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  1. Serendipitous. I just happened to be at a restaurant in old town Niles (CA) this past weekend where they had a "nautical" pirate theme, and, well... just dropping this little pix here...
  2. All of the women on this show have a far distance from the truth. Dorit, especially, greatly exaggerates and embellishes her recounts with false statements and misleading "facts" to where it is almost comical. Kyle does the same thing, but mostly by omission of critical details. Rinna and her memory are always at odds. It is almost as if they forget that they are being recorded and that viewers can fact-check their actions and statements. Seeing them caught with their pants on fire is one of my secret joys.
  3. I cannot say I enjoy this season - there is too much of the self-victimizing and foolish jumps to judgement that make my brain hurt. Of course, Dorit dumped the dog. She was coerced by VPD to get two young pups, but then shocked to find out they poop and nip and taking care of them takes time and effort (more than 3 hours of training, girl). Of course, Teddi was the instigator of the doggie-doo exposure, and Kyle knew about it and encouraged her to do so. Teddi did not like Dorit at the time, and Kyle likes to see LVP squirm. Of course, LVP was pissed at Dorit and wanted to see her punished for her actions (TBH everyone does, if not only for the dog, but also for the stupid CHA-NEL earrings). What I found very interesting is how the "other" ladies are all so upset by LVP not calling them, or LVP not fighting back. I recently viewed a tutorial on YouTube by a counselor who gives advice to counteract narcissistic behaviors, and the way she describes these behaviors fits the interactions between the non-LVP vs LVP perfectly. She details the seven standard tactics used by narcissists to cause confusion; 1. Invalidation 2. Blame shifting 3. Projection 4. Word Salad 5. Gaslighting 6. Hurt & Rescue 7. Use Your Emotional State Against You. (Sound familiar?) To wit, narcissists want you to fight back because it fuels their beliefs and stimulates them to further push their personal agendas. The best approach to diffuse narcissistic behavior is to not engage. Apparently, it infuriates them because it shuts them down. From the behaviors of the women both on the show and in their after show Tweets, I would conclude Rinna, Dorit, and to an even larger degree, Kyle, are text book examples. And LVP is wise to just ignore them.
  4. Lisa does have a special fondness for dogs because they are companion animals, and in that way a bit different from cattle, perhaps. The horror of the Yulin is not so much an issue about other cultures eating dog meat, but that they purposefully try to increase the animal's fear and pain response by to supposedly cause an adrenaline surge into their system that makes the dog meat "tastier". I think most folks in the US would find that to be abhorrent, me included. Sorry for the graphic description, but I feel it is a sizeable factor in her championing this cause.
  5. Public service announcement: you can very much delete text entries from within a conversation thread after the fact. You can even add emojis and such. To do so, open the text conversation thread to select a specific text entry (i.e.: Did Lisa tell you to do this?") A small pop-up appears, and at the bottom of the screen is another menu where you have the option to Move or More... Under the More... there is is a Delete/Trash option. Yup. Not that Teddi is smart enough to know about these capabilities, but just to put it out there that there is the possibility that even on a phone, texts conversations can be manipulated after they are received. We now return you back to the ongoing discussion topics...
  6. I rarely post, but I am so riled up after watching this latest episode, that here is my take on Luke and Kate… After last night’s show, I am firmly believing that Luke-da-Puke did this whole thing as one of his get-rich-quick schemes. He thought it would be funny to go on this show as a way to make a quick $10k, get a freebie vacation, promote his speed-dating stuff, have a few laughs with his buddies, and after a short eight weeks, he would be on his merry hipster way. I am sure he told his mom of his plans, and while she was not pleased, she went along with it because that “darn young Luke” would always come up with these silly arrangements, like selling sand from the beach. Hence, her foreboding “mockery of marriage” statement when it all became very real at the wedding. From the social media posting bull-poopery that is coming to light (re: fake accounts making fun of the other couples – see the spoiler thread), his buddies all seemed to be in on the score. The problem with his plan, however, is that Luke never gave a single thought to how the person he was matched to would feel. And now, his mother, knowing in advance that this was a dishonorable scheme from the start, feels badly that this kind and gentle soul, which is hopeful Kate, is being set up to be hurt. She realizes that her son's actions and deeds have deeply impacted an unsuspecting someone who did not deserve to be involved in his stupid and disgusting scheme. What little morality he has left makes it hard for Luke to kiss Kate, or go further, and he must continue to lie and manipulate to cover his original intent to “scam the show”. I realize, we only see an edited version of the couples, but given that this is what has been shown, I can only imagine the stuff that we are not viewing. I concur with Kristine on Unfiltered, “He is an asshole”. Kate, I hope you get out of this sham of a marriage and find someone kind and deserving. And, fix your hair once in a while. Oops! Sorry to the thread moderators, I now realize I should have put my comments into the speculation thread. However, to my defense, it is factual, and not speculative, that Luke is an ass.
  7. I invite everyone to step back in time with me in the "way-back" machine to the wedding vows portion of Jon+Molly, and recall the introductory advice her family gave was (to paraphrase), "She likes her pants perfectly pressed". This was an obvious clue to Jon to turn and run before the vows were completed. All of Molly's farcical claims of being a wanton adventure seeker were exposed right there in that single statement. For her, the marriage was doomed after Jon drove the dune-buggy through the mud and splashed her "perfect" hair/nails/clothes. In my opinion, it was right then at that moment she decided he was not acceptable to be her spouse.
  8. I may be in the minority, but I do not think Molly is all that attractive (shallow behavior on my part, I know). In fact, every time she is on screen, I can't help but think she looks a little bit like Polly Purebred from Underdog. Something about the nose. Free Jon.
  9. First things first: super charmed props to Drogo, Snarkle, EvilQ, Psycho and the all of the regulars for your ongoing to-the-point commentary. I so enjoy all of your posts. Luv sent in bunches! I usually stealth, but had to add my two bits on this whole Cody-Danielle interaction. What the young Cody does not seem to realize that every time he whines and complains about "no sex" it makes Danielle push away even further and harder to insure that remains the outcome. I have dated a lot in my many years, and know from personal experience that when you are not attracted to a person, it rarely turns a 180. And, Cody, dear boy, nothing is a bigger turn-off than discussing the topic ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Say hello to your right hand and deal. Of course, this show, like none other, has shown me how deep and far the editing can manipulate the actual events. I figure when I die I am going to have MAFS producers doctor up my final life review to add drama to my boring moments. I may stand alone in this corner, but I actually adore the times when they show the awkward interactions. Those are the times when I feel like the participants are actually portrayed as their most accurate selves. Speaking of which, the folks going on this show do so because they are having a hard time finding a perfect partner. So that means they must acknowledge they are a bit flawed in either their relationship approach or personality (I am looking at you, Sheila). They have to know that the person they will be matched to would also only be on this show because they, too, are flawed in some way, right? One would think that any person going on this show would understand they will be matched to a person with a few chipped edges. What I don't get is why the participants maintain the expectation for the other person to be perfect. Oh, wait. They were "scientifically matched". That explains. Herewith my predictions on the final outcomes: - Sheila and Nate last through the decision day to save face, but not much longer. Sheila still calls Nate occasionally on the days between menstruation when she is feeling a bit more calm. Tyrique swears off marriage of any kind in his future. - Danielle and Cody have already broken up, and she is back at her old place, but making a solid effort to pretend she is still interested in saving the wasteland that is her relationship. Cody buys tissue and lotion in bulk sizes at CostCo. - Ashley and Anthony are good through the decision day when Ash tells him she stopped taking her pills a bit back and thanks him for his sperm donation and 18 more years of child support. The baby-to-be is born 8 months later with a full head of hair.
  10. The Snowtown Murders was one of the few movies that I had to stop watching mid-way through due to being so uncomfortable with the events as portrayed (knowing it was based on real crimes). Disturbing in the worst way. On the other hand, I loved your comment, "Use the correct acid". Such good advice, everyone.
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