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Everything posted by lisette

  1. I really don't want any of these 3 to win. Cynthia had done nothing, and was so quick to turn on Shanna without giving her a chance. Todrick is a definite NO...And Miesha, well I remember her convincing lies to Cynthia and Carson about Shanna. She was just as much to blame as Todrick in that fiasco. So I would hate to see her win as well... It would be a hard decision for me between Cynthia and Meisha.
  2. And isn’t that what is happening with The Cookout as well? They are not stating it directly, but it is what is happening… Seems the same to me.
  3. I don’t understand why people can’t see the racist undertones of The Cookout . Racists don’t have to be white.
  4. What a terrible season! But, after all, it IS 2020! lol
  5. Whoever thought Tyra Banks was a good choice for host???? I can't stand her and her overly dramatic way of saying things. She about ruins the show for me. Get rid of her please....
  6. Oh, Ok...I thought W&J were still there, trying to figure out what they were doing wrong. I thought that was how they know L&A had helped the blondes. I need to look at that again.
  7. I'm with you on this about Will and James targeting Leo and Alaina. I didn't see why they held it against them for helping the blondes..I think they were just salty because they didn't tell THEM about the horns having to be hooked up. Their reasoning about eliminating strong teams was pathetic...I mean, shouldn't they want strong teams eliminated as well? They were just mad that they missed that on the clue and no one "clued" them in.
  8. I don't think Da'Vonne should be rewarded either for her treatment of David and Kevin. She believed NicoleF's lies about David and called him an "Uncle Tom." She continually minimized Kevin's African American heritage, implying that he wasn't truly "black." She was no saint for sure.
  9. I think Kemi should have been allowed to play in the comp...It's a power that she should have been able to have in case she comes back into the game
  10. Come on DR! Clue Cliff into what's going on! "Do you worry that somebody might overhear your Cliff Notes in the mornings?" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
  11. Are all seasons of BB viewable on CBS All Access? Anybody know?
  12. Wow how did I miss that? I didn't even know that he got it...Thanks!!
  13. Somebody help me out here...Who found a clue about an idol that would be hidden during a challenge with directions on where it would be? Was it Carl on Exile Island with directions to the Idol Nullifier? Or was it Dan's second idol? Did I just dream this? Nothing else has been said about it...or I missed it, if it was.
  14. When did Scottie make the Hilton head reference? I listened again to everything and never heard that.
  15. Tyler should’ve got up and punched him in the mouth! What a thing to say!
  16. Would Angela try to backdoor Tyler? Probably not ever thinking she would, he would not use his power app.
  17. Can somebody fill me in on exactly what Scottie is supposedly going to confront Sam about? I missed it somehow.
  18. And how old is Scottie again? His sister is going to control this??Ridiculous!
  19. But will Sam want to do that if she knows why Angela is wanting it? I Can’t see her wanting to hurt RS feelings. And if she finds out afterwards why they did that, she will not be happy!
  20. Idk exactly what her problem is, but she definitely is going in and out of reality. I hope production is keeping a close watch, and that hg that really care about her are communicating with DR about her.
  21. Oh OK… I guess they were just doing the ceremony.Still worried about Sam’s mental condition though.
  22. As someone who is familiar with paranoid schizophrenia, l am concerned with Sam’s deteriorating condition. Unless she’s totally acting, it sounds very serious that she is talking about the voices and people talking about her behind her back… So typical of paranoia. Maybe they switch to fishes because production realizes how far she is sliding away from reality.
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