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Posts posted by kicksave

  1. 15 hours ago, roughing it said:

    I can never what understand what the actor playing Gulom is saying. Between the accent and mumbling I have a hard time understanding him. 

    YES! I cannot understand anything he says...I was tempted to enable closed captioning last night.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Mr. R0b0t said:

    Bad eps of RT usually fall into one of two categories.  They're either panels that get taken over by overzealous panelists who derail any and all hopes of maintaining any productive discussion (see Buck Sexton, Coulter, Amy Holmes, Erickson, Cornell West, Eric-Dyson, etc) or limp panels like this weeks where Bill isn't seriously challenged for his own questionable takes.  Flanagan was something else!  An apologist for men's bad behavior of the worst kind.  No Caitlin women should not be super grateful to come onto a show where their lechers make comments about their looks in exchange for air time.

    Cox is a great actor and seemed to have a lot to say, but this format does not suit him IMO.  Bill needs to get off his aggrieved old white guy cancel culture high horse.  Chris Matthews may well be a wonderful guy, but the times are moving on and he had a nice run.  I've wanted to see someone else in his time slot for years.  

    THIS! If Matthews was in a different line of work he would have been pushed to retirement 5 or 6 years ago. He’s a multi millionaire with comfy digs and a tolerant wife. He’ll be fine. He wasn’t tossed out on his ass...his family wanted him to step down before he said stuff in the air that could never be walked back. In fact, his family was present when the suits flew down here to talk to Matthews about “retiring”...at the request of his family! I’m thinking maybe there’s something going on with him  neurologically or cognitively. That might explain his family’s urgency in getting him to step down.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Pike Ludwell said:

    Ratings tanking would be the most likely reason. IMO because of his personality - e.g., constantly interrupting people is annoying, and the comments to or about women, over time. So many disagreed with the furor over the Sanders/Nazi thing that I don't think they'd fire him for that. Pretty minor and misinterpreted thing.

    Most Jews don’t like being compared to Hitler or Nazis...so NOT a “minor” thing.

    • Love 6
  4. 4 minutes ago, Pike Ludwell said:

    I keep hoping MSNBC and Chris reach an agreement for him to return. I get the feeling that the decision was hasty and maybe if both sides had used a little diplomacy, things could have been worked out. NO ONE outside of the immediate parties knows how it really went down - we can only speculate right now, but I can envision the producers calling him to talk to him about adjusting some things and he got all offended and decided he didn't need to take it. I didn't watch his show much, but I liked him as a special commentator during elections and special news events. You never knew what sort of far out thing he'd say next.

    Ratings were tanking....his behavior and commentary about Bernie/Nazis was the death knell. Sometimes these old guys don't know when they are past their expiration date and continue to stay on and do things the way they've bring doing them since 19 dickety do. Television and especially cable TV news channels are highly competitive and Hardball wasn't keeping up. The demographic that is giving Ari Melber big ratings turned the TV off when Hardball came on...that affects their advertising revenue as well as the lead in value for All in with Chris Hayes. Matthews is a very wealthy man with a big compound on Nantucket as well as a nice home in Maryland...he's also not a very well man as he has Type 1 diabetes and has been hospitalized several times the last few years. He's 75 and should enjoy the fruits of this labors and relax, write some books, be with his grandkids and reflect. He'll be just fine.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Milburn Stone said:

    My two cents: Neither extreme is correct. (Extreme 1: Men should be able to say anything they want. Extreme 2: Women should regard men complimenting their appearance as a traumatic assault.) Clearly Chris Matthews is out of step with the times, which is somewhat surprising because of the kind of business he's in, but there's no denying that he is. A firing offense, however? As opposed to a reprimand followed by a public apology and a demonstrated change in his behavior going forward? That's extreme.

    It wasn't just the crass and sexual comments he made off the air and on the air...it was also the comment on the air about Bernie and the Nazis. Also...he was losing in the ratings...he was losing a huge audience, both men and women and younger viewers that watch his lead in Ari Melber. As we all know, once your ratings drop and the follow up guy, in this case an enormously popular Chris Hayes, is being affected, it's time to make a change. There was an excellent piece on all the factors that went into this decision. Ratings, the complaints from respected female journalists about Matthews inappropriate behavior in the green room and finally, the Bernie/Nazi comments...that was the final nail in the coffin. Time to move on...his show had lost its audience and was wearing thin. It was the brainchild of Roger Ailes 🤮 who was good friends with Matthews and pitched it to him back in the day. A worn out format that went on past its due date. Don't blame his dismissal all on the women...that was only part of the problem and not the cause.

    14 hours ago, candall said:

    To me, he just seemed way too high.  His regular diatribe at the end was written (I assume) when he was in a more stable frame of mind, but during the rest of the show, he couldn't get out a joke without dissolving into giggles at the mid-point and he kept co-signing that idiot Flanagan woman with an eloquent "Yeah!!"   Bill stared at Brian Cox as he was talking about the early geo-political system in Ireland until Bill interrupted him with "You have a BEAUTIFUL ACCENT" and Cox just said TY and shut up.  Completely stupid juvenile stoner behavior.

    Oh yes, I forgot, @Broderbits, that passionate defense of Chris Matthews.  FFS

    When you say "stoner behavior" you do realize we're talking about a guy who is in his mid 60's....LOL!!!

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  6. 1 minute ago, bobbyjoe said:

    I notice they didn’t name the guests over the opening credits as usual and when they got to the panel I can see why.   It’s like “Anthony Scaramucci” [oh god]… “Ross Douthat” [ooooohhh god] and “Caitlin Flana [click]

    Yeah Bill if I wanted to watch Fox News I’d watch Fox News.   I guess Bill actually had a good show last week with some genuinely interesting and productive conversation and felt like he had to wreck it all this week with a complete garbage panel.   It’s getting really hard to stick with the show anymore— there’s so much big news to talk about this week and this is who he gives us?  No thanks.

    One of the reasons I stopped watching him was the repetitiveness of the guests. Surprised he hasn't had Bari Weiss on yet...one season he had her on three times! Another reason I had to stop watching him was the repetitive rants about his favorite things to constantly rant about. I really think his show is has gotten stale and boring. And he has said in interviews he doesn't like the live audience format of it but the suits at HBO want it to stay that way. It just seemed to me that a lot of the time he was phoning it in. Also, he steals jokes from SXM Progress channel comics/radio personalities. That must be why he won't have them on his show.

    • Love 4
  7. 4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    It would have been better on a slicked back hairstyle like a ponytail or actually not at all.

    Jenn's hair thing looked like she borrowed it from her 13 year old daughter.

    I like her 13 year old daughter better than her...the younger daughter is going to be exactly like her mother.

    • Love 10
  8. 3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

    I agree with @Kiki777, Teresa checks out when the conversation is not about her. She's not interested in anyone but herself anyway, imo.

    I laughed when Tre said she saves money. How much was that pool she had installed? The hair and makeup, the Gucci wardrobe, the Chanel (can't forget the Chanel!), the cosmetic procedures...How much does Bravo pay her that she still has money to save after all that?

    THIS! Add into the mix the designer clothing and bags (Gucci on blast, Chanel, etc.), the luxury cars, the upkeep and monthly expenses for the McMansion she lives in, the 5 star resorts she goes to for vacays at least four or five times a year, dressing her daughters in designer clothing and all of their other expenses...PLUS attorneys fees for Joe. No way she's saving a dime. 

    As for Jennifer...wow! I don't quite understand what her strategy was in the manic, in your face behavior throughout the show. She seemed unbalanced and a little crazy. She really is  so low class and trashy. If she wasn't married to a money machine she would have ended up in a trailer in Camden. Did she go to college or have any post high school education? She seems very unsophisticated, poorly educated and just a tad insecure...she was groomed to be a wife to a wealthy Turkish professional and nothing more. A wife and breeder...the other women on this show are also wives and breeders but with college educations and beyond in some cases. Even Teresa went to college...Jennifer went from high school to an arranged marriage I presume...that might be why she feels the need to over compensate by attacking and mocking them at a frantic pace. Her husband is a nice guy but woefully inept or just not interested in trying to point out to her how embarrassing she is to their traditional and conservative families.

    Also, it is unethical and taboo for a physician to treat family members (for major or chronic disease) or do surgery on immediate family members for obvious reasons. Dr. Ayden most certainly did not perform all that cosmetic surgery on his own wife. Jennifer looked like she had nose job since the show wrapped.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

    Saw the one today and the hopeless parents with the toddler that grandma carts between her house and his house.  And babysits endlessly (but vows not to rear the child) but will not let CPS get involved or quit enabling son and girlfriend.  I do feel for her.

    Dr. P cut the episode short to talk about mysonjay's new meal plan for people that cannot cook.  Dorm student burns popcorn and cannot even boil water.  Mom seems proud of the fact daughter never learned kitchen skills (such as using a can opener).   Student get a year's supply of frozen meals and a free pressure cooker.  Just pour, add water and cook. 

    A pressure cooker for a girl that can do nothing in a kitchen.  Sounds like a good plan?

    I was appalled at poorly he treated this dysfunctional mess of a “family”. No recommendations for family counseling or parenting coaching...just adopt the baby out or CPS will take over...now skedaddle and let me plug my kid’s new business venture. That poor little boy is going to grow up with two terrible parents and overworked grandmother. It might be better for him to be adopted out to a kind and loving couple but redneck loser daddy isn’t going to allow it even though he’s totally inept and has some very significant “adulting” issues and anger management problems. Very disappointed in Dr. Phil’s lethargic and ambivalent way of dealing with this. 

    • Love 5
  10. 17 minutes ago, jrlr said:

    Is Nina Garcia going blind or just in the tank for Victoria?   At least she could show the same shitty attitude towards all these mediocre designers, but she's so blatantly biased that I can't stand listening to her sniping or seeing her active bitch face when she's critiquing.

    Nina: Sergio, you are a POS for stealing gorgeous, elegant looks from from Galliano, Dior, etc. and not copping to the "borrowing."

    Nina: Victoria, you are FANTASTIC for stealing cheap crappy looks from Wet Seal and Forever 21 and not copping to the "borrowing." 

    Well said...Nina is just awful. She's always lecturing everyone on "taste" and originality in their designs but never mentions Victoria's terrible taste level or unoriginal/repetitive designs at all. Her avant garde design wasn't avant garde at all. It was just a poorly designed fancy bra with a skirt that she's made one too many times in this competition and a cheesy earring/bra holder that was tacky and cheap looking. And Brandon Maxwell's comment that if the model's boob fell out at the dinner table that would be fine AND avant garde was just the epitome of bad taste...something that Nina Garcia should have responded to since she's the guardian of taste level.

    1 hour ago, Josiemae said:

    I don't get why Sergio is criticized for borrowing designs when Victoria gets all her ideas from street hookers.

    LMFAO!!!!!!! 😂

    • Love 16
  11. 13 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

    Christian made a good suggestion.  A menswear season would be interesting.

    Edited to add:  God knows this show could use some fresh ideas.  This season has been sooooooooo TIRED.  The skill level has been shockingly low and the original ideas are few and far between, if the glimpses we got of the home visits are any indication.

    I couldn't agree more...they need to shake this format up. I would like to see Nina Garcia go and replace her with someone else in the fashion magazine business. Also...why not move the show to another city for some fresh ideas and surroundings then have the final four meet up for NYC fashion week. And a menswear theme would be refreshing and challenging since a lot of designers are not menswear designers.

    • Love 11
  12. 22 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

    I didn't see it this way. I saw it as Teresa regressing to behavior she's always shown when she is in Joe's presence. She gets quiet, spaces out - while Joe insults her and demeans her in front of the kids. She used to laugh and pretend OMG he's so funny - he not being insulting he's joking. I think he always treated her like garbage even in front of the kids. Sadly, the kids learned to treat her this way as well from their dad.

    I might be a party of one, but I've always pictured Teresa as the type of wife who Joe controlled. He wore the pants, he was the provider. In this whole scheme of the loans and fraudulent documents used - I pictured Joe bringing home papers and telling her to sign this, sign that. While he might have explained to her they might get in trouble - I don't think he ever fully disclosed what could happen - because he was so arrogant they'd never get caught. Teresa was not the mastermind of this plan. Joe, on the other hand, has a history of fraudulent documentation - i.e. not getting his citizenship papers, and trying to use his brother's ID when he had a DUI.

    I do NOT believe he jumped over hoops and committed illegal acts to keep Teresa cash flushed because she was a demanding shrew. He did it because he thought he was a genius and a big shot. He gave her money to spend, bought that McMansion so that he could play grand poobah. He did it because she's the mother of his kids and to shut her up while she turned a blind eye to his cheating.

    I do believe it was a love match for Teresa and she still loved him after having 4 kids. For Joe, I don't think he was ever in love with her. I think he married her - because his parents said it was time for him to marry and they approved of Teresa playing that role.

    I totally agree about Teresa when she's around Joe. Let's be honest, she was in an abusive relationship with him since she was a teenager. No physical violence but emotional and verbal abuse. We've all seen it. So many times on camera we've witnessed his verbal abuse towards her...the put downs and crude remarks about her intelligence...the cheating and the disgusting remarks he made about her to his side piece when he was talking to her on his cellphone in the California vineyard. She absolutely reverted back to old Teresa when she was with him in Italy...she actually shrank in his presence. Not a fan of hers but I don't wish any woman to be in any kind of abusive relationship. He's a thuggy jerk and is fortunate that his daughters are still in his life and care so much for him. I can tell you that if they had four boys I don't think he would be so fortunate...most sons are protective of their mothers...not piling on like Gia.

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  13. 11 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

    He mentioned getting his passport soon, so once he has that, I'm sure he can go back to work in Italy. He's still an Italian citizen.

    They're not rolling in dough by any means, but I'd take a shack in Italy any day over a NJ McMansion, a Manhattan penthouse, or a waterfront mansion in LA.

    And let's be real - after 4 years in prison and months in ICE, a tenement in Camden would likely seem like paradise to Joe Giudice. 

    I don't think Joe was ever as materialistic as Tre. I'm sure he liked to spend without worry and have nice cars, but I strongly suspect he did a lot of what he did to shut up Tre. Something tells me the hills of Italy are more his speed than the congested NJ freeways. If not for his daughters, he likely would have happily gone straight back to Italy with no fight once his prison sentence was up. 

    What kind of work could he do? I mean back in Jersey he was an “entrepreneur”...😂😂😂

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  14. 14 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    And, they're going to have many more reunions like this because, you know, they're cheap.

    Joe is a pig.  Still no remorse.  Always the victim.

    This!  It only took a short while with his girls before complaining about them...no secret who his favorite is, all signs point to Milania...Gabriella seems like the forgotten one to me. She's right smack in the middle and is quiet...not loud and forceful like Melania and Gia. 

    I did feel a little bad for Teresa when the girls were bonding with Joe...the girls show little to no affection towards Teresa, especially Gia who treats her like crap. Joe is a poor excuse for a father...disrespects his wife, his marriage...never owns his bad behavior or apologizes to his family for all the misery he has brought them. Bravo to Teresa for seeing the light and saying adios to Joe....and for dumping Danielle.

    Joe did seem to be pounding back the wine...didn't he have drinking problem, specifically wine, before going to prison? Also...how will he support himself in Italy? His family didn't look like they were "rolling  in the dough"...pretty humble surroundings for a loudmouth used to living in a McMansion back in Jersey.

    • Love 7
  15. 17 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

    I wonder if the kid is on the autism spectrum.

    YES! THIS! I know a family that has a son on the spectrum and this kid's behavior reminded me of him. He is definitely developmentally off and there were other things like the lack of eye contact, the obsession with gaming, no insight into his poor hygiene, no friends...he might have Aspergers. Sticking a kid like this in a wilderness boot camp would be catastrophic. From what I've read, the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, was an Aspie, albeit on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most dysfunctional, he was probably an eight...he had much the same life as this kid. Obsession with violent video games, dropped out of school, no friends, dysfunctional relationship with his mother that some said was abusive on his part, isolated and used the Internet to troll and convey violent thoughts to strangers in gaming rooms. If I can see this, why couldn't Dr. Phil? And again...shilling for the PNP Center and sending the Dad there. Dollars to donuts the father never went there...BTW...reviews for PNP Center are terrible!!!!

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  16. I wish a kid like this was "acting" for the cameras but I can say that all three of my kids have known kids like this when they were in elementary and middle school. Both of these parents are woefully dysfunctional as parents. Good grief...they have zero parenting strategy or skills with which to deal with their son. Not surprised they allowed him to leave this wilderness camp after nine days. I've seen this particular program showcased a few years back on TV. I forget the network, might have been MTV...anyway...it's located in the Northwest and the "hikes" are in the desert of Oregon and in the surrounding hills. They sleep in tents and the weather is brutal. Very rugged camping and conditions for kids like Nico. Most get through it but others cannot hack it.  Frankly, I think Nico would have been better served to be put in a therapeutic residential treatment program/school where he gets therapy, schooling and therapeutic activities like horseback riding and caring for a horse or another ranch type activity. Now he's back to square one with all the dysfunction and the physical abuse/anger that is raging around him and to him. And...he's getting older and bigger. It's scary to think that he could be one of these lone wolf "incel" guys in a few years using the internet to buy guns and using them...Dr.Phil goofed on this one. Wrong place for this particular child.

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  17. On 2/21/2020 at 2:57 PM, Hiyo said:

    Technically, she's an AAP...Assyrian American Princess.

    Technically...but she and hubby always refer to themselves as being Turkish.

    3 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

    I think Joe Gorga has the same problem Juicy Joe has. He seems to always be wanting to drink pushing others to drink, and the first to start drinking. We never see him not drinking, asking for a drink. Probably the "real" reason his sperm count is low. 

    He seems to be hitting the sauce a little harder this season. Honestly, these guys were acting like middle age frat brats.

  18. 18 hours ago, GonnahearmeRoar said:

    I think Melissa was secretly happy to share this info and screw over Teresa. These two will always be in competition with each other...

    Why wouldn't she? Teresa has no loyalty to Melissa and has gone out of her way to malign her character and partake in campaigns to destroy her reputation and her relationship with other family members. True, her disgraced husband was also instrumental in publicly maligning Melissa and calling her offensive names...stuff that Gia repeated on the show...nice parenting Joe and Teresa. Remember "strippergate" with the shady club owner? Worse, Teresa has constantly accused Melissa of being "disloyal" to her and not backing her up all the while she is plotting and planning ways to bring Melissa down and throw a wrench into her marriage to her brother. Sorry...Teresa is a liar and stupid. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

    • Love 14
  19. 4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Yes, all of this! 

    I would love to see how she would manage if she had to cook and clean, do laundry, food shopping, run carpools, go to girl scouts, after school sports, etc...you know, all the stuff we all do (or did) and managed to get it all done without all the money and Chanel bags and pissing off entire group of women on the regular.

    She's a TAP....Turkish American Princess. Her parents seem to have treated her like one and seemed to have spoiled her and groomed her for an arranged marriage to a doctor with a passive personality who will keep her in designer clothes and an ostentatious lifestyle. Well done Mom and Dad!

    • Love 6
  20. Jennifer was insulted by Margaret’s comment about her (Jennifer) not working because according to her she puts in 14 hour days taking care of her kids...LMFAO!!! She has a housekeeper/nanny there all day plus her mother who comes over and does a fair amount of cooking for her. Her kids are in school all day also...to top it off, the kids are poorly groomed and dressed and have behavior issues. So what does she do for 14 hours a day besides shop for more Chanel clothing and jewelry?

    • Love 19
  21. Jennifer is trying too hard to be a girl from the hood. What a mouth on her...the comment directed at Jackie at dinner was vile and disgusting. She's basically Turkish trash. Trying to figure out how she became this way...I lived in Turkey for awhile and Turkish women are typically NOT like this. To me she's just a shit stirring loudmouth gansta girl wannabe when in reality she's a spoiled brat who seems to have been raised as a princess with little to no parental discipline. Her husband is weak and ineffective. He seems to have checked out when it comes to her mouth and aggressive social interactions. She's an embarrassment to her family and especially her children...no wonder her daughter is bullied in school. 

    6 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

    Yes, Danielle is still responsible for her own actions. No one is disputing that. But it's still shitty that Teresa would egg Danielle on given that Margaret has been a good and loyal friend to her. I wonder how Teresa is going to explain herself at the reunion. She'll likely say she was joking with Danielle and didn't expect her to actually pull Margaret's hair. But now we see why Danielle and Teresa fell out. Teresa was mad that Danielle ratted her out, but Teresa was a fool to think Danielle had loyalty to anyone but herself.

    That boutique owner--Steven--is a piece of shit. What kind of man encourages a woman to pull another woman's hair? He's a bitch. I'm thinking he thought the fight would drum up publicity for his boutique.

    Steven the boutique owner looked sketchy to me...he looked like he knew nothing about women's fashion or how to run a business let alone a women's clothing boutique. 

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