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Everything posted by Aziraphale

  1. Awayfortheladspart2 posted some more details: 1.) Euron tells Jaime that he plans to wed his sister, then quietly asks him exactly what way she enjoys being fucked. Even asks if she likes a cheeky finger up the arse. Euron's is kind of a riot this season, and he goes out of his way to be obnoxious when he gets the chance. Jaime is obviously livid at this, but can't do anything about it at that moment. 2.) Jon gave Tormund Eastwatch and when they arrive there, he takes them to the cells - he has captured Thoros, Beric and The Hound just South of the Wall heading North and isn't sure what to do with them. Jon offers to let them come with them after they tell him the Red God wants them to go beyond the wall. Gendry isn't too keen on this though, he hasn't forgiven them for shipping him off with Melisandre. 3.) Cersei tells Jaime she somehow bought 20.000 sellswords from the Golden Company in the last episode (with WHAT money? Did she sell Gregor to science???) 4.) Tyrion and Jorah notice Jon and Dany flirting and the latter is grumpy about it 5.) Jorah and Jon will apparently bond, though and Jon will help Jorah with his daddy issues. He'll tell him he's glad that Ned didn't kill Jorah. 6.) Jon and Gendry also bond over being bastards and their fathers having been friends (Gendry doesn't mention Arya... which I find a lot weirder than Brienne not mentioning Sandor to Sansa tbh) 7.) Yara/Euron stuff: It's a Naval battle. The Iron Fleet attack Yara's fleet. It's be pretty spectacular. The Sand Snakes are on Yara's ship. Euron's ship SIlence sails alongside and his tongueless sailors board, as does he. Nymeria and Obara attack him and he personally kills them both using their own weapons - impales one and strangled the other with her whip. Ellaria and Tyene are taken back to Kings Landing as gifts for Cersei, along with Yara. (Episode 2 at the end) 8.) Sand Snakes are all dead and it's implied Ellaria is left in the dungeons to starve 9.) Jon pledges to Dany in the dragonpit scene (everyone is surprised - even Dany who didn't actually expect it), making Cersei angry. The remaining two dragons are there. Cersei is the only one who can count and is confident that the dragons must be not as invincible as they seem, cause everyone heard Dany is supposed to have three. 10.) Jon starts the boat sex (bless him). He goes to her cabin. No dialogue in the scene. Meanwhile Bran and Sam discuss the whole Jon-is-a-Targaryen thing and I assume we'll find out his true name as Jon/Dany climax, because they say the moment when Bran says his name is going to be 'weird' lmao (Okay, I want everything about this to be true so bad. I will be so entertained!) Also very important: Greyworm survives the season. Horray! Jaqen, Daario and Sweet Robin don't appear at all. Jaime + Highgarden + Olenna happens at the end of episode 3. Dany attacking Jaime's forces happens at the end of episode 4. Jon petting the dragon happens in the middle fo epsiode 5. They also say that the script pages don't have the episode names on them which is a bummer, cause that would have been a quick way to prove if they're fake or not (but then, episode names also change a lot sometimes). And a note in the end: Honestly, I have no idea if this is the original leaker or not, but hey... some stuff to discuss!
  2. "You really think statements like that would make a difference? Ah, you sweet summer child. I have years of experience with this that tells me otherwise. But okay, I will try it your way. Not done yet, but I’ve made progress. But not as much as I hoped a year ago, when I thought to be done by now. I think it will be out this year. (But hey, I thought the same thing last year)." GRRM's lj I actually saw this quote in an article first and had to check that they hadn't grabbed one of his old statements to write a new article, which is very telling. I will believe it when I have the book in my own hands tbh.
  3. I'm mostly just excited for everyone to see the dragons. I want everyone to react to them. They should resurrect Tywin, Ramsey and Joffrey just so they can react to them (and then prompty get rosted). The thought fills me with childish glee. I'm also super curious about Cersei's reaction to Dany in general, because she is basically the only threat to her at this point. Except for the first batch of leaks, I don't think so? But I've lost count and am probably already mixing up people in my head. I just know that every new leak sounds more or less plausible except for one or two things that reek of a personal agenda, making me question everything they say.
  4. By now I'm just really confused by who is a real spoiler source (or maybe allegedly real) and who is more likely to post foilers. I guess I'm going like this: actual pics/videos > the first batch of leaked spoilers > everything new. For my own sanity. I was never a person who thought that Sansa was 100% safe, but that spoilers strikes me as false somehow. Maybe because it comes together with those weird Dany spoilers? Suddenly she's supposed to outright ignore all her advisors, which she has never done before? And Jon is going to sleep/fall in love with her after she puts a person important to him/his plan on trial (for what even?)?
  5. We need new spoilers. Every time there are none for a while, the same discussion about Sansa starts. I always get all excited when I see like ten new posts overnight, just to see that this thread has been caught in another time loop. The Queenguard armour almost looks a bit more sci fi than fantasy to me. They look less.... real to me? Less grounded in reality? But maybe they'll look impressive on screen.
  6. Hollywood's 50 Favorite Female Characters 44. Sansa Stark Sansa takes a lot of flak from GOT fans. She can't fight or wield a sword, and she's girly in ways the other women aren't. But that's what made her greatest moment — feeding torturer Ramsay Bolton to the dogs — so emotionally satisfying, especially to Turner. "It's Sansa's first kill, and it's such a strong moment for her because all her life she's been affected by these men who have just done such terrible things to her." 38. Brienne of Tarth Theories abound that Brienne of Tarth is based on Joan of Arc (catch the alliteration?), but not so, says GOT author George R.R. Martin, who has confessed another inspiration: Xena (No. 33). "I did not think it was an accurate portrayal of what a woman warrior was or would be. I created Brienne of Tarth as an answer to that. I was inspired by the queens of Scottish history and Lady Macbeth — strong women who didn't put on chain-mail bikinis to go forth into battle." 34. Cersei Lannister She's the one who coined the series meme-iest catchphrase — "You win or you die" — and so far, she seems to be winning. Nobody has killed off more enemies more spectacularly. "Isn't it obvious?" Headey once replied when asked who should finally win the throne in the end. "I genuinely think Cersei is like, 'It's going to happen if I just get rid of everybody.' " 16. Arya Stark Few characters have suffered as much — father executed, family slaughtered, sight taken by the faceless men — as Arya Stark. Fans love her single-minded drive (she keeps a list of people she'd like to kill), gender nonconformity (she dresses like a boy) and her absolute loyalty. Williams sounds just as single-minded. Her hopes for what her character does next on the series: "Kill more people." 8. Daenerys Targaryen Five characters from the fantasy series — the most successful show in HBO's history — made this list. But none of the others have their own dragons. Clarke's inspirations: Cate Blanchett's Elizabeth and her own "strong mum," who had a "naive and beautiful" notion that men and women were equals.
  7. From GRRM's LJ: I feel like we've heard similar things for at least two years now and it doesn't fill me with hope that TWOW will come out next year. I don't know why a tiny part of me still thought that maybe it would happen at the same time season 7 would start, but... I do believe that he's under a lot of pressure and that it also bruised his ego that the tv has overtaken him (No matter how much of GoT might be D&D's fanfiction, there is simply some stuff like Jon's parentage that has been spoilered now), but it also sucks for the fans. And the publishers. I mean, they literally can't make him meet his deadlines apparently (too big of a name now, could possibly up and go to someone else idk), otherwise they would have found a solution already. And while I think he's possibly in another writer's block due to the pressure and whatnot, he also seems to be too stubborn to get real help with his writing. It's just unfortunate all around.
  8. I can't believe that the spoiler I'm most excited about is the damn wall sex. I didn't know that I wanted it and I can't even explain WHY. It's just something so... awesomely cheesy? And also really only works on screen and not in a book entirely consisting of POVs. Pity it's one of the few spoilers we won't be able to verify until the scene actually airs.
  9. After lurking since somewhere around season 3, these spoilers/leaks/pictures finally made me sign up! I just know that I will cackle forever if it turns out that basically most of the season leaked in the what... second week of filming? I actually don't have that many problems with those possible spoilers, because I think the context matters a lot. Some stuff just looks horrible summed up in one sentence and might not look so bad in the end. Like Cersei having a miscarriage, which sounded like such a cliché at first, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. She's in her 40s now and drinks all the time, so it's nothing especially weird and I could see her becoming even more unhinged due to it. Depending how it plays out, that could be something Lena could really work with. I mean... what will Cersei do otherwise in all the screentime she's undoubtly going to get, because they love her? I do believe the leaker knows most if not all the stuff that's currently been filmed in Spain. For the Northern scenes, we'll have to see. I do think an undead dragon could be cool. I'd cry for poor Vyserion, but it would definitely be a great visual and show that it doesn't just need some dragons to wipe out the White Walkers. Plus, I'd buy popcorn and read all the forums. It has been discussed who the third rider is going to be for so many years and most (including me) just assumed it would be Tyrion... to just overthrow that theory would be entertaining for me. Non-shipping related wank is the best wank. There are only three things I don't like from the leaks: 1.) Yara's probable fate. She deserves better than being no doubt gruesomely killed by her uncle. And I hope they don't feel like they have to make up for the no-rape/minimal boobies from last season (which improved the overall feeling of the show for me a lot) there. 2.) Arya killing Littlefinger. That would just feel weird. It's not like I necessarily want Sansa to kill anyone, but her telling her sister to kill someone (for her?) just feels... wrong somehow. I do like the potential of them working together. 3.) Dany burning people for not bending the knee. I just can't take another year of the endless discussion about if she's going mad or not - especially since they made clear that Dany is trying hard to be better than her father. Plus, burning people is just such a cruel way of execution, I don't ever want to watch it again. Just behead people please, even if your motto is Fire & Blood! IF it's true, I hope it turns out just to be Randyll and that he tried to kill her first or something. The only thing that gives me a bit of hope is that while I don't think that Jon would balk at sleeping with an aunt he never met before, I do think he'd balk at sleeping with someone cruel. I'm also rooting for wall sex. Don't take that away from me. It would compensate me for quite a lot of possible bullshit! I'd be so entertained! (I've been basically rooting for Jon/Dany since I saw pics of Kit and Emilia from several photo shoots and decided they'd be really very pretty together)
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