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  1. If it's only a pilot she may end up sticking around. The showrunner seemed to have big plans for SamLuca.
  2. The entire contest makes NO SENSE. I'm not American or Italian but it's bleeding obvious why America has such poor maternal outcomes compared to the rest of the developed world, and it rhymes with "schmo schmuniversal schmealthcare". Arizona's proposal wouldn't even need 50 words.
  3. She's not his wife; they're divorced, he owes her nothing.
  4. Yes, I was being sarcastic. But reality is an Onion headline these days. US cops procedure is shoot first, cover up later.
  5. I mean, they really had no choice BUT to shoot. They followed procedure, the kid didn't.
  6. No one forced April to abandon her marriage, that was her choice. She "asked him to go" while packing to leave him for the second time. Her excuses and gaslighting after the fact were infuriating.
  7. Didn't Krista say she wanted Jo and Meredith to be friends because of Camilla and Ellen's real life friendship? I'd go back and look for the interview, but I don't want to be irritated so early in the morning.
  8. Since Jackson established the contest to boost his ego, I very much hope that his ex-wife being the administrator torpedoes his chances. Poetic justice.
  9. I was referring to the stories of Pompeo's rumored on-set behaviour and attitude towards her co-stars, eg. pitching a fit over Kate Walsh's spin-off. Not the recent news of her contract negotiations.
  10. I think the writers not trying as hard anymore is a big factor. The show still rates its socks off, why should they bother?
  11. I thought the story was that Isaiah was originally gonna to play McDreamy until Ellen objected, rather than Meredith and Burke were supposed to be a couple. Not 100% sure about that though. Whether it's a factor or not I don't know, but IMO the quality of the show has noticeably declined in the time Ellen's been promoted as the solo lead.
  12. It sounds like one diva prevailed...
  13. I'm no Owen fan, but he and Cristina didn't discuss having children before they got married. And Amelia changed her mind on him after saying she wanted five. It's not all on him.
  14. They've invested a lot of time into Jackson and Maggie now...if it's just an incest joke, it's had one hell of a long setup. I have a hard time believing two thirty-somethings, who have known each other longer than their "parents" have been married, would start to see their relationship as incestuous.
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