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Everything posted by Trisha

  1. Wow that feels fast. Though I’m not really sure when she split from her husband; I just remember she stopped posting about him sometime during the last season. And in her new engagement announcement the last pic is them together when they were really young, so they’ve apparently known each other a long time. She seems incredibly sweet in real life; I’m happy for her.
  2. Well, it’s...something. Rick Gonzalez commented (in quotes) “ Welcome to the party pal”
  3. Welp, he's back. I wonder if he'll address any comments/complaints about the last podcast? The Flash just fired Hartley Sawyer because of old tweets from 2012-2014, so I'm guessing the scrutiny will be even more intense:
  4. Yeah I couldn’t believe it when I first heard him say that but then I forgot he went to a prep school with a tuition more than most universities. And he probably isn’t following Toronto news lately. I’m not sure ‘agenda’ is the right word. She’s incredibly outspoken and certainly hustles on Twitter. My guess is SA only replied to her because she’s verified. Verified people can turn on a setting to tune out people who aren’t, which he might be doing. The story might be picking up steam though: https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/stephen-amell-responds-after-being-accused-of-racism/ In other news, both CM and AT shared Fanta’s IG post about the definition of racial gaslighting. Since he said that word twice in his podcast, I can’t help but wonder if it’s shade.
  5. Wow. MG offered to pay for a hotel room for the woman who went off on SA.
  6. I might be reading too much into it but it felt like both AT and CM were shading him a bit on social yesterday. AT did posts on people who seem to be valuing property more than justice, and CM (who is surprisingly doing the work) tweeted about reaching out to problematic white friends to offer resources and help them learn.
  7. It’s incredibly condescending. He said something a few weeks ago when he and his wife were on that Zoom chat with Aisha about how everybody who calls him out on social media only does it because they’re unhappy in their life or going through some personal stuff. So his “hope this makes you feel better ... if you need something” comments align with that mindset. God forbid he actually recognize that sometimes people call him out simply because he deserves to be called out.
  8. Ok, I watched it. About a third of the way through I found it so cringey that I started to tune out a bit so I'm sure I missed a bunch, but overall it was not great. They sounded like their intentions were good at the start but every once in a while they'd drop a comment (mostly SA) that was terrible. Drew at least seemed like he tried to do research and came armed with stats on police brutality, and shared Tarana Burke's story about why her boyfriend wouldn't hold her purse (though he didn't credit her). He also (very gently) disagreed with SA a couple of times. Some of the worst/most noteworthy comments I caught (I'm sure there were others): SA said as someone who'd grown up in Toronto, he'd never really been exposed to racism or "seen it in action" until he moved to the States. They said they've met a lot of great police officers at Nocking Point parties and whatnot, and the majority of police officers should be celebrated and paid more They talked about white privilege and SA said "Wherever we are in our career you know did it help along the way that we're white males? It might have certainly, it might have. Probably did in some way, shape or form. That being said, you and I didn't have any help right? Like what we've done and, you know, the life that we've built for ourselves - you and me both did that through a lot of hard fucking work so you know I bristle every once in a while at that." SA complained about getting comments all weekend: "To all the people you know who are messaging me or hitting me on social media going 'you're conspicuously silent about this must be nice' or 'your silence is deafening say something' I decided to leave this weekend and let you listen to people like Killer Mike, let you listen to people like Steven Jackson, let you listen to people like the sheriff in Flint and the sheriff in Houston. I thought Chris Cuomo did a wonderful job. I'm not super educated on this and I'm trying." He also dropped this self-victimizing gem: "Don't let someone gaslight you and make you think you're part of the problem because you don't have a solution." They both trashed Trump a lot and talked about how he's a narcissist but then when they were talking about which president would face the nation and do a better job, their suggestion was...George W Bush. SA says he thinks Biden should pick a female centralist to be his running mate, preferably a Republican. Drew tried to explain to him that's not the way it works. Drew mentioned that his wife had cried a couple of times over the weekend and SA said that his wife had too and she "doesn't want to make it a pity party but she's really bummed out" They talked A LOT about the looting and ended the show on that, which made it seem like they cared more about damaged property than damaged humans. SA said that he was thinking about grabbing some neighbors and standing outside the mom & pop convenience store down the street from him to protect it from looters. Drew said it was unlikely the protests would reach the Hollywood Hills. They also suggested viewers leave links and resources for places to donate/learn more in the comments, as it seems like they didn't think to do research and include any of that before filming. They didn't even include the #BlackLivesMatters hashtag in the caption. It just says "We stand with you."
  9. I haven’t watched it but I saw on Twitter that he was talking about getting criticism for being silent and said “Don’t let someone gaslight you and make you think you’re part of the problem because you don’t have a solution.” So back to playing the victim, I guess. Apparently Drew came off better, which isn’t surprising.
  10. Grant has been posting a lot in the last few days about learning about white privilege and recognizing the need to use his platform instead of staying silent, so I have a teeny tiny hope that he'll bring that up in front of Stephen. Of course, it's quite possible that he and Drew will discuss it before Grant even comes on. Part of me is curious to watch what happens and see if it's as bad as I'm assuming it will be, but I just don't think I have it in me today.
  11. Agreed. I know he was trying to do something for charity but if he wasn't going to say anything of importance about what's happening in the world than I wish he'd held off and not occupied so much social media space this weekend. And now that he seems prepared to talk about it today, I wish he'd have chosen a black guest whose voice he could amplify instead of Grant Gustin (who, to be fair to GG, has been posting about it all weekend). Fanta's IG story made me cheer. I hope he's made aware of it. Most of the Jar and a ton of his CW colleagues have been doing a really good job on social, so him not even reposting a petition/donation link is really conspicuous.
  12. SA went live a bunch of times on FB this weekend to collect FB stars and raise money for charity. I didn't get to watch more than a few minutes of a two of them, but he implied that Emily was going to be guesting on his podcast soon (he previously said he was holding off on some big guests until they finished set up with their new podcast production company, which is now complete). Grant Gustin is going to be today's podcast guest. He also said that he and Drew would talk about the riots in LA today (he briefly mentioned that his friend owns a store on Fairfax that was destroyed by looters and that "it sucks it's devolved to this.") He's going live with his podcast (which will also be on FB now) today at 10 am PT.
  13. Yeah. I wish he'd just go completely dark on days like this. It's clearly not been a "good morning" for many people. Meanwhile, EBR is using her Stories to promote BLM donations.
  14. He just posted an IG story of a video of the ocean and him saying "Good morning!!" so I guess it was too much to hope that he'd read the room today....
  15. He said he made a deal with a publishing house and had started working with someone "because obviously I'm not going to write it myself -- which in and of itself rubs me the wrong way because I don't want someone to ghostwrite it. But then I just decided to pull the plug because I'm not an author." He mentioned that it was about fatherhood and he only had one kid who was only three at the time so he didn't entirely feel like an expert. Near the end of the chat he said that a bunch of commenters were bringing up the blog he used to write and saying he was underestimating his writing talent. He kind of laughed that off and said he might have to go back and read that blog, but it tends to be cringe-worthy at this point.
  16. SA did a FB Live yesterday and said he'd do another one today, but honestly with everything that's going on in the US right now I can't imagine he will (unless he plans to address it). In this one, he talked about retooling the podcast, Nocking Point, Heels being on hold, said that he's pulled the plug on a deal he had with a publishing house to write a book, and wants fan input on which charity to donate the stars he gets from Facebook when he goes live (he got 52,000 in this stream, which translates to $520). Some highlights: He got asked "Will you do conventions again when this pandemic is over?" He got asked "What's the first thing you want to do when this quarantine is over?"
  17. SA just did a Facebook Live. I don't have time to transcribe it, but he said there's no new podcast until Monday because they're reworking it and partnering with a podcast production company, and going forward will be on a 2-3 day a week schedule. He also said he'd consider doing a charity thing on Omaze instead of the auction style that they recently did with All In Challenge because more people could participate, and talked about almost appearing on Supernatural before it ends ("Dude, we tried. We actually tried. It just didn't pan out"). Other bits of note: He was also on IG Live, and Colin Donnell popped in for a bit:
  18. Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to call you out. Not my intention - and neither was it my intention to “even the score” for his wife (someone I don’t particularly care for based on what she presents in things like this). I watched the entire stream live, not just Twitter clips, and was just giving my opinion on the video as a whole, which remains that SA (who actually does know how to play Quiplash and said he’s played it many times before) came off the worst. That’s all.
  19. It wasn’t my intention to enumerate every single negative thing everyone did in my original post. EBR tried to help SA with his technical issues but she also teased him about it as much as as everyone else and even said “we can play without him.” When I watched it my first reaction was (and continues to be) that they all had some eyebrow-raising moments, but overall SA had more than the rest and a generally petulant attitude, especially for a charity event. YMMV.
  20. I thought it was racist and terrible. Sorry if that wasn’t clear enough. I also thought it was terrible that EBR and AT laughed at it. That probably deserves a callout too.
  21. I already knocked her for that. My point is they both came off poorly. Some Olicity fans on Twitter made it seem like his wife was being the devil while he was just making heart eyes at EBR. They were both pretty terrible, as seems to be the case whenever they do lives together.
  22. I hope so. I thought the reaction from Emily (who fwiw, was drinking the whole time too) was totally sweet and earnest, but his seemed to have the “I love Olicity” yelling in that TVLine SDCC interview energy. Maybe I just thought that because he was such a grump throughout the whole thing. When he couldn’t get into the first game room he was like “well I’m just going to hang up” and AT had to cajole him to stick it out for only two more questions before they could reset. It was for charity and he was just going to bail 5 mins in?! It’s a good thing his audio was muted when he first went into the same room as his wife because he looked so pissy at her when she was trying to give him the wired headphones (he ended up just stealing one of her airpods like she predicted). And all the women managed to submit a couple of good zingers during Quiplash but his answers were lame. He also had to get his wife to explain what Kwanza is. All in all, a really poor showing on his part. He seems like a sore loser.
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