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Posts posted by SnarkKitty

  1. I think Jo knows exactly who and how Kail is, and is satisfied with the (current) status quo. He gets all the time he wants at the moment. If he moved for more custody now, it would be disruptive at a time his son most needs him, and stability. So, like a good parent, he's putting his own "wants" on hold to focus on Issac's "needs." If/when Kail's next whim tries to minimize Jo's role or change things, then and only then will he make that move, and likely win because he'll have proof and a track record of having defacto 50/50 custody, plus a new location that supports it. No reason for him to rock the boat before then. 

    That said, I'm not mad at Vee for her stance in all this. She's ride or die for Jo and I'm the same way for my husband. I'll be mad at other people on his behalf when I think they're taking advantage or treating him badly, and he'll tell me to chill, he's got it. Which is probably why he's in politics and I'm not, lol. I have no poker face and no patience for putting up with bullshit regardless of the end result.  I got you, girl!


    • Love 17
  2. 1 hour ago, vibeology said:

    I need to talk about Heather because I love her. I knew I would because I have for years and obviously she's a ringer but I don't really care. I love her

    May I sit here?

    I never watch any of these talent-type shows, save for an episode or clip that gets attention for something other than the show. I intend to google the YouTube clips of Heather each week, because I too love her. Inexplicably. I only hope to catch a glimpse of Lord Tubbington raising a fondue stick and cheering her on. I know he's out there somewhere, having kicked his Ecstasy addiction.

    • Love 6
  3. 2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Best part of the episode for me was UBT's countdown to what was sure to be certain death for anyone in his path. Only thing is he hopped out of that car full of rage and NOBODY MOVED.

    All that puffery doesn't work so well up against grown men does it? Janelle and Jace certainly cower in fear but not anyone who can see thru bullshit.

    Best part? When he got out, not only did nobody move, but the brother on the right actually dropped his jacket and did the step back that precedes the "let's go" throw. Wasn't nobody skeered of his ass.

    1 hour ago, rayndon said:

    I'm constantly impressed with Vee and her maturity and level head and how she stands up to and puts Kail and her decisions to shame.  IDK what alternate universe Jo has been living in, but I hope Vee can get through to him about the 50/50 custody issue.  Does anyone actually think that Kail wouldn't hesitate to pick up and move out of the area with all of her kids and their fathers be damned, rationalizing and lying about it all the way (the same way she did with Isaac and Jo)?  Has Jo actually forgotten the hell Kail put him through about Isaac when she moved to Delaware?  I think it's only a matter of time and/or the temptation and promise of a new guy/lifestyle/future for her to pick up and start over - again.   

    All Vee said was one thing and Kail was simmering and tearing up. I was glad she said "So everyone else can have an opinion and I can't?" Kail: "Yes." Way to own your hypocrisy. I only wish Vee had followed up with "Just one question: when Javi made comments about Joe and the custody arrangements, did you feel the same way? I'm Joe's fiance and the mother of his child, so what's the difference?" And stuck her ass trying to explain.

    1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

    And barbra, for pete's sake, I want to be on your side. BE AN ADULT. Don't sit in the car telling that terrible producer (does she also run a book store in POrtland? Why the fuck is she always dressed like that? 

    I refuse to watch the reunion, but good on Vee for finally being like "I picked up my whole life and moved to Delaware because of you." And Kail's "what does that have to do with you" was just such a cunty thing to say. 

    Vee should have responded "Weren't you listening? I just answered told you." DUH. 

    I was searching for the date of this reunion to figure Kail's "baby fever" groundwork commencement and found this. She's not even trying, dammit.

    REUNION 2016


    Exact same outfit. But then, neither is Kail.



    38 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    I kept thinking that what they needed was a Rachel from UnREAL to bring these girls to Jesus. She would never have let them get away with it. "OK, listen. I know that you're invested in telling your story as you see it. But lets put our cards on the table. You wouldn't have vacations in Hawaii and a house that looked like Pintrest exploded in it if it weren't for MTV. We can tell your story, or we can tell it as we see it, which I guarantee you will not be a flattering one. So get those classy court heels on and smile for the camera or deal with the very real consequences. You need us a lot more than we need you."

    Vee is my hero and I love that she knew how to approach Kail. It must have killed her to kiss her ass but that's the only way to get a hearing.

    Yass! I always hope Larry is giving that speech behind the scenes.

    I was annoyed that Jo wasn't backing Vee up, but at the same time I realize he knows his son's welper.  And if he had (rightly so) joined in with Vee, it would have been some mess with Kail. His one "outburst" though was real - "What do some lines on a map matter? Fuck a map. Fuck what's legal in some state." But hell, maybe Jo is onto something - move to Delaware, establish minimum residency, and then - bam! Sue for 50/50. So let Vee have her say, Jo maintains reasonable, and when the time is right, strike for that 50/50. And until then, keep the peace.

    And BTW, back that shit up [Dorinda]. If custody STARTS at 50/50 in Delaware, what's up with the whole "I didn't want to give you 50/50 but I thought about it and I made peace with it" crap she was giving Javi? She didn't do shit then!

    • Love 18
  4. 7 hours ago, Grammy said:

    Has Cole picked up the high pitched baby voice from Chelsea, or has he always had it?   And the 1990's Richard Simmons jacket.   Boy has she done a 180 since her baby daddy!

    I'm sure he spoke like a man when she met him at the gas station (if their story is true.) But fast realized morphing into Mr. Putty, mirroring her mannerisms and everything she says/does. "Is this fun?" "SO FUN!" "Are you excited?" "SO EXCITED!" "I'm so happy we're --" "GONNA BE MARRIED!" was the way to go. 

    I think that's what Chelsea loves about him most, TBH. That he's there and willing to be whatever she wants - especially after re-watching those reunion clips where she's constantly anxious and crying about all she wants is a family and for Adam to not cheat on her a 7th(!) time. He's a life-sized husband and father figure she's playing house with. When that baby comes and is crying all night, the cutesy-wootsy shit will fly right out of the window because he doesn't come with a shut down key. If Cole ever decides he's tired of playing house and tries being married for real, I wonder how starry-eyed Chelsea will remain.

    5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    If looks could kill, Mary would've been dead and buried tonight. When Aubree made that comment "why would Cole be my Dad when I already have a Dad?" that should've let Mary know to drop it. I have the feeling Mary is the type who often says dumb and inappropriate shit, and maybe that's why Chelsea lost her temper. Cole in that jacket reminded me of Mary Lou Retton at the 1984 Olympics.

    Kind of hard to be up in arms when you pushed that shit from the moment you met him. Now that Aubree is old enough to realize and speak up y'all gotta backpedal. I think Mary didn't get the memo that they weren't going hard on the "Cole is your new daddy" stuff on camera anymore, despite what Chelsea claims. And probably isn't that good on picking up on bitchy daughter clues either, since Chelsea exhibits bitchy daughter speak to her almost exclusively. Now there's a story I'd love to be told; why even after all these years she continues to talk to her mother like a petulant 14 year old.  GAWD MOM YOU ARE SO EMBARRASSING! JUST DO FAVORS FOR ME AND DON'T SPEAK. 

    • Love 11
  5. 'Eh ... I shed no tears for "poor Javi." I think he resents that he joined the military - with her urging no doubt (he's a grown man, she can't "make" him do anything - facts) and spent nearly a year away for nothing. I think he sees all of this as his chance to pay Kail back for her not wanting to have another kid with him and not wanting to stay married after all that.  I believe Kail is a bitch of the highest order, and I also believe Javi is a sneaky, petty controlling and yes, abusive fucker (telling someone you're not getting out of their living space, you'll come in without knocking if you want, you'll break out windows - that's psychological abuse, I don't care who is doing it. Your landlord may own your rental space, doesn't give him the right to do ANY of that while you're in it.) 

    I don't believe for one second any of this is because Kail promised him they'd be together and jerked the wide-eyed boy around. Boy, bye. I'm not even in your relationship and *I* witnessed enough calls where you couldn't have possibly thought she was home waiting for you with hearts in her eyes. And I saw enough of both of your social media to KNOW y'all were doing shit to get at each other. And towards the end it was perfectly clear that shit was deaded. 

     Nothing she does is making him do what he's doing now, because he's been this way since he hasn't gotten the wife he thought she would be. Javi is always grinning and smirking onscreen because he knows the camera time is his last time to truly fuck Kail but good. She wants it OFF SCREEN and so he's going to put it all out there just to stick it to her. Lincoln watching footage of him yelling "you spread your legs for some dude" someday be damned. The real underdog in all this is actually Kail, because her chickens have come home to roost. She's not going to be able to control this one like she has all the rest. Even at his worst Jo didn't RELISH going after Kail, it was always defensive. Javi has the taste of blood in his mouth and he's not giving an inch. If he wants to walk into her house, he'll do it. If he wants to smash some shit up, he'll do it.  One could (almost) feel sorry for her. Not <---- this one, of course! But one, somewhere out there.

    • Love 15
  6. 10 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

    My position is that Phaedra only talked about Kandi's business because Kandi was talking about hers to the other women.  Even though it was on camera for the world to see, it was one thing for Kandi to bring up Phaedra's secrets in a one on one conversation.   That wasn't enough for Kandi  -- she then had a roundtable of castmates and revealed Phaedra's secrets again.  Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make it even.  What I fail to see is why Phaedra is being called out by anyone without calling out Kandi first.  Why is Kandi in the free and clear to spill Phaedra's secrets,  but Phaedrais so terrible to retaliate and spill Kandi's? 


    6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Well Kandi said the reason she knew Porsha had slept with Block is because Porsha had told her and even went so far as to describe the positions.  Porsha and Phaedra share the same trait, the want to talk it up off camera and when the camera rolls they want others to just go along with their version and forget the off camera chatter.  It would probably be easier for all concerned if Porsha didn't have a new camera persona every season.

    The problems between Kandi and Phaedra started long before the Nene conversation, that is what Kandi is trying to tell Phaedra.  Phaedra can't have one story in private and another for the cameras-especially when that story makes someone else look bad.   Phaedra also didn't like Kandi's opinion on the kids visiting Apollo in prison.  Another case of, "I want your support not your opinion," Phaedra felt betrayed. 

    This to me illustrates the difference. In both cases Kandi wasn't simply telling their business, she was backing herself up by -finally- bringing the receipts to say "listen, cut the shit. I know this stuff because you've said it directly to me, now you're lying about it/me and you expect me to let that slide but I'm not anymore." I don't think there's any dispute that Kandi held her tongue for a long time before almost being forced to tell why she wasn't guilty of ignoring her best friend in her "time of need." And it wasn't until others added the hype and Porsha blew back on her "Kandi doesn't know my business, she shouldn't say I slept with Block, that's a lie" that Kandi again backed it up with "I didn't say that -- but if I HAD, I'd have been straight because you told me that to my face." 

    Phaedra however wasn't defending herself by proving Kandi wrong by bringing up the 'trois as proof - she was simply adding to the gossip with her own tale (still to be determined as to whether or not it's true) and thinking she was getting away with it.

    That to me is the difference in these scenarios.

    • Love 7
  7. 12 hours ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

    I think I'm the only person in the world who hates Sandra.

    I don't think she's great and I don't think she's funny. She's pleasant to others when she's getting her way but is hell on wheels when you cross her.

    I feel Michaela gets skewered for being this way but not Sandra.

    I agree with this part, and I think it's because Sandra is a known quantity and they've seen her other sides. 

    9 hours ago, Pazlovejoy said:

    Why is it that people agreed that Michaela was "scary" just because she showed her displeasure about being used as a faux target? She didn't storm around and threaten anyone. She merely failed to be "cool" about being used. This makes her a less savvy player and does put her at a disadvantage. This does not make her "scary." It bugs me that women, especially black women are not allowed to show emotion without being judged.

    8 hours ago, princelina said:

    I don't think Michaela was being judged for showing anger for the reasons you stated; whenever the contestants throw someone's name out there they clutch their pearls when said person is pissed at having his/her name suggested as a vote-off.  Tony was in charge of that conversation and he knew his name was on Ciera's lips - he could have just said "Tell them you're voting for me".  Instead he throws out Michaela's name (most of the group was sitting there so he couldn't say any of them and he probably also had to avoid any names who had been making friends with the person who asked as well as think of someone on the fly).  Then when she gets pissed they all act so innocent and "what? what?" And none of them will admit they don't want their name out there either.  It's like when each contestant "knows it's a game" until someone else says that and wants to vote them off :)

    Exactly. I agree with that. 

    And they're being crazy hypocritical, because they know none of them ever wants to hear their name, even as a fake because it puts you on the radar at best, and at worst, it's really true and they're just telling YOU it's fake. 

    • Love 5
  8. Dang! I aintevenno Survivor was starting up tonight! Thank goodness for series set ups.

    This season is an embarrassment of riches for me with Ozzy, Sandra, Cerie, Jeff, Mikayla ... and I was not ready to face a season promising classic Sandra quips only to have it slip through my fingers like Ozzy's million. But the magic is there, somehow it's Tony! And there it is. "That's what you get for plotting against me. Take your ass home." Yes! Tony out, and the queen stays queen.

    I can't choose a team yet because everyone is all mixed up, but I guess if it comes down to it, there are more faves on Mana. And come on, SD-T is legendary, so gotta go with her. Unless she targets Mikayla - or at least earlier than necessary. Then it's off with her head. 

    • Love 8
  9. 10 hours ago, Jamie Satyr said:

    Porsha was disgusting; ranting and raving in a restaurant, making $#!t up as she went along, forcing Kandi to retaliate because being from the HOOD, "momma didn't raise no punks!" No low life is going to get me to even raise my voice, much less act out like those fools! I'm embarrassed for them both; their mommas obviously not teaching them any better and that's unfortunate! ;-)

    See: Teresa Guidice, Tamara Judge, Vicki Gunvalson, Brandi Glanville, Kyle & Kim Richards, Lisa Rinna, Joe Gorga and Guidice, Adriana & Joanna (Miami), etc. Every one of those went beyond the public screaming to some degree of glass breaking, physical pushing, slapping or outright brawling. Everyone of them living far from any "ghetto." So I think it's time we retire that as shorthand for bad behavior, et al. Everyone should own it, not just poor black and brown folks. It's lazy and wrong.

    Not trying to pick on you, you're far from alone in using it. Just pointing it out when I see it.

    • Love 10
  10. 2 hours ago, Jamie Satyr said:

    Because they are "ghetto!" Trashy is just being a HO and trouble maker; "ghetto" is going low rent and stupid IMO!

    Yeah, that's not a thing. There's nothing more low rent and stupid than a Jersey housewife, but okay. 


    When you start talking about people's mommas, getting loud and obscene in a public place, and spreading the $#!t in the street to inflame the situation, being called ghetto is being kind! ;-)

    This describes some point in every season of every franchise. Bad behavior exists everywhere, even in the 90210, but eff that, kick the poorest some more by acting like they own the copyright.  

    • Love 5
  11. 14 hours ago, RealReality said:

    This entire season I've said that while I don't like Porsha, I think she does very well on Dish Nation.  So well that I think she could easily land a role on a daytime talk show.  I think she is pretty, is the right age, and has the right personality for it.  But I think thats all over now.  I can't imagine anyone wants to work with someone who handles conflict by falsely accusing someone of rape.  Casting people are going to steer a mile clear of Porsha, and I can't blame them.  

    Maybe she gets a few jobs here and there, but I can't see anyone casting her for anything big after this.  If she loses RHOA, that will mean all she has is Dish Nation, and no real future prospects.

    I don't know about that. A host of her particular brand couldn't even maintain on a real daytime show she was a PRODUCER on, with some actual talent. I can't imagine Porsha with nothing going for her but the ability to bare some body part that should be covered and who comes with a high insurance tag is going to be more successful.

    Their segments on Dish Nation is camera footage of an Atlanta radio station, populated with convicted felons and felons-in-waiting, showing on B-list local cable TV channels. I think she's peaked.

    7 hours ago, Forcereals said:

    And, no, Peter, no one would be fucking you.  It would be one of those bad romcom scenes where you'd look like an idiot thinking you were getting a threesome only to be kicked out of bed by both women.

    Ahhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha .... whoo! *wipes tears*  Gold, Jerry, gold!

    6 hours ago, Jamie Satyr said:

    Many are saying it's time to "shut it down!" If the women have to act this ghetto; ITA! ;-(

    Why is the math always RHoNJ+RHoOC = trashy, RHoA = ghetto? 

    6 hours ago, Tararayne said:

    Can we just make it clear that last week, when Kandi told Porsha about Porsha kissing her and wanting to eat her, that Porsha said "that's a motherfucking lie" and "I don't do teapots, short and stout, bitch". But then this week, when Kandi came with receipts, it's all "well maybe I did do that, I don't know" and "blame it on the Hennessy". Which proves that she LIED. She is a liar, period. There is no question about this. 

    Don't forget Lauren's basic confirmation that she admitted it during their conversation: "So how did we get from 'I kissed a girl and I liked it,' to all this?" and the last talking head where she ended up at "So what if I did?"

    Exactly, dumbass - that's everyone's point. Just admit that instead of doing all this bullshit deflection? Or, better yet, STFU about Kandi and have her keep your secret forever? She didn't say a word about it for 3 years, no reason she was going to for the next 3, but for your big mouth.

    • Love 13
  12. On 3/4/2017 at 6:43 AM, renatae said:

    Meanwhile, there is Phaekdra at church wringing her hands about how all this "back and forth" is tearing everyone apart and she prays Jesus will fix "these girls." As if she had no hand in this at all. One day she is going to turn her head too quickly and both of her faces are going to smack into each other.


    On 3/4/2017 at 0:11 PM, goofygirl said:

    Yeah, can't quite figure out why Porsha is on the hate Kandi train.  She's either turned into a nasty little bitch or she was always a nasty little bitch but we're just seeing it now? Who knows.

    I'll take "always was" for $200, Alex.

    20 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

    I always saw it!!


    8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I have no idea why Peter needed to go on this trip. Ugh. And did his shirt say "KING"? It's only just begun, but I'm hoping he gets eaten by a shark. 

    Literal LOL! 

    8 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

    Porsha's Todd was cracking me up at that dinner.  As soon as they started in on their shit, he had this look on his face like, "oh hell naw; I'm not getting involved with these crazy chics."  Head down, spoon up.   .

    Todd2 has clearly been taking his reality significant other lessons from Tamra's husband Eddie. Shit's going down? Eddie's eating up.

    • Love 8
  13. 12 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

    I think reclamation of terms is a valid choice for marginalized populations. In the queer community we do it often. To be fair I am not a person of color and I understand the politics of every term is different. Regardless, it's an issue to be decided and debated by the community itself, not Kail. 

    PS I'm really nervous if any of these kids turn out to be gay. Aubree would be loved and accepted. I don't know about the others. Isaac probably as well....? 

    I know it's common to equate the two, I agree the politics of the terms are very different. I also agree that people like Kail shouldn't have a say in it. I just think if it's all good to her, why not just use it as liberally when being filmed? I'll answer my own question on that. :)  

    As someone who raised a gay son and knew it (like, at 4-5 years old) long before he ever said it, I have long held an opinion on Isaac and Bentley. I feel Isaac might fare better in general than most of the kids, but I think all their parents would be accepting. Their communities, not so much.

    ToodyWoody: it was posted earlier I think, here's your link: http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2017/03/01/teen-mom-2-exclusive-inside-kail-lowry-javi-marroquins-nasty-court-hearing-yesterday-heres-what-went-down/

    • Love 2
  14. 3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

    Snoop and Martha's show is so fucking cool! I love it. I want to hang with him, cook with him, rap with him. Dre too violent for my taste.


    My son and I get to dancing when certain songs come on. He loves to say shit about my old school music (70s funk, disco, R&B) but he loves "Flashlight". That's our song to dance to. We may have to take this to the non-show thread.

    Imagine how out of place Kail must look when she is with her "crew"? lol

    I was ready to write you off for this:

    Snoop and Martha's show is so fucking cool! I love it. I want to hang with him, cook with him, rap with him

    But this saved you:

    He loves to say shit about my old school music (70s funk, disco, R&B) but he loves "Flashlight". That's our song to dance to

    I'm mad at these rappers and comedians (I know it goes back a long ways) who so called "reclaimed" the word and caused all this confusion. a) No, you didn't. b) Yes, you sound like dumbasses calling yourselves something so foul. c) No, nobody else can give you a pass on using the word, and if you get your ass kicked believing them, that's your bad.

    Got perfectly good white folks out here pausing at songs, not knowing whether they should sing lyrics, and potentially getting beat down and for what? Just a shame, is what it is. 

    • Love 4
  15. 16 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

    Sorry, I thought maybe it was supposed to be "culo"struck. Ihave on occasion been known to feel what is describe as "culo"struck, so now I'm just making up my own slang. 

    Thanks for the link,  and what an awesome member on a family tree!

    15 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

    ZNH is your great grandmother?  That's friggin awesome.

    Yeah ... sorry, y'all. I only meant my great-grandmother used the saying also. I realized after the fact that the placement could make one think I meant ZNH was a relative (other than in the "we're all related AA" way). My bad!

    • Love 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

    Thank you! I've said that since the beginning that Javi is colostruck. 

    Does any language have as many funny slang words as Spanish? Veramente! I mean Italian has tons, but you don't get to hear it as much as you do Spanish. Sorry, off topic.

    Colorstruck = this one belongs to us. Can't date exactly how far back it goes, but at least the early 1900s, based on Zora Neale Hurston's novel Color Struck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_Struck. (And my great-grandmother.) 

    And I agree, as it refers to Javi. I think it's beyond a preference, I think it goes into Snowflake/Trophy territory.

    • Love 6
  17. 16 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    "I don't know when they're gonna learn not to poke a chick who's mad and has date stamps.   

    Maybe Mr. Bennie made off with her cuckarachas and she needs replacements.

    I know I shouldn't be relishing.  That's wrong.  Lol.  Phaaaaaaydruhhh? bay bay?   Drama is not the one finna blow your ass up.  

    Remember when Phay told sweet little baby Ayden in her arms at the time to say hi to Ms. Joyce or you don't get a treat and he looked at Joyce and told his mother I don't want a treat?  Bwahaaaaaaaaaaa!!   ::aliciakeysvoice:: a real angel know a real devil when he sees her. 

    :::some people want it all, but I don't ... want nothin' at all, if it ain't you(r posts) bayybaay!:::

    15 hours ago, absolutqt said:

    Are ya'll really tapping out watching?   House porn and delusion?  You can't leave.  We started this thing, let's finish it

    No worries, Girl.  "And I am telling you...I'm not going!"  I am all in for the long haul.

    I gave up too many trashy TV shows along the way. Now in the era of Tonald Drump, I'm left with few things left to watch because my usual cable news line up ain't gonna be it. Forget RHOA ... sheeeiit... I may have to bring NJ back on, and maybe some BBWLA back into the rotation for good measure.


    I am howling over here...thank God for a Mute button or you might owe me a reference---Ima update my resume right now with your contact info 

    Oh girl, you ain't know? Yeah. Read at home, or keep a list of excuses on a post it at your desk. Rotate as needed. 

    15 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    Look, I'm too lazy to check but I think it's more of what somebody mentioned upthread re:  Phaedra pulling something completely outta left just to say stay slick at the mouth.   Because if Kandi did wanna take care of every muffucah in here, she could.  So what does Todd's existing change have to do with the money Phaedra owed him?  That's A and B how is emasculation a justification for skirting debt?  I'll be all the punk bitches you want, long as you spell it properly on that check.  Thanks.   

    I don't know if scrounging for change would ordinarily qualify as below the belt but as their friendship was fragile at the point and (as far as Kandi knew) they still had a cordial understanding, I think it went too far.  In private that probably could've been laughed off or dismissed but as always with Phaedra:  method of delivery.

    thank you for being a friend.


    See, this is my problem. I worry about the wrong things. The focus here should be this belting performance, and yet I can do nothing but try and figure out what the hell is happening on the ceiling. Is it a bad paint job? Water damage? Is it the kitchen below the bathroom, or the basement? Why is it so low? WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE???

    I think Kandi's main objection to all that was Phaedra including her in it, vis-a-vis Kandi being late/short with Todd's allowance.

    15 hours ago, kassa said:

    I think Kandi was refusing to be cast in the role of Friend Who Let Me Down Just When I Was At My Most Broken Over the Betrayal of My Beloved and Breakup Of My Marriage.  It appears that Phaedra and Kandi were close enough that she filled her in on her hot love life, only to go on national television crying to NeNe Frankenstein about how Kandi couldn't care less about her heartbroken friend.

    Phaedra has a very fluid interpretation of reality (for public consumption - I think she grasps it perfectly fine mentally).

    Love it.  Love the bag, love the shoes, love everything.

    Phaedra will never live down trying to change HER DOCTOR'S interpretation of reality with her "different doctors have said I'm 4 months." Bish, you crowning.

    • Love 12
  18. 8 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

    On another note, I don't think Erika is jealous of Dorit at all. Dorit is fake as eff; Erika can smell that from a mile away -- and homegirl really isn't into that kind of mess. That's why I like the relationship between Eileen and Erika. They're different as can be, but adult enough to appreciate each other.

    Hahahahaha!! *slaps knee* Good one! 

    • Love 5
  19. 15 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    I give Eileen a lot of slack too.  It's interesting she finds having experienced so much death embarrassing.  She may also be feeling guilt over possibly being relieved that her mother's battle is over.  Just a guess.

    I think the embarrassment comes from feeling like there's something wrong with you that you have so much loss in your life. And also you feel like you're the downer who is always like, hey, guess who died this time. Like, it's life, but it weirds some people out. Makes no sense, but it's real. I think that's why.  

    15 hours ago, dbell1 said:

    First episode I've caught this year. If the Hamlin brats are now regular cast members, it will be my last. They're not entertaining and they're not intelligent and they took up way too much screen time.

    Bravo needs to stop trying to make Hadids happen.  

    10 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    Why the fuck do Rinna's kids have talking heads?  Are the Hamlins angling for their own show?  I'm not into it at all.

    Erika is trash wrapped up in a designer gown (that she'll definitely name drop the label of), but what else is new?

    My grandma died in January after a long drawn out struggle with Alzheimer's.  It'd been a decade since she'd forgotten everyone, years since she'd been able to walk or talk, etc.  It still hit harder than I'd thought it would given I'd already thought I'd grieved over a very long drawn out time.  Feeling guilty over the relief is definitely a big factor.  My mom was a mess and I think this weekend with Christmas is going to be really hard for her and then next month will be the 1st anniversary of the death and that will be hard too (she died on my birthday, so there's always going to be a reminder too).  So I get where Eileen is coming from and I totally identify with what she's saying, but I'm still totally bored by her. 

    Because they missed the boat on Gigianddauddaones. 

    Hate her.

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  20. On 12/18/2016 at 9:39 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

    Guess I'm in the minority because I believed every single word Kandi said about Phaedra and I understood why she was pissed. Phaedra going to former nemesis Nene to bitch about Kandi rather than, say, talking about her issues with Kandi herself was very low. But then I've long had the sense that Phaedra is simply not a good person. So, I enjoy her being read for filth.

    Mmm hmm! [Fakedra southern belle murmur]

    On 12/18/2016 at 10:36 PM, tiredofwork said:

    I will join you on what is presently a minority, I  think Phaedra is amongst the worse persons on this show up there with Mama Joyce and Nene.  I find no fault with anything said by Kandi in that meeting.

    Also cannot stand Sheree as all she does is shit stir.

    All this, but especially the bolded section.

    On 12/18/2016 at 11:44 PM, AndySmith said:

    Save a seat for me at that table!

    :::pulling up my chair:::

    On 12/18/2016 at 11:48 PM, Sheenieb said:

    Oh, no doubt they all shade each other, but I don't think Kandi has a vendetta. I truly believe that Kandi is unbothered. It's Joyce that has a hard-on for Phaedra.

    Out of everyone, I do think that Kandi and Cynthia come to the closest in terms of being 'real.' By reality tv standards, at least.

    Unrelated, but I live for Cynthia discussing the modeling industry. Bravo needs to have another Before They Were Housewives special and feature Cynthia.

    Ironically (because I never talk to him about the show) I said almost exactly that to my husband while watching last night - for whatever you want to call real, Kandi (and Cynthia) is it.  He just happened to be passing by a Kandi TH and commented "Isn't she still rich? Why is she on this show"? 'Cause he won't watch na'an Housewife episode but he'll watch the hell out of some Unsung.) 

    22 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

    That requires work on Sheree's part. Think back to her foray into the fashion world. She hired someone else to come up with designs, fabric choices, etc. Then that fashion show that didn't have any fashion? 

    Sheree wants someone else doing the work, with her reaping the rewards.

    The only hands-on work she likes doing is stirring the shit. 

    11 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

    Before we give Phaedra kudos for setting up relationships, let's pause and consider the one this educated, supposedly savvy woman got into with a fresh out of prison felon, while she was engaged to another man, and ended up pregnant and in a shotgun wedding as an extremely independent nearly FORTY year old woman. Even if you want to give her credit for that, why? She called Todd everything trifling that her husband IS (and fake read Kenya's potential sperm donor for criminal behavior for and of which her Huzzbin had ALREADY BEEN and currently IS convicted), so if he is so shitty, why should she get good friend credit for that? Bye. Thanks for getting me a trifling man too?

    I'm so ready for Kandi to drag Phaedra at the reunion. Phakedra's lil prerehearsed lines will be nothing in the face of truth telling, real talk, no holds barred pissed off Kandi. I'm guessing Phaedra will try to drag out the Jesus, social issues, and protect my boys lines, but won't be able to stand real talk. I'm predicting a walk off with the only ones there to rush to her "aid" being Porsha and Sheree (whose only goal will be for alliances and peach keeping). No matter what other folks said, Kandi never chimed in on the Phaedra talk in past seasons, even while Shady Phae was giving nasty talking heads. Turnabout is fair play. 


    Is it close to reunion time already? Or will this be another 18 episode season. Either way, I'm looking forward to all the dirt being aired out in the coming weeks. I'm good with Kandi, but I'm here to hear her skeletons fall out too for my entertainment. I do love Reunion Kandi though. That's the best. Right after TH Girl Bye Expressions Kandi. Ha, they sound like Barbie versions. (But let me not give her any ideas for yet another product line tho!) 


    Never confide in someone you're willing to shit on. They have an asshole too.

    Why, that's sheer poetry. 

    • Love 13
  21. 20 hours ago, Court said:

    This bears repeating: Sterling K. Brown is magic. How was I not aware of him before? 

    Army Wives. Get you some (7 seasons) while you wait for the show to come back.


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