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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. Google Phone is running an ad supposedly shot on a Google Phone that starts with a guy in a helmet floating weightlessly down the street while his shirt billows in the breeze.  The camera then pulls back to show that he's standing on a motorcycle that is driving down a public street.  I find this horrifically irresponsible.

    Can't find a video, though.

    • Love 5
  2. 4 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

    Might be a challenge to find decent Halloween costumes in February or March, or whenever this was taped.

    Nah, this films in Hollywood.  There are costumers on every block.

    5 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

    I didn't know what exactly Rafe was wearing. A toga looks... different. Looked like some cheap dress from Forever 21 that fit.

    It was a Roman military uniform.

    • Love 3
  3. On 10/27/2016 at 4:30 AM, BW Manilowe said:

    Have you Googled to see if you can? Or tried calling your local election board to ask if you can? I'd try those things. It may only be possible if you're not voting on Election Day though.

    You're right, California has it by county, I just checked and they got my ballot.  Yay.

    • Love 1
  4. On 10/27/2016 at 10:51 AM, ClareWalks said:

    I am stunned that there are states where you cannot vote for whoever you want (via write-in). STUNNED. That's kind of what the foundation of democracy is. I guess this is what happens when we leave voting methods up to individual states. Maybe this should be standardized across the whole country.

    In California, they won't count write in votes because they got tired of the junk votes for Mickey Mouse.  Now they will only count a write in vote if it's for a candidate who has filed with the Secretary of State as an official write in candidate.

    • Love 2
  5. I was just thinking that it was awfully presumptuous of Valerie to call Theo "honey", and he said it himself.  :)  Go, Theo.

    I gotta say that the best costume in the Square is the guy dressed as a daisy.

    So Rafe and Hope are going to Halloween parties dressed as a couple.  That makes sense, since Halloween is all about dressing as somebody you aren't.

    After I asked yesterday if Andre and Theo have ever interacted, there they are.

    I like Doug's costume.

    Who is Theo supposed to be?

    So Joey is out of the hospital, and nobody bothered to tell us?

    Uh, no, Ciara and Claire are NOT best friends, they are aunt and niece!

    Why did NBC decide it was important to interrupt the show for a report on a fire in the airport in Chicago?

    No, Rafe, that is NOT a toga.

    smdh at the Saint Abigail crap.

    I knew Andre was up to something.

    2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

    Memo to the writers: 18 year olds don't go to Halloween parties where people who are old enough to be their parents and grandparents (and their actual parents and grandparents) are in attendance. 

    It was a citywide party.

    • Love 2
  6. My incumbent Congressman is a Democrat (he says), though he votes A LOT with the Republicans and against the Democratic majority (voting not to allow for expansion of food stamps, voting in favor of TPP), so I haven't voted in the last two Congressional elections, because the Republicans are just repugnant.

    This year, the Congressman's elderly father was just put into jail for fraudulent campaign finance donations.

    The Republican opponent is the current County Sheriff.  He is notorious for being one of the leading distributors of concealed gun carry permits in the entire state of California, and the rate at which his gun permit recipients have been convicted of gun related crimes is the highest in the state.  At the same time, there is major scandal in the Sheriff's department involving sexual harassment, although most of it occurred before he was Sheriff.  But there is also a case in which a former deputy is accusing him, directly, of having sexually harassed her.

    So all of that is showing up in both candidates' campaign ads.  This is one of the closest districts registration-wise in the state of California, so the Democrat winning is not a sure thing, but I just can't vote for a Democrat in Name Only who might as well as run as a Republican, so once again, I'm sitting out this vote.

    • Love 1
  7. 6 hours ago, ennui said:

    Laying down in the road is better than standing and facing the car, like cats. Dogs usually get hit in the flank because they are running across. Cats tend to stop and stare. 

    I ran right over the top of one one night, and it made the mistake of rising up just as I passed overhead, I could hear it and feel the possum's head hit the underside of my car.  I still get shivers.

    2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

    And now we want to know what he said.

    There are Canadian geese (I don't care if that's not what they are; that's what we've always called them) that frequent a pond adjacent my apartment complex. After the 20 or so of them get tired of swimming, the geese go walking through the complex about five abreast in the morning when I'm leaving for work. I've had to wait several times for them to verrrrrry slllllllloooooowly cross the road in front of me so I can get on my way. I really don't like their attitudes.

    "Sorry I was late to work today; I had to wait for geese to cross the street."

    We have turkeys.  Flocks of ten to fifteen of them.  Sloooooowly strolling across the road.

    • Love 2
  8. Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth is running against incumbent Republican Senator Mark Kirk.  Kirk has recently been called out for lying about having served in Iraq.  He was in the military, but did not serve in Iraq.  Tammy Duckworth, on the other hand, not only served, but she lost both of her legs in combat.  That doesn't stop her from being a badass.

    Duckworth's father is white, her mother is half Thai and half Chinese. She is also a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

    In their debate (tonight? yesterday?), Duckworth talked about how all of her family had long records of having served in the US military, and she was proud of being a member of the DAR.  Kirk's response was, "I didn't realize your ancestors came over from Thailand to serve beside George Washington."

    • Love 8
  9. Beowulf Boritt's father is a Jewish immigrant from Hungary whose grandparents died in Auschwitz.  Gabor Boritt is a renowned professor and author of American history and a Civil War expert.  He lives in Gettysburg and teaches at Gettysburg College.  Beowulf's brother Jake is a filmmaker and his brother Daniel is an ornithologist.

    • Love 2
  10. It was funny how in the very opening of the show, Gabi is standing there on the very left of the screen, and the TV14 logo was planted directly across her face.  Show should know better.

    Kate has ethics?

    What is Eduardo doing?  Is he really going to deal drugs, or is there something else going on?

    Clyde's "hideout" was in the park, wasn't it?

    Has Andre ever interacted with Theo?

    Great medical work there, misdiagnosing a guy as dead when he's now up walking around.

    • Love 5
  11. Zeke is annoying me no end.  First off, fanboying over Chris, then gloating how he's in the power seat.  I so hope he's out early.

    Probably not a good idea for Figgy to say she's friends with somebody on another tribe.

    You can't call yourselves a power couple. God, Figtails is annoying.

    Damn, Michaela, calm down!

    So they had a woman that had just had a massive panic attack, working on that maze?  Jeez.

    Bye bye, Figgy. Though they should have voted for Taylor, not Figgy, Taylor is going to be out for revenge.

    Aw,  cry, cry, cry.

    • Love 5
  12. Jebus, Philip, would you please get off of the snarking against Brady?  It's getting old.

    Glad to see Maggie on her feet.

    What, how was Deimos coerced into kidnapping Bo?

    Gee, Victor, if you don't want to keep arguing with Philip, then stop.

    Where were Rafe and Hope, with al of the police tape around them?  Way out in the woods where?

    Ciara doing her best to horn in on Claire's man.

    Listen to Theo, Abe.  She's up to something.

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