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Everything posted by AmyBre

  1. Sean could have given Abby the money so she can support herself until she goes to the US. Some men do that. He reasoned that it made more sense to give her clothing so she could sell to test her entrepreneurial spirit. I don't think Sean is smart enough to do that, but he might have done it to help Abby "save face". If she takes the money and gives him the cookie, then he paid for that cookie and that makes her a whore. But if he "consigned" the clothes to her so she could sell them and make "money for the family", then it doesn't look so whorish. I reiterate, Abby has done this before. I wouldn't be surprised if her ex (Chris) gave her things for her to sell as well. Jesse doesn't smile when he addresses Darcy (Donatella). A couple who is attracted to each other or who love one another do that automatically. I don't see humor between them such as I want to make you laugh all day long because I truly care for you and want you to be happy.
  2. PoeticLicensed, Abby has done this before (get older men to buy her things). That deep laugh that you see is her real excitement about leaving all that shit behind and that soon she will have running water through your apartment, and eat Corn Flakes for breakfast It is very sad that this is her only option, but think of the other girls in her neighborhood, prettier but not smarter, who are just left behind. Abby is smart enough to NOT introduce her parents now, that comes later. Abby is playing the "long" game here. Because if they guy sees her parents now, he may realize this isn't actually a dream. By the way, what kind of man proposes marriage to a girl without knowing where she actually lives or meeting her parents? Dude, you're proposing to someone in the street. Pretty Woman was a movie. Wake the fcuk up!
  3. I understand Abby in Haiti and I'm rooting for her. You need to have been poor or lived a a poor part of the world to understand that. Abby's family lives in shack with no potable water and with a latrine 10 meters from the house. An American has just flown from heaven with all those panties, ipad, laptop. It's her ticket out of poverty, no access to education, no chance of upward mobility. Abby is smart but she needs to stop posting her johns on Facebook. I bet she will continue to escort guys but she needs to be smarter about it. I say this with pain, but I have seen women sleep with guys in exchange of things as simple as a deodorant. Again, poverty and necessity and the need to help your family out of dire situations, makes people do crazy things. Abby needs to marry that guy and move to the US to advance her escort career.
  4. Desert, I'm not confusing them. I bet my first born that Chantel is aiming for a career on TV. She's smarter than Paola though. Pao is just dumb and already started discussing leaving the relationship to pursue her "whoring dreams". I'm not in that industry but I think reggaeton video model has to be the lowest of the low. How do you leave a good looking engineer from a good family for dreams of "modeling". Hundreds of thousands of women go into this thinking they are going to be the next Christy Turlington. Paola gives me a bad feeling, a girl who would do anything, starting by disrespecting her main relationship for two minutes of fame. Girl, that guy married you!!!! Smarten up. Chantel is NOT nursing material. That girl is too superficial for that. Would trust Chantel to put an IV on your arm or to extract blood? Nurses care for other people, it just oozes out of them.....and they are some of the nicest people you meet at hospitals, many times nicer than doctors. Chantel doesn't have that vibe.
  5. I remember visiting Amsterdam and NOT seeing one person in high heels. Dutch people -- in general -- dress comfortably and not in that flashy desperate "fuckme" pumps. Riding a bike everywhere is the most normal thing. They had to find the dumb american middle age desperate housewife -- Darcy -- to act all stupid and scream while riding.
  6. Chantel needs to go to LA or NYC and see the bus loads of beautiful, articulate, educated people coming from all parts of the US and the world, ALL hoping to be "discovered", to be on TV, all 20 times hungrier than you Chantel. These people grow up being the nicest face in High School and now they go to LA or NYC and realized that everyone is way prettier and smarter than them. Back to Wichita......
  7. I live in a large US city. (Miami, San Francisco, Philly, NYC, Boston, etc, pick one). I look at Darcy and she just reaffirms how plastic surgery is a real problem this day and age. I have seen women start with a nose job, then having their skin pulled, then a tummy tuck, then doing their breast again. It's like an addiction. I have yet to meet one person who has only had one procedure. One brings the next an the next. Darcy is on her 2nd lipo and you can feed an Somalian neighborhood on what she spends on botox. Someone needs to tell her to just go natural, take those damn eyelashes off and spend your money on a gym and a bicycle. I wished participants read all these comments and made a point to improve their lives with what is legitimate. Darcy needs therapy pronto.
  8. Jesse, like Mohammed, is smart and calculating, albeit deceitful. Danielle and Darcy are the legal tickets into America. These guys know that those women are just temporary. They ladies get to brag about having a semi good looking guy for a while and they get a couple of rolls in the sack for a 3 months, then they relationship starts to falter. But these are planned moves and I think that in their heart of hearts, the ladies also know that those young fellows are not going to stay with them long term. It's an exchange of goods. Same for the young girls and the older gentlemen with mean$. I will buy 190 pairs of panties and go bang this girl for 3 weeks. Some people do this math in their head. Sharp and TLC get a whole dollar for each 5 cents they invest. Everyone gets their face on TV and gets the free marketing that comes with it. Look at Loren, all of a sudden she was participating in a Tourette's syndrome event. Do you think that in the normal course of her life, that young girl gets involved in that at that level? I doubt it. She seemed so out of place there, it was obvious that her participation was an staged event for the show. What's most disturbing about this show is the lack of clue and common sense by most of the participants. One has to be quite desperate to "fall in love" with someone over pictures and travel half the world to meet them. How about phone calls? How about video chat? But again, that is what sells. I'm getting tired of the whole thing and will soon stop watching it because most of the time I'm screaming at the TV for how fake it is or how clueless they are. Way I see it, there are many more interesting things to watch.
  9. Every season, Sharp Entertainment and TLC are good at picking a bunch of losers and at least one couple that you know that can legitimately make it and is not doing it for ephemeral TV fame. This season doesn't have even have that almost sane couple. The formula is simple, reality TV is cheap to make, you basically cover some of the expenses of the people and put them in front of cameras. ...... just to be on TV people would do anything....Darcy and Jesse in their bathrobes getting into bed with just their underwear. I don't let family relatives who visit me see me in my bathrobe. This couple allows a TV crew and lighting and all that for a bit of fame. Darcy is a desperate housewife in clinical need attention. Who takes off from their life for 6 weeks to meet a guy??!!! With children behind!!! There isn't one decent couple in this whole season and that doesn't give balance to the show. Of all the couples, none seem more fame hungry as Chantel and Pedro, particularly Chantel. Pedro is doing it for the money he sends back home and the visa. Chantel is crazy enough to think she can make it on TV. She sees herself as the host who does the last episode at the end of each season. I like that lady and I like that the producers picked her, even thought she's not your typical perfectly good looking TV person. She knows what she's doing and she speaks very well. Appears to have studied journalism. If Chantel, wants to work in this overpopulated field, she needs to be humble first and then try to learn; start at the bottom and work your way up. Chantel needs to stop talking with her teeth clenched, that is not sexy or appealing.
  10. Anyone noticed the resemblance between Danielle and Steve Bannon? They might be related. Danielle needs to move on and forget about Mo. And Mo is now negotiating to sell the "footage" he recorded and a book deal for "How to Scam Desperate People for a visa".
  11. Patrick's affinity is to Matt as he is secretly in love with Matt. Patrick loves being the center of attention. Can someone tell Chantel to stop clenching her teeth when speaking. Very annoying and not sexy at all. I was rooting for Pedro but I'm dissapointed that in 3 months he hasnt learned much. Did anyone catch his foot shaking nervous? I hope Trump deports him for being so gullible. Anfisa needs to change her botox dealer. And those eyelashes. Homegirl couldnt look more fake. Now this is while she's supposedly 20. Can you picture that freak show at 40? TLC needs to fire that interviewer or send her to training pronto. Questions were stupid or very personal. I would have just looked at her and say "that's personal, can we please discuss other things". Alla looked pretty. Matt lucked out. I'll give George/Anfisa and Chantel/Pedro less than a year to divorce or separate.
  12. Is this show about relationships or is it about money? Anfisa is going for Jorge's money, and Alla is going after Matt's, according to Patrick. By the way, another reason Chantel's prenup is a phony is because they are signing the prenup and getting married on the same day. Usually, a real prenup, even one that you prepare yourself, takes work and various revisions. How is is that these two halfwits downloaded it, printed and signed it, all within a day. Prenups require the presence of a notary and at least one attorney to review it. None of this was done for this poor excuse for a story line. Do they think that people will believe that two people who can make a pot of coffee and live in a studio apartment can review and prepare a prenup in a couple of hours? Narkiya is as desperate as Nicole. I predict that Lowo is going to sweettalk her into taking him back and she's so lonely and sad that she'll take him. I could see flying around the world for Alla, but for Narkiya or for Lowo, I just don't understand it. Is the market for single people in the US that bad??!! The worst of it is that of all the couples Narkiya and Nolo are the only ones doing lovey dovey stuff that people in love do. Chantel did a little bit to greet Pedro and because she read on an old issue of Cosmopolitan magazine that it looked good. But Chantel has no love for anyone but herself. Poor Pedro. Guys, when a girl likes you, she will do things and tell you things to show it. I have girlfriends that are introverted and girlfriends that are extroverted and I could see it in their face when they are with a guy they like/love or when they are with a guy they can't wait to get rid of and don't want to be around. Same goes for guys. A man will smile and be pleasant and just show affection in his own way. I don't see any of that with any of the couples. I just don't see affection between Matt and Alla but at least she's truthful about it and has told him she doesn't love him at this moment. She will in the future but she's mature enough to tell him that such a beautiful thing takes time and it's not instant coffee. I respect that.
  13. Jorge likes to flash the cash the same way he likes to flash Anfisa, as if Anfisa was someone one would brag about being with. But as I said before, to Jorge this whole thing (the money and the girl) is about asserting himself his school friends know that he has arrived. ....his pathetic notion of having arrived. He should be doubly careful given the line of business he is in.
  14. Anfisa is playing the "long" game here. Jorge is the short. Jorge is her bridge to America and once here, she'll go for another mark, most likely a small business owner with lots of cash and a divorced man, lost in search of pretty young thing. Whenever Anfisa is challenged with anything, she runs or she shuts down. A confident woman doesn't do that. She has Jorge fooled with sex and affection. These are the only things I could see she has to offer. To someone starved for affection/attention as Jorge, she's the holy grail. Jorge comes from a very dark and lonely place. His sisters are easy on the eyes, even with a couple of pounds over. But Jorge was one of those guys who couldn't get a date in High School or college, and now that he has the mean$, he's putting it out there for all his high schools friends that he has made it and he can get a girl like that. (I'm not saying Anfisa is a trophee, quite far from it) but to someone like Jorge, she is that. And yes, she is a classic case of Narcissistic personality disorder, symptoms include "...have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism" Anfisa keeps pushing for new limits. In her mind she's calculating, how far to the edge can I take this guy? I'm going to break him down and rebuild him as I want to. She disrupts Jorge's calls on his iPhone while he is doing business and scratched "idiot" on his car. Those are almost clinical examples of her problems. Anfisa is just a very small and simple minded little girl (as bad as Nicole) and Jorge is a pawn on her game. Jorge needs to stop flashing all that cash and being smart about it. I hope his sisters pick up on this and advise him right. By the way, I bet that Jorge's upbringing was upper middle class. You can see from his sisters demeanor, that they were raised with a bit of common sense. Jorge also has some brains and may have the connections and the product to become a multi millionaire, but he completely lacks emotional intelligence. Chantal is despicable. I was disturbed by the way his family treated Pedro only caring about the damn prenup. I think it's real now and it may have to do with an inheritance. But there's ways to go about doing those things. There's a time and place for everything. And the middle of a ceremony is just NOT the place to discuss prenups. Chantal truly went wrong about this whole thing. Lies always have a way of mucking things up. The drama of Matt's friend Patrick is getting old. I wish he was single and that Alla's sister would just whip him the way Anfisa has whipped Jorge. How I love to see loud men be reduced to little mice by the power of love and lust. Note to Pedros everywhere: when you move to another city, state or country, have a plan of what you want to do with your life. Don't let inertia or other people determine what you want to do with your life. Pedro is in his mid 20s and acts like a 14 year old. At that time, you should know if you want to be a plumber or banker or a teacher or a broker. Get your shit together and then get married. Being attractive is more than just looking good. I reiterate that Chantal is also playing a long game of getting on TV for a show or becoming an actress. Look at the disparity between her and her sister and brother. She's obviously had plastic surgery in her face, her body and her breast. If she truly wants to pursue TV, she needs to work on her face, she needs to hit the gym on a daily basis and needs to take acting classes. I have trouble understanding how people have wishes of entering a line of work, but do nothing in terms of training and educating themselves. Someone else said that Nicole is being groomed to be this season's Danielle. I second that. She's beyond pathetic but her actions elicit the exact feelings the producers want. You want to reach through the TV and strangle her or smack some sense into her. So she started this "relationship" and goes from "meeting him on an app" to calling him my fiance. Even the attorney tells her that additional contact (trips) are necessary to prove her case. She had no idea bringing Azan required her to have an income and to pay an attorney to do so. By the way, the process is straight forward and there are forums online that can help you complete the entire process. But Nicole is the only barista that can muck up a cup of coffee so she definitely needs an attorney. Notice how Nicole has no one else in her life (aside mother and brother) who can advise her. This highlights the importance of having a group of friends who call you out on things. Nicole has no "system". I read years ago that dating consists of a series of exchanges and disclosures that allows both parties to learn about each other. Nicole cannot compress this on a 4-week trip. Worse than all that, she has no one who can tell her she has more growing up to do and she has no way to see herself next to a group of peers. This is why is so important to pick and to have a solid group of friends. I'm sorry if I veered off the subject of the forum but this show -- as dumb and insipid as it is sometimes -- allows for reflection and to spot personality traits important to keep in check.
  15. Did anyone else catch the closeup of the ugly feet of the stripper as she approached Matt? I've been out of the game for a while, but don't strippers usually walk in 6 inch heels? This sounds like a production trick from Sharp/TLC. By the way, I'm betting anyone that the prenup is another production trick to arouse interest. Remember a couple of seasons ago the older guy and the young skinny girl how he brought up and made her sign a prenup. THAT was real because that guy had assets and had been through a divorce. Skinny girl was also coming to the relationship barefoot and had all the signs of a gold digger. Jorge highlights the importance of having good friends or family close to you who can tell you when you are fuC#ing up. Even if I was a remote friend of dude, I'd tell him that he needs to cut it off and drive that girl to the airport tomorrow. No if or buts, just dump her and dump her fast. I keep feeling very sad for Azan and his family. Poverty and scarcity of options make good people do weird things some times. I also feel that Alla is the smartest person in that entire season. Matt showed some cojones but he went about it like a little kid. He could have stopped the music, stop that silly whorehouse bus and told his friends to just go to a nice dinner so he could hear their advice/jokes and get drunk instead of them forcing a poorly nourished Anfisa on him.
  16. I could see the logic in a a prenup coming from Matt -- or Matt's mother -- since their family has a couple of dollars and he is part of management of that company. With Chantel they only way a prenup makes sense is if it has been suggested by the producers of the show in a pathetic attempt to add something to her story line, which at this point seems empty.
  17. Let's get organized here: We all agree that Mark is an ass and does not deserve Alla. Anfisa should be paired with Mark as she wants money and be on the cover of magazines. She could pursue her porn-bound career during the day and fleece Mark and leave him broke in less than a year. Women like Anfisa use their bodies to entertain men and map their next step. The problem with Anfisa is that she has nothing going for her. Her body may be OK, in comparison to general population, but in the company of real models, Anfisa wouldn't go past being the receptionist. Alla should be with Jorge under an open and mutually beneficial arrangement. Alla has a child and can get a part time job or not work at all and take her of the kid and of Jorge (another kid) Jorge wants a stay at home wife. Jorge can also use a strong will friend and Alla strikes me as a no-bullshit person. I really like her and wish her well. Jorge needs a lot of growing up to do. I thought that Alla/Jorge should hire Nicole so she could babysit, but Nicole is such a poor excuse of a mother to her own child that nobody would hire her as a sitter. Azan and Pedro have a little bit of common sense and won't last 6 months with Nicole and Chantal. They should should stay in their countries and asked to be sponsored under H1B work visas. Of course, they must first decide what they want to do with their lives and work towards that. One thing I have noticed with these shows is that people leave their native countries and their adult lives and when they arrive, they have no idea of what they want from life. If you are ready to get married, you should have enough common sense to have at least a general idea of what you want. Of these group, the only only one that has mentioned work aspirations is Anfisa and something tells me she doesn't want to make a career out of this (the way someone says I want to work with computers....or in construction) but because she has serious self esteem and poor confidence issues, that she thinks that being "famous" is going to ail her of those problems. p.s.: River (Chantal nappy headed brother) should go to therapy to work on his incestuous instincts. It's early enough in his life, he can work that out. I still don't know how their parents (who seem to have their shit together and seem normal) produced such fucked up kids. p.p.s.: I'm leaving the big black girl and her Nigerian scam artist prince out because they are insignificant and everyone knows how that pair will end.
  18. According to my theory of picking lifeless characters who are bound to fail, all of them are plants. Let me rephrase a previous thought. I'm OK with a bit of the drama and the BS of these shows, but it would be nice to have at least one couple who one can hope would make it. In this season, NONE of them have a chance at long term harmony or a real relationship......The Season of Losers Drama sells....
  19. People, TLC and Sharp Productions are in the advertising and cable business. They are not in the make couples happy business, or matchmaking business. They are putting on a clown show and they are fully aware of it. This show has producers and writers, adult people who have been around and know after four seasons what works to get people talking and keep them coming back. It’s a shame that they don’t focus on having couples who can actually make it. There are tons of K9 couples who fit this profile, but apparently, that doesn’t sell as much as having clowns like Anfisa, pathetic Nicole, Wannabee Queen Chantal and losers such as Matt, Jorge and the lady marrying the Nigerian scammer. To explain how the process works, to explain what couples go through and how some of them do it themselves, to learn more about their story back home (Why did Pedro do? What did Alla do?) All these things could add to these shows, but TLC and Sharp do not care for that. It’s easier and cheaper to put on a clown show full of pathetic losers because it gets people talking and watching. I read years ago how the family that started the National Enquirer were actually wealthy people, educated people. Their son, who started the whole thing, said he got the idea from watching people gawking at street fights and car accidents in the street. That’s what this show is about, the lowest of the low. While getting ready for Graduate school, I once had a Math Tutor who married a guy overseas and sponsored him coming to the US. I have another friend they are both doctors, we used to call them the Cosbys. Couples like that would make for great TV. But TLC/Sharp don’t care for that. Sharp has a great premise here, but they are diluting it by lack of substance in their story. So much, that it’s predictable. The Nigerian prince will scam that poor woman in need of a reality check. Nicole will get stranded as Azan cancels this idea that only fits in her head. Chantal and Pedro will break up soon after. I won’t say anything about Anfisa and Jorge because they are “plants” since nobody can be that stupid (Jorge) or that self-centered (Anfisa). If she’s real, she has had a plan about what she wants years before she met Jorge and she has a date in her mind as to when she’ll dump him. Did anyone notice how quickly she closed her laptop when Jorge came around? Major red flag. TLC/Sharp wants couples who are NO match and it’s obvious. Where in a million years would a guy like Azan, even look at someone like Nicole. She’s so empty and uninteresting. Alla sounds like an independent woman, they match her up with Matt, a guy who is possessive and has failed at this marriage thing 3 times before. Recipe for failure. Jorge and Anfisa, same thing, it can never work, it’s laughable ……yet it sells because all of us are slapping our hands on our thighs screaming at the TV “are you stupid?!!! “ By the way, the only real people in this whole season are Chantal’s parents. I wish they would adopt me. With Parents like that, Chantal missed a great opportunity to have a heart to heart conversation that could position her better for her wishes to be a TV star (a very long shot). Did she have to do it in a parking lot? Girl, your parents have class, don’t do that to them. If you want TV with a purpose, other than making money, what Thirteen or NPR.
  20. I don't think we're supposed to like them. Isn't that the hook of the show? Watching pathetic/reprehensible people exploit a loophole in the immigration process at a time when illegal immigration is a volatile topic in America? And all the fun that ensues? Millenium, Alla is a single mother who doesn't strike me as an accomplished professional. I don't mean college and all erudite. My father was a plumber with a van and my siblings and I had a great life. My friend owns a hair salon and despite working 6 days a week, she an her provides . What kind of future can she give her son? Matt, even with his problems, may just be her way out for her and a better future for her kid. Matt lives in a nice neighborhood and that surely has a good public school. For a parent, that may be enough to do a lot of things. Alla needs to worry about two futures at the same time, hers and her son's. . If I was a single mother with little or no reasonable choices in my native land, I will go to a place where similar immigrants can make a life for themselves.
  21. if TLC wanted these couples to succeed, they should provide a counselor, a therapist to help them have some important conversations. Even the poorest of the contestants wanting to desperately leave their country, needs to deal with being uprooted from their native country and leaving family, friends and their whole ecosystem behind. All for love?......When the love is true and the desire to make it is genuine, couples have a chance to make. But without that, plus the pressure of being under the microscope that is TV, it's just very hard. I'd like to see TLC actually taking steps to ensure that if a couple can work, that issues and required adjustments are openly discussed by the couple and their therapist. But as I said before, TLC doesn't care for the characters and only cares for the ratings. This is very irresponsible on the part of TLC. Once the first advertiser realizes this, good luck TLC.
  22. Wrong. A barista could theoretically meet the requirements as the process only calls for the petitioner's salary to be 125% of the poverty guidelines. That number for 2016 for a family of two is $16.020. That means that a person needs to make 308 dollars per week to be able to sponsor. Also, if their income is not enough, immigration also allows you to use your assets. I doubt that Nicole owns anything but if their parents do and she is part of that household, then she could list of those assets and qualify.
  23. Nicole telling Azan about cheating is part of the script to have Azan refuse her at the end. They weren't going anywhere from the beginning, but now under Nicole's cheating, it's easier for dumb audiences to accept it as a reason for the inevitable dumping. I keep thinking that this show needs less script and more heart, but I know nothing about television editing.
  24. Millenium, this is very well written post. Thanks for your insights.
  25. Everyone around Matt is like that because Matt and his family have a bit of money (not millionaires but they are well off) and everyone assumes that Alla would only marry that loser because of his money. Supposed Alla is from a really good family and has her own money and that Matt is poor and is on welfare in the US. The conversation will be completely different. So, is this show about love and about two people making each other happy for life, or is it about resources and money? . That's way I tell my daughters, become professionals, work hard and be responsible and good at what you do. Make your own money so that NO man can ever try to control you. . If Pedro and Azan had their own money and were established professionals with actual lives, the story would fall differently. But TLC doesn't care for that.
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