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Posts posted by Heathen

  1. 21 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    Nursing board exams are online where I live.  They're administered at monitored testing centers and the person taking the exam knows their result immediately.  The program even stops the exam early if the applicant has gotten a large enough percentage right that they're guaranteed to pass.

    I'd expect most other states do their nursing board exams that way,  

    My youngest sister went to law school and took the bar around 15 years ago, In Ohio, everyone taking the exam had to go to Columbus to take it on the designated dates in a huge auditorium.  It was a written exam with essays as others have noted and lasted a couple days.  She didn't get her results for a couple of months because of the time it took for the essays to be graded.

    My comment was a reference to a specific person. She lies even when it's in her own interest to tell the truth, and even when everyone she's speaking to knows she's lying. Also, Munchausen by proxy and cat hoarder. 

    ETA: I hope Jill allows herself to a few minutes of smug. Not Smug as in her cockroach of a brother. Smug as in, "Look at me, craven parents. Look at my family. You told me I was just a uterus and slave." 

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  2. 35 minutes ago, cereality said:

    You don’t find out right away. It still takes at least 2 months in most states as its essays that need to be graded not just multiple choice. The swearing in differs by state. In smaller states where they basically just swear in their state U law grads from that yr that passed the bar, you can be sworn in within weeks of passing. In states like NY where huge # of grads move in yearly for new jobs, swearing in can often be 6-9 mos after learning you passed - you start working in the meantime though just with a title that denotes that you have not yet been admitted by the state.

    Thanks for the info. It didn't occur to me that there were (still) essays in the bar exam. I was thinking of someone I knew who took a professional exam (she's a neonatal nurse practitioner) and found out immediately that she passed, or so she said. She lies like a Duggar, so who knows for sure. 

    1 minute ago, farmgal4 said:

    I hope he chooses to work putting child predators/molesters behind bars.  Not only would that be an extremely worthy cause, but it would also be a big old 🖕🏻to Boob and ‘Chelle.

    That would be fantastic. The work part AND the F You, In-Laws part. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Aren’t  there a few months between taking the bar, being notified if you passed, and then again until being sworn in? (Is it called that?)

    I think there used to be a wait to find out if you passed (but I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV), but since everything is computerized now, he may found out right away. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    This was a response by Jill, answering  a question at the beginning of law school: (plans can change, though)


    “It’s going well! He’s in full swing with exams, briefs, oral arguments, and summer job applications. He’s hoping to practice some kind of public interest law (voice for the voiceless).”


    He may very well have changed his mind in the two and a half-three years since then. He may have realized that in his corner of the world, it's entirely possible to be a deeply conservative Christian and still have a "normal" day job.

    I'm not sure he really knew that before, since in Duggar World, it's apparently all or nothing. All: fundie and no job; nothing: sinner with a job. 

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  5. 27 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Yep. If they had played their cards right, they might have saved some money on legal bills! And if Derick is competent, that might have been a basic upgrade on their current local representation. 

    Honestly, I don't even know why they hire Story other than him being a fellow fundie. Whenever people are asking for lawyer recommendations locally, like on online groups, I have never once heard anyone recommend him, and the law student who followed the proceedings on Reddit said that, though the St. Louis guy was obviously good, Story had a terrible presence. 

    Honestly, I wonder what Story knows. Is he in on the alleged scams along with Jim Bob and Mullet? Are they paying him under the table so he doesn't have to declare X amount of income? 

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  6. 22 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I think this link was posted upthread as well as on the media thread, however, I didn’t see anyone comment on the people shown at the very end of the clip.  At the very end, the camera shows a child, back of woman’s head and a man in a car in the parking lot as Josh’s vehicle pulls away.  The man resembles Derrick to me.  Can anyone tell?  



    That guy in the suit jacket makes Smuggar look svelte. Maybe Smugs can borrow some clothes from him for court. 

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  7. 34 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

    I do think it's possible that Josh is innocent. I'd like to see him in jail just on general principles, but it's possible.

    The family is disliked by a LOT of people. The earlier molestations were outed because of the vile robo-calls that J'chelle made. The family is a bunch of saccharine sweetness layered over a lot of horrific beliefs.

    Josh is really unlikeable. From his early days narrating the specials that (for me) earned him the nickname "Smuggar," he's palpably unpleasant: smarmy, self-satisfied, and, well, smug.

    He has a history: the molestations and the Ashley Madison scandals. I also believe that he assaulted the porn star -- even if she was unable to prove it.

    Also, as an adult, Josh was busted for his account on Ashley Madison -- an adult dating site, and for attacking an adult porn star. I'm no expert on pedophilia, but it's my understanding that people who are attracted to children aren't interested in adult women.

    If someone really hated this family, and really wanted to put the final nail in the coffin, this would do it. 

    Just to be clear, I 100% believe that he did this, but I acknowledge that there is a possibility that he didn't. The fact that his own family hasn't made a peep about his innocence speaks pretty loudly.

    That's false. Some convicted abusers have maintained consensual relationships with adults even while abusing children. "Consensus now exists that pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation, not something that develops in someone who is homosexual or heterosexual. Some people with pedophilic urges are also attracted to adults, and may act only on the latter urges. Because people with pedophilic urges tend to be attracted to children of a particular gender, they are sometimes described in the literature as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual pedophiles. Roughly 9% to 40% of pedophiles are homosexual in their orientation toward children — but that is not the same as saying they are homosexual. Homosexual adults are no more likely than heterosexuals to abuse children." (bolding mine) (This article uses clinical language but can still be disturbing.) 


    Good information in this article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/conditions/pedophilia


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  8. 6 minutes ago, cereality said:

    Though if she knows what’s good for her and wants him out ASAP, be a stickler and report him left and right so he leaves her house.

    The problem with that scenario is that if she overreports or reports things that don't necessarily violate the rules, the federal probation office might very well stop listening to her. It reminds me of the fable of the boy who cried wolf. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Arkay said:

    Maybe it’s because I just can’t fathom it, but none of us knew of them before they became the Kardashians of Gothardism. I know M did say that about not having a heart for children. I agree she loves Josh and she certainly put all her attention on Josie when she was a fragile preemie. I know everyone will say that it was to keep her number up, trying to get to 20 kids, but IMO she did seem to have true love and concern for Josie back then. 
    My minor grievance with Michelle (omitting for now all the obvious issues)  is another small thing that to me is telling, like JB and hairspray. It’s the many, many times she has displayed that bikini lawn picture of which she’s allegedly so ashamed. Needless to say, if you feel shame about that picture, you don’t periodically show it on TV to say how ashamed you are. 

    I have never once seen the infamous bikini photo, although Mullet has mentioned it (not as often as it's been mentioned here). I find it hard to believe that a woman who had her knees blacked out while waterskiing in a long skirt would show a photo of herself in a bikini. 

    I feel sorry for the younger Duggars who are still at home. I can see their parents cracking down on them big time, in the naive belief that too much freedom caused Josh's issues. (Wrong.) And if Jim Bob burns through a lot of his money on Josh's defense, the younger kids might have to revert to the old Duggar ways, with not enough food, wearing used shoes and ugly-ass frumpers, no fancy cell phones or trips. It's also likely, in that case, that the younger kids wouldn't get the big weddings and extras that their older siblings got. They might have to actually "leave and cleave," as Mullet said once upon a time, although anybody with half a brain knew the kids didn't really leave OR cleave. 

    • Love 15
  10. 8 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

    Absolutely, and I apologize if my comment suggested otherwise.  I was more commenting on someone who, to me, sounded like he was  bragging about getting child molesters off the hook.  His mother must be so proud.

    I think that's promoting his practice more than anything. He couldn't very well write, "I got a pervert off the hook but I'm ashamed of it." 

    I've always had the impression the Duggarettes really didn't care for Anna. Maybe it's a sister-in-law thing, maybe it's because she's Ofsmuggar. Who knows. They would never admit to anything other than "we love her like a sister." 

    • Love 6
  11. 3 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

    The kids, yes. Anna, no.

    I feel awful for the kids. His stain will follow them for the rest of their lives, whether they stay fundie or not. They're kids -- they don't deserve to be contaminated by their father. 

    On a somewhat lighter note, how many of you signed up to get updates on Smuggar's status in jail? I did. 

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  12. On 4/25/2021 at 5:10 PM, Cloud9Shopper said:

    I just wanted to add that I love Elizabeth too! I wish she hadn’t gotten such dreadful storylines, because I even thought she and Mark were fine together. The writers just tormented them with the tumor and devil Rachel and Ella’s OD. 

    Elizabeth and Mark were great together until the beginning of season eight. Elizabeth was a caricature after that. 

    • Love 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

    To be fair, John has a real job and by all accounts he doesn't have an aversion to hard work or longer hours.  

    I do feel that Alyssa is the least like her parents.  She moved away and seems to like the distance.  And while she may have a couple more kids down the line, I really doubt she will have 19.

    The beliefs are still there to be sure, and John's father is awful.  Still, I think she is not as much of a Kool-Aid drinker as Erin.

    I have noticed that she never posts about Wednesday evening church services like her siblings do.  Maybe that is not a "thing" in Florida?

    Jim Bob had a real job (actually, jobs, and so did Michelle) and worked hard when he was young. Gil did too, before he dumped Nabisco in favor of trimming trees and getting hospitals to write off ER bills.

    I think Alyssa is far more like her parents than she'd be willing to admit. She had her first kid less than eleven months after her wedding, and she's had kid after kid since then despite a recent medical history that might suggest slowing down would be a good idea. And she grifts clothes for her kids. 

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  14. 37 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

    Alyssa didn't have much growing up, so I can see how she wants to have nice things in her house.  It's not kid friendly, but it's what she wants.  Her girls do not seem to be super destructive so it may work out.  Or she will regret her choices quickly.

    She didn't have much because her idiot parents kept having kid after kid after kid and refused to keep actual jobs. Gee, I wonder if Alyssa the dingbat realizes she's following in her parents' footsteps. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

    Another good moment for Kerry was in ‘All in the Family’ when, after finding Carter and Lucy’, she snapped into action, running the trauma, issuing orders and doing what needed to be done.  Then, once they were both transferred to surgery; rushing outside to puke in a trash can.  Whatever her flaws, Kerry kicked as* as an ER doc.

    Kerry was great with the Deaf, epileptic girl, too. 

    • Love 2
  16. On 4/16/2021 at 11:41 PM, cmr2014 said:

    There are cultures where little girl babies wear jewelry from infancy -- I know that it is common for people from India and Mexico -- it's not common in the US and not really culturally appropriate for this baby. I 100% believe that she has put jewelry on that baby to keep her gender-marked 100% of the time -- even in the bath. I'm guessing it was a gift from Austin's mom (J'chelle and JB only count the babies, they don't send presents), because jewelry has never seemed to interest Joy at all.

    It may not be common in your culture, but it absolutely is common among certain cultures in the US -- not immigrant communities -- for babies to wear jewelry. I used to pierce ears as part of my job (I managed a jewelry department). I can't tell you how many times I saw very young babies whose parents wanted their ears done, or who already had their ears done. Some of them were newborns. 

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  17. 3 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

    In other news, Josie and Kelton did a Q & A on her Instagram stories while waiting for their appointment at the OBGYN.  They did not wait for their wedding to kiss.  They were masked so you couldn't really see their expressions but they did not seem to be guilty about it.

    He's the one who groped her ass in front of her family after their wedding. He's just a younger Jim Bob, he of the mini-golf humping. None of them has an ounce of class. 

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  18. 14 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

    What insurance is Jill talking about? If it's Medicaid (probably), braces are covered only in extreme circumstances. Samuel looks fine as is, and even Phillip's teeth are not extreme, although braces would make sense for him. Jill just decided to spend money on Samuel for some reason. Maybe he'll get featured in advertising materials for the Smile Direct company and Jill will get some money back. 

    Whatever went on in that head of hers, Jill obviously needed to buy a giant clock for herself more than she needed to spend the stimulus money on health services for her children.  



    Samuel is the darker brother? My guess is Jill decided to spend money on his perfectly fine teeth because he's the best-looking of the Rod males (it's a very low bar, I know), and maybe he's now the golden child that Kiefer Tim was before his fall from grace. 


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