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Everything posted by poppytheastronaut

  1. John Oliver, I endorse you being on my television screen, you gingham shirt-wearing studmuffin.
  2. Also? Benedict Cumberbatch and penguins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GHPNKUMf70
  3. Word. I can cry with laughter just thinking about parts of that episode. The sad part for me is that the conversation from a subsequent appearance by George Clooney suggests that some of the best parts may have been edited out? All the same, I'll never look at the Downton Abbey opening credits in the same way again.
  4. If I had the chance, I would climb all over that man. (non-immediate) Consequences be damned. Just saying.
  5. Word. Rick in Alpha male mode (as he has been since mid-last season) = sexy as hell. More than makes up for the lack of beard. Otherwise I thought that this episode was a bit meh. I appreciate that there's a large ensemble cast, but this seemingly increasing habit of splitting off a few characters' storylines for individual episodes isn't really working for me. I find that this sort of fragmentation results in an overall loss of momentum and in my emotional investment in the story.
  6. Didn't think I would, but I actually ended up liking this episode. It helped to be forewarned that it was happening, and to have a few days to get over the angry/manipulated feelings given the cliffhangeriness of Ep 3. As it turned out, as the last three episodes just did not let up in the tension stakes, I really appreciated the change of pace. Like getting a bit of a breather before being launched back in to it again.
  7. Developing such a crush on this man. Thanks for the introduction, Tara - been madly youtubing him since watching your link to the online harassment segment.
  8. I started out hating this episode, and ended up kind of liking it. It may be that unlike others I still find Alicia the most interesting and relatable character, even (or especially?) in her advance along the scale of moral greyness. It feels realistic to me, and I think that it's brave of the show to take this route with her character. I really like that she had the insight to ask herself why some of the choices she was making or considering making were bad when Peter made them, and not now. Will's stand-in was incredibly poorly chosen (couldn't they just show the back of his head as if he's lying facing away from her or something? Have him standing behind a screen? Or just anything else?). On the other hand, her campaign manager continues adorable, and is starting to severely erode away at my previous Finlicia hopes.
  9. All I can say is that whatever bad thing Alicia is for losing her temper at the end of the episode, I must be too, because I can totally understand where she's coming from. Unfortunately David Lee was the source of the information, which started things off badly. And then to have Cary and Diane so completely dismiss her right to a voice about hiring someone who's proven so controversial. The way they teamed up against her gave me playground flashbacks. Given the way she'd expended such emotional energy on Cary's trial - it must have felt like a betrayal. I understand that it may have been prompted somewhat by her hiring of previous partners, but its a pretty abrupt about-face in attitude on his part. And to ask why she's still running? In my opinion she's right; it is hard to imagine them asking a man the same question. On the bright side, this seems to have been just what she needed to be super-focussed on her SA run. I'll be interested to see what sort of different energy this brings to the campaign.
  10. It was the Finn and Alicia debate that I found hot. Any scene that they do together these days looks like foreplay to me. Their chemistry is so fantastic that I get all "Will who?". Peter's arrival was a complete downer, and you can see the spark just disappear. I'm hoping against hope that the kiss in the last scene is simply a manifestation of relief/elation and won't lead to anything much. I agree with others that it seems to have have arrived out of exactly nowhere, and it's not like Alicia's relationship status isn't complicated enough.
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