make a difference in the "attack" issue anyway; it's its own thing. Compiled previous infractions don't make one specific act any more or less bad (or good, for that matter). 

    This …It just showed who these people really are.. they co-signed a mess and then made a mess of there own which caused the secondary separate issue  …


    and the only one that seems to be openly antagonistic towards anyone in any of the aforementioned issues now is Dorit .. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, politichick said:


    Erika apologized, so Garcelle is moving on, though she still doesn't trust her and the others, except Sutton and Crystal with her children. Dorit never apologizes until the very end of a stupid speech about how HER feelings were hurt--and that's just sometimes.

    This part .. Erika never came back with .. it’s been a year … 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Dorit was wrong for that. Still, Erika started the whole mess by telling Garcelles son off for no reason other than she was a drunken pig at the party.  Dorits an easier target and it’s a chance for Garcelle to make Dorit out to be a racist Karen all the well laughing it up with Erika who disrespected her son in such a shitty way. Yes she was harder on Erika than the others but she still let it out to Erika that Sutton made out with her driver.  Erika said what Garcelle wanted to hear to hear at Taco Tuesday but she is still scared of Erika and shame on her for letting her get away with talking to her son the way she did.

    But it doesn’t matter who started it .. who laughed with their husband that good job Erika then went home slept lived her life then got up got on camera for a talking head and said full chest “hey it’s not my child” so it’s ok?


    that’s is ALL on Dorit 

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  5. 45 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    I think Garcelle still holds onto the anger from her son being verbally attacked by Erika and then laughed at by Mauricio, Kyle PK and Dorit.  She let it go with Erika and somewhat with Kyle but took it out on Dorit. I’m guessing the word attack didn’t trigger her as much as she says but it was an opportunity to put Dorit in her place and hint that she is racist and call her a Karen. I don’t think Dorit was trying to use a stereotype against Garcelle  This doesn’t mean she’s the wide eyed innocent she pretends to be. I think she was an easier target for Garcelle. Also Dorit is not one that can receive anything the slightest bit critical. She’d rather defend herself and dig a hole while doing it. 

    Dorit being that late and holding up the reunion for one of the ugliest looks ever is crazy. I’m surprised the others didn’t go off about that.

    Dorit is the only one that said and I quote and I will continue to quote because it was a vile thing to say AND it was after the whole laughing thing where she had time to think about how wrong it was in a completely separate sit down interview 


    “But hey it’s not my child”


    you would NEVER come back from that IRL .. no parent would ever forgive or even feel comfortable having their child around that person .. that is NOT your friend ..

    then being told to get over it ..are you kidding me?


    kyle would NEVEr speak to a person who did that ever she would drag this out every chance she got 

    Dorit herself would have clutched the pearls so hard and screamed about HOW dare you …and would have rallied all the girls to get you off the show 


    Garcelle Has  every right to hold onto this ..these woman  trying to act like she just doesn't like  them for no reason and is just holding a grudge and should “let it go”  is disingenuous at the least …


    these woman don’t care about her or the children they scream about leaving out of it point blank period ..

    if they did they wouldn’t be so dismissive of her feelings towards that and she shouldn’t be told to have to mask and pretend to want to be friends with Dorit when she has shown no kinda real remorse for saying it and again doubled down and told her it’s been a year get over it …. 



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  6. 33 minutes ago, Chit Chat said:
    33 minutes ago, Chit Chat said:


    Kyle seems to have lots of best friends, but she acts like nobody is ever there for her.  I think it would be exhausting to be her friend. 


    This part .. she keeps points and tabs and grudges.. you would never know exactly what you did because she just cuts you out without explanation.. if you arnt living her fantasy 24/7 you can’t be her friend .. it be like living as Gretchen Wieners your whole life always trying to please her dreading the moment you inevitably do something she doesn’t like 

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  7. 43 minutes ago, Maximona said:

    Just a data point:  APRNs don't get doctorates; they get a degree called "Doctor of Nursing Practice" (DNP.)  

    I have no idea whether AnneMarie has a MSN (Master's of Science in Nursing) or a DNP frankly.  But if she has a DNP, she's entitled to use the honorific "Doctor."

    Physicians are "Medical Doctors" (hence "MD.")  They do not have a monopoly on the use of the word "doctor" no matter how much the AMA would like you to think they do.😀

    She doesn’t she admits it IN the video .. she had a masters which is amazing in itself but it’s not the same degree that she would be able to call herself a doctor .. but then says she IS a doctor 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

    and even if she did have a doctorate, it wouldn't make her an MD, which is the credential/education level she is trying to pass herself off as having

    She’s intentionally trying to muddy it .. Technically anyone with a doctorate is a “doctor” that’s what she is trying to rely on .. she would be sued IF she said this to a patient and they reported her .. she would lose her license.. 

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  9. 42 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    I love she is being dragged on twitter for this mess now

    But she doesn’t even have a doctorate so she ISNT a “doctor” of anything  she has a masters not a doctorate to even claim the title ..she is intentionally muddying the water 

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  10. Proof anna8.5 has insinuated and actually flat out said she IS  a Doctor ON tape .. she is now splitting hairs here.. I believe 100% she told Crystal she was a Doctor without clarifying that it’s not a MD then had to backtrack .. she is not a licensed Medical DOCTOR.. she did not go to medical school .. and she herself doesn’t have the doctrine that she is claiming to have .. nurses next year will HAVE to have it to but she didn’t and doesn’t And its STILL isnt the same thing has being a MD… she’s gotta stop …

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

    I don’t understand why they are going after Nicole for the Mother’s Day fiasco when the person behind it was really Adriana?

    I stand corrected because at least Adriana is now taking accountability.

    This they knew it wasn’t her .. 

    Alexia you have a hard on for me .. God I love Nicole 

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