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Posts posted by kicksave

  1. 15 hours ago, bobbyjoe said:

    Steve Bannon this week and Alan Dershowitz next week.  Plus the Both-siderist’s bothsider Fareed Zakaria tonight and next week New York Times conservative columnist Bret Stephens, best known recently for being called out for using an article by a race-baiting white supremacist in one of his columns.

    Yeah, I think I’m gonna take a break from Maher’s show for awhile.

    This is why I quit watching...he seems so desperate to have these alt righters validate him as a "truth" teller, a political renegade that gets the same treatment that they do from college speaker forums and the media. When he had Jordan Peterson on last year, the alt right leader from Canada that he elevated and fawned over, I was disgusted and quit watching. It's bad enough that he has Anne Coulter on every season and glosses over the horrible, racist things she has said and written but now he's giving a platform to the likes of 
    Bannon, Peterson, Ben Shapiro, etc.etc. and rarely debates them...mostly he tries to find common ground with them! He's had Bannon on before...he put his Alt Right conspiracy bullshit out there and Maher didn't push back. Bill's show is tired and worn out and Bill might want to cut back on his pot intake...it seems to be making him a little nuts.

    • Love 9
  2. 17 hours ago, sATL said:

    Gabby couldn't get into any vet schools in the states ? Where did she go to undergrad ? I know 30 US accredited schools is a small nbr ( source ) , but applicant only needs one  school...

    This is a flashback to another side conversation on another show/board when one of the cast remembers only applied to a medical school outside of the states. One of the points of concern was how hard it could be to find a residency for someone who attended school outside of the traditional US medical school programs.

    Do vets have a do a residency ?

    Can't image a college turning off water at 10pm...

    Vet schools are harder to get into than regular medical schools...the reason being that veterinarian medicine is more complex since vets have to learn the anatomies and complex make up all kinds of animals. There really aren't a lot of  accredited vet schools in the U.S. but most of them are very good and selective. One way around this, if someone is having difficulty getting into one and going to a Caribbean school is not an option for various reasons, is to enlist in the U.S. Army and put in for veterinary medicine. I have a friend who did this and got her veterinary medical degree through the Army and served as a veterinary doctor for the Armed Forces as payment for schooling and a vet degree. She served in South Korea and Japan before coming home and going into practice. It is more lengthy than going to a regular school stateside, but you get a quality veterinary medicine education and diploma while serving your country and helping the military dogs and other animals.

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  3. 18 hours ago, esco1822 said:

    For those non Jersey people, nobody would drive from Paramus just to go to Panevino (Livingston) for date “night.” There are far better places that are a much shorter drive than 30 minutes. Oh and of course Bill has a yellow car. Ugh.

    So true...also, it looked like a date brunch as the sun was no where near going down. Shouldn't "date night" be at night, not in the afternoon?

    • Love 2
  4. 20 hours ago, sATL said:

    I'm more interested in what the grandparents are up to... 

    Delores' dad (I forgot his 1st name) - still toasting those bagels as part of your healthy diet plan ?  🍿

    Jennifer's mom - any more skeltons in the closet you don't want to talk about ? Next meal with the cooked head of something on the table ? 🍿

    Nonno - what's in the 10-gallon stock pot this week? Still sneaking shots of hot sauce? 🍿

    Jackie's dad - now why has it been 19 years since you lived under the same roof with your legally married wife you all are claiming are still to be together? 🍿

    And Marge Sr - I really would like to know just how wild of a woman you was 50 years ago... just what all did you do ?? Preach-and-Teach-and-Tell momma ! 🍿

    I love this post!!! Jackie should have served the head of a goat or whatever the hell that was that Jennifer's mother served up to Jennifer when she came to kids birthday party...maybe Jennifer wouldn't have made such a big stink about nothing for the adults to eat.

    Speaking of Jackie's dad...something is really off with this guy. He seems to be not all there...maybe early onset dementia? And what the hell was he wearing? He lives in that huge home all by himself? What is going on here? It's clear he and his "wife" are separated so why not divorce after all these years? Where's Jackie's long lost sister? There's some dysfunction here...for sure.

    And yes! I would love to know what the hell Marge Sr. did when Marge Jr. was a child...good grief...was she an escort? 

    Nonno should get more credit for keeping the home fires clicking on all four cylinders. Enough about Saint Teresa doing everything and sacrificing so much. Nonno makes sure the groceries are bought, meals are made and the kids are getting to their schools and activities...all Teresa does is get her nails/hair/makeup done and run around with younger guys. I never see her, the author of cookbooks no less, making meals or doing laundry or vacuuming or anything even remotely related to being a "housewife". She sits around whining and having pity parties or going on elaborate vacays at 5 star resorts.

    • Love 10
  5. 12 minutes ago, Tatum said:

    I had a couple friends who couldn't commit to a major or took classes just because they thought the classes sounded interesting, despite it not being a part of a standard curriculum for a specific major. Communications was the only "official" major (not counting General Studies) that was broad enough to basically encompass just about every class offered.

    She just wants a post grad degree because she thinks it will make her look smart and accomplished. I am sure she has no interest in actually practicing law. At the end of the day, Kail cares deeply about being perceived as white trash. I mean, it doesn't stop her from acting like it, but I imagine she thinks having an advanced degree will somehow cancel out all her low class behavior.

    I have two kids that majored in Communications in college...both were intellectually lazy and chose the the major that was the easiest one to major in...they both told me and my husband this! In reality, both should have been Marketing majors since one went into advertising and the other one actually has marketing career now. At the time they both viewed any kind of business degree as "too much work"....oy vey...luckily our middle child displayed interest in taking difficult courses and majored in Criminal Justice and then went on to get a Masters in Geographic Sciences. My point is that Kail seems to think that since she was able to get her diploma while being a single mother of two there is no reason for her not to be able to tackle law school with four children...going to law school is not the same as getting an undergrad degree in Communications...there's nothing wrong with that as a major but it is not the same as a law school curriculum and the grind of studying and taking exams at a bonafide law school while parenting four children without a live in partner.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

    I think she does have a BA

    Her B.A.is in Communications...the easiest major to have besides a major in Physical Education. Ideally, a major in Political Science or any pre law courses would be be beneficial to applying to law school...none of which she has. I'm sorry but this delusional idea of going to law school whilst being pregnant with a fourth child and an absent baby daddy is just ridiculous and part of her inflated ego. How is her Pothead Hair Care line going? Apparently her podcast is no longer running so what the hell...I'll go to law school!

    • LOL 2
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  7. First off...has she even applied to a law school? I have two brothers that went to law school and it’s hard to get into...having a communications degree from Delaware State isn’t exactly Ivy League. Law school is tough...lots of classes that are very challenging and briefs to prepare for mock trials. How the hell is she going to accomplish this with a newborn and three other young children at home and no partner to help out? 

    This is just crazy and delusional. And really MTV...the premise of this show is to discourage young girls from having children before they are prepared to handle the responsibility of being a parent. Instead, this show is now an advertisement for young single women to have multiple children without a full time or any partner for that matter...in fact, stay on the show long enough and you can parlay your notoriety as an unwed single mother into lucrative business opportunities. Honestly, Kailyn seems to have some sort of disorder...a fourth child without a father in her/his life on a regular basis is just pure trashiness. I read she’s talking about having a fifth child at some point. There’s something wrong with her besides being a bipolar mess.

    • Love 12
  8. 3 hours ago, terrymct said:

    My BF and I are working on a theory that the demon thing affects people in a couple of ways.  The ones with the blistered necks become his minions, feeding him deer and helping him with his lighting and home decor needs out in the woods (a joke about the lamps).  The people who get scratched are the ones that have doppelgangers created.   I think that it must be the demon using his time in hiding to transmogrify or whatever into the doppelganger form.  He must need time to use the person's DNA to make the duplicate image.   The grieving relatives aren't physically touched by the demon, he pushes them into intense grief so he can feed.

    According to the show, people who choose sites for cemeteries in Ohio and elsewhere have a tendency to put them next door to derelict factories.  😉   Down further south, it's just near a farm.

    Good analysis...what about the dreams? And Ralph's son appearing...

    • Love 1
  9. 15 hours ago, Rhetorica said:

    I like Sergio. I think he is sincere when he offers help to others. Yes, he does have a great deal of self confidence, which doesn't mean he's wrong about his creations. 

    Self confidence? That's just raw arrogance, inflated ego and self absorption.

    • Love 8
  10. 8 hours ago, sATL said:

    Especially if they were not an "hot item couple" prior to one graduating HS and going to college. 

    IIRC - someone  21+ was not allowed at my offspring's' prom as a "date".  If any date didn't currently attend the school, they had to fill out a form, which had to be approved by someone and pay an extra small modest fee ( ie like  $10) to the price of the ticket that was part of SR dues, prior to an advanced-stated date of the event. the age restriction was mainly to keep out those who could legally drink.

    But to the point - there comes and age and social time when HS prom is for those close HS. Frankie Jr is 2 yrs removed from the HS scene...

    from source " Earlier this year, Teresa Giudice‘s daughter Gia, 18, went to prom with Dolores Catania‘s son, 21-year-old Frankie — so we had to ask Dolores for an update ... "

    As I recall now, I think the high school my kids went to had the same policy of 21 and older "dates" having to fill out forms, etc...seems strange that Gia couldn't get a prom date with a classmate. I thought she had a boyfriend in high school. I thought that Frank Sr.'s telephone convo with Dolores was weird where he was saying Frankie Jr. had made a mess in the house with one girl after another being there. Say what? 

    • Love 2
  11. 6 hours ago, sATL said:

    I hadn't watched yet...I can't wait to see what nonno is cooking next...


    So I guess what was shown was after the 2 hr cook of the tripe- which is only the 2nd step of 10 in above recipe.

    Is Tre picking up any of these  "old school  Italian"  cook all day recipes to pass along to the girls?

    Hats off to you Nonno!

    It looked gross....BTW...what happened to Joe Gorga’s restaurant where he put Nono to work cooking?

    2 hours ago, sATL said:

    I don't understand how the "forgot" happened... I mean Tre literally had one thing to do that day - go visit Juicy. Some common sense would be you  and minors would need "something" to get into a federal detention center..

    Spend the night before gathering birth certificates, IDs, passports, etc and have them by your keys, ready to go, in a folder/large envelope.

    Then I am surprised ms-I-know-the-law Gia didn't remind/double check - do we have the papers folder.

    Next - what happen to Mr-Johnny-on-the-spot-Lawyer? Was he around to quote chapter and verse the documents were needed ?

    I get the younger 3 girls are probably used to tickets/confirmation/directions/ etc being in email - accessed via cell phone. But I know when I have gone somewhere and we had to have "what ever" , one of my offspring would turn into a quiz-master to make sure I had it.. As my little quiz-masters got older (ie Gabriella's age), I turned that responsibility over to them..For example -there is no need in asking me (mom), if you (child-teen) have all of your documents/IDs to go take the SAT".

    Was it that the filming contract didn't work out , or Joe didn't want it filmed, or what ?

    Johnny on the spot lawyer...😂😂😂

    • Love 3
  12. 49 minutes ago, politichick said:

    And, if God forbid, Jackie and Evan broke up, Jackie could still maintain their lifestyle because she also brought wealth to the marriage and is an attorney. Doofus Jennifer would have to accept whatever scraps her husband decided to throw at her. For all she knows, he could have some off-shore accounts. She needs to check herself. I bet her husband told her what a mess she is when she got home.

    That's wishful thinking that her blouse of a hubby would say anything negative to her...the most he ever did was tell her she spoils the kids with endless toys, money and other stuff. Other than that, he's pretty much a pussy.

    • LOL 2
  13. 13 hours ago, escape said:

    As the other women have said, Jenn is also very generous. Margaret said that Jackie is a very private person.  Then why is she on a reality TV show???  There was like zero effort put into that birthday party.  She just doesn't come off as a very nurturing person.  And her poor husband rarely even speaks. 

    And Jennifer doesn't do anything about her daughter being bullied...that's nurturing? Buying your kids tons of toys and gadgets is nurturing? Maybe spending some time with grooming your kids and dressing them in some decent clothes...or going to the school to advocate for your bullied daughter? Actually, I think Jennifer throwing the plate and yelling profanity made me think that she is a bully and her behavior is something her daughter knows and is being recreated at school with younger versions of her mom.

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  14. On 1/18/2020 at 5:09 PM, parrotfeathers said:

    I didn't see any tears or see any nose discharge....   She thinks it is very unfair to be a registered sex offender.  I think she was hoping Dr. P would give her ideas on how to get that undone.


    Oh I so agree! She doesn’t want therapeutic treatment, she wanted him to help her undo the sex offender status. Dollars to donuts she never went to Onsite for treatment. I thought she looked either drunk or under the influence of some kind of other substance. Those tears and her demeanor seemed fake especially when you compare it to her interviews where she seemed lucid and coherent. Did I mishear her? I thought she said she was in a common law marriage and that her “husband” took her to the motel to meet her son...maybe I got it all wrong. Her selfies show a woman who looked quite comfortable posing in erotic poses in sexy outfits. I’m not sure I’m buying her story about her mother leaving her in the woods when she was four years old. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, qtpye said:

    I wonder if this is why Madison gets such a positive edit compared to Kate.

    This an unpopular opinion but I have never liked the casting of Teen Kevin. He just seems so creepy to me. Toddler Kevin is adorable.

    Teen Kevin is so smarmy, sarcastic and full of himself.

    • Love 8
  16. On 1/21/2020 at 3:17 PM, Sam Spayaid said:

    What is it with the bad wigs on this show?!!! Can they not spring for wigs that don't look like they came from the Raquel Welch Bargain Bin? Truly hideous and WHY? You think no one will recognize you with that disgusting road kill on your head? Oh yeah...our friends, neighbors, etc. will NEVER guess that's YOU!

    Lately what with Phil either flogging his latest book, Pod Cast or Robin's skin care shit, his sons and their shit....I'm surprised there's time left for an actual show!!

    Oh..and don't forget the monthly representative from someplace like Olay or No 7. 

    The shameless shilling for Robin's skin care line is out of control...it's bad enough we have to hear about his son Jay's business ventures but plugging Robin's stuff almost every show is beyond disgraceful. 

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  17. Guess I'm alone on here with a thumbs down for this episode. Kevin bedding another woman...yawn fest. Is there any woman he doesn't see for five minutes that he doesn't end up banging? Honestly, this is just ridiculous. Sex addiction? I don't know and I don't care...this arc is boring. All I know is that without a lot Milo Ventimiglia in it is just not as good as it was before. 

    • Love 6
  18. 21 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

    Megyn Kelly is a vile nasty opportunistic cruel human being and I don't care to watch her in anything. I am glad that she got fired from NBC. She played a destructive role in what we are currently living now. I don't want to go off-topic so I will refrain from saying more.  Bill Maher is an asshole, always has been and always will be. 

    I don't watch anymore but I'm not surprised to hear that Bill played patty cake with her...just like he did with Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, Jordan Peterson, Daryl Issa, Duncan Hunter and Dana Rohrabacher. And you're right...he is an asshole.

    • Love 9
  19. 19 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Bill says shit no other celebritiy liberals will say, and while I don't agree with everything he thinks, and can understand a lot of the criticism about him, I still applaud him. I would fear for my life to speak against Trump as he does. 

    No he doesn't...he constantly panders to right wingers and loves to bond with them over things like getting kicked off the college lecture/comedy circuit and network TV. Bill isn't a liberal..never was and never will be. He has libertarian leanings and as he ages is becoming more conservative. His show is no longer the sharp, witty salon type discussion/debate style must see show on Friday night...I quit watching last year. I was tired of his continual rants about milllenials, the Me Too movement, religion, children, marriage and of course, his favorite...Democrats and liberals. It's interesting to see from this thread that nothing has changed. If I want to see sharp, brilliant, witty political/social humor I watch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver...probably the best show in the genre now. Bill is yesterday's news and soooo predictable.

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  20. 5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I'm not a mental health professional but there are a lot of people who lack self awareness who don't have any kind of mental health issues. Sergio comes off as so arrogant that he doesn't bother to read the room. He's so busy trying to impart his wisdom that he doesn't care if people actually want to hear it. That doesn't mean he's necessarily mentally unwell.

    But what is the alternative? To have Chelsey tell him to fuck off? It was clear that Delvin was helping her and Sergio just butted in to offer his unsolicited advice. As someone who has dealt with people like that, usually the fastest way to make them go away is to just let them say what they want to say and then you can get back to what you're doing. If you engage with them in any way, it just goes on longer.

    Exactly. Everyone else is just making clothes but Sergio has a very sophisticated style for his very exclusive clientele and he has a very important message behind everything he makes. In other words, he thinks he's superior to everyone else in every way.

    Ginger Minj famously said it on S7 of RuPaul's Drag Race. That was back in 2015 and I STILL remember it because it was so memorable!

    It was a fox hat.



    I was fine with it because whenever the designers are taken on field trips to existing stores/businesses, they're closed down for the show. To me it's similar to when you get a behind the scenes tour - the regular dress code doesn't apply. And even stores like Bergdorf Goodman know that people who wear a wide range of clothing shop there. Just because you wear yoga pants and a hoodie or a tank top with flip flops doesn't mean you can't shop there. And Bergdorf Goodman sells men's tank tops.       Shouldn't you be able to wear something that they sell at the store?

    And armpit hair isn't a bad thing! Not everyone feels the need to wax themselves from the neck down.

    Alrighty then...must be a generational thing.

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