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  1. She's in Nebraska, not Oklahoma. She was doing prerequisite, pre-nursing classes, if I recall. It would be a legitimate surprise if she continued now that she's married.
  2. She's going to cause herself actual health issues in the form of acute back pain if she keeps arching her back like that. Carlin, you are not showing yet so stop the effing nonsense. You look stupid doing that. Also, she appears to have borrowed sister Alyssa's filters. She's almost filtered her face off.
  3. I'm still shocked that Steve Maxwell, of all people, let go of his daughters.
  4. I'm still struggling with the idea that the first two original recipe kids whose births were filmed -- Jackson and Johannah -- will be 21 and 20 this year. Hell, even precious miracle Josie is 15, 16 this year. She's two months younger than niece Mackynzie. I hope Jesse's uterus falls out when this kid is born. They don't need any more kids. Or maybe Ben's swimmers will stop swimming.
  5. They're not wealthy donors, so they might be higher on the audit list than you'd think.
  6. I fully expect the "seizures" to start again, too. That'll mean extra doctor appointments, maybe another EEG (which will show nothing abnormal but they won't acknowledge that), more loving-husband-driving-me posts, and super-duper high drama about the delivery.
  7. Here comes the attention-whoring and click baiting. Will Carlin have a "seizure"? What will the doctors say? Click now to find out! This was 100% predictable when Josie had her Golden Penis. I'm only surprised that it took so long.
  8. These videos are heavily staged and edited, if not scripted as well.
  9. Isn't he about a year and a half old? What took them so long? The evangelical families I knew growing up "dedicated" their kids when they were a few months old or younger. The non-bible-beating Christians baptized at around the same age. I was baptized at three months old (ELCA Lutheran sprinkling, which clearly did not take), and I was told my grandparents were unhappy it took so long! My grandparents must have known something about me that nobody else did.
  10. No. "Quadriplegia is a pattern of paralysis — which is when you can’t deliberately control or move your muscles — that can affect a person from the neck down. Depending on how and why it happens, it can affect your ability to move parts of your body, as well as some of your body’s automatic processes that keep you alive." https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23974-quadriplegia-tetraplegia Also, "Incomplete quadriplegia. This means that the quadriplegia blocks some — but not all — signals from getting through. That means a person might still have some ability to move, feel sensations or control automatic body processes (such as bowel and bladder function). This happens with about one-third of traumatic spinal cord injuries. Complete quadriplegia. This means whatever causes the quadriplegia blocks all signals from getting through. That means a person loses muscle control, the ability to feel sensations and their brain can’t manage any automatic processes that rely on brain signaling to work. This happens with about 20% of spinal cord injuries." (same source) I had an uncle who had quadriplegia from a herniated disc in his neck (his wife said at the C1 level). He could feed himself using special cutlery, and he could take the top off his Pepsi bottle if it was loose, but he could not turn himself over in bed or take care of his own toileting. He could not walk, and I don't think he could propel his own wheelchair. Topic: Jill is tone-deaf like no other.
  11. That kid is going to turn out as materialist and poseur-y as the Biermann kids. If her parents don't go bankrupt and end up living with Granny and Gramps Stew first.
  12. Along with Climax, Michigan; Paradise, Michigan, and my personal favorite, Hell, Michigan. Topic: @AstridM is right. That country, aw-shucks crap is largely performative. These people own multiple planes, FFS.
  13. Have they said the next spawn is female? If so, Brianne is my guess, after Jill Rod's coulda-been daughter-in-law. Who cares if it sounds similar to the first two kids' names -- this is a family where the names mostly sound alike anyway.
  14. My aunt did ABCD. One of her daughters did ABCDEF. Neither of them intended to have that many children -- I don't think it's in any way exclusive to people who plan to have lots of kids. Neither is Catholic, fundie, or religious. My aunt has been married five times and counting. Her daughter has never been married. I hope Josiah and Lauren are happy together.
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