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  1. Agreed, it was very stupid. As he is a doctor and his wife is a nurse, I can kind of see the logic and the romanticism. But, they have four children -- possibly two of whom would be okay with this. Teddy and Angela might not be thrilled, as they get older, to be on an island off the coast of Scotland. But, they'd probably be okay. Tim is old enough that it would be a huge blow. He has a school and friends in London that he would have to leave behind. And Mae would never fit in. She would be in the position of never encountering anyone who looks like her and would likely (in the 1960s and 1970s) always be treated as an outsider. The whole idea of Dr. Turner uprooting the family without actually talking about it with Shelagh, or really, even thinking past "this beach is nice" was really stupid. I don't know why they bothered to include it. They could have had the bit with him nervous about the appendectomy and reliving his war medicine days without it. It just made him look like a thoughtless ass.
  2. Not quite everyone. Where was Tim?! All of the other Turner children were there and there were references to their care. But, no Tim. I guess they couldn't get the actor, but some kind of throw away, "You will keep the younger children while Dr. and Mrs. Turner are away. Tim is going to stay with a friend." line would have been nice. I loved Effie's hair. She reminded me of Merida. To answer the question above, I was raised Presbyterian. We're descended from Scots that came to the US centuries ago. We always had a tree and a full Christmas celebration, at home and at church. Though, there is a lot of American influence on PCUSA. But, early Presbyterians did not celebrate Christmas or any other "feast days." Too Catholic! And of course Yule celebrations were too Pagan! My understanding is that Christmas really wasn't celebrated in Scotland (at least not widely) until the late 1930s and it wasn't a public holiday until 1971. As the people on the Hebrides would be less influenced by non-Scots than others, I could see them not being too into Christmas. Some info: https://blog.nrscotland.gov.uk/2018/12/10/christmas-banned-in-scotland/
  3. This was pretty much my thought when he went by. Also, I don't know that there is anyone else that Drogon wouldn't have killed after.
  4. Well, I did not see that coming. I thought that they were going to go with the loss of the use of her hands and then several episodes of her coping with not being able to work anymore. Poor Phyllis. And Tom, I guess. But really, poor Phyllis.
  5. Regarding food: I have been telling myself that they were stripping the fields to send more, but they didn't wait for it. That caravan was a first shipment, along with the gold that they were to use to pay the Iron Bank. Which they can no longer do. So, Golden Company was a fanwink, but Cersei no longer has the gold to pay them. Prediction: Arya will use the VS dagger to kill Cersei. And also to protect herself in the battle with the White Walkers, probably.
  6. This was actually what I was expecting. Like, well now you have a transportation. But no! These two idiots take that poor child, run back into the woods, and then...just lie on the ground and hope to blend in? The hell?! So yeah, I'm on the This Has All Been An Unreliable Retelling train. Because no one is that stupid. I was actually yelling at Shelby, "See, you should have left when it started raining teeth. That was a SIGN!!"
  7. What's with the super zoom ins at the medal ceremony? I don't need to see Simone's pores.
  8. Well, the scores took forever, but it was at least interesting to watch. Hooray for Sanne!
  9. Yeah, she is not looking good. Shouldn't be a threat there.
  10. She hurt her finger and needed to sit out the Olympic qualifying events. She's fine now, and in Rio as Catalina's alternate.
  11. Picks: Simone -- Laurie -- Flavia Normally I would put Catalina in there, but Flavia has home court advantage. Though I would have given it to Catalina 4 year ago or 8 years ago. Actually I really think that if the Romanians were only going to sent one gymnast, it should have been Larisa Iodashe, but there you go.
  12. Just joining in. They did rings already, vault now, and haven't gotten to beam yet -- correct?
  13. Yep, NBC is going to uneven bars. NBC is skipping pommel horse -- the only event in which USA as won a MAG medal.
  14. I was reading that the reason they are bedazzling the leos is because it helps them to show up in the arena -- even though it's a little overkill on television. I wonder if the glittery eyeliner works better when we're not seeing in through a camera lens practically shoved of the gymnast's nose.
  15. All and all, happy with the result.
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