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Posts posted by Keywestclubkid

  1. the white wash over Drake continuing the cycle of abuse is kind of baffling to me ... wasn't he texting inappropriate things to a 12yo until she was 15 thats NOT normal ..

    Yes what was done to him is HORRIFIC 100% FULL STOP 

    But he actually attempted to groom underage girls himself and the excuse he and his lawyer used makes absolutely no sense...

    it was grooming in no way should he be left alone with KIDS himself EVER.. lets not lose the forest for the trees here with this

    The girls statement that he plead guilty to was as follows

    the victim called Bell "the epitome of evil," and accused the actor of grooming that began when she was 12 before allegedly sexually abusing her at 15. "He was calculating. He preyed on me and sexually abused me," she said, and also accused him of sending her pictures of his genitals. "He is a monster and a danger to children."

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  2. 47 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I really hope that she has to testify in court for any one of these lawsuits. I would love to watch a prosecutor destroy her and rip apart all of her contradictions. 

    Oh the Marco Marco lawsuit is already going ahead she will 100% have to testify.. and now that Mr daddy warbucks was deemed competent to stand trial she will definitely be sucked into that 

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  3. On 3/15/2024 at 4:13 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Erika meets Rinna for hot toddies. They discuss the day Erika left Tom’s house. She ends the scene by saying, “And he’s got some real challenges ahead of him.”

    She should have stopped filming. She’s too stupid to know when to shut up.

    she really thought she would be able to play dumb and skip out on her fucking over anyone .... she thought she knew better then everyone else cause "she can pass the bar in California" she has learned so much from Tom (she admitted that on this show) she stupid 

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  4. 4 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

    If Little Kathy was on the trip, they all would have gone with Crystal to the hospital. Crystal might have even ended up there for 10 days or until Kathy came to visit. 

    That's not very professional and EMTs are 100% required to follow HIPPA, and someone's blood pressure is DEFINITELY medical information. 

    I am more convinced than ever this was planned/scripted. And the EMT guy was fake if he didn't protect Sutton's privacy, which he clearly didn't by reading it right into the camera. 

    I don’t think it’s a violation tho is it?

    My doctor has said out loud BP with other non medical people IN the room that I consented to be there it’s not a HIPPA violation ..Sutton didn’t ask for anyone to be removed for “privacy” and  especially it was a medical emergency.. like they would have had to clear out EVERYONE non medical related to comply with that rule if it were true .. it’s literally what your BP is .. it’s not different then sitting at one of those machines that anyone can walk by and see when you take your BP 


    and a medical professional wouldn’t risk their job to lie for someone they have no clue who they are from a hole in the wall so they could “sneak” out .. why put your medical license up for something like that it’s stupid .. unless you’re 8.5 claiming your a doctor when you’re not 

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  5. 5 hours ago, Chit Chat said:

    As long as they're on TV, the interpretation will continue!  All of us come from different life experiences, and some more than others have lived the same type of dynamics these ladies did with their mother.  I appreciate all of the different viewpoints because it helps me to try and understand WTF is going on with Kyle, Kim & Kathy!!  Their dynamics have always been a trainwreck.  

    People smacking their gum and food grates on my nerves really badly.  I hate hearing it in TV shows and movies too.  I wish I could flip a switch and it wouldn't bother me, but sadly it doesn't work that way!  

    Omg smacking gum drives me up the wall .. the popping sound my skin just tightens and …


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  6. On 3/14/2024 at 4:02 PM, Harvey said:

    The moment where Nell realized Lexie's secret with the dramatic background music was just amazing 😆. I had to re-watch. And it was nice to see Lexie and Nell get along for a change.

    This I like that she’s being integrated with the lead and full cast now 

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  7. 10 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

    As children I’m guessing Kathy was the Golden child, Kyle perhaps the Lost child and Kim the Scapegoat. 

    Is it in S1 or S2 of Paris in Love that Kathy’s meanness is revealed?

    You see glimpses of it season one but I think she was just so completely comfortable with the cameras by season 2 or she’s just that big of a monster but it comes out bad in 2 especially with her interactions with her and Paris and her and Paris and Nicki pitting them as “good daughter” Nikki and “alien” Paris 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

    And yet they continue to want to be RHOBH season after season.  It must be the fame because they sure don't appear to be having much fun.

    Garcelle said she does it cause it’s good pay that allows her to stay more local and home so she can be more present with her kids while she can 

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:


    Speaking of Kathy, she comes across menacing to me at times. I see a nasty person channeling her mother’s behavior. 

    Watch Paris in love season 2 … she shows what kinda monster she actually is a lot easier there .. 

    I liked Kathy until I watched that season and saw how nasty she could actually be and was hiding it behind the “kooky” 

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  10. 10 hours ago, JD5166 said:

    I've never walked away from a reunion no matter how boring. I decided getting ready for bed and letting my dog take his time was more interesting than this. 💩 

    I literally turned it off when Sutton and Garcelle left for the hospital.. it felt like the reunion that wouldn’t end 

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  11. 18 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Guerdy was cancer free at the reunion.

    She wasn’t cancer free when Larsa was doing what she did .. I think that’s the point… you gonna come at someone who has cancer with that bullshit they are gonna feel a way about it even after thank god she became cancer free

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  12. 15 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Guerdy was such an obnoxious jerk. Just because she had cancer she gets to act like an asshole?

    yes yes she does .. she was going though so much mentally she gets a pass .. not knowing if she is gonna live to see her kids grow up fear of what would happen to them and her husband fear of the unknown for all of this .. she 100% does


    Now going forward and she is cancer free does she get this same grace no its a different story now but for all of that 100% yes yes yes

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  13. Ratings were 485,000 for the first hour then 82k people were like what is this shit and turned it off before the 2nd hour, when it dropped to 403,000 

    I mean it shed a lot of the RHOBH viewers but that seems to happen to any show that follows it I’m just glad that so many chose NOT to watch it however 

    it just makes me sad that 400k people watched this bruja at all .. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Yea Kyle’s excuse are I did that BUT .. then deflects and makes it someone else that is wrong and waves away her own bad behavior cause .. you made me .. she’s mentally fighting like a 2 yo 

    Thinking about this this is probably what Big Kathy taught her girls .. it’s a mental abuse tactic that people use ..

    t’s your fault because you MADE me do this .. If you hadn’t done that then I wouldn’t have to have done this .. it’s YOUr fault for making me hurt you .. I’m not the bad person you are for doing something to me I’m just “reacting” 


    totaly excusing the behavior and choices they could have made and blaming you 

    so instead of talking accountability like she wants everyone else to and saying I’m sorry I did that ina genuine way then asking for an apology for their behavior it’s just fuck you it’s your fault 

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  15. This is gonna sound so petty but, the way Larsa says my love just drives me up the wall .. I know it’s big in Miami and I love when my Cuban girls come down here on vacation cause they say it all the time .. Just Larsa’s delivery of it irks me lol 


    ok petty rant over 

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  16. 32 minutes ago, njbchlover said:



    Makes me think that Mauricio didn't want it played out for the entire RHOBH season as a storyline.  Rather, he wanted it to be part of Buying Beverly (his show), so he could put his own spin on it, rather than being portrayed as the villain or bad guy on RHOBH, as would probably have happened.

    I don't know - I've never watched his show, but I do think there were some mutual agreements made between Mauricio and Kyle prior to filming both shows regarding how to spin/play/portray all of this in their "reality TV" lives.

    It feels very sus .. like it definitely feels calculated and super convenient … but these are the same people that put telling there 16yo child ON camera (instead of privately so she could process it without eyes on her) about the “separation” 

    and outed a drinking problem in the back of a limo 


    for real tho it  just felt so wrong to me they put a kid through that on camera so they could get it for their tv show)  I mean that’s a kid … don’t do that to her she doesn’t deserve to have that recorded she is still mentally developing I just feel like she should have been protected in that moment … it felt icky and to me very exploitive of her ..


    and now I’m rambling I have become Dorit god help me  lol 

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

    I did not know this, never having watched Mo's show.  Is it filmed at the same time as RHOBH?

    I believe so cause the new season is just starting and they are using this to promote it .. Mo is upfront talking about it on camera 

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