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Everything posted by Trisha

  1. Meanwhile, EBR is living her best life in what looks like paradise:
  2. Drew talks a lot about his wife home-schooling the kids and planning activities for them during quarantine. Besides the occasional mention of online ballet school and playing tennis, SA never talks about home-schooling. Also, I watched the part of AT's live-stream that everyone on Twitter is talking about, when they discuss online trolls and negative comments on social media, and bring up the Stemily rumours. It starts around the 44-min mark: That's the only part I watched but apparently at some point SA thanked Warner Bros and the Arrow crew for helping with their short film, so that's a nice 180.
  3. Is their nanny's name Mackenzie? Because they frequently mention her being with them right now (but never refer to her as a nanny -- SA was talking recently about them all going to a clinic to get checked for covid antibodies and Mackenzie came too because "she's family at this point"). He was also on Aisha Tyler's live stream last night (I think for charity?) but I didn't watch it cause it's over an hour.
  4. I was never a fan of Dinah as a character but JH always seems like a lovely person. And SA clearly adores her. This was him at his most tolerable since he started these things! (I mean, after she left he went into a weird baseball analogy about internet trolls, but still.)
  5. The videos with Drew are pre-recorded. He mentioned the other day that he watches them back before posting them to make sure he doesn't say anything "problematic" and he joked about starting a new segment called "questions I forgot to ask during the interview." So I guess he thinks everything he's said so far is non-problematic? Which is...yikes. He is going to have someone from Arrow on today's video, but hasn't confirmed who. They're trying to turn these daily videos into a "show" and podcast (at a time when podcast usage is at a low due to decreased commuting - lol) so I'm guessing they'll save big guns like Emily until then, but who knows? Vulture had a really interesting article about how networks are scrambling to build a library of scripts, so assuming Green Arrow and the Canaries already has a virtual writers room in place, they might have a leg up. There's also a move to avoid pilot season and order shows straight to series.
  6. So many comments on Ashton's twitter post about this are saying the same thing. I don't know how hard it is for celebrities to understand the optics of sitting in their giant houses lecturing fans who are likely not as well off as them to participate in charity. At least mention that you've also made a donation or you're matching what'll be raised in profits or something! It's definitely helping Nocking Point; Drew was saying it's been "flying off the shelf" since AK posted about it. In other news, this is super short but new (I think?):
  7. The weird thing is, I think he’s been sober for a lot these (and when he’s not he calls it out proudly — like how he was drinking a beer when talking to CD because it “was after noon”). When he’s been drunk, he’s been really drunk but I don’t think that’s the norm when he’s filming these. I think he’s just bored and restless and oversharing without any concern for how he’s coming across. On the last one with the S&D gang, he led a discussion about 69ing that was so, so embarrassing. He even mentioned that his mother would see this but he kept on going.
  8. I guess it’s more of a Twitter thing than it is here, but every single time she appears in his videos (or even if he just mentions her) I see a bunch of tweets about how terrible and toxic she is, while he never seems to be called out. I keep trying to cull my following list and yet there’s still so much hate for her. To me, he’s the one who’s coming off really poorly lately - even more so than usual.
  9. That was my first thought! Why call out the WB when you need something from them? And when they actually ended up letting you use their sets (and crew)? Here’s the exchange: I know people hate on his wife but once again she came off as the more sane one who was trying to stop him from digging a hole. He also complained yet again about having to do the Netflix live-tweet at 9am on a Saturday. (Robbie, who has a 7-month-old, had previously tried to explain to him that it was a good time for fans around the world in different time zones but he’s still whining about it.) He’s a mess.
  10. CD came off as so lovely and sweet in that video. SA did not seem happy with the first meeting/sushi story, probably because he did not sound very welcoming in it. Today’s video also included some not-great stories about SA on set. His wife, Aisha and Kamen were talking about how he said he didn’t need printed sides during their “Speech & Debate” shoot and then got angry when there weren’t any printouts. They were also making fun of him for missing cues because he “never reads stage directions.” He cut them off because he didn’t like it. The weirdest part was when he got really salty at Warner Bros TV because they had a hard time convincing the studio to let them use the SCPD set as a location for their short. It was such a strange thing to call out publicly, Aisha even commented on how he’s spilling tea now that he’s no longer on the show.
  11. I don’t know why I keep watching SA’s daily videos (morbid curiosity, I guess) but today he had Cody Rhodes on, who ended up being pretty entertaining and a great storyteller. But they talked about shooting the prison scenes in S7 and SA did not come off like a nice guy to be around on set.
  12. She posted this really strange IG story the other day about going to her building’s mailroom and she had fashioned an outfit out of a garbage bag. It’s like she thought she needed PPE to get her mail or something? It was bizarre. On the plus side, at least SA recognized that he screwed up. On today’s video with Drew, he said: “I should not be doing Instagrams at 5:30 after playing tennis and a couple of glasses of wine. My body is breathing into the just being done with the show and not having anything to do. I went to bed at 6:30 last night.” (I mean, I’m doubting that it was due to tennis and just a couple of drinks, but at least he appeared to be a bit chagrined.)
  13. Yeah, she brought him another glass when he was already slurring, and talked about how they were drinking white because the sun was still out but would be moving on to rose for sunset and red after dark. That being said, it's good she was there because she was also drinking wine but didn't seem drunk at all and took over a lot when he seemed incapable of forming words. Whether it's an actual problem or he's just bored at home, I hope someone in his life pulls him aside and lets him know this is not a good public look. Most of the replies on his tweet about the event are about how embarrassingly drunk he was.
  14. Yeah. I know personally I’m drinking a bit more in quarantine and most of my friends are too, so when it happened a few days ago I just thought “meh, it’s a weird time.” But when he had his friend in to talk about the government’s approach to the virus and could barely form words, he just laughed it off later and seemed to think it was funny how drunk he appeared. I’d be mortified and make sure to stay sober for all future videos (esp ones where you’re a guest and there to talk about your company and charity). But last night was BAD. There was even a moment when the host mentioned that people were commenting a lot about Oliver and he kind of rolled his eyes. And she read a comment about how come Code 8 isn’t on Netflix in Canada and he said something like “Honestly, I don’t f*cking care.” I’m guessing he wasn’t the ambassador both Drew and Robbie wanted him to be last night.
  15. True. Though I’ve been watching his daily IGTV videos with Drew and he’s mostly seemed good, except for the one where he had on a really interesting guest (his friend who is in charge of the Covid response in Washington) and SA admitted he had 4 glasses of wine before their chat and kept interrupting with slurred questions. He hasn’t seemed like he’s super stressed; just not self-aware enough to not drink before shooting a live video. And I know a lot of people hate his wife, but she looked like she was trying to save him from himself a few times during tonight’s charity live. She clearly didn’t want him to tell the story of them having sex while he was in his Arrow suit when shooting the pilot. There’s also been a marked shift in making his daughter much more visible in his videos which is interesting, especially since a few days ago he mentioned that his wife tried to keep her a bit sheltered from that until she got older and could decide for herself how much to share.
  16. Anyone else watch SA on @15sof’s IG Live? Oof. This is the second time in a few days that he’s been messily drunk on Instagram.
  17. At first, I was worried that he was referring to Olicity fans, but judging by his mentions he's talking about Laurel fans who are still angry about her death.
  18. Now more than ever is the time for celebs to be extra, extra cautious about what they’re sharing on social because celebrity websites like People, Us Weekly, Daily Mail, etc still have to churn out content everyday - and celebs aren’t doing much right now so they’re looking for any angle and scraping the bottom of the barrel. Plus, there’s extra appetite currently for stories about stars being dumb when it comes to this crisis, which is why the screwups of Vanessa Hudgens, Evangeline Lilly, etc got so much play. Anyone with any sort of PR experience would be advising him of this right now, if he were smart enough to listen. Besides, he gets a surprising amount of mainstream coverage by major outlets. People.com did articles on things like his podcast ep with Micheal Rosenbaum - and that was before there was a drought of celebrity news.
  19. Yup. The pic is clearly from the same room (it’s the same carpet and laptop on the floor that is in AT and CM’s videos). Unless EH is lying about taking the pic, but seeing as you can hear them talking about AT wandering around in a wedding dress, I doubt it. Maybe they saw other friends like JW across a parking lot, but I’m pretty sure AT and EH we’re in their house. I’ve said it for years but it shocks me that SA doesn’t have a crisis social media consultant on retainer. My friend does that sort of work (where she’s not necessarily approving their everyday posts but she’s pulled in to strategize as soon as there’s a hint of backlash) and some of her clients are verified people with a lot less followers than him. Of course, I don’t know if he’s even aware of the backlash. CM obsessively reads the comments/replies but he might not. And it would mess with his belief that he’s a social media expert. I remember how he used to brag about never getting help for his FB page because he knew more than the “experts” - at the same time it took him months to figure out how to change his settings to get visitor posts to display correctly.
  20. CM turned off the comments on her last IG post and did a video story saying they didn’t have a party last night but “we did get to see some friends from afar — from a distance of 6-8 ft across a parking lot. More than 6-8 ft.” Which would have been much more believable had Aisha not posted a video from the same room they were all in where you can hear CM, SA and his wife in the background. SA is also sticking to that story. He posted a video with Drew talking about how he’s hungover because some friends came to Palm Springs for a celebration and they had a “social distancing evening.”
  21. That’s the part that truly baffles me. Why post about it, or let your guests post about it? Or - if you must post because you’re a celebrity and god forbid you don’t have outside validation - at least clarify what you mean by “hanging (responsibly) with friends.” I mean, I guess it’s possible that if everyone who they have over had spent the past 14 days in their own self-isolation and they were really, really careful about what they brought into that house they could *maybe* be together, but that’s still a risk and not advised.
  22. Ugh. I was worried when he mentioned to Drew on his IG Live that he was “attending a special event” that he was about to do something supremely stupid, and I wasn’t wrong. He’s getting DRAGGED in the replies on Twitter. Aisha and Carina shared similar video from his house. Emmett posted that he took the above picture, and Jarrett’s latest IG story shows that he’s clearly in Palm Springs too. In Aisha’s story you can hear someone (maybe Carina?) say “so many Instagrams that I’ve been trying to take today and they’re crashed by Aisha just walking around in a wedding gown” and Cass saying “spoiler alert!” so they might be gathered for Aisha and Emmett’s wedding. But still, not great optics.
  23. I love that he revealed Oliver let Felicity in on the Slade plan before their mansion talk. That always bugged me: Also cute BTS vid from CH from 3x03, I think: https://vm.tiktok.com/tN8v24/
  24. Looks like SA is trying comedy in the new project his wife directed:
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