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Posts posted by kicksave

  1. 14 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    Melissa really missed her calling as a rocket scientist—“Jennifer always has to put a negative swing on everything.”  Is a “negative swing” like a “work ethnic”?  Or is it like the “clear slate” she came with to meet Danielle?  I weep for the Jersey school children who didn’t get the benefit of her education.  She should get a better dermatologist before shooting another scene in sunlight.  Or indoor lighting.  Exfoliate much?

    Joe being inappropriately over sexual.  That’s a new theme for him.  And a “man” is a man who drinks a lot of alcohol, got it.  Like, he’s not even joking about this shit, he’s serious.  “A man” is not someone who protects and provides for his family, a man is someone who drinks Patron on a boat.  Cool.

    Jackie’s denim top with the bow at dinner?  What the fuck?  You’re in your second season, hun, it’s time for a stylist.  She looked so much better at mini golf in the khaki shorts and t-shirt.  I’m not going to lie that downing the beer was cool.  Respect.

    I know everyone is going to hate me and I’m going to get no likes, but I love Jennifer.  She just keeps coming and coming, and she’s quick.  Everyone else is like a limp noodle.  Maybe I get her because we’re both from Queens (I lived there as a baby, but went back to visit my grandma a lot) but the mouth and the mind working together reminds of the really cool older Puerto Rican girls I used to worship.  No one is really able to spar with her.  It’s just such a welcome change from the open-mouthed blinking and hand gestures that Teresa provides.  

    I hate to invoke these old names for fear of raising the dead, but Caroline and even Jacqueline Laurita toward the end had mouths that would end bullshit, which I miss.  Also, Danielle, when she is lucid, can actually hold her own in a conversation.  Everyone else, even if they’re book smart, is boring.  Jackie, Dolores, Melissa, even Margaret.  I thought Margaret would be able to go toe-to-toe against Jen.  She gave big-mouth Siggy a freaking meltdown without even trying!

    Fact:  Margaret interrupted Jennifer to say she doesn’t work

    Jennifer’s (later) response:  that she works to raise five kids, on which Bill backed her up

    Margaret could have come back and said Jennifer has nannies to raise her kids.  I would have respected that retort and said point Margaret.  But to just repeat that Jennifer doesn’t work doesn’t advance the discussion and shows an lack of sophistication with the spoken word.

     So Jennifer said she doesn’t know how Margaret raised her kid (and I think she meant that literally, not rhetorically), but she, Jennifer, puts in 14 hours a day.  I think she’s lying, but she gets away with it if no one challenges her, which they should.  

    Why didn’t Margaret just play the nanny card?  She’s not having a sharp season. 

    As for the greater conversation, for my money, it’s all inappropriate, but it’s more inappropriate to say in front of a table that someone’s only accomplishment is to marry rich than it is to ask someone in front of a table why they can suck down a beer but not a dick.  Don’t get me wrong—It’s all good for me as a viewer!  I could listen to this all day.  And, nice job on the Pebbles Flintstone, Jen.  It was accurate and props to her for being prepared in case Margaret compares your lips to a baboon’s asshole again (which, she has a point there, Jen.  Get to a MAC store and update the look by 25 years).  

    Getting a “sorry, not sorry” t-shirt made up because Jackie suggested it as a dig is why I watch this show.  

    Oh.......Melissa was going to meet Danielle?  She hadn’t mentioned it.  

    What is Melissa’s plan—to ex-communicate Danielle from the friend group the way that the Manzo family kicked Kim G out of Melissa’s party in season three?  Who appointed them to these respective positions??

    Next week is the finale?  I really have to say I enjoyed this season.  It was nice and short and not too deep, but lots of fun.  Next week looks like a snooze, but I’m sure the reunion will be fantastic.  I know this is anathema, but I think this show can hold its own against RHNYC.  

     Wow...where to begin...you know I can't even begin to unpack all this but I'll just say it's loaded with snark.

    • Love 3
  2. 11 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    Which is what 18 year old girls like about young men out of high school. (High school teacher so I am super familiar with teens! 😉 )

    I am another one who sees nothing wrong with a 20 year old family friend taking an 18 year old to her prom. In 3 months Gia would be in college and nobody would think twice about her actually dating a junior in college. 

    And what was filmed was not OTT but it sounds like what happened kind of was. I hate the whole tradition of kids going with 30 of their closest friends and all of their parents are there to take 1,034 pictures each. To me it is so staged and phony. In my area we have kids who do that for 8th grade dances! 

    We’re still talking about Frankie effing Jr. going to the prom? 

    • LOL 7
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  3. In this episode Teresa talked about "how hard she has to work" and she goes to "work" everyday. She also talked about all the "businesses" she has that are getting hurt by what's happened to her and Joe with going to prison . Question: WTF is she talking about? Where does she go to "work" everyday and what "businesses" of hers are taking a hit from their combined prison stints? Just asking....

    • LOL 1
  4. Just now, SnarkySheep said:

    For all we know, that might be an intentional thing on the part of the show...a lot of Kate's issues basically stem from the fact that she's unable to get past a certain time/events in her life. As she was a teen at the time, that in turn means failing to mature in certain ways.

    Also, IMO, teens tend to change their style, opinions, actions, etc. when they are surrounded by new ones, such as in college. I know I did! But as Kate didn't go, she is essentially not exposed to any real impetus for growth or change at this time.

    Good point! Didn't think of that angle...

    • Love 1
  5. On 2/12/2020 at 9:26 AM, lovesnark said:

    She's lying again..............surprise! She's back with dogkiller Dave and is denying it when people ask. She say's they're just getting along for Ensley but they've been back  together ever since Herbie dumped her. She still has an apartment in TN and has been going back and forth. Word on the street is she's broke as a joke and can't make rent next month. I doubt the mortgage payments on Moldy Manor have been paid, either.

    I haven't been keeping with this waste of space for awhile...why did Jenelle pick Nashville to move to? That's a fair distance away from Jace who is in North Carolina. Just wondering why that city when she claims to be so invested in seeing Jace as much as possible...ha ha.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

    No Bill, you fucking bunghole. The election was lost because there are far too many racists in America who don't know any fucking good. But keep on booing your audience, you triggered snowflake. Your day of reckoning WILL come.

    I would think Bill would be more appreciative of sex robots, given how his sexist misogynistic outlook makes him far less attractive to the vast majority of women out there,

    Amen to everything you said...Trump won because there was the underlying hatred of minorities and the fear that "white" America was going to be the minority in the near future...add to that all the wealthy people who voted for him so they could get that big tax cut they feel they deserve. And your point about Bill's misogyny is spot on...this is a guy who spent a lot of time at the Playboy Mansion back in the day banging "bunnies" and Playboy Magazine models...he has said in recent interviews that he only dates much younger women...what a cliche he is. He's no feminist that's for sure. 

    • Love 6
  7. 16 hours ago, HollyGoLitely333 said:

    I think this episode is especially tricky for keeping up with the ages because they show both (young) adult Kevin and senior in high school Kevin in the same episode. So, the scene at Rebecca's with the three young adults intersecting & we see their unique perspectives over the course of the three episodes? That one is post high school, a year after the fire. They are barely adults. Kevin got married, Randall is a freshman in college, and Kate lives at home still. The flashback scenes with Good Will Hunting/the bonfire in the woods with Sophie & Kevin take place on Super Bowl Sunday during the kids' senior year of high school, the night Jack dies in the fire. So it's a pretty fine line between "kid" and "adult" that we are talking about and I think we're looking at like a year and some change difference in their ages. The actors are all the same as well, so that's probably also part of the confusion. 


    Also, I dressed like I did in high school at least a few years into college. I'm exactly the big three's age, so I basically dressed like Kate. 

    Nice to see someone is validating my confusion and it isn't just an 
    "old fart" moment I was having. As for the Kate character...I know my daughter dressed differently after high school (thankfully)...the Kate character just doesn't look 18...more like 15. But, whatever...a point that's not worth haggling over.

    • Love 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Beden said:

    To the above poster who commented that early to mid 60 year olds were likely not really at Woodstock. With respect, I'm 66 and have old classmates (my age) who were, indeed, at Woodstock. We lived in New Jersey and they hitched up the NY Thruway and had a helluva time. My BF at the time's sister did the same as did my own brother and cousin. I didn't join them because I was in Europe that summer (dad was an Army colonel and military family could travel incredibly cheaply back then).

    They were in their mid teens and still talk about it.

    I was seventeen when Woodstock took place...lots of my friends went to it. I wish I had gone but my summer job kept me from attending...I really needed the money at the time. So whoever wrongly stated that early-mid 60's were likely not to have gone to Woodstock is just wrong. True, most of the attendees were people that are probably now in their late 60's early 70's but there were a fair number of high schoolers that attended...16-19 year olds.

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  9. On 2/14/2020 at 12:20 AM, lidarose9 said:

    Speechless about Victoria. You gotta wonder why these free passes week after week. She should have been auf'd 3 different times! Sure, Delvin's dress wasn't great but Victoria's get-up was a grotesque 1970s nightmare. Just losing my mind. This show. smdh

    Totally agree. Victoria's "design" was truly awful..in every way possible. Delvin's was uninspired but hers was just an unmitigated disaster. Yet, she stays in the competition?  

    • Love 10
  10. 6 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Hahahaa, not in my experience--they rank about equal on that front. Plus, if Gia's 18, she can go out with a 65-year-old if she chooses (and sometimes those are immature too).

    My experience with my two sons when they were 20 was they wouldn't be caught dead going to a high school prom. They're already pretty ensconced in the social life at college and had zip in common with any high school girls. But that's just my two sons...the whole Frankie /Gia thing was a set up by the moms...let's be honest. And guess what...I really don't care...move on.

  11. 14 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

    What if it was a 20 year old college junior asking an 18 year old college freshman to their winter fraternity formal?  Is it the age difference or because it was a college student at a high school dance?

    I guess I just don't see it as that odd if they are friends and "in like."  I know plenty of college students who came back to go to prom with their younger graduating high school girlfriends.  Most were a 1 yesr age difference, but the 2 year age difference was there too.  Those same girls went to the senior prom as sophomores in high school.  

    And why are we assuming that Frankies maturity is at play here?  They are going to a dance.  Socializing with Gia's friends. Eating dinner.   Dancing.  With faculty chaperones.  Then they are either going into NYC to a club or to a prom after party at somebody's home where the parents don't care, before leaving to spend the weekend down the shore, out in the hamptons, or in the poconos somewhere, where other friends of varying ages who did NOT go to prom, will join at a weekend bouse rental.  Tis the Jersey Prom Weekend Way. 

    I thought Frankie greeting Gia was sweet. He knew the drill, let the girl come down while they all take pics, tell her she looks so pretty , take pics, hold her hand and walk her to the limo.   Nothing about that screamed inappropriate to me.  Not to mention, with all Gia has been through, maybe she just wanted to go to prom with somebody she felt 100% comfortable with.  They have known each other forever.  Dolores has been hanging around since season 1.

    God.  Why do I care so much about this? 

    Why do you care so much??? Good question.

  12. 1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

    All I can do during this show is watch Nonno Gorga and his crazy facial expressions!! 🤪

    I still cannot believe that any of them took real offense to Melissa’s comment about Jackie winning because of her frugal nature- it seemed clear to me that she was simply defending her friend who was feeling ganged up on. Defensive much?!? 

    Teresa basically confirmed what everyone else knew about Juicy. She also confirmed that she will lie about things she doesn’t want to acknowledge. 
    I can’t imagine having David deliver my baby- his bedside manner must be atrocious because he has NO personality..... 


    Bingo! Teresa is the queen of denial...she lives in a constant state of denial and spin. And you are so right about David...he seems detached, unemotional and disinterested in anyone but himself. Also, I think he's pretty unattractive and creepy. I would feel real uncomfortable with him as an OB/GYN...eccchhh. He doesn't want to commit to Delores and probably could care less if she leaves him. They don't have a real relationship because David never makes time to do anything with her...she even said so. Her nagging him for a commitment is not going to make him do so...quite the opposite. She thinks she's so smart but apparently she's pretty dumb when it comes to men and relationships.

    • Love 3
  13. 17 hours ago, Axie said:

    Did Gia get married on her way to the Academy Awards, or, did she go to the prom? That was a bit much.

    EXACTLY! Good grief! That was so over the top! And I'm sorry, "little" Frankie at age 21 or 22 going to a high school prom looked absurd. And all the fuss over him from Delores...just stop! We all see how in love you are with your baby boy. Gia has a major crush on him...that was obvious. Not one boy her age from her school asked her to the prom? 

    • Love 1
  14. 21 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Good God Robert ........ 

    Right? I actually think there is something psychologically or cognitively wrong with him. He was arrogant, condescending, sarcastic and smarmy. He seemed a bit narcissistic to boot. He had no sympathy for his ex wife and never apologized for how he ruined her life and blew away their nest egg. My God...he's living on the streets and eating meals at shelters and he's sitting there acting like he's a healthy, normal retiree who happens to have five young women wanting to marry him? He almost seems addicted to these internet trolls who are milking him dry....it must give him some sort of a rush or high to go online and engage these women in romantic fantasies that are dependent on his gifts of money in order to continue their online relationship.

    It's very sad for his ex wife to have scrimp and save and work at her age to survive. And he's giving out money to "women" he does not know or has ever met instead of giving her a couple of hundred bucks a month to help with her financial situation...just awful. She must have seen some of this behavior during their marriage before he blew it all on online trading...I tend to think he was probably a pompous ass all of his adult life.

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  15. 10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Mr. EB's family has a cabin that his grandparents built back in ye olden days. Usually someone goes up in the spring to open the cabin for the summer. They usually close it up at some point after Labor Day. People have used the cabin in the winter, but that's usually only for the weekend. Mr. EB said that he and his friends sometimes drove up in the winter during high school and college to spend one or two days there. It's not that hard to open the cabin but sometimes if they were only going for one day, they didn't bother with fully opening the cabin (turning on the water and gas).

    Although the question of her age has been addressed, I just wanted to add that I didn't start dressing differently once I turned 18. I brought a bunch of my high school clothes with me when I moved into the dorms (my parents were not about to buy me a new wardrobe just because I left for college).

    I think that's doubly true for Kate because she still lives at home (some people try to remake themselves when they start college) so there was no transition to a new situation. On top of that, I think Kate dresses the same when she's 18 as when she was in high school is because the baby doll dresses and loose flannel shirts of the mid 90s grunge era hid her body shape.

    It was mentioned a few times in earlier episodes. During the raw chicken dinner when Kevin, Kate, and Randall were in the kitchen, one of them (I think it was Kevin) brought up the age difference as something he didn't like. I remember that the first time we found out his age, I was like yeah, RED FLAG because five years is a big difference when the younger person is only 18.

    Wow...you have a helluva memory. 

    • Love 1
  16. 5 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    Perhaps this is your first season watching, but it has been well established that Randall is in college and Kevin is married. Kate opted out of college after Jack died and got a job in the music store where she met Marc. No one is in high school.

    Uh...no. I’ve been watching since day one. I can’t keep track of where everyone is with all the back and forth of time/places/ages. Maybe because the actress playing teen age Kate looks 16 not 18...frankly, I don’t think anyone could jump into this show at this point in the series and possibly understand everything that is going on.

    • Love 3
  17. 37 minutes ago, Higgins said:

    That's an entirely different matter. Its really her business and ridicule never helps.

    Uh...ok...I wasn't  ridiculing her I was merely voicing concern for her health. How is that off topic? 

    23 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I wouldn't say Rebecca is letting Kate and Mark do anything.  They are both adults and the keys are at the cabin not at her house.  She can't stop Mark from taking Kate and driving there.  Kate and Mark are both idiots for not thinking those things through, but weren't we all at that age?  

    Wait what? Kate is an adult in those scenes with Mark? I thought she was 16 or 17...the actress playing her doesn’t look 18 and they have dressed like she’s still in high school.

    • Love 2
  18. 3 hours ago, Higgins said:

    I really don't ever need to hear such a lack of empathy but I do all the time. You will see fat people and too fucking bad. I'd rather be fat than mean.

    I agree...however...it worries me to see someone be morbidly obese at such a young age. I worry for her health as this much weight puts her heart and other organs in a high risk category...high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes...all are risk factors for her. At this juncture, she would probably have to have a gastric band procedure followed up with a dietician/coach to help her make the diet transition successful. Her health would improve and her life would be extended. Her weight is centered around her middle which is considered to be the worst place to carry it. I think Chrissie Metz is a very talented actress/singer and I hope she makes some personal changes that will help her to live long life.

    • Love 7
  19. While I really enjoy this show, I have a few problems with some of the characters. So Rebecca voices her concern over her daughter's boyfriend and the response from Kate is belligerent and nasty...Rebecca just allows this kind of disrespect? I have a daughter that was a teenager at one time and I would never have tolerated that level of disrespect and then allowed my teen daughter to spend the weekend at a family vacation home with an older guy. Come on This is Us writers...give me a break. The Rebecca character is soft on all her kids while they walk all over her. After Rebecca marries Miguel, the kids, now adults, launch their verbal brattiness onto Miguel. I don't know...just seems like an unrealistic portrayal of a parent's reaction to the tone and language of a mouthy kid. 

    • Love 7
  20. 15 hours ago, patty1h said:

    Shit is finally happening and things are looking crappy for Holly.  I was nervously waiting for her to notice those nasty blisters on Jack's neck and, now, dun dun dun!

    I know I recognized Jack's mother from somewhere and it was a real blast from the past:  it was Denny Dillon who was an SNL cast member back in the early 90's.

    I thought it was her...wow...time has not been kind to her.

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  21. 2 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    I don't think it's a very big difference in interpretation. He's saying they should wear the word as a badge of honor that people call them racists because it means they're protecting the white race against the hoards of non-white people and their race traitor allies. He and his critics have the exact same understanding of what he's doing, which is textbook white supremacy. He's pushing back against the idea that anyone should feel bad about other people thinking they're racist--iow, remove the social stigma that's one of the checks against blatant racism, genocide etc. "It's just name-calling" is for people who want to support white supremacy but still have bad associations with the word.

    To be fair, you can't necessarily take Bannon seriously there either because he was saying that everything the Dems were doing or could conceivably do was going to make the R's win. Even the crowd booing him was making Trump win. And those kind of threats work very well--Dems are always telling each other they need to be afraid of their own values.

    With Sanders Bannon might think he'd be a great opponent because he's too far left, but from the interview it seemed to me his main point was to push the conspiracy theory that the primaries were rigged against him in order to get Bernie supporters to not vote or vote for Trump out of spite. His primary goal is probably sewing distrust wherever he can even before he moves on to attacking candidates as candidates.


    Bingo on both of your replies...Bannon is a professional shit stirrer. His goal is to make people distrust candidates and election results. He's a part of a system of conspiracy theorists, Q Anon and Four Chan followers, white nationalists and lone wolf types that follow him on Brietbart and social media outlets. He's no genius...just another white guy with a grudge against women, Jews and people of color.

    • Love 9
  22. This show is OK...but I have a big problem with the way the team treats a crime scene or does home/workplace searches...they never wear gloves! No law enforcement professional goes into a crime scene or does a home/workplace search without putting gloves on. This omission is unbelievable. How do you make a show about the FBI and make an error like this? Very sloppy technical work on the part of the writers and director.

  23. 2 hours ago, Marci said:

    The one thing I like about Bill is his willingness to put on the “other” side. I like that he listens. I LOVED that he called Romney out, instead of being a kiss ass Democrat. Thank you, Bill.

    I was disappointed that Gillum felt it necessary to say he needed his brain cells to recover after Bannon.  I found it silly...your brain cells die when you listen to a differing opinion? Bannon may be buffoonish, but a politician should be able to hold on to his brain cells while listening to him.

    Bannon being "buffoonish" is hardly how I would describe him. He has spent the last year traveling all over Europe speaking at rallies and in lecture halls to white supremacist groups and supporters of Neo fascism...yelling his support of keeping Europe white and Christian...even saying that they should "wear the label of being a racist as a badge of honor".  He's a dangerous man who is spinning conspiracy theories on everything as fast as he can make them up. He's a misogynist, an anti semite and a racist. Saying he has a "differing opinion" is absurd...his "opinions" are what's fueling hate...never mind his view of blowing up our government and the constitution. 

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